CAMERA THAT'S SMALLER THIAN C,9GARETTE-LIGI'TER Temillion;, o itr-or wb sw hat delightfu1 'lfimn briijantý and beauiful you BrilaitactessAudrey Uep'burn, willreember thaIt while qihe hng not to be a princSs, se was r-!e ogn1i7ed y an A e r ieana nevwpaper maxi, Gregory beck, slo got a PMlatotke photo- gra;phs of her witout her knmw- lng it. The àcamrerla titis nman usedwa about the shape sud sze of a cigarette ighter. To throw hier ciff ihe scent, Ine put a cigarette into bhis muttQdk outthe camra ndprVeteddto be atally he as tak-ing pcue ccfhberhe cam~era could not, )f"oure li his ciga-rette. Ris- pal) gave hiim a liglit on thle preex tht he îhtr idIn't -Now lmost polI pretty lua hou-ght ita îycmr asjust Pa filmsunThr couJfldn'Vt, they feit, beacmr so smnal that cuuld take sucit excellent picures. Well, there is, you ,kniow. And Ipave on exactly ijke ilwrteRT. J. in ntey in"TtBs. The pictuiresý Sharp and Clear Lei me tAI you about Ht. The caeais umade etirely f& verýylglt bright mnetal and is, le no h)eavier than cgaete g. ighIter. It isthe inches longie adone incht wîde. 1My cgrte lîghter is nearly as long and haif aýs wd gi.The il,ým used is net quéeiteyofifhs of an inch ucr ide, and just overlm C, feet Ibig long. ý,Oi-Ath-is it ta3kes f:ifty ex-~ oing psrscd fthem xteml .sest tiny cof Course, But the imgwe aureSharp and clear, There arý nearly three h-uni- )ipes dred springs iand whelsýzuiçl its, ii ens and, metai. The leýns is, AL ofwide angle and extremel-y CW on enisitive. The cmr can be they -Uyused 0at quite close ranIge, as cil- cldose ias eight iincites Ëfron tit ~'dily face f the person photograpt *w~ ed -1al tlhe dsacsaevery ng carefflly imarked [anýd thec amnera y, ho an be adjusted' quite easýiy tu exitit One rfootniOrne foot f our inches k of frLom itlite bject (or to jinfiity> beforebeing put into oeration. Titis close wo,-rk is, 0f course, very uiserfl for copying docu- mewnts and the camea-s hindeed, usdfor- this fw orm of pyin-g in ihe filma "The Thief,'> ofwhh f cie Ray Milland vus tite star, .ng. The sPeeds, too, rare onf an ~fcd astionishing rng.You jýcan work i.un5i as stas oe-hosadt u ui- second and slow jit down to haîf and a Second or m-ore if you hose versai Anid tite actioni of the trige l I hnostinadbe ooycould posbysuspect ta yuwere taking laPicture> u!nles,> of, ..te couseyoDU held Citutoyour eye; ner'distmnt in filiew Buît intlo ithe cm there 3 noi ît , iIje'ýP C hume. the othe o)iýrnge. These ýrcfor 11n potgrp.gc-louds gand sno,,w lues cene, whchthougit l Istln gt visible on t'he film, elre hûles wit amazng carity. ient in You would think -I kow1 su- did - titat this cmea as n res- m sc p u o under eovddrn h a re ansa s face ' fromiJai li thie ~ - titosec ii~ct0r e cm - ............ sona..l- .. ... miitry ad serialeouý is, tance- war. The mrodelI have a r, was îmadC-lxirigwhc latecaia of tt aaîlan almowst uOiknoV,7r staeq f atl on Cles!dc Un)-til the outbreak 0 waùxx 93,Latvia a anIndpndI att.RusSia seýized if a ktth adit 1reminc-ld i usa hand unil ticGerma.ýn attaCk on Russia by 1Hit1Y ier la 941, WThcnthe Germjan armisswept- titrôugh Latvîa, the chiefs saý the facitor,V,,wercentacdby Iitr;errled i t smnfcuet WeFt1Z in tce very heart M After the war, Wîasyfël in)to the zone occupied by -ý!U,S. top.They saw thecaer andW mavlldatits ngnut andlits capabiUltesroutn was stepped up and thousands 0f tit cameras weeshippedav"r- seas, for sale iii.C,1aaa ndth United States Soe CIamed lymeet it-tc ueerýest ims. Atý -o Hucknll,,Notis, last ar o r-ow cuýt from ,a fml' ar~ ably from iga7ses foi-r. inid the over1-ripe futcmltl wrieckinjg Somecrcry Tr:agLicall-y, at Liverpcol oe yeax-o)ld lchild mwas ki lD b tyre urst. TiaUiebyw. playijnin his fr'ont gxdnwe af lorry passed by, Thetreex ploded dfirectlyopsiehm and he dicdfrom înjurîe At Epping Forestiv tw Christ niases agoa a man an.d his wife, sitting in their gar, had tii e mis fortune to be charged by lhrýd 0'f deer. The lea)de, a nuul jy aggresive buck, ranmmed tieir car wî,-th schforce that i w il boinhg d0iri - biiThvhr charged after It and the luck- icas couple ound îtesle assailed bDY a forest cf ah'n hoofs, strikig therofa.s thudding iirouglhe 'X sido"s. The itusand escaped bounne, but, is ifinjured c le rObs.itad Io go to hopxtal A dimwth an ltgtie brighter 1aspeCt1r, nfe rn the Belgmn Congo afie a rmorn- ist itaýd bumpeD -jinito hpp tamnus. I fillirg in i ca form, ite regrettedtatu hr aryhaid on titis caiise- ted, before lhe cofld gtpri cjilars. ý, The unmsunce ag"n Huclknall, Noit, ls yv, o in! tîs ca-se the us2-ua ,kjý for nock agreemce'iad applued! Carz !ysis is- supplyin-g the SI o~ csh f which wiIInot b-e ko l19553.