n~oie a13econd An even greai Itarr!es withinfit 'l- Mail, Post Office Dep)artmel TION CONFISCATED ÇG TACKLE are DE LRAtLu bE, the S secJün Street,. eksy Dy ail businessmen parki the rear of their shops or- else ManStreet. Tne new highwvay 'sk of the vilae ay providle -vert'ising the town. Little can be dione singly commonn aimn to make Oronao a ceteît can be'doneý. COMING EVENTS uneennApýi] peaIdevotional ypieture ciTh Fv02ryeOnO welcorjne. lendýal L.O.L wii h ,.4 eda Orangé Il k.prÀ 2K3, Roaehls orelhý ý4fTe Adisin 4 ce] ia IJ~ ~IT ns of but unitedi, with a preferred sho-pping INTER--Mr. an-d Mrils. Royine ýe happy to annoqnce the îrth o leir son 1(Robbin hIan) AGrace O-spital, Ottawa, on April th 154 a-P IN MEMORIAM AJITIN-In lovJng mempory <)fr ar soi) and bro'e NilE.Ma1 ,10 Pass6d away ,Pril 25th, 19Ï1 (1 do not forget ýhinw lo hm too dearly, ý )r bis rmomory to fade f u )ives hike a dre Lm, Ir lips need not ispeak wen our hearts moura s ncelrely rg ief ften dwIlsw reit s el - dom is seen. Ily missed Iby mote father, Sis- ýers and brothers. - CARD 0F THANK> f wihto ta ~Nursceand Staeff also Dr. McK ,nzie fory re while iný Bowimanvill e emorial fospmital. AlsoI eahrRebekah Lo e ,"for Iorvl gift and card, y n& bour1 frienids and relatives r n nure n cards, while I s che hospitai1 and, since returnming Fone. Mrs. A. Harris retuirnedl home fromr the oavle Hospital oni Wednes- day of this week, Mrs. Peel of Pete-rboro is visitinig her sister, Mms.F»od Dunca¶-1. Orono IEh ctrk' Phone 93 Ir 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimnates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guarantee-d Repaire ~a]] iakes of Electricni Fquipmew. and Nppliances ~uham 'Intors, Water fieater Ra~y. . R.Rai i raqy tender ot fleces- 7epted.; f orge R rto Orono, Ont. Hay qu re) and Straw . m bl n, ono h ne 65 -Y-19 1 t. f . .0 eE. AIR CONDITION. PLIJMBING SUPPLIES and REPAIRS I PIPEa -R.E.LC IPhone 18 [KBOX 3, COBOURG I 14-p ish your D AD FARM ~vdteJfaistesti waypl and ýGS IGYA N We will ho, pleased to pick up dead )r crippled farmn animnas fr sanitary 40poal. Telephonfle (olect Coourg 1266 or Toronto Eni. 3-3e636. GORDON YOUJNG LIMITED DlR. R. J. TAGGART VBTERJNARIY SURGEON Park Street POEOIT9S4 AIrG16N LEGAL Barrister and Solýicitofï, Phonus : 11 Oflefice 68 omle 553 Auctioneer azud Valuat*e Speelalize hIFarni aM Furniture Sàles Consult nme for terns and dates Phoners r19 -Oram 74 match ypur dollar bis with the tist of Canadian one-dollat bill serîai numnbers published daily in Th . Tely ... Anyone can wiu, $10,ý $25, $50, $1 00, $200 or $500. Ten new numbers published, every day in The Tely. Sixty new numbers published ever y week in The TeIy. Order ne. Tely ?40W fn t A.F. 2.00 t Simd PHONJ~ 47