iruHtCavtrt s pO-R1stu, CL U M N 4 ~4,ee#t '~e'c9«4G#s *..~. i sow qçuite Utikjietasug- gete4a a post-sibilltY, Canada1 shoufld withda frmfrhrrpenatosn 00 wbat is knoivn as the "world's hockeyl incoceiabl, b th sipleprocess of defeating the Canadin teami, in oe of the grea sports upsets &f al tUme. For this was sas first entry nto these ciarn- pionsp, the quality of the Sov-,iets was held ii lighit esteemri end o the defeat was ail the m-ore situning, all the mqre cýalculated to e podke Mosow's propaganda rmaine with richn mnaterial for seundaing the glorY Of the Soviet atietes. Under these circumnstances, sfeigfrom n 1teof the nmost! hurnilatig cefeats inflicted upon its forces in ilhe gamne at whichtese- Dominions in r.eality rude the world, Canadaiçi cannot possibly retire until a day of reckoning ham extingWalsed She f ires of arrogant bluisterwhc this triu-mph is- certain to set alight in) thec Soviet pes For reir-emnrt at this point wudbe'--rateçl as sheer defeatism, and indeed jitoudbe very dficipraetically impossible, to convince othier European nration-s That Can1ada's supremzcy in it greatest stýort ha.d not been taken over by Russia. And, what is much- more important fromi the stand- point of national pride, it, mnight be even miore dlifficult to convinice the world that Canada hiad huffily takten theý childish, uinsportsmnalike attitude: "If we ean't wini, %e ,oni't play.y' it has been said that,' in vieýý of the pu-bic's ufvual atiuetowards the c-lub, cýýanada sh-;Iould quit this synthetic world series; synithetic, that is, in its titie qualities, thouigh dJefin-itely real in the nme of com-ïpetîn.g nations. quit? Tha-'s not in tanada's sports lexicon. We've never b)een-qultters nor cry-babies in any competitive sport. And If Canada quits nom-, li defeat,. those are.îtie sigmnas that wilt be hung upop us, nationally, Whiat champion doesn't get an urnfavourable receptioni he b.e i -t nvadýes foreign soul? Did thojse advocating Canada.'s. wi7thdraýwal. ever hear the Detroit Redi Wingsched in, say, Toronto or Gordie Howe applauded wvhen h-_e jinvades the domirain 0of hsrival, Rocket Richarid? The jeers, in sucbh cases, anid iiiandasov ersea,,)s-hockey cas to, are real tribucte-s to greatn-ess. Anyonec can get cheers ,t homne, Jack Dempse-y was one of th1e rmost unpropiilar figures in rirngden while be wâs chamnpion.-i Thousands rot, regui- lary fMr bhldefeat.Dempsey went ouf fighting, and su turne& nob disljke to fanaticheowrip Canada can do the same. tf we're going to retire, let's do se« as champions, not li the face of defeat, inflieted by an nuder-rated opponient. - by FomurFergUsony c/Cocvrtus w5431 Yong se.,Tonto. D tST1L LER S LI1 fTE D A ïfew columns back w-%e pa5idè a) mite 0f fribuL1te f0tC1heC1sf e Baflig elson; who, in, Janu- arwy 0f fhis year passedawy aIafforgoffen, in a Chi'cage hôspifal, Froin a reader up North 'wbo saýys thaf record books are. s'carce up anrong the foresf of uranum-aimstakes, asks uts f0 meff le an argumrent as fç wbether ,or nX10t Joe Csanls, the greaf color- e'dliîghtwe-(ýilbf, ever 'beaf Nelson., The answer, is in the nIegafiv'e. Gasfoughft Nelson fwice, and bofh fumes the Baffler procved, lhaf stanina and ablify f ta ke If wiJJbeaf speed anid ali-prco- viing, thaf is, ýou possess Sut- fkIient et those qualifies f0 piro- vide fthe necessary nargin, Ar, eof cou-rse, t houH.notbe over- Iooked thaf Mr,. Nelson bad cn idrbeyoufh iruning j for li aswehh, which ijs by n en bad in a fough baffle, Uf wasý on Juhy 4, 1908, thaf, Gans 'ýanid Nelson mret for the first firne, before a hug(,e rowd,( in the Mission Street Arena in Sani Praisciscoc. For the flrst fiv rounds if wvas alil Gans, who lshdand -hattered thetar haired NelJson ýunfil thie laffer's fc hoked uas fiff baLzd been r)-un tbogta hamburger grinder. Sthhe coLdn'f stop Nelson's eeaLg.eless ruslhing althoutg, a teend (if the sixth stanzaJo was,ý miles ahead on points. Thý-e fîde of t affleturnîed in th e aevent.h. Taking hiaîf adoe pun.-ches in order fa land one Trie baffler hamrmered away nilJoeý was forced te cinch- siometh-ing, till then, ahnasf un- bea-prd-of for the light;ning s Balfimre Nero f0do. Frýo mdie sevenhta thile iwve-ltfb if was fairly even ifhvij bath men faking eniougb punib ment fact atse a modern refe-ree É) stop the baoufz Thon, at the etaw o twelffh Nelson caught q;anis ta- territ ic rigbt that sentbimta the rapes, and folw *d 'tf with o. lef t uppercut ffhpt Imaad JaTe on his kncees, Righf anid ]ettV)fte henea4 ad Gans îonte Iorfer a nb-se court but ahj (l.ogi, ýie Iooked. as if he cud~ las, fhround, a straight- lef1t tf fhie jaw soe Nelson up a bit and a, second (r1so later carne theÇ,'gong. * Under tthe ferrific baffhing Gans weakened fa;st. li a ws an the Ca-nvas agaýrjin i he thir- teenfih., and agan iiih sx feenfh, thisfume for ja nine- coun-t. The end cýme in teseVen- feenth. Threc- fîmes Nlsnbat- tered Gang fa f'he fIlGor, anýd the.c lat Ime Joe Jugf ceuldn'f make ',fT f is feef again. 1eHenfta b is kn1-ees, sagged frwr, omhs face and, then), tadly hturt, rolled over on bis baýck, Garine as fhey cae, he sfrugglJed f0 gef On bi's feet, and ftally nimanaged fa doý -ro, Bof if was foo late Referee had already counfed f enan Batfling NeIson -vas the winnper. G;angi dIemanï. q 1def a 'eUtri maotch, o course; and if is rathier infeýrestin9 f0 note thaït they met for the second fine bardly more, tian ftwo ,m.onthg)1sf er-on Sep- temnber 9fh fo be eat Nowa- day-s fhey'dftke f ar ilonger thaný thfarguîng over how the purse 1. e ei eit Thý-is fumie Gans lasted fuij the vVel-fy-first roundf; Ibut although the figbf was secacla eough, Nelson was in tjhe drie' s seat ~practically ail the -way', . The end caewitt- Gans on fhle floor-, -lot Unc01onscios bf just foo weak fa rswatching Reterce E d die Smnith wMave bis hands in rhyýthmn wvýith thie cou'nt of fn Tht asthe hast - tjime joe Gaîns eve-r entered a prize ,ring. One- of thie,,reatest lighfweights i history, be had held fthe, fitie ,for eight yar, ntil ýBatfin Neh-.son -with an assistfvfr iFtb- er Trime-took if froi hum. G-ýans died fýwo aJaer, but biis conqueror lasted for aI\otber four, decades, lie 10sf bis fif-le in Fe-bruary 1910 f0 Ad Wohgf when thç bout vwas balfed i i'othe '40fh rounid tf0gave LNelsbr -tran fuýi.rtber punishiment, For yeiarsî hce ,was 1 p i-sptdr figure at fihe ricngside wheIver - there ut n im-portant igbf, drwwing gr-eat applause froi the tfans weee The, itiebyIilWe, he sank ufof sgt 1fp he 'had ice nemp wcms n. mIade what wag , fortune, in thaf eria, poor îinves tmnent îs a iid an open ear for an)y hard-b2c~k story caused if oleltaway, At the age ef, sixty-five ne got icljb zas clIerk in uhe Cbicago otfiê Then, Iasf Jagouary, br-okeu, - wildered an-d weigh,iniponly 8 pounIds, ha wsleft of Baffti-1 ing Nesonsowe( u'p at n Illinois sanitamrjuin. "I a1n1ve-y fired" be whIsper-ed to one of týhe njurseg. It vwas theý end of the long trail for fthe bakmt belper fronri gwîhItis Dr~ssFabrics To Dt, ma ise textile dsge wbo cireCogniïzïýs his own Èfabrics, thiis secason, In New York, fur- niueupbolstecry mraterials arIIý going into voenssuifs. Atid in Torontoj, sprinIg coats inaýde frocm-). utonotnive tabr.ics ,ver( fecatur.ed at the fashion show 'lelc' ïn cneto wlth che e, NationIal Motor Shoùw. But fashin -dsigners havenI'f a conrCnID ngenui:ty Wen it come tof4ircs.Somne shopping , frnpaterialýs Tenmake up int4o bedSprea(Is> dusýt ruffles, v7aityî skirts anid hIdow treatinents aretheadjing sragh or &lhe dresQ fabric ,deparfmentl Ti spaýrtly due týo the trench tw-iard 1îl liht er, morCe ai r y naterialsan1arlyto 0)e rsi o)f spring wluch vey year sees a, Search îfer fabries thatar fr-esh and çrisp t-o replaceths that aqre faIded, heavy ardnd tmp. Among thedrs fabrics wbind- îing UpIL)inâ bedIrooms because they look so lethereal yef are g tr dy are The ylon puckersno blooming in sýprýingtlmez profu- sion In storesevrw re These stifch up rceadily into mapýtcinrg bedspreads and vanity skirfs thaf waste no timie dvring andi re- quire- litfie primj-ping with an, iron, Tbey -omne inspihl fioraljs, cheery chlecks, soph-isti-1 cated tipesshof wîýth metalit threads and dsgswoven with- thrieads o ron" fo look likeý an"enbr-oîiery, Their m1odest prices perit them tei be ue with a- ,free band tao-odnt bed, vanity anid possibly a sa valnce. A patternied or a textured tb rîc is usuiaily rmore pleasing wh-jen it is repeafed sonewherce else in tLhe ropmi. Onie paf tern 4o1r te- ture is offen sufflcJent for av= erage-size bedroomis. Onthe otlher 'hand, bedspread, v ai ty skirf, and draper-ies ail in the- saine definite patIter, n may be somcwvhat o .oivrdin an average or- smaflhish bedroon-0. In tis cage gwag vidaceS. aid airy marqucjtisetl te cu ms r some tijmesc substifutedë,fo draperies, lHowevêr, marquiseffe cumrtaimntis-dally isný'ffoundl am).I-Ing nylon cress fabics sinceý m-any of the fabrics sucJh as, those made of "Orlon"ý acryhýie ýfibre- bave been peaydvloe for suni-hatbd wnos Fabrics are mrevitaltoth becaufy0of a çronthan fa any othber rooin, W-tibabries uc athese avai1abIe, nbd need go eut o ù m f ak f h preffiest roorsnin the bue Slip a rubberbndaoda candy ter mte te ak i.emirperature desired. Thn it'"s e2asy fa thrmeImefer. 1TroulIe Leaders of 1,4le Cnnn Youfb Leýague oe&« oviet Rsi ar bcomiungalarmied. Thë worst fhing in their eyes Mat COUPd happen f0 young Commrluniýsts is fakinig place in the Gorky r1egion,ý and theleaders are demnanding that aiction be fak-en to hait if, VWa is happening cs thatz somne imembers of the leagu.e are being convertedt away frôým-jCom-! munigm f0 remligion. Saine have even gone so f ar 'wt mtar- rîed in church, andky ityrgi6n'j officiais of the league areý under tire for nof stopping thle frend. The story of defection in Gorky was told in a copy of Kýoinjsomo!l Prýavda, the league-'s nwppr which recently was receîved in this Country. The paper si Baptisfs in- the Gor'ky region suc- ceeded lasf year in persuading 19) young Cmunsste rCign OA% i turt tQreligion and tM th Seventh Day Advenfists conveýrt-. ed I8& Fournrebes of a col- lective f arn were expel0ed for getfing married in chujrch, aý clear i ýolation of -Comniîst league regulations. The story also raijled ajgainsf ,ta piest in thie area wvho bas folq bis flock to teach theiîr children. the Lord's Prayer and the Pam and tA bang crosses arouxd tHer naecks. These things, if mlid ;shouild not be permitted to con- Thirty-sýeven convertý f0 re- ligion mïay not seein . ar La'e number,, hutwhen if isreém bered that zah of thsc y0ng people had spent their 1tr lives under Çonunisf ru1Ae, In- doctrinafiori and influence, tfbeir cGnver i nis ratherrmaabe ThaL 'some w~drisk expulsio froin their h-omec and jobs to be, wed uînder c'hurch auspices Ws evidence thaf -5 y'ears of Cou) piunisn b1-a-ve not been- able te erush the feeling for God ifi the souls oet men If isno won-70 de'r the Cominunisf rulcirs hevt erected the Iron Curtain. Ifr their esae peopfle ever were able tio live as free m,,en, the-ir control would suffergral, Houn-ston i(exas) Post. IT MAY BE uOURLIVER If Mlesfot worth Livng Ït May be your Iï herl NEWI00 £0D LEANI« fOAa. ou nytlugneds I, Is ca', an ms? Write to usfaInormaion W ote gla to auwM er yor qestoà, Mc arn= AUPamkerS DysWork Lmis REO I - IP3 eci thths % dy re bhi Liverlaon bal)d. 374 t y SAFI = I Pleasaut, S ~housand~~ Illu MAREL iii 44 79 fIG fi