lnI It wa the night beDfware the cruifxin.Judas had i gone ut ,o complete arrange>nents with thepret for his 'betrayal 0f j eS us. Meawhile Jesus, wifib the disciples left the2 upper ro where they hiad eaten and wvere on their wyta the garden. Somewher0,,n this jou-ncesus paused to offer this gre-at prayer forhisdisiplsThe.,, had cotrne to Him out of the world andt hadi kept His, word butl, e was nowý about tû leave thiem.I They were, not of the -worldi even a,, He was ot of the, world. (Hèrce is the prüper 'sta nd!ar1 -dof Christian -separation.) Heprayecd thiat they might be Sanctified thirough thbe truth and that they might al be ore. Thieir ntfcto in=- volved tii sepia-ation ta God' in ri scrt nand their conue- quen.t purity of heart, This w,7as accornplished whcn -tthe Jiob Spirit -was pourtcd upon them at Petcot Acts l5ý .) Jetsprayeci for al bis dis- ïiples, presert and future, HIsý great burleni was, "Tlhat thec.yI may ail be n oe feel that thisz cani neyer be achieved whTfen there are wo many religcious de- nominatlH Eowevev, the one- ness, similar to that of the Fte and the Son, is:- im, iy nc0f spirit. We have seen a company 0f Christians 0f. different deniom- 'inations manifesting more Of God's love aInd arg more of his gJcory thai a group witin a É local church. 7We may ha'e unity wifl.th0'unon-rew mY hav~,inOnwithùut unity. Thie purpose e0f this oneness i that the -worid may beIievýe on Jesus Christ. Jesuis said "By this -ýshah il 1men kniow that Ye- are my dis pipies, ifyu 1haveov orle ta anather." Jni. 13: 35. Lqve, is tnt e e ssentiai Wve nma. Springý is mn the air aind thct oId urge hits Vic Ri wishin' to go b-ihii ut . , s'â a- mea(rjg for Mom Kq a few hrs idsir, Russell) 'w getfing Ohe gor our aswer s ~ n tn e af a tive theýn we can undcr'stand why mrepeopie are, noLt bcýIng SdgnsThat Ca me. True shdwof forebbding. On October 27th,O, Arch- bishop Lau-dwrt in b-is diary: "i wvent irint y tpper -study ta- see somre manuscripts which 1 arn, 'scnding toixf -ýord. Inlit hun mny pcretaken by ýthe hf e, And com-ing in I fo)und1 itf afll down uptil'Žnllthe face, iand l tyingR o)n the floor-, 1 am almost cvcry dayý thrcatcn-,ed wth my ri-Iin Parliamcent. God grant tis bcU- ne o en But itwasan anï, for Palaetbrought abouD't h i s riand lie vwasexctd AUROS~ 5 ~cseecbeî 1. 5he111i~h #, R~1atîng te S P~eceîout a~Âe1ati~ ~. Spidei'e home penin. u1~ 12. Cot4on fabric, 7 ~irst om~n [~ Newetar * ,, ad. cttng he ardn hse ready for action. "Daggon it, who let the hase f reeze during the wirlter?") aind w ashirng the windows -,ntd puting up the, screenS andi The rop,,, and the saoso thie rope, av twice played eri parts in trials for mre.Dr in1,g thre -judge's Suîmmiin11g - u p 'against CaIptan Fitch. forth niurder of"! Mrs. Jamj.-iýeson)L-, a shnaf t 01 unigh cused the sao of a rope to creep towards the accused. The second case was that ôf BennettVwho vwas tri foremurdering his Awe lie stood i court as the emen. inig wo7re on anid th lighsw jl, adteewas Dhrrfe gasp when it w s senta qersdoformed like ' cca noose wastouc ihis nec.In cah a ehmawahagd hieon a iu t oWheUnitedI I. TwNtt d wUh 8 .ihtuated ijain ~J ~ii. (onifo, t 18. Be~ii1 e 80. 6.telolty 18 huiS o 11, W~rf'Ong eti h 40. Sortit t f 17. Sto~e tra~p.thîîlOns 18, Sea'eagle 41. tOeddsh. 81. SOtti'1o4 <raif' <110 24, Loweti, 42. nunîbe' 48 Poit td lu 8e lit. Strattge 46 'loi tain En '26. Weakto & Peu 27. Cioduce 47. Fatiior cf 20. KEn<1 ~f meat Jo ho~ '06 tiOreck letter 45. tru'ted <11gb StaesChalesDiCÉcns attenl"d a iner arty,ivcn y Jrofes- sor Webster of ?lïarvýard Uni-vr- city. Over the wina, Webster ordFc!red !the srvnt o trnout the Lights and. bing in a borwl of ,burningmneas hchh hal ea red.Wicen thiswa dohIe, the lambent fams n ha darkene room gve such ýuni- camp uneasýy. So'meane sreme sudny or it seemed2-Jthat Sebt"was bnin over -th"e flamne, a rope around is neck,, hiu head ZAA longue lochhpinn ster's -part Èis not knoýn, but lebss audburedbis bdyin aoa 1t ý s leaatan1aurlt arum But so long as the saII is, teIeast bit imuddand rcither'e re-majinIsa real threat of Scrau. f.rost, iti s 0llta tkethng hasrdeflnikly crri vecd an !d bath ir andso arwam At the prsof Qnd n a oo piant) ;.ing and shctuIdgo on plant ig r (gh rupta riJuiy. For a ~ 0 uceio ofrealy tendr(,er vegtabesthat is Uthe oniywa 1 1 and, 'uh, m--m ), the+ dQy's ,vork-for HFR. FB taoprae O-ne plantsaflrot sowing early, thentw or three weeks later, a secod sowing, a-nd naIter îthat t'hcà is uisna1'y plnt f tinie for athh'd o foPt t sîir-lar int!eri-sJý Sali Buders" Thrare nw ays aw of impryingheay sols.The afid stadbyofcourse is wellJrot-' te~manre, If nc is ïlucky enouLgl t10 e ble ta getI this in cjuantity, t Ê.' S£ih the very best su codioerand eýnric her. Lad-led a, n ina bg wa it f wiI macke afNe garden UtoAal-~ mm r ykid oAsoL.One dis adyaiagqo cuse ta seeds. When thaf is, it ouo Lebestut iesme r o a;_ yeors nd ithen apply.- Even \7Ui)tt anrh - ev r, her ar oterthinigs t'hat can be use 01One of tee is hom mae hmu, which ils refus, lile Icaes, graqss Clip. garbage. Ths can be ug ipdi- rectly or1pidin crL; cv crcdeta lyr f atwat- erdICCaS;,JIonal andIaci towedî the heavy play andi dot the jobI- wilatfo r atIea&StrVa Too lose TooDeep dJen mistakes. that oie s' kro 1hecr yoo L is thrce t r of the seed This means t 8 should mer sou whîle i s and peas dit Me rum or p< tuce and some spaci ly. The s~ least haif twccn sp'E wiil be hi With sma piani- gs as fto 12 AnaWr.~s~WIereon his page,