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Orono Weekly Times, 20 May 1954, p. 1

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'~~.18 No, 17 Balance 0Jf $731.00 With Cburch Cear 0f tMortgagelq The ,uiniing of the motag)fý ing one of citizenis who practice co-1 flh3 rnoUnited Churin1pr-oved aopeaiin.The Ï1:on. John F1ooteV.. momientouls ocsifoi the onjgre(- M P ,,commendied thecmunt gation and iheir vonyf 1edswo and thieil. minisýter. for the fine show- joined wih hem i i hir copiLet. rO lthree'short yearýs LEe peopie ýo'f he'W.lLlph ad letters Of* congrtu ~omuniy hvewith Caithfiul out-,l ten rom Mr. Johni M. James, M.P.1 I -iasadeeaed:hi,$0,>. ndte 1ev, S. Tp. TucAer., a form-ier r menîded o ymn .ondy ve- uragtell nirîlte Choir re-1p îing andpn d to as a ien)ai-kfAe dered ananiemi"owthn-nk we1al1" ;achievemrent for thecomuntyinbour (God!!. Mesda1mes G eo ge Carson sucb a short period of timie. f and A. A. jrmodsn duett, dE P'ic Èo 11, .Jve±15 The eveniing was Ipresidýed over boy eLe unch us sreda1hecnluinquestionsî Pem Jhn Ktche. RemF. JReclosed wi Rev.Joh Kiche. Re. F J eedof the nmeeting, inL he Sunday School son and Tead the scriptures while 1ev. DonaldAdtoim Lute lent! in prayer itli the choir-- and congregtion clianting Se Lord's g F~rayer. .ewcasle liuonettesAssait Mr. Williami Riddell, treatsurýer of ias etr la the church, gave a inef historicakl s eï'ý- I sa aketeli of the churcl beginnhini - 1862 itli the erection A et hPark z cebrslpaliet chldra i inC Streê United Churel. This churclioi and Dur-ham couinties wil'1 bený wbich was burnt in 1950, after the re- ' uni an exýercise table presented dedication, cost rgial whhH cent!ly to the Oshawa and Dist tirnishigs $3,0t)0.0., It was dedicated oeeral Palsy Centre by the N, on Sunday, Decemiber 14th, 186? and castie Lionettes. on Mloniday a supper was beld realiz- i Stur-di1y conïstructed by W. Fryý ing $1,200.00 wvhich witli donationsOsa, the brighitiy painted ta- left only $0. outstanding agas witb ,an inset mnirror, wilI amiuse Mhe buildig. chUldren whule they strengthen co-ordinate armn and! leg miuse Mr. Rdêl thai referred to theWegt verying froin one haif to ft .renvation of the Paxlk Street UnUitedPounds are attaclied to hand and churcli in 190it a -ost of $3Oi,0puileys. whicb w-as iaestr-oyed b)y fire a -wNeeýk' Mis. George Waltoa aýnd Mrs. CI~ follo-Ning trie dedicatiqn. On Mondny, Kno-x of the Newcastle Lione, February 29th the congregation de-! lie the parade of organizatio, --idec to. buil a new churcli and the' charities that have donated eýquipnf,, pl-eselt pýlan -,as adopýted1 on April 10. a 10 funds ho the centre The Rt A Ublhtz cmpaîga followed on Ap)ril club liais given encouragement and 15tlâ wlen $25000 -c as raised fwon tlieFirefighotes'Asseoiio 10%c the emmunity The Orono Uintedly donated a wbeel chair and Churcli was completd and deicated IODE will soon bring several prz on September 9. 1951. isled pieces of equipment to the Cet MrnO, 1W. Iloli, finance commnittee at' Simlcoe Hall. gave the fnacual rport and referre Nursery, schooling, crafts; their suppotore the jeb instories are hicuded in Tnesdayi M~e "otofthe ns . . ~jF'riday afternoon gr-ouipato whiclf co-.ýt'iletiols )6772'7 hldrn fron eieghrt iionths toi isidane cnriuinou1,91 years are brougb~t by paren-ts. Tint .Notes................... -- 1200.0 or-tationi ' liatrd to find nnd ni, are unable to rèach thre centre -. ........91 63830oftn.Apar fromn theraiat vi>î, the Cenýtr-e haconduci(ted almiost Total Eponditi-es (hush.,vely by the mYotheýrS. Balance after ail accounts raid $7.*3117, W-ith tlie hulpof mnnjy eh,- MsisW. Jl. rîdeland O. Wbe'manizainsand hope of frý IRopliwer a ainst~v i te 5~assçistanýce, the Centre wiîll cont ces ul finacial achievment of tMeie (0progess from the smaH gp' buding fuad. Ê'that, 'lairlessýat on nwppv RMddell h Untemortgare with rep-. etnsja year atgo. re~nttLesof thle coggiïtionle-! _____________ ingprsetb~te fr1ont ofil the chiurcli, I1pe~e.aie eeAA. D um innClerk of Session; M. Hu Sapmle, X r z~ iUi à Taibyn Ca mc oadof Tius 1 1e trees; Mrs. A. A. Drmrnmoi, Presi- Bet, 1noniorea W dent WMS;Mrs. E. rai ,Presýi- derit Evening Auxiliary-; W. B. H1oar, ~aitman us,ýhering; in Au. Tie spacious hi)ome Of Mr. and MUrs.evnga Chdr Pesidnt. Paul Rutherfod awUd Lawrene Hooey, beautifully decor- happy couI Dou~glas Lyvcett broughtin l a cr-ystal ated with spring flowers and the on the fori Oandlebra withligited cadie lwich dining-table witb pnk st- ; rs ~vn used iin tlis ceremony. was the scene of' a ha'pp.y occasion Irbn N. F. Porter, in ban1diag over lat Friday evening, Ma,.,y 14th whea thre Buildng Coi-yttee's Books Trttus Degroot was snrprised with a, statedt tIt in alt HaId heen a ple- Bridai Shower of miscelaneous gifts1 sýure to act as secretary for the corni- by a large numý--ber of ber.j Dutch.,Can-1 mnittee. Thre books were rcie by' adian friends and her local Orono Mr, N. F. Porter, secretary of th1e fr'ienýds. Officiai Board. I A Bible was pesented to Mrs. On becr arrivai, the happy bride-to- Porter for lier uintiring efforts as. be was escorted to the place of hion- secýretary, by the congregation. The ~;anjd reeted with a corsage, as preýSentationi was made by Mr. O. W. was lier motlier. After greetings ani lOipli. beat ,wishes of the g-atherli'g w ireetngs were received Sfom ai expressed to Truus by Mrs. J, Tami- tunher Of congregations wheYti-, blyn, Marie an-d Johinnie Uooey ant! bote was paid te the local congre- Jean Tamiblyn carried in a large bas- gal'ýio n for the fine acivmn.11ev. ker of prettiily-wrapped gifts, also eny Mellow, ciairman Oshawanemeparer articles indcdng a hianil- Presbyter, referred te)the beaut& soute tri-hli mpThe bride-tebe and oliness of the churcli and ,sat - asgrahsupsd and tbriled at tlua' as God prosers 0 dees"11n. tilier first experience or the Carj- iRev Andrew Enlstace, under whose, adian cuistomi of pro-nup,,tial showers uinstry the churcli ws bulit pointed SIre opened encli git, thanked every- ont thewoefn spirit nld faith of onad then ail the ladies ývisited to- the conre gthon.11es d that he si gethr until the hostes ase ited by consderd te Uite chrcl luthe bride's sister, Mrs Bouwmueestejr-, oronlo as isý home churci. 1-j!. is.ffisc -l'ls. Lutna, Mrs. Wat- 11ev. A. J. Fishier, who ivhisdi soMrs. 1Reid and Mris. Tamnblhi tahEc charge ha Newcastle, sent eut the served a daiaty lunch, halgefor tihe local congregation te look foi t,ard tu the needs of otheus and tMat with no debt of their owai, During the evening bier fiancé, Mr, there existed a grent opportuithy to Clorneis Arie Bos, and ber father helpohes The reaewal of spfirit, were iaitroduced tu thre ladies preseati was voiced by the Rev, D. R. Dewd- I aned lber brother, RJarry took a niu- ney, of St. Saviour'a Anglican churcir, ber of pictures of the gloup teuen as beiag evident ha the village upon i home te their frieindsanad relatives in the building of thre new churiicli. Mr. Holland. F'rank Rickard bronght greetings from the Newcastle Unritedl Churcli anr d tribute te t % 'village ns be- ! Everyoae lad a iniQt enjçîyable The WX Attended At On the occasion of Lheu Church ehDebt, Sun "as a day of Thaiký omeand e veniln2 LI;eu1c fioto i . itnlayed a zdges reti s sungIý, zesfor- w.. Rev. Dr. Telford of Ohw assis- five ted Rev, J. Kitchen wifth the inoriin~ Aene service and z;ajd he was glad to have lagg, a part in this beautiful Sanctuary. th DrIeford -,as present at the time :ants of the laiying of the corner atone fo, kaby the new cliurch, he remarked onj the Bill.[ monderful persevering.- efforts sho-wýn r of on thql part of the corngregation to boshave the circh al paid for in four aMd year's' timie. M.any churches carry a% two 10,an1for years. and For hîs text, the guest speakcer Itg took"Wa hast thon in this bouse ;ters 1 lthat makes it a building". Wliat do0 thiý yon prlled before the people to fulfil the th eir wants, The chuirch lias endieýsa us" vitaiity that neyer changes. In this ave house is the Breadi of Life. -What lias and religion to off er mnen? The oppor- t're tunity, to dicipline. Every education1 of iscsd on interest. In this religions e-house, we fini! a g-uide for our tre .0; endous emlotions 'to heip direct Our Glen asO 11 a:. nid wOegind tek-0ox thie upie plan to\e ive ner 0.on, rimer M. Sberwý-ii farm. giveýn hy ' it is ,easy" E. DuLval ing: closed hiha Humnlig 0f D 'Shows tihe bur )pli, Mrs, N. F e iglit. Pictu

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