9 v -w ~- t Tenwitouta mwýo, he puon t fThA haby atLndEcotrndXe, L mission Abroad Accomplished F s> ute.it moniths und 30,000 miles 9agoaunique collection of 52painiigs oft 22 Canadian Cities took to the air for at two -continent, 15 -country inteýrnational goodwill tour. palntied especloIIy for The House of'Seuqrom by di- tinguished Canadian artîst, these original canvases wvere on an utiusual muission-to stimulate a dee-per interest ipv things Canadian, and to earicCeI~ frienidilieFs and broade£ uinderstaading for- Canada by showing the peoples of otherlands the impres.- sive aspect of our urban centres from coast toý coast. Th is mission bas now been accomplisheýd. Every- wvhere it has been shown - ini Sac, Juan,Hana Mexico CityCcs, Rio de jan- e-iro, Sao, Paulo, Buenos Aires, Monte- vieRome Londlon, Paris,Geva Stoc:kholm, The lHague, lMadrid-the Sea.grama Collection of Paintings of Caain Citieslia-s n'iade new friends for Canada anrd has left behind it vivid im'pres- sions of oùir land in the mids. of dhe moreta 21i5,000 peop]ie cWho visitedýtiis colourifl collection oý,n exhibition, This wides;pre«d public attention stimiulated by the Seagrama Collection has created a mountring interest ini Canada and Caniadianis by bringing to people of othier lands a, realization that ours is a vit-il, growing lanid-- land of tremenldous .natural. resources, and( remiarkable humran achievement. Now back in, Canacda, the Seagram Collection of Pintings of Canadian Cities wil shortly ebr on the sýco>nd phiase of its tour-a tev-husn miiile, wo-year cross-countryviitto the cities ofCad. j ~ Thus Canadians wï i hve -,t op oonnt f sehgat flrst hanIld these 52colourful (Canain wasdr Zhe Jtou5e >ofSe.rm