gbout 40ôé i.a str: around Th~n Ipie youor about 15 i- entre, sugar Slfled or ehOppe4 candied or -canned p$le, ct i ý imall il anid water unil ,er ring, Garnish wt IeapplI.K ke the ring ahead 0f !reozo it, healte q o-v enri1t o 1.5 i- is at 1 romtem-pera!ý- nautos if ring cre the. freozer whenNelson actiJveà in the 1950 he wa s l ,erneýd in the dî col- but it had actu urated by bis a; once to7Ilhow h the famnous Sic tendeunt's Club, l~ here~' 'Y moved til laafing = )f this co- effare and ,he (Rocke- ýs a great ney ta cul- 'ii! af the. was estab- the per-iod particularly 'enlt- by rectly con- lewalk ý for ex( and cib * Yùiu îkflow hLUw it Is ipulse thit aks ither, andwtc o )s ,,-th PanderouLs mla- eabig steam shovel. s moethan n itsort of thîng, as stading teon- watcp'hing the jaws 0f ci lose- over a huge of rýck- and earth. A 1emloyed on the jobD io ta uicn said in noe tone: %love alang! cou Canot stand baating My tathec obedently ang and didnIt sand ýeje any m ore. She 0 Gnd M style e aster timýe Jr egg coiorin% y Made up her batch of Ukr( iccite designs vnder the dir risùtant ita odye compclny. compoùund favours thec- ion f better eggshî in a study of different r(tbld ltnd wra fôuind fi sumfeci t*it oer passeis-by didn't like ta- be muoved on any more than ho dliciand ho .'iad special openingscuit in the boardl fences se that any one could wAatch 1wlthout intferferenice Trie Centre's public relations experýfs qukbly doveloped the idea anid began presentng pedestrians wjth ýarcls ccrtifying th11-eirirnemo- berýshipý in the Sid3ewa!lk Super- Rocskeeer Brothers" by Jo Ale-.x Morris. The keepinlg qualitY of egg5s depends ta a large extent on the, quality cfthle sheIL 'Any cracký or imperfection in the sheli ro- sults in rapid boss of interior quajity A good hara sheil which ecan resisst considerable shack i.s a highlydeirJe characteris- ti. * ai *a *be o fc Thre ae a rumber f fac- Toï htre re anuer 0f fac-he tr ic h aect tegthii of ù ty, The obreakingsrngth ufetie shil A ý(,Lawer ouin hot- eiit Experimental swork bas siiown that it is possible A improve th. quality of the egg shelli by selec- tive breoding The hardness or oiikna f the. egg sheli of tihe average flock can b'he cansider- broedin progrn lawhiclihvhes producing eggs oY poor shoîl qualitp aememaved tram Hec breeding fock. Present knowl - edge indcates that by ths praJ- Nie must flacks can b. improv- ed tc a certainotet but ul- tumvat-y a poinit is reached bo- yo w hicih furtiier imý,prove- practically impassibl[e withut aT ecîngother heredit ary ch'aracte cristica. Nutitinaly, a jack of minor- aisà and \vitamïins, Partic7arY ~calcium. manganese, and iamn D71has an adverse effect on egg >liell qaliy.i negg shel,] quali- ty stuisi it has been shawn that thte sQurce of calciuma, as well as tiý presenice or absence of insolubègritbas an off oct on hei i.tlty. Birds fed damn shels or ,Dyster sel plus in- solubl e git, produced egg shelî Af supeior qmUaittathase fran iprs fSI4 ystr sheis. The hyarde(r thante tesejso Zisoe adl 5hogtta n uc- be, tha'. tue 5"r.ds on the kau- maafi ration, being unabbe to pick and tlhaose their feed, rcie a mnore balanced diet. Ton yoars eOf PasturoexeýpeI- monts on-Ilistratïon. Stations in Eastern1ý Canada have amply de- tnonstrated that, a combinatian of re-seedingP and fertiliziizg aid pastures is mnuch more effective than either on~e alone. A. :Barrett, 0iof of the Il- uvt n ansDiviN7.'o, e tawa, i teotSpeech1 stated: "One oftii. str:kjig tL i y,ý,s that Came out of aur fertiliser wvork on -Pastures lias bCeon the greater efflciency of fertilizers vhen appiied to ,ýon-petc- stand ofgras-s. .Inuour present (day approach ta pasture fertiliza- tion it Is essential thï.t a sii,- cient plant population, be pres- ent Lin the sward to miake off ec- tive use of aýpplied fertilizers,. Reetwork wohavE, done in, the province af Quebec, New Brunswick -and Nova Scoia has empha,-sized the value of seedled stands versus simple 'tert4iliza- tian af old sods particuiýarby when theyv are sparse and opten with. high weedcotn. Thre'e years resuits oan fQtur stations fiiithe L'nxvbedis- trict 0f Quoboc, sàowçed an in- crease iof '11.54 tons 0ýf groen herbage grasses arnçicovers), per acre; lý329 tonsý from fertilization, but an - cre~afC424.83 tohs frornia com- binatôon ùf the, twa. This was aýn average incroase of 8.27 tanmpe acre Pei, year over the untroat- eýd pasturo. Ini ternis 0f feedlntg value this represents an irticrease of 137 c-ows days at the rate 0fle 12-0 paunds &f green herbae per cow per day,* * One of the features fa c - bined , program 0offoilatn k ndrsedn is the extenseion of the pasture soason, On the tertilized and seeded p1ot-, 7 per cent (if gr owth had kebýen madeoL)y June 17, 90 per' cent by july 16 'and thi e rniajtiig 10 per cent by August '29, In the case of ti trlSward91 per, cýent of :A roductiora hac eeýn made by June 17, Mr. Barrett statod that a facilities ý, certain phases o)f pashure irrigatinwill bc.;ri- vestigated, as tuis is a field. that lisas *yet reýeevetd ver-Y bt attention in Easte ÇCaniad, Thôse wvishing to s cari o- tain a comploete n prpe copy fA Mr, Bare adress 'by" riig Informaiion Srie Teatet0 grp1ue t tawa, Make a ruarotind tii.plat- fan atzd -'etop 'o yQttr ~ ladder by, naing quutron oýn each edçge T.>s paiL, ora can 0f o'naiksi not iie offa youwrk fin the nmysterlou- sxswm)ps of Florida, kowias tii. EorgiJe tii. white-plumed ibi-,~ud And it uas tü capture alive soine c 1 theswael, amoukliue birds thatep rrPer Hstwaded thigh-deep pne night towards a, nsing coloy. H.e had one ghastiy fear, that a .C(>titoi oththe lazrge poisa- onous anake ,t.hat haLmts the Ev- érgiaestnight strike a im i, en as he re- froi the shatpe, thc sho-ad- lp [ing over the' l'r our :mrThere -herc, por- ýrhap's thous.- taigtheni dfor ttii. at- u"ltths baokedi *n, anýd green. out of theý SwYitingOff the light, ho, sioged by thie countb.ess hordes ç0f deadly su qs carcely dari'-ng to bréathe, The dtarkness seemed siîtrohargd wthathousand invisible dangers., u the ibis calonY was oniy fîftyý yardsahd aýnd, .caredc as ho was, he was, determinod 1tomake a capturco. That ho eventually did so is hiighi trilute ta is courage, Whlen ho- got back ta bis boat~aý t !last,te p-erapirationi was pourinig off ui,jr hot wasshin and feit weRak al over. The explorer hlad wn equaly- frî,ghtening experience vwh ce n staying at the boQia researchl station îat Barru Coloradlo - a rig fsixteen sýqlare miles wchbecamo surrcunided b-, wvater vwhen' the PananamCua was c;ionlstructed. It has sincoý becomC.e a.sort of islanic1'Noahý'r. s Arl< for jun-gle it e; alld tho er- search station is *"Ilke a ïzoo, dnly here iît's the scionrtis who are iniethe fence wNhi]e the ani- mals sit andiliook at them n re dom from thfle trees,"- Fer Ha-lst was niystified wie ho shone his torch on the grass,7 slIopes, below his bedrooniwin dowut nightý by thbe sparkliing reflectonos itthreýw batck. Ho i)- vestigatled, and dicoveredtie 1 were , . piders' eYes. 'Tbey belonged ta tarantulas big as aI mrouse, ara ie uad -vVoirous- The vwhaoe sl ope swarmied with thei-i. They, om.- erged at niight frotu deep hoies ii ha)ý grounid to prey on their fond -mcfrogs, ee aalbi.rds. LaerPer Hot bon e could, capture theni in dJaylight by hold- ing a large jar ta tuý e tÎh ofa hoeanlirecting t he ray of u to)rc1h thïrugh tlue ýglass b «ottloi, '"The ,'tarantula , bçc-ame ,so nfr atdthat It leapt rlght into týhe ar"ho says. gied Dar4ïE, betwoen ithePa- ma -,Canial amd tho Colomr(bian baor- ier, tihe author was wýnarneçlthat oin f teindians nlht-sti'lI b.t hostile tc Whjltemo-rei Uf eallr etuie hen th9 lndae mmnalricl i n at- ais endc ustdrsplunmderedA it,~ ~ ~~o sidnshpod fgold backý tospain.Whl villages were wiped outSO thiat th'eirbui1 grounds could b. pillaged,0014, thouand o Inias wreSlaughI-~ tered for, the gold onmnste a avsIn 1t1eogodI-mnews, but ashe liand d(ecayed anidbcm ovegrw~with junigle, t hl Spaniard -plâluied by polsoned who wre stli fre g8dually ed, becaentr vergrow-nwih ui- gle and fôrgotten, uintil the' Iargý- eet, Tzingal remaîned 11t waz f abullously rich, in the heatrt of te ungle, an becam-ie the gr.avoyard of tens of tos atnids o£ as w were wOr-, edt to doath 1un.-der griým, Inhumasx) conditions. Until there'was i sudden rmass rfevoI itad eer slav-drverwas slaughtered. Thon it; waLs thaýý fihled in toomine eentrances wWIh earth and boulders, watched pa- tiýenrty for months unitil tho pathas ,wýere overgrown IthjurAý gle and bamboo . .a nd beft.Neo ope since has be-en able to Lro the whvJereabouts of tis anas tie sorce 0f god. 1New Gloves Don LacIy-LIke Airs Gloves are putting pn ladylike airs tijis ,prjing and aýre actually c ptngin prettinoess wt the; haL t te«y are intended to coni- plomient. Colars have gonie fran- gile as porïcolain and sylsultra, ~Douie-wvennylon in various, wvejgbi-S seetns to be t"he favored, farcsinceo so many of t-hene desiguis wiil owve theirday daintiniess to nightly rrnsings anid unpnctred finger tips. Tbii. term- Ldouble-\woýven nylon suim plxis SomeWýhat of a misn-OmIer. Actualy itïl is a knitted fabric produced on a simplex kitin mnachine ïi two thicknesses andê, thonj intorlacked during the com- plicated process. White is leacling thbe parade «f glove colors frolowed by sýpring- tufie navy, pijk, chainpagne, P. der 'blue, Yolbo, conac French e-ndive, or lime and LIt higha shados. The trini, tailored 10ýol-, of previon)s seamns is g-iving wvay ta such olegant, touches as jFrench knots* and self -stitcphed emibroidorcy, hanid-fagotting and Open wol v uifs with- pleats, ruffles and scallops and backs wihscatterinigs of -and - sewn7 seod p e a r 1 s and nhlinestones, Stylos are either chopped offý at tue wrists or six, eight ai-d 10- button beng,.,.thsf o r wearj-iniig crushed down with the new shôrt-sleeved îcoats and sis Gilove length are alwvays rote- red tc ini te-crms of buttons e-ven- wben the style is a slIip-onwi- ont: a Single button anywhebre. The. button iengthr of any lov is esydtrmndbymasr ing th, e distance between t(he bs of the thu-mb and the end ofte cuff. One inch equals anie butt,,on ini glove language. -For exampIle, a four buttton .glove extends~ four Inches above tiu. seain at tebaise 0f the tub il, X~ * and 2 at thor- ites). i-ý7aý,