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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1954, p. 10

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~~IfAflIN ~ "Mrs Bassinett and Miss W. Hobbsed î';~~-,, Toronto were-weekend visitors Withi We are -,orry to hear that Aïr,_M LS A DMy. and Mrs. Robert~ Chate-r. Spny is not too wel 5he is stil th__T i Su ay I -Leskard W.A. rmeeting wilI be held 1her daughiter, Mrs. R.Fenwvicl'Kat IS I ~Mr a~d ~r, ~ Mrsah an Mr-on Wednesýday, May 12th at 2 p.m. Sunimervile, 7-gret FEer-tt spent Sunday nd~ Mr. E. GreenEveriybody welcýome.Sedt MUrs. A Lou1cks is speninlg a few Mr. nd MrtBow n fml KR wV,)bit erOspatwan. M's'have nmoved onito the Syer farm vwhich ___M t WabutnOhaathey have purchased. We welcom Sympathy is extended to Mns. E. tbm e-ekad.M. and Mrs Wm Allun and John IMte' a DiJval luhî dethofbeMstrM. nnd i'Mrs. Earl Spny and Rathy visited on sUnday n 'ith Mr. and Mns,. jGr e II&Pritchard, r.En5~y B. Little, AgmicourtTh Iea Miss Audrey M1artin is iiiomn. n n Ms ethFehvem -dMr. and MsS. B.Rutherford and Chhe f rou iiIosp)tal !with appeïidicitis. Wet herneoeidne nteuas t àud and Mr.and MIL H.Barlow Iofamneý eieni uth -iily prMlChed f ron ~wish hen a speedy recýoveiy. HlI e " te eer apies amilyvsidhna tM n A raîscellaneous show;er for Mrsý. il, their ne\ home. M s.Wm.Rthfods 4Ad neJa mpelwahedWe are pleased to hean that M is. : 'i~,, sp- digb te r Swles ih lesCooae ite inLhe e o iMrs. N. Fc. AbouýLt Iamn aDnl is home laftei (' miy.Thlfn-- ath coclaese thirty eýight tnaiend.s were preett ,~gig~operat-ion in mr~ ~ ît toMa~ ns~ fLCTîüfier uli hDoaYeatr,,a PEN ,ýi,h th-e young bride happiness. Ja il.We hope sire cotinues to imake Colg, uo ýils ty r. -, jI' ilW eWRAr PN i'a esotdto the seat of honioiin good pnogress. f ini Ardil n thir reýcent maa.rnage. ic Englishl Bone Chi wh w decoiated in pýink adMrs Pattersopi, Mn, and MNrs. Bill ' Oua pIound boxes at $1.10, $1.25, $1-35 $1.50 to $1.80 - ... -(------fu 't n iig ht edding bels.- Mn. a-,clMn-s, Stev-e Hughes. Plcker-Wa anindoss were Sunday sup- w potud boxes at-----.$24an .7 ing w eati 1 tihUM. :and Mrs. lielb. Ca Pkn pern1guestszit; M'.and Mrs. Laverne SPEÇIAL! Il LB. 'LT" O--------- o- ric -ffn euin ifts were ineceived Rt-vterson. OX .... ýl1À thebrid t!!iihd eVj-ýTO(jl, 'Ot M . mi, Mis. A t R bbin,ý -vere PCtlorf. ('lo Leathethe --in4 S thelby surptased verybod, u Mn.a is. Ar.Robis. ei*e Mnand Mns. Arthur Blevett arnd Toilet Gif t Sets lby Vardley, DuBarry PohyctcH wat taenlsupr iseta h udyvst ihM.adM.î.AvnBlew-ett and family spent t and Tussi.......!i5O to $4.501 iseme u alos orwods. We wish' -Dve ths oung couple ever.y happinless nH.Dey. Sunday aftennoon with Mrs. ThIompI- 'ýhe coming years.1 Judge S. A. E. Hamilton, Winnlipeg Jon. spent a few days with his brotheSoule fine1 reesb National Film ITsiMdNgtClge...$.oJC Mrs. H. Thomipsoin, Mrs. R. Thomp- Mr. Ieroy Hamilton, Board pictures Were' hw at the jTussi Stick -Cologne, purse size $1.50 Home Gromwn - ion, no and -Mrs. 1Rhoda ýCap school on Friday nighit. In s elTyronie weÈe Sunday viitos M. and Ms.C. PruLst and Lynn Mn. and Mrs,.«Milton.1-uiannan - Yardley 'Lotus' Col ' gne $1.50 &$3.0 L ERN P ~wt ,r.Angus Watson. were at their cottage for, the wleeýk- itedj with Mn. an-d Mns. J, Cwa. YadlyiOgu Lvedr INGP ______________________________________A large charivari gang Surprise(, 1 ried $1.25, $1.75 nd$ 5 0 ci Mn.lît and Mns. Jin lAr Priewi$.25a$1.75asd 2.50Carnations, dozen w LevlAýn ircure Ses .75ta 1W.30I Mixeld Bouquets Flo ersJ- r MVother 'Province Fotinded!On The Durham CowJackuian Flowers for T r - FOR THE MIOST poic htws codn o every occasion£11e 'rg S BEAIJTIFUL GIFT ~a lot of oCLimers, founlded on, thep Udual plurpose cow the Draî,is b-1). 1 ~ '~ CIVE BUCKLEY FLOWERS comin- more and rm-oreciaie Sce our wide slcin of Cuit jeey'ei- 1e \e*ilsaj, ý l>ia Flowversad Pansbefore 3you n tleealy ay fîscetuy The e leventh e ldeilke the holds ,hen Plovincial Hnusi- bu.They are sure to pleasé. teewr'tomayftefnre -st, is a nautive o f York County. ommain Cubwot nd bias been in Onano hosod reinfrm ow &niBonton of Woodbnidv;(ge cornes atv'nthluirFrmnmvmn F (weson dlisplay at smacstyTewr i i position with a solind bacqk- as well. Aften srving asPrsîen >omeof ir-reo-e s1oý1, r ociidof expien.ien-ce in both 4H ndu of the County Association,. she was ~ ~u ,bult mstof th'e hers thait JuTnior Fanmer r.An, e-xcellent elected a Prolvinia liretoi 153 Ï, îndndaotti rvne~P5- jugde of ivèstock anicidgraiin, lie has!j Serv\ ing on the Io ial Ee ie -a e re et r jxd nestrypalrticipa1ted in mantl1y. judg-ing coini- ThJlisycrseb ee seetda U or wene mixed herds.petitionls and ini 1951 was one of four oeo h w ra oJno aie i G It used ~~~~~~~to be, to qulite anilet u JnosslcedocmeeI Shup orcusto die eefp some d ai v the Cattle Judging Coinpetitions in Scot- Loi#eof te ber typ. Tht 1a11helanid adEandnd.He has senved as faier wns ble to gtafail 1îun Gof milk aidnd t 1the ,-oe tneh President of his local chlb, Vellore I PM OTE c rasedbeefcale kp two years as Counity Dinectoran iSNAY - o Buthe frk ons tj11 1 c last yaras Vice-Presidlent of the,1u L ) y c Flo eriG ed1into thvied a litte tail nsn rvnca sscaion s ability E OWMý,AN VILLE, ONTARIO nGiended up in the saine sean, îacogni hip Thsisitso mmch the cu jt o iivy ýi en-lo-eDrnnizatkioa as weil a~-l1( aIy pr bd~ reeders _-_thù're i.Y(,! kCounity Soil and cnop Imiprove- >geefa mes.But at the -a!ine time ment Asso,0ciation., j ot f theJrherds, if not pdged aremae p o cwstha1-cntraeThe new VicePrsdet yri j This enales thle fa erthe err burstiilkes o hlploifte faim FRESILFH IS EGTAL-RC1?E bttnidea of just wha iFIs eows "are m____ ____ý,tolilpo __________________________ ' ito do shnit cre oflhî 7_____ ____ j the lkpail .1 and it also 'm iakes fo r ~rgne argrin................b 9.Iateiik teedi ae o lb. tins dalV tecosme- I Çlar's Po~k andBeaums, 20ý, oz. ins, 2 for...3e utr I Clve huse Tompato Juice, '2 -- 20 oz. tins...3. And thefier whowns ef rdoyhov 'cda I ou,ý,ry Kist Cut Gold1en Wa.x Beans, 2 - 1,5 oz. 19e uclvs cain stl leeuisclstefLo~,CostDo wn D r. ~1ad~Cap.nDog Food,2 ins....5. bhsadgtcosbe sfr......... ....25. d fairlv weil :1as me-t pouesfrS a ihs lsias. johnstrn"s paste Wx;............. l1b. in 59e. jtesokad. __ ayBt yo Hose, 60 ParIIv Soap, 4. bars for........ ....... 29e.,, Jr Farnier's Tenth srn sae.Pair for I ~ sPlastc Cusions ith fil] Provincial Conference. WE K[ - TRS r47fY t ~ I NEXT I vrolio Weekly Timpes PHIONE 9r1 ORON-o Build Another With Inisurane Yen ean't protect yourself a-o gainst such hzrs...but yoî' can gu(ard against cojaplete loss. insuratice is always your[ bes-t 4et. CLI CALL ~~ ~ N.F. PORTER I ¶other's Day ie BEST, send CeuWs, Iaer's Day :ing Caris >our large stock of Cards 5c., 10c, 15c, 25e. to 50e eaý . l}ay Gift Suggestions and PENCIL SETS iriced~ at $3.50, $4.50 $7.50 and up.I 'S and SAUCERS ýd f romi $1.50 to $6.00 rBILL-FOLDS ----$1.50 to s,4 ' 5 IR BRUSIJES, e.$L.25 te) $3.91 MAAN'S FLOWERS First in quality and price. 4ock Thursday lMorning Please Order Early LANTS........ -----$1.50 to $3.00 LUT FLOWERS i S-1-00 Roses d07. $4.00 anld $5-00 - ------------------ $350 aud $4. 1 -..... .. .. t900, $3.00 and $4.00 1lore Oron% Ont. Phone 68 delecgates to Abra T. 1,. IHhlliard, Asso;ýciate Director cf Agrcutuecontin-ues as Secreta-iý Treasuxer. Other miiemubersof theA Pi vinia Excutveelected at the 'Annual meetin~g we: RusselMcll- ister (Carleton),ý W;ison ( Dur- ham), Bill Sanders (llaldimanýrd) and Kay Fegsn(Elgin). tON MOTHTER'S DAY MAY 9th Thurs. Fr1. and Sat. eRuibber Mlats qize 18 i1ii. .SALER PRICE ...$1.00 ~parmertscolors of .~69c. lig Style, comýYplete with I ted co ors.....15c. gauge, 15 dénier, latest is, assorted colovs . 89e. ISPECIALS Il PECALOne Monarch White Cake Mix, one Pie CrustMix and one gûki.en yellow Cake Mlix Ail for ONLY ................69c. Puffedl Wheat, Peter Pan, 8 quart bag for ...25e. Ogilvie Minuiite Oats, à lb. bag for. ....5. Lifesaivers (5 flavours), Fe packages'........ 25c Aylmner Fancy Dew Kist Peas, 1L5 oz. tins, 2 for 35c. Shiredded Wheat, 2 packages f or.......... 33c. LUýONO 5r-.TO 1-OO STORE Y OUR FIRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTRE should prompt you to eall upon. - -us i time of sorrow, We- stress simple beautiful serices that proye consoling to the bereavedl. iFIHARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERAL HOMt P s !ir? Wr? Orolio. 0;v' ilhone 18r2- - ~c~ ~w~wô~ - --

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