arand askoeufr rcontributions ilot ýrijç the WVhite Elephant Booth and it was alodecided to se.dfr aeia io Mr. Stan Fails, Douglas and Lr Ail the fficer~ ere oe- Toronto, AMr. and Ms Om1Fîs AI!tn ofier wre7,e-Harý-vy and M.airn visited %with elcted, Mm .Jacek Stapieton takinmg Thos. FaIls on Sunday, teplace of Miss Hilda Bell as onje Of thýe institute Directors. The meet- Ms Gordon Martineli and Kennyý ,,,g ciosed with the siilging of Gofi are spending , week ih lir saethe Quen and a dainty Iun<c1h bothiers, Cecil and Archie BlodgeLt,i wasf served by Mrs. Ca,,thcart and Mrs., Roseneath, Mr . Gordor1NIMartineil1 'Turansky. A vote of thanks wats visited for the weekend. gien to Nirs. Cathcart foir the use of1 ýw -om ù mti eeting. Mrs, Bert' Thoinpson vis'ted withý lie hoe fr tis r. arid Mrs. Cecii Glass and Ray o.n SrgfWers decorated the church1hrsyofatwek Local Talent To Spark Orono Cûý.b V ariety Prrogram 0n Friday, May 7th a prom-,otioni by a l~ie e quartette, a comnedy team, anf J(local organization in the village1 impersonator, vocalsoits comed- Phoruld, f rom ail reports, prove veryian and piano numbers. There are1c interesting to anyone who enjo)ys a other forros of entertainnient on theb -vaiety pragrani. Adding further ta Program, and it is at present near-0 t}ie appeal of this show 'wfll be the ing completion.V lcal italieptyhichste onla hnd Interest in the show will he whetted ocia trWenumcipary.Tote eenlo hee b"y the almost one hundred per cent ontidenunber . re a h emloVd.local talent and niany wiil be niakingf The sponsors of this program are their debut localiy on this evening.i tb* Cub Mothers who are the parent Corne oUt and sc-e what your neigh-t eimpres- Over f ori ýy is Io The Orono Police Trustees met in ttype &f relgular session on Monday eveningi ,eals tbat when they discussed and carried outl torda man espcially ntfieprotetin. rý toda tae any spcyivmntfor prteillag t s3eason.ý A sumptuous lunchwa served by the Newtonville group, The Intermiediate Oaltario. Hockey 1 ay-,o--s-in the,"B"11-- -Il 1 1 Our next meeting will be at Shiloli no been completed. The Otonlo Or- on1 Tuesday, May 4, at 8 p.m. wth pthans were entered in thiis series. the Shiioh Cimimititee in charge. They won the Ontario Eastern Chai- pionish-ip from- Kingston and then AIl are welcomre, both young and took their tura wvithI Sundridge Bea- oi!d, so cone and enjay a pleaisant vers. In the series with the Beavers evenng ogeter.the local team feýIl behind and Suni- o dridge advanced te the sem-i-fîinals. Oddfeljlows Salvaýge Drive jIn the sm-ias udigaftere Reaiz1 479 payng two gamms was conceded -h The tables turned for the -Beaversi The Oddifellows Salvage collec.tioni in the finals for the Durliau) entry on Thursday morning, -April 22 was wOUl the series four games to IlOne, most grat ifyiiig. Herew,ýith is the liet thu irL 9vinig themn the Ontar'io Chani- picked Up: Cast ironi 1,480 lbaS., tlpîonship. scrmp 400lbs., rags 15o Ibs., paper 9,6401bs, fQr, a total of $17.97 tnet. ~ ~ n. M~ay we extend Our appreilation ota ail who delivered ti per 1n out oftown aisoe I ilz- who placed. theirs on the curb, ta the truckers and helpers we say 'thankD yon'. Another collection' wiil be ad- r vertised la pa-ssibiy two or three months. lI The Dance, as advertised for the Town Hall this Friday niglit, will have the usual largeatedn. Bryce Brown Sevenaîres as adver- tised ot first were unable ta fulfill the engagemrent owving ta serions 111- ness, over which no one has control. Lou De,.el'i.s orchestra of BowTnan- ville is filiing the gap. They have 'had somec very fine engagements of late and camre Com-pete wth P.A. system aind cnlIer. Round and square danc- ing ta the ssýtisfaction of ail, a gener- ans lunch w-iii be provided, Corne enrly and stay late. Report By Durham 1'M. P. turned in ai evening, A wnoa)dsli of Mlr. Cowa fire and Mo loose. Neigi quickiy ta iý ically had tI the imie fth4 The depart hase ta cont age was don hause was et of both ineig partmlent. Libt Shouid real spring weather break Couni wvith littie warningý there wil beý, a Hall big last-imiute rush on the part of 2îst, On1taria f'armers te get fertilizer. or- cutive d (ers fil"ied, according ta A lexy M. Cojit Mlooney a inember of the Onitario Ad-~ report visary Fertilizer Board. Yr. Money natd wmarns that disappointmnents are sure ham ta accur if orders are plmced 't the the, A hast 'mbmnent. Conve A -urvey indicates that there wiii sociat. be asemiucli fertilizer used this year 9th a as thiere was ini 1953. The prediction electet is that tcbacco acreage will b e in- ~partys creased with the genaral tendenc being te use mnore fertilizers per acre Reî than is recommirendedi by the Advis- la rge ory Bad.the V( Fewer acres of potatoes wili be cedenf planted this year and it is reported delegl that more' credit wiiil be needed ta who a finiance the crop than last y are The use of 10-10-10, .a relmtieîyTh new mixture is grawing by leaps and enthu bounds. In 1952 less than 2,300 tons eet of this mixture waas sld in Ontario ta ha% whjle in 1953 more than 12,000 tons ea1riy were used. This tonnage it is, freely Mr. predicted will be exeeeded this year. for Di More attention is being given ta meetii fertilizing hay and pasture crops and waIs ri it is on these crops, Mr. Mooney feels, Mr,J that the farmer wvill get the greater tion c return on his fertilizer dollar. rm The bookiet prepared by the Ont- ï he ry ario Advlsory Fertiliser Bad r h as. h vides adv.eon the -onpii he bacl< ugton The Fire Chief requested that ail1 inside lids in the fire tanks be re- placed as the mnajarity had rotted away. He felt that, if the t'op lids were j remnoved by chiîdren that a fatIal c-1 cident could happen. The trustees in- structed that ail inside cavera be re-j Tvý-o ew iretanrs eremeeed, For this reason the folige shouXld caimed the fre chef,an in the area'realwdt tullTi- arou d R bt. Gla vil e's Fee St re sualiy takes about a m onth or 'six and the other on top of Cob HilLI t eeks, wheni the foliage turns yellow was oin ed o t t at t e t nk* and can then be rem ov-ed w-tho uit Cob HllI was most urgentIy needpd.donayha toheuls The Police Trustees ordered 100fe- of new fire hose be purchased for the If the buibs are growing in a bed tire departmnent at a cost of $160.M0 which is to lie nsed for annual flow- T his âddition-al hase wouid take care ersý, the smaîl annutai plants rnay be of any tire in the Feed Store Area out between the buibs. If prefemrd,, as then ail buildings could be rec-achedi the bulbs niay be removed -as soon as fromeiter he anksat atsn'sthey have finihed flowering, an l be Ga-rage or fromi the tank atAi ais "heeled in" in a shallow trenich out This would give thé]epartm.ent of the way uptil their folilage tans. 40fetof hase. yeilow. With tulips anid dafodils the 1 When their bloomn is finishel the bulhs should be given every chancek to prepare themiselves for another sping sho th f ellawýing ypýr, says P- F. CaeoDvision of Horticulture,. Central Experimiental Fariii, Ottawa. This the bulbs dlo by storing up foo.ý whlichi is mianufactur-ed by the :Éoliage. If the foliage is removed imimediately after, the bloom is finishied, this sup- ply of food is reduced and the bul iamy not bloomi or mnay fail te grow-ý It w'as decided by the the tank on Cob fflii v structed after sanie infi ohtainied. The secretary ted to. Contact the Cour gineer for permnissioný such a tank on the County road near the -j of the Town l1imits. it such a tankvould cost Mr- E. R. Woodyard w~ e1increase gurnted t4 la Fil . the The tr-utees3 were alsoi tion, Parking in front of the De- and ML Bruce Mercer wa; thorýity ta have "No -Pa iFTre Hlall" painted acro< jls of the FireHall. Fa th r in the Mie n beinlg sold ta chiildret nai bmm wýýas provig damiberous nity lead taL a dangeerous firýe. s- LU tion in jT it wichl porting i majarit %tin!g de ted enti ,tes frai Lttemded eDurhai siasticall in anmdi ive at cai date. John j urlinni m v andu tnplan Mr. Os.