215(w tinst for J21lc M 6 o1 Z for pk1. 16 leim foerc IS s w1hioe or end as Chic ken [Stz' niait Len S ieye SaIm on ..... 3 1 s'wift'S Prem, round .. 3)e, GAFAC 20 oz. týis Tomato Juice-, 2 for . 3 IGA 3 lbs. 4 oz,. WCi'LKiNS()N lb. pkIg. Licorice Alsorts...... 39c ANGELUScolored or white, 16 oz. Marïsh ma low S,.........37c Sar-atOga 5O-z. Potato chips. .. .. . . . C MIRACiýLE 16 ozs. SadihSpread ..... 49e Nestle's Quik, 1/2 Ilb.. 29c. Plackag-e of 8 Dixie Cups ...... 2 for 27e Dpu (1H ils Ser-ves Six Pini Kits........... 25 c 30 Sachs. Snak ack ...30 -For 113c SlVFR ,R pk AT 71 FARM FRESHI Fruits anld Vç NEW POT-ATOES,. 8 for...... 39c. 5 lbs.. .. 35c. CreenOnionS 2 bunches 9c SIJNNIST, 288's Oranges, doz., 35c, Send A Boy To Canmp B3e suer te tuirn in your votes (IGA LABELS withtbegys naine on the back) Ask for furt 'her details at our store. Eaijoy lÀ . ducts andi send a boy to camip with ail expenses paid. IEDM11oo;MrlnQatilSit ln;Jean Montgomery, SOlina TAYLOR,-Aýt te osial o ck Ra 1onHoman, Mary Mclol, el- Children, Tor-onto, on Tuesda May corne. 18th, 1954, DriLoraine Taylor A Comuty oneuo eLmiat n beloved Oaugli r of Mr. nd Mrs. Pinwa presented toMayM ol Lloyd Taylor fnd sisterý f Ronald of 4thie Welcomte C or- the co(mple- and Douglas. DStIng at/ he . Br tion of six homema,,king club o - ts lo- uinra lHome ntil Frda-. "Exquisite" teaspoons iwere vre- May 21st, thice to Orono United sented 10eeycu emberwh Churcli forseic t 2 p.rn. Inter- succeý,ssful]!y cariedl on thie Meat ila ment Orono C-eile, y.1 the Mlenu pioject. The leaders and __________ asisantleaders each1 received two, CAR 0F HANKS tea!-1))lspoon ureon0i fteii 1 would lîkelto take this wopporu The Clubs voted to take the pro.- ity of thaihg those wvho assist ~jc Wa hhI~er"fr 94 la any way iihlpngto mawke 55. This is a study of your ward[roba Sale a succes on Saturday last Mi ad howý to buy and plain it atisýfLac.. pccillytheadies w,ýhOo se Yhgh -oily. The club members iach are te fuley entlnkg.a 1ke a blouse te sait their wardrobe- iic ly, 1rs.»W. W.si i. The entire pormewsco- Soccu, ivla. v. Aducted by Mrs. Marlon Montgomery,. - 1-0-11 ~Home Econioist, Onftr]io) Deparîzt- Ac hi Jemnie nyfay nment or Agriculture, assistedl by Mrs.. _i-Mabel Borgstron and Miss LTýeslie2 ter,, Rieta Bosbraaf, im Mri-Wa,1Hom0ne Eooit eli,Kedl Jo DeGeer,ý Lifford; Onie higliliglit of the daý,y vas the M1_ilyn F 1linto ff auIlgillnS te phen Son, presentation of gifts. le,-)Mis J ean Ilazel Wehhpr. Maple Groe:Freeda Noble, former Home Economlist f'or Brown, Doris Powell, Lois Scwid, Dur-hamn County. The ocalswmrnng ankw hch s in need of repair is ta have a ,i nc onrtebttmlaid in it lii Cthenear fulture. Thi's con- alo obemde~ndw udesan ha loeto ~2O.Oi ebe lIT A FOOD LLÂEY Pleez 1-2 lb