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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1954, p. 9

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. .. .. .. . . .. t~e 've-preentprobier of lc WI*b~ ~heepats litter and part 3 DDT pwdrin a. dtlgbox), han-,s in New Hmp ihir exerimntswereridof lice withln abop.t four days, if taker about three buchel Dr. R. L. leke, who ýte'stedi this ethdf ound onetrul - th bo wo'tmork vwithý roseis, Boosters don'! dust. If y wýnt tem ice-free, you'ii probably have f0 dust lhen b'y If Wtc fast growth, , king-size rrici.andiigl% feed efcee thaï yuu want, use a higli- energy, ail-pellet ratonP Says, Masacusetspouitrymian Hairry- ceven weeks yolj Can eut feed waeag, gt op conisumption, and qick gaina, says Grant. Runer cp; fceeding imath- od sa hg-egafl-miashi ration~, suppleicmented w-ith onle- third. or more all-mash pelleta. Théis l a handier feeding pla if you use an automnatic tf(eee fate han 10 feet toý get a dirink", Grîant bere Fo fed'rand wtrrspa, , hY advisesfoiowing these stan-- dards 0A te AmericanFeed ManuactueraAssociation:i *Oue day oid te two week I lhear inCh, *Three te six weeks 2 * Sven weeks and aldeic 4*JDay old 'lu two wes-2 or twô ihl-giqnfu'tls * Thee wveeks and older Attr evealyears u t re- Nerh iwhigan 51%teCollege egprsbelieve that they are swa1ngiher gal awork-- B. . arilte egie int eharge, says this silo hum ted wlh-not more-c ha hulait an Heeshow, it works: To eepthesnAe up ici plac, and peventit frorn hmpn 0-0non he icow's hea1.Cargi) put seenhydraulie jacks éisde thebeaa.'A pieýce 0f ½hannei iro acosathe top of ecijack mits as a bridge under the sA- plbm-,carg ii wants -ilage Jacki. and slip-)s tim ot- wayjbe not ail of thern, bu~t as a agodbateh, adacJsi to heip wokit dw for eedng, he nginersaddled u "rocker" bar te seven of the 3 L, Awy,6 er wrV lt 71emnn 13. 34itrte ~ edn 1.C oie CO. Artcy- Welcosne Back -- Smîling haîppilyzias she reports bck to h ler Hiol- Iyw,,ood studio, Marlyn îMonr-oe, pose,, olonideiI portrait of ber husýbard, ex-baliplaiyeýr jo DiMcggio,,The glamor girl1 will soon start work ,on -a new movie, t was thle fiit tima she had put lm an oippjearônce since the studio mispernded her for refusing t1a appear in a musicaIl. suporin bema0ff lie slo, Thesa barsare V-sliapad, pivot on the boffmq and Can ba pusli- 411ad pullad, baqck Fnd iforth,1 fola sl ýJ roP ior to hold 1f up. * * mir ontheprobleým, Mheysfg-- middi thf(a silo wold work lik a encl sunck fhrougb a sefut ppas)ýý. Th1 si1c, -would fIe ufaia, wexa owscould solage erttd ithat' lodge up abovce le à ' heud% & come Winthew -adage tohi4 theý winter, it 1f00h chaýin 'avis an .1 anew I~ esaon lot Ol fthe faiings otfIaNeiraf 1na.7W im-0ôd ci esatf-feeC.der? Yesr fia eep nibbiinrg awaly at i.i silo, b)ý u aal roa a cta eadli of the aUPPOrting 1-eamaý kcpthem rm akigaitl wasy in- And i th hAdel,ýic eacs and c 'ýr os -a9rma hs ol ing1 thilaga up, th rienodanger of siage êrasbing low-n on the cowns liad, -S pa a ur- ing ary trals iple-ascd ilte wyit wre fIs ina. Ifloks ik a ea 21, 'iC a t -ï, CiinseiIL :9,xene -i Wooi triin,,,ec $5. Woltracaite il Coal pÏ'odN~ ~ Conct~ ii. Thick soiîp 41 Army meat 41. Pertaintn~ to an a~e 4$. Frotti 44. Bot-il 41. 'tri n~'wie~ig- ment of * ,ie'bt 47. fîxiat 411. Stndv Fe îtierda. tla tfj. 7, mfrlathettoag mercor ad mor iteaàeupply, offrea if bagaê o lod elotoubla Mrea more the gaer l ocdf ed hohwgta p-ercethalao utifrgaepsphobrnaid atnd nacessar. This fertier nouerd fo îlireons, If la hadisolv Mayorsporenkiador mixa itr- flia soaULjuaf nera ralo - thorougli watas rg if a hose This pgreents if urningtender in snffasibae, oaalaedvseda trupinkia oighfly 'oer the soie ne a butnot bactuallptuchingd rota or plaicints, and work lawif a-v' ct iv thei lmcs tilier cg~larl on shuldalso undar gren manurahumusht us, ucb as icae, inds gas chippîga oraendanarbagei god ugazdanar bas a pia of fIùs goason.TIatproeas an h Chamimeoenhantdria pyepurd tb.ron n ote arkcl'aun y frequen t turiag and. wataring GraPtca ýmanuroLýenlathe tarhkîca namefor ropsot for a, t OurngfIat ra sd oyewesamcn by orl ndtendgorpo -,drunder lii olus .ilsot o miegbaodoums addgofibe tl roing s andygelsoadmakany thea r opan and isrîAup! ay fhsed ratrepmre abonfo r eta vaualamostre &W si b $0tmany csilape our fCoer an vgeAbla dam trubesand igarmenIàaJe FI4à0; TiDýým) onboard szhi1y a is l 101,t11u-ho101r periodfjs ll ! wac es iglifhalls aksf3 end oft aach watch and thea be-- ginnlng of tha n rexf, wlien the mian who wvas on" duf'y departs_ and ftha next man cornes to re- lieve hlm. Eighf beils is stuck every four hours. Th1ýani amila Ding-ding, Dinig-dinig, 'Ding-dfing, Ding-ding rings ouf avery four hours: at 12 mnon at four p=4. at' eighf p.m.'; at dagi;fu amn and 8 a.m, Sola a tw'enty- fdur hour day, eight be ]isrings The s'rip's befl l 0mprks tha passing of eayhait onur thri.oughouf aach ath.For - amipia, supposebEgin 9af nwcm Eighf belis!A sailor as just ýoma on duty, Thirfy -iniutesý iater li r he shlps eJl stika onýce-Din-g! Ft.e knovî, that hlfaýi n hurlas gone by and that if la nowhait past fevPresentiy ha heurs thaý ship'sa bah strike twic---Ding- ding! Two belis. That mneans another hait hur bias passad and it is now,ý'neO oc1~.Half an houi later, Ding-ding, Diîng! Three bei3s. If's haif paâsf on Dinig-dinig, Dn-dn! Tlif' Itwo 0'cock Five ball, it'stwo- tirty. Six halls rme9uis thre _o'- cikck, and the remnains oýniy one houDr to go befora this wa ý,7-tci is done, Halitan iour goes by1» --three thirty--sevan 'al.And finaliy aiglit halls. Tt is riow fouri- o.'clock and the relief taýes over. With each ne a4h yie logosa agasn. Se pruefly Ding! if is hait' past, four. Two beli's, -i Gafve o'ciock; and so f(ort1 tIp to ceight halls. The timrE bewen our pm and aiglif p.u. la, oten' dividad int tw fo-hurperioda ýca11led dog wthefrom four o'ciock bels);andfrom ,orblsf egtbe]i2!(eighto'lc) nevciting new d for draa lovera hon~in th'e. mnnowceiei xthat L h Creat Threatre- wilihae h honor u prsentn01he World Pranir~ f y o eGuLith rle's> nwpla!, "at t h Wed- ding", beginning May5, 1 Guthrie piay, which wvas uomn- pit~for, this cmay see moeight-haarted 't. h anr-the11 "rmp. r.Gufhrie. holathe Festivai, bas wrîtten anme Am-lonig the plays pïereened l Ladder" Which plýAyed tha st- amsTheatre a ononan starredJohn Mli1s, and i NThe th1e Old Vic before .,the i1ast waýr and reandthure to the ,Tima of Sir L-aurenice Olivier ndSi coacentrate on te ad1wWil Opea ut r-eturnied for the> 1951- 52 -season a--s directôr, fduringàý which tîme lie dýirect"Caren for t1e )Metrojpoiltan O0pera ',Com- p anoy, lie tlhen decidç-d to fre- lance liedid "Qadipus Rex»", which hý,7ijjdo at, th1e JFestival1 hrfor the RHabima theaDtre ila Paiestine anid alsý.O. for Finln's Naitionail Thealtre. For thîs World Peiri addj1iion to mamnbers of the regui- lar -omnpany, urai-id Doniald, Davs hve igl1ed Patr.1ick Maic- newhose Lnatr'wssc a suCCes la ithe oýpening preýsen- tto,"Rlichard 0fBodeax" joy Lafleur, haminKing &a-1 Police Peddle Lottery Tickets By Bey. R. Barolay Warra5 BA,. BD Ju#rneat on Jerabaas~s 14:540a, 12-10. thy God, lu not keePing biseoný. i ngJroo thougi iL woid ailmpo3Ssil-t(o refaun în iaadership"f thCa teprias1 they coininuad ing 0 Jr sale foworsip.So ha ad two a1v~Of- goid andsadf the People, "Tt ma foco much fer -you to go ,qp teJrua'm b- hld fhy goda, O Israei; whlich4 brouglit thea uip outo he a of Egvt. And ha s, setteOaa in Bethai, and the oter put li* in Dan. Anda thîs Ofhing bcm a sus."Rlia ao macle Primea0 the, iowest orfliche pople, whický wara no4-of the s15or f Levi. ThsJeroboam led Israel iarttý fSacriticingf0 te'ha golden les Afttr his deaf h li Isreeaï, raard 0ao arbathesn of Nebat, who mle Israa] tu in Juýdgment forth sianar m~ ba dalayedl, but jif aways crns in this lite and ia thale ilcte b comae. Warn-îng irsf c-arne froasi a pr'ophet trm uah. Jeroboaxn put forth lis handi f0 arreat thes ýpro)phef and imditlidra up, lie tlien be.ged the prophet foý pray for hlmi and lis a aai-estored. Rut ,Troboam i-nd Mo change his ways. The death otf his son wuas; a sîgn thaf the& draadful prediction of thepr- plat Aliah,'would sure!y orne fo pasz. StiliJeroboam did not reýpent. On his daath his so'n stu- reeded tu 10 stîrona, A conu. srayarosa agamast lsa Nadab, ai-d hawas alaîin. lamat everiýy oa -t Joof ni' ascat- dIanlts wa-s put to deatlk , TIta judgmenf Came upon týhe bs of Jrbanaccording îf0 fhc propliacy of Ahjah. MMn, as Jeroboam, opui a n si defiantily daeadGod'e iIycommitandments. Theyma aývLieniem f0prospetr hc their I But a day Of vrekôilugIscm ing. "Be nt ecivd;Goy ix netmocL d:for watee iinn omreth, that shaU he ali. raap, G~l.6:7. N N 't -t' N N N N -t' N. N 'N. -t s N N N y, N N N N N N N N 'N. N N N N N N s N s N N N s N N '-y N N N 'N N -y N N N N s N N N.- N N s N olftetr on tlaim page.

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