n vC twhe1 t s b t When t real stmer heat, comencsone, shouki make a, fewchagesin the regular lw poving plan ie-nd in (moCst prtof5 taso 0f wathner ilja Julyand g ro wth wethethmoer goes muabove 75, Icose uunc nershould cut lessote tý,îhot eahe and atso set th 1 ' mowr bgher And even i f vw thesprngit is a good plan to Jet heilie weethey fliluth sune.They- wivlj uakea 'lul ch h itelorngerJ igraý,s s wl protect thle root"s4romf1 r ly sum1er vwhen thé ni'gh'ts get fairly warm i the best imeiý tapply thîc chemtical wdkii brr. Ued vith reasonable ,cre, It is mazinghow these ,villA IOe~r~ ip wîeOtdneinplantain and 1 um4 i r. xcp,,J montbroad leave7,(fweeds. One ý g'w- mA-! ovDeuw a should cover the whole lawn bt tucked; skirt Le iiel4e tlirq."a on utbe careful to miss any I eof soit e-gaUîoe.,s flow rs rshru. b' eas _________________ egifclt kI L hem. For a reall PrrWteg job ona i'ïhôuld q1mays repeat he aterirng thegrnwllpo xpra n i~abcout three wee-(ks ably b, fe neSsary aV Otimes jr toamot'tme hS second J uly andICIAugustý .elee a lot appicaionwill catch th1ose isaks reae by hoe n weed whih h~e sprouted famliliar it the is i. frmsec ince .the first treat- likes fpansieldn awAv ment. Itisi.best to keep ne grass. Ont, thorouýýýgh Isoaking eraye'r for thOis \Weed klig thtwl ake tise mçisture owtV1 b wsne , ony, othel.>rwis onle acouppeofi ncise' is erh mutbe môt areful to wash dzen:i spriniklings and -t wil] ~ acin adnozzle toogly ls or smetime'. Srnl bef.r uing for any otjheýr pur- neype-r get:s thsemituedowr- pQ5~. more thanj a fraciw)oi ofn incih Thej1y jned .sýuptitand the r-oots mu1tLcorneUp tu ~.wet p a anê tistaller ~seula gadenSorsand â'lso. other limbers wvill need sup3port B'orn1e people seciicken wire. orel tennis nets or strin-gs, bt ~ betarmatria isbrush if2a ýupplycnb. obtained. This l usedf rmy~in the g rourvi 1011Kthe ows and before is 'h4elolix~ rs from tret bakhle the b taterbç orswll alQ enefit frim o15 1v tid ot eof way' s oi aupo't~epe.a1y wee.WiId brodngchckbutwt oe com- rse rainis are ]hable to dà prs ih h conec esisab", tomedamge. fte stae~ . eyi . F Jinkhoiuser-, YellCo. lûtj shoterthas th plat i Ark asreported îin the P1 Ila higli anrd dr in hosvibè dpia rm ornl suficiLt.Tise plants eretie ehsbroe 200 ii te isee losly wi sif wie, ( furbroocîd)o l o rafflaran 'ey of tise spedail tIt esthnahî-en efhc lng mtral odby seed soe. HsIiilcs frptig~ h leWýith ow :b u s h y plants Ue labbrodes igurod out aboul ponissmeiesahoop M ocns e r "bu h wirworwood is poed bu ae sohrbooes"sy them and a foot üor ,o above tiseý1 grond )InEngland arVoun11drý Fniose.Hr' hwlemd phlnius theystick i t s throdrs tise planit gosa bou t iis and He PutILin c an Jý_ isjiùgit ,~u bengfii'ml 5U sais1,000)chicks. F'innt ie put p ort>1ed 'lu st ths e Most dwofu ic e u inders oî. Iele owdas t ake -.th.irt wsedga and coVe're-d il maes.Uugl asxto ee wtsbulig e.Then he footstak isdriven firmlyii tis gousd whn he omto pouràed on t1wo îincises of in- planti set out Abe o ever sulating cnrtanid on top of fotrof grelou ist. m i ted ,r that, twmo 120-foot leagth.s o ýf shos arb;j eiped off Aideo- îg cable. Then hènetoppeýdt tb ward th endof isesummr ,cabe witlh twio lmore incise, of hatemauritof efLirit hceui oncj,,-, É rnote main tem l -aiso nipped. t c R 0 D8. i. tn PI UZ7-ZE 9-Er :il~ui 2e. ot mor 4, 1Sica ACi p E 51n 2.Up~ed Ib~~ 1. Sanls coi epeker ndal 44. ' iFil,