The Bowman ville- West Durham ÂADVISORY COMIMITTEE 0F THE Cai~din Ntioal nstlute focr the BlîJ IS NOW ýTMAKING JITS F or e.Fun.iý ,ids I-n W est Durhm7.amrl You are asked te give generously to help to car-ry on thle work for the Bl-1-iud in this area, oj N NEW SP RING DRE$: New Spring 'Dresses. Latest styles and inaterials.Colors grey, navy, mauve, rose, sand. Size 11-221v2 Priced at.......$5 U5-$22.50 Ail puýýrse Coats, loose or fitted style, colors grey, sand, blue. Priced at.........$26,95 We have a _good selection of Spring IIats in Milan and f ancy straws, au.l new styles. 'Price........ $5.95-$S8.50 Nylonx or rayon Gloves, plain or frilled, coilors blIack, navy, red, wie mauve, Price......$1,00,$2.25 Shoes in Puimps oxfoürd. Price Tennis Shoes fo- children. Pric e Children's Cotto wîth pattern, size 1P Cottoin Dresses Priced at ...... Cotton BlouseýQ broadeloth, slub rayý Priced at . ....... New Prints in S' terns. Price. .. I-ARM!RONG 'S YoujJ Shop "1-1_ýgwith Confide CORNSH I~~ ARN LowiPrices Goodl OFF-EPl IIME-SLUITER Repeai pca Lean YyïMlnced Beef 2 ibs 49c Sllcred Bologna, lb.......25e. Fresh Tender CALVES LIV ER Lb.........39c« FA'NCY BANAN AS, sniooth firm, golden 2lbs, ...,33c, Service Quality, 60 Oriange Pekoe Tea Bcg 15 bags FRýEE-Bioth Fr Pillsbury Cak' PILLSBURY CAKE IMIX Favorite, As Advertisec frey. Chýocolate, spice, -i Special Price .... Sniow C! ý' FROZEN PI, ity,Pack-age.. . Buv the Best - Buy Ca- Campbell's Celery Soup, 2 Campbell's Veg.-Beef, 2 - LCING SLJGAR, Red Path Crown B3rand CORN SYI1 Regular or Chubby