- - - - We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. !' Eýd as fracurteilhis anikie, we hope hie vill soon be better,.lu .rs E.Beck Mr. James Camneron had tQ retmurn ý shaw, wee t Bownan Il ospital fori, uithe r andMs E.1 treaitment, we islihin ma ; peetIy; r. "ES~APE FROM FORT BRAVO" C. TO WEDNES.,- Evenings Only ùc f rom he' Theatre, Toronto De end Joan Fontaine the New Techiuicoloi, Comedy Bfit lovas fihg Nig'l&it' ~n en a I ~~pent ths nsiIectoi~y ~red Bow- ~ Spring Tonics 'ntiu 3Il ua1y bbins, Mr. L. Rob-ý spent a few days Mr. and Mr-s. C, "N. C. F." GERIATRIC. MUale by thie makers of Neo-Chemical Food. A hig-hly potency vitain ai ndinerai supplemtent. For adlts only, large bottle ..$M.5 ('(-nws te Cnada Thefas acting Iron Tontie formi- ely only a-.a alble in '..Anow for sale here! Tablets -or-hquid ........$3.29 FERROPLEX Elixir of Iron and Vitamîin B Complex. Enriches the bloodi... ýoiptes the pnes 16 pz. bottie............... $1-50 Motb Fumae Crystals 100% Paradichlorbenzene - Certaini death to moths, eggs and larvae, stainless to any fabrie. lib1. tin 54). Speci ai! Ecoýomy Pack Paradichior- benzeiye Moth Crystals 5 IL bag . . .. rice crystal s .. $1.49 OnOfO.Od.fo.a..otfoooe.nfo.o.tf.a.o.4,Q~ d~ TootMis" e vi ito Johnson's Baby Powder, smaU. lar~ e ... - I every occasion IJI ei SIIug Jas.Wnma. Ulars.- j Many from ou-r commllyunity joe tuLe play in Oronio on, Frila'Y night. Be sure to attend the pictures BidA LThe 5undcay Schoot had a Special shown ilat the school on Fridlay inighlt -Bit noLlier s 0r 1 ce o unay evenin3g wntire V-'tî Insrne nmbr wet at the school and s.Ken Shac(kietoii and children marced o te curcl tothestrinsvisited with her parenits Mrý. and Mqrs. You an' 'oetyorra f a mnareh p1ayed on 1f-tes ara W.fý'I ojSýfa )M Affli n O Thur-sday, Marare g~n sc h~rs .bt drumi by the boys of our Sunidayl-agr blt School. Each cîass tool1 some paSa ckl1t4- stayed ri, a v-isit wt'e yo aiguard gaint cinplete iin the service and Rev. Kitchenganprn. -'~ ksrance is always or hwed I )epitures on11 the Easter ~bet. story. CA1 The )Y. A. htad a quiltingÏ at the CASLda Scliool room on -Wednesdayý afternloon.Il Ladies Nylon Blouses. col 1 N. F. PORTER The W. A. are having aiother, assorted styles, sizes 14 t csocial eveng .-on M)ay 12th M'4s F osteri, Oiýoao, is showîng itrso Ladlies Blouses, Criskay fa ______ o~~he~t~$t. a~e~ ~fu~e~rparie- colors, sizes 12 to 18. Ea( )tore 27c. 57e. Orono, Ont, Phone 68 Prim-e ministlers frorrFive Suh ;Wednesday, faced with the' cproble,ý east Aýlian countries meet at Coombo of how to keep Asiafrom ,býcomiîng a battleground for oppos'ing w,-rld ;blocs. They are from india, Paklita .-Il Burmra, Indonesia and Ceylcn. lIors white. ininlç Or blue. JI bo 20. Eaeh . ý. . . . $2.98 Lbrics, assQr.,ted styles and i Chikirens Ankde Socks, eotton, 'assorted c01lrýs sizes 5 to 8'/2. Pair...........25C,. NIEWêý" Plastic Work Gloves, outwear oidinary cotton gloves', have extra, gripping qualities. Special 49c. NEW! Plastic Tote Bags, assorted colors . ,,.79 Sweaters, Bat-wing, wooi Jersey short sleeves, co1or,' Red, Blaeck-, Aqua, and Grey mix, sizes smnall, Medium or Large. Each................ $2.98 Vaseline Creami Hair To-nie witll Lanolini, 4 oz, bottie.... . 43c. 4 oz. bottie..... 69c. White Di-nnerware, Cups and Saucers, set ...29C. Cups only, white............. 19c. WEEK-MEND SPECIALS Lyon's Coffee 12 Pound tins....... ....... 67e. Habitant Pea. Soup, -115 oz. tins ........10c. Sherriff's Lemon Pie Filler, 2 reg. pkg.....31c. Aylmer Choice Quality Special Process Peas 20 oz. tins..................... 19t. Stokely's Fancy Pumpkin, 2 large 28 oz. tins ... 35c. Round Clthes Pins, 36 for.........25c. Bee-Jlive or Crown Corn Syrup, 21l. tins...29e. OROMO Sc.TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTRE Rt'r (tattfîbet no i tttril ..should prompt you to cal upon us in timie of sorrow. We streon prove consoHag te th*e bereaved. HIAIITLE'Y ne BARLOW FUNERAL HOME dm~ ~ l'houe 18r2 ~k~k SUTNDAY, MVAY 9th IS See Our finer stoc-k of Coutt's IIALLMAItK 3MOTHER'S DAY GreeingCarda Prieed f rom . ... 5c. each to 50c, each National Baby Week Svpecial~ Hankscraft Automatic IE1ectric Baby Bottle Sterilizer The sure easy way to sterilize Baby's FREE- W"ith each steri1izer - a new Hankscraft Automatic Electric Ra'by Bottie Warmer, value of ...... ,.,. $3.25 $14.20 VALUE FOR ONLY $1095 Mead's Pabluni, Ige. box, Specil 31c. r H <i