s 1= They Live By Themir lWits ïc ticet acf fIat great tigiters bave sa ai en proved po(war ma- agers. For sanie reason, Ymen. neaVped lis tic ring by scores et biard igîts %id il impossible î( raspan Éfatknweg info flic heada ai-ifisf s Ya-' box- ers uýýndecrtirmnae n. No anc Iewill disýpýu e cfc fIýat Sam Langiford was a g-reat 1ilgter, He was offen cialled ticý uncrowncd king afticelreavy- wigits. Ticre was .nthng tic big fellow dd0'tknow about, boxing. And 1no onc could it wny Liarder, OJne day 1 aidsni boughif m self a piece af anal ler figiter atjiflus became a'lmanager i pa,ýrt ncrship wth avtca i ic ,pbusiness. Sam's ncw ruiser, -uadehils nexf figît ',in feie bu xinýg a-, Juarez. Tic fciilow lis ise other- cornier wýas a vey tougi lamne. Sana lbsdeferencoc Y caupeniarexpenience, icetils part-iser tale char-ge. Afer tic flrsf roîun, San-'s panlner lcancd over flc nopes tw give adle taeibd boy, antiSam lifndaitfcnfively,. "ok i, eaid Samr's parfiser, "a'egt ting lit mis a left Mou. Wat cl euf, for thé plunch"Liý fic partner. ý tWa o you an getnhit with a liýt honas wlihe Adon' even know abouit Mt Any time a man ges lt with a ki)et hak ncilied knowJtf,0then he wants ta )gDt Plumb euf af tise bxn u ness -an)d git himsel ajob on a farm!"ý Aiteýr tcsecondrondl wiv habeen iurioausly tought, Sains fie yonse."aeit leas y' kd"lice and Yo'efrd Again O)ld Saini srxJ ho is h1-aC and c on3trvý ibýu t edcis tw cents worth. , stMani, wliat for you tAHldec by he'ired?" le asked. -1 "If lie' tred, don' h know i? "You mmd yurown bus? nlcss!",barked (Sam'ispats. "Puildo the advisng li thîs A short but bitter a.rgumnent foiiowed on this remark. inaliy flic pantner tircw up lis hand& in disgust and left thne ea aýbandc)ning ils fg it t fe tender mre if aid Sam Lang- fard., D.rive ith CCarE wxay ta I, in tie a pp roval1 o! fanýidom.a' Rather tiserevers-,e. Uc ascapl2tl indffret liter ta pýý flaudits o eers and1ho ecate in his eyay ac tfthei sprt igurýes ïa;omloved ta hatg. W 'e vle as clldbakinoaser vice r is$U,Oprerjoasa aaider ýma whafuhad danre a fl ic icom"batflng a man whose big erig oe cud'tls uch l1ner And lie had ta give(up eerthn and'go bc awr ta Armny (catainý's pay. Bu aibIemy werc e digtasfa lTdWl lianssait Mycase is flott1iunusua'. Alot(tdm(n4 esiee are bcing called back teý service, andÈ a týo areIaigpetal money, tao. It woulc be ce ta wake Up Sansb iaro-1n;i an 1usd ail tlie wE»>'d at pea'îce. But men aruc bcin eean f its my turqs, Its zny turnYý And vwhat a job he did ai 'gcttngjir slf ack i'oshp en1d ai last seAsc)r! Theýn camne that brokn shoIulder-Iln tefrs 0miue i 1i954 pr.actice, Framthtacdnthrdvlpda w 0id1i1tonwilliamns, ith. man Iwho QsupposerJ% dly idntge alngwihsparts writers, wanted ina part 91 hem., Ai ter the acdnlews"vise wyfo h lb house for Dan examî.Y-nation ta eterm"iline thelextent ai te msp.Helei nhsbsblyatwt ag lne Laor we I wstfime t r turstateelbauether-S suggLested that Ted instead go rgl t t Ins liviýng urcr" avoid thicrwdand ita re.st. R'ut hi,-însiAd n ù trnn-li mediately t ise wbail park "eaueail t 'thewrtes not0C is baseba'l'and ilis-,armedcombný-at Wllam as b h!nRa wa-y, the case ai ed Willias la îlot uni tat ai Jae Depse. A log a li wa chmpin, em-psey wa-Sý fa ta ppla, u atr iWS eten lýu ie b e epulic Iadom fraln ' canomla lietatOnetestreorsthudedg tanamba awa D rS Tngioiy ta b i si 11dE. Toughta,15oc Dead For 23 Vears For-fntex ldi ta ia Mat aida risaflo isadamother whsoufori23 yurs inosurnfo fel baby sn si ot gnfny Now sve ismhad ette ta Shortl uerflic bvi jr',oanser so ï,niac, afdashs wayverailin, aic yingMWnxsus1 cane of lis nurseu flic mi CalainiaCviag wie1h. famil lad een lving franco lad te victim ai an Mifh chl, Suc As bunabie ta gravel nete4 os funeral. edhai y farncéor on ti anivesaýrr aihr deah, sh a 5& lue unh wi-jut aseifo sic eltravlld a ispe C i reiSan tîresaid lera - awnbab i tc piemc up acnusdtIc annuallunh 0f Whtc o rases teoraerti Gianfanco rew v i. srng and hcifiy frm '-laourer ien lisThfoter-motserfeiW itoem foaeErotc pe. Wndmae aMfui sued bJeSpain. Th-eýy vwere clld pîces aifeight, because their val- ue waýs div,(idedûaigît sal e', co, ins.Alilheecoýr, inscu- îlted fr,*eel-y in the coonies i bath Nri and Souýth mria caled dolars. Whnthe Unîited Stat[es hadýu been iormed, tic Word dollar was adopted deitcl or 1Ifs unkita congbut tCesig-î for ic nhewé pîca cightThis sign shwed thecIfigue 8 (which strongly Ce- smlstrie etter S), rssdby ai erulsthe gateway between the rMediterranean ank d Atlntc a',iJth suthrnos tîp aiSpin Thus the doctllar sign ,i.rcaliY lbas ntigta d0o with týIc letter S, narwas if, sme peaople le- liee, rignaly fo'redby plac= ing a narraw U over an S ta farm tic mnogrmoaitheUnite 'No o eisqute'sreow this, tourm began but there arc severlj lnteresfing stories about itsor- gin, COne vrsonwa ade popular by, aln eican humi-orv. sthosaid tatAnidrew Jv ack- soth evenfiei dent i t United States,used tcexprs sion oncofiiaipapers as an ablreiatonai "On arec. During a prsiden licampIga Jackson's palitical eniemiies seiz- cd upn tis stor'yttr1jy tcý-amae appear ignoran1t. One a oi ty teils us that Jackson signed lîegal ,papers u wij thefi nta cause the R mnay have looked 111Èe TK, tic iorist had material for ihis littie joke. The Ttinins may have gven us the term An In1dianchifOid Ke""iokuk5,v;was! accustomed f0 igning papers wil isinitiais, Thle Choc"taw, Ind,,ians have a wrd okel_, whii eans "Lt1is sa,_ and uïn no othe way" Bt reardlssof ifs oxigin, the expression is wideiy uset,ýoday ta sign)ifyalrgt or corect. EenlinPome frigni coutries, as France and G'er- anif lias become ,part ai thc commnon speech, SEDfori e ureyGid. eS h Holiand, nR.aexP, lh e,«m. Our104 mdesuaBs beet o , e Soav ever prou.ryte- h er TWEDLî CHCRHATHE1ES(T %AUG SP A -sowTAMus paXEOW ier,sing m aIe iedc battety both ned to rStr. ee musle, rtay lwncnoerAiiahle, veryreatnabi. R.O MeeeChorcet 12 LARE New om Wu$1 02. 2 ot lnporedFrnom arfme 8.95-30 Razo Blaos 1,01 7.tnayack uar 'ser.cifcal UNRESRVFIDdispesai aCtion rs donJMaAitsoa! SpOsiIs.EIL-A gtr rcs ù;ANIRRSE Î'. a irdres raid Âmsrioa's Geatai S e IlistrtedCatloueFr The R Rom deau eSt.. O Foa ., 'r stage faelr eAnd hom Wie Wiie age. Sarorugh Road, e spotsoERnGBiA a'ma For itBo 28 u geu ri e NUUSblNeRV SOEVe ts, V iking, à La tham . %'àV e Ron vÀ No buII-,Ket At eolG Baiksý, ight. finids it safer, if lets s pecclr, tfpo, t pacses nb Los Angeles bunl- fIghn scaod with the aid i 4a ondwelarwiecon.. traptin ratr than with a l!ive buli. Wheeled by inntruiclor maria McManur dte Auli e4.eýd by 1the cape as Banýks N s N N N N N __ N 'N N 'N N N 'N 'N N N '4's N N LB 'N 'N iuW~, "t N N 'r N se N N N aeh~ N N ou. 'r' zema~ N csamg' odou. . N hbOriO N N N N les aie N N N N N ueOL 'r 'N wage, N dnaté5 N N N N ~OL8 N N 'r Magie 't fadaI'. '7 Tor- N N Foui. N ~hanaO N isians.. N N sephai... N N cuuas~ N N - N N N otit'~ , N traC. N ci At- 'r.- 't yPa- N «Uni- , N toua- N N N b Saluxe N taioauo N ix t<2~ N 'arsoti- N r COR- s maf N tisetiaS 'N i Max- N N 'ouace~ N ,y bap~ b medi- N i aicO- N Lt&, b N St siaseet N Street. N anadaA N write. 's ViseuR- N N = N gsI NN N N nokes~ 'N ai '000, ni