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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1954, p. 2

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* he Will sea bims,çýLf not asý the *bully whose baseless jealousy *has darkened her life unbear- *ably but',as. a reasonable and trusting hutsbandwh p 1 a y sý * Iwon.derho hewudfe *to respect, himnseli foria *change? A husband %who "doubt his wlefalsely is abouit the IoWe'st of huig-an beings. The siOoner mWh9enÀi earn -what they are mI1sng, the more happy homes there wili be. ,. . lîanly time cf trouble, tuern to Anie first. Write b1er at Box, 1, 123 Eighteenth Si., o n o T~ecoutryar~saw aticl in a nuicsbop, but could not understand the purpose for whlcbh it mas used. «What's ,tIhatt hlig Cor"? he asked an assistant, "Thaiët, sir, is a chin s,"hwa told_ ,"It isJîusedqulte a 1(4 by The1fryingzýre a cry of JOy. Glve me oe"hoaid, Ttien, after a. sight pause,, ho addâ ed: " Ne, l'il ta&ke ,tw(o. We've got the wi e's other staying with ua s swel Sprinrg is friypeeling arudtb corner. Oid Soi bas :raised bis temsa;crows are fiying noisîiy across the SIS robin-is are tentatively twitter- ýing from re-tp and swamrp frogs are singig. In ùthe gardenl snowdrops are bloomning; daffodjis buds àare swelling; pkdsae tuli-p leaves aeaj-,1ppearing; tender buds of flowering shlubs are tak'ing on )ýform .1and colouï and tht-e 4i-rst ruby-rýed rhubarb levsare beginning to, uncuri, Dn the bouseeer room from-1 atti to ceilar in becomding lesa attractive. Bright suïnlight fiood- in- the 0-omsreveals the ineed for î-spÊrng-bousecleanîng, Painit- ed surfýaces lhave a d -ingylo; paperd wals youi hoped mright do anotherî yeaýr sho(w dark, vun- sightiy streaks aiong thýe seam, in the fields wheat is taking oný a greenisb bhue dlok fairl1ýy Promîising. loe ltis- toearly yýet to-)predict bovv welclerhabus suvid the wite, el-dirain ed fields ,ýare deoi f ~surface ,w7ater ;anrd ip loiyingfidssap tce Inthe stablesspig ave have begun ta arrive. Cows, and beersletout for exerci ý,se niff thle air exploratdively,1the el Cdl early rnew grýOwth i, ïn thei flostrils.. Tbey stand,( pensivel Ikigoveir'enesand gts gambl arund he ardàat li- teralsandthen return unwil llngly to dry bay and daîry pom W,1,o Und rabbitm. $parroýwsep 1ý uil in nesattltelg end arouna ltue tidn *I3SSUE 14 - 194 Anid amiong ail this xrespùnse of xibture, to thie cal-' of sprlng there stsonie iaiaecon- traption -- the farm traýctor! Ili- sensitive to the . God-giv.en1 M'ïiracle -of nwlife it1,sits there --lot a tremfor of 'expctýancy :çan edetected comiing from its ~great meilchanical bod1y, The thr-ob of its beart ýis stilled until buman aâid is fortbcomning, Great rube ires act as: inisulators etenthe lvn eartb and - theý steel of its body structure.ý And yet _1iismechanical mon- ster; its intricate insides à a mass of gears and wrs t blood amid nervesý gas, oil and eetois its breath foui; it voice noisy, drowin out theý song of birds, frogs and bumnînty. Tbis thsTHING, a)ýs t emperm'lne ntal asaneurotic woman, as pwr fui as the devil bimself; this tbing lbas more attraction, for mnost yomu1g boys on 'a frthan' ahý the, ,lives;tock 4ýand poult'ry puttothr Somie boys, not previously too ïondî of farm- ing bave settled down quite bappily once Da,:d bas been p)er- suad-ed fo buyý' a tractLor, Others,; Once the novelty bas worni off, have found a tractor not quite tbeasert a foot4ioose ds îIJhave often wondered abo)ut tra c to rs t he re a' p e îa -affinîtyvbetween young 'boys- ainci.oldboys o o htmt ter -and iman-mad[tE:ponir machinery? 'There c-ati surely be_ littie smahei eatosi between trac'tors. and t1he good In earl-'y sig orses c an mk their way -wberetatosua to 'tread. Tatr utbd their time kýunti! sn ndwind havecondtiond te 3lnd to hldteir weigbt, Horses cýan work ini a field, leaving thic- wet spots --until tLhe last, their ooe indeniting the land but flo)t teý the extent of heavy rubjer trac- tor tires We ko a this yet in o un, stable thei(re are r. friendly horses to whînny their welcome at OUr. approacli. !- ste-ad, 1 in our drive-shed, there Ps a tracor, justas I bave des- crib.ed - cold, inanimrate anId insensijtive.- to the mrceo spring, Aniothe-r sîgn 0f prngisth niumnber of annual1 organizationk mreetings - pa"st, present aid Stijl tocoe Retiring ofcr who b ave édone the;ir tnt coming officers, sôme 0 ,f themï reluctant and uncertain) , af e-w ~h saking knees taking the, chair for the first time. Here and there upmbe;.up gainst tbe problem Of filling an office that, nobodY wants - and f mean -,r0 body -- for in most, organiza.- tions there Pare tmany ,-orker!ý but iew apparent leaders. I say ' apparent' advisedly because aý good £wvorker bas a11ite quljifi- cations of a good [offlicer - toaa greater or lesser degree. True, bier leadership quPalities mnay be dormant but tbey w1ill slowlvy but sullcy develop --given theý. Opportunlity - if tber intcrest la genuie and isup y the older members to encourage anld promiote installation o! youniger meumbers to office anid thenî baçk them witeir own D Y e;r*S Of eprec withou1-t criticismr or prejudice, New blood isncesrtoke paIce: wit the tîmnes. And for ini- spiratio.n andi guidanc e in WJ. wokthere Lis no betiter lead thnour own7j splendid lti magzin -"Home anid Couni- try," 'WAE MORMIN Your family will wake up hI'na Iurry we you serve this breakmfasït treat, noarishing Nabisco Shredded Wheat withi deliciouse Crown Brand Corni Sytup! -Nab-isco Sh'ired4ý tled Wheat, made from purêoe wheat, contains vital food elements -,. >and Crown Branid Corn Syrup adds delicious flavour arid quick food enxergy. Tonmorro-w delightr yoccr~ famiIy-sejrve chis wonderful breakfast thrifl . FOR QUICK FOOD INERGY WiTH LASTING NOURiSKMENTI

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