asý a m-ajor attraction to ang-lers this District over Listweknd season f<for the taking of these f Crisp Celery Ige. staIks Iee Cream .. tub 49c. Table-Talk 20 0?,. fine PIneapple, sliced tini 29e Treesweet 48 oz, tiffl - Orange Juice, .... 35c. JelIy Powders, 3 for 2.5e ,Milk-O P'owdered Skim. MîIk, lb. pkg. 35t. ni,,v itee ay Udy positions. U t Don't have yoiecar laid up too long for .ýsmall job.. Make an appointmient to get it f ixe bef ore it breaks ITanil story, The girLs served te-a fro a sel table cented ith spring fit, Mrs. M, H, Staples and' Mrs. Dmmodpoured tea. Congratullations to Mr. andi Archie McLaren on thie birth of onl SunayMa C)lOh. --and a it a very Mr. Mrs. (j a Sn~vecysu( Sa tuiïda y Week Mr.Lei- 1arearacing openýs for Ison at the 0Orono R c i ~K a eday, Une l9th. ORO ýl;ýý l"ITT A 10 the hospital lu .Toronito hir AdId a few more crisp washable Cottons to your SUM M ERLL~A Sumimer Wardrohe. FlS1ilp krS fresh new styles, ex(edIent quality cottons, Girl's sturdy Holiday denini Pedtal L'inen andCotton shorts, whOite -itrim. Pushers, button trimclbu, tan Priegd at ....... 32 Priced aýt only Bo s CGabardine Jackets, colors of Suminmer Shoes in Sandals, Oxfords, îavy and rust wit!ý white and check 'liPpers with strap, Loafers,, Punîps trim. Sizes 26 to 34. audMocasi. Pic at$ .5 t $750 Regular $9.50 NOW ONLY . $6.95 Boy's and Girl's Sumn mer Sportsxyear 4-piece Sport Qutfit made r navy h e plain or patterned cottons. Boy's 2- denim with white peari ttou M. plece washbesits'. Girl's Sun- Shorts, P~.25. Pedal Puïs té$4.95 dresses, also 'èotton dresses witha Skirt 1$6")e5 Blouse $4.50 embroidered trim. Price $2.00 - $2.95 ARreSTRONG'S 0oa~ 000O0¶>0 ~ WVALKER'S SALTINES Crisp, Sa0dé- Sodas P 16 oz. jar Salad Dressin KRAF T Canadian ûCheese, GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 92 for 25o DON'T MISS OUR McCORMICK'S TANGERINE CREAMS 35 Sandwich Cookies ONLY 35c. They've Just Arrived FOR THE IET IMEATS CALL CORNISH'S LoinD Rois 59 Çured as Cottage Roils Average 2 lbs. Prices, effectiveý, ThuiFFr1., sat EN ANSWýER TO A (S)PRAYER On1 natrolonedaýy, aong the Ot- taw4q River, 1 heard a socind like "î small chîld in pain. 1 lef the shore of the river and, after quite a sah rea!ched the source of the cries. To, mny surprise tnd vwondermient \what(do, you tbink I fo-und? _Mr1%Skunkc! 1 The poor fellow had one of his tron1 feet caught in a steel trap. FHe look md at mne with a pitiful, cryinig fCe th)x scý,eeme to say: "Please hiell>pnmeou of this ti-p that 1 was silly enough tio Samn Keanie and lMrs, N( Mis. C, Bailey and weddling 01: wedding toi AnlcnCli Ivisited witb Mrï. aud Mr.D e Found over tbewke nd.BihIeftfor tMe London areaphuselhe miil1trave for Wbite's Mr.andMr.Dffvisited with -Mr.1 and Ms Don Ducnover thle week- Mi-S. R. Maluske anidissEthiel Bouk f Trotosp,,ent thie week- end witbheirsister AMrs. Jone For- iester. Out of town vstoslast Sqnda wvith Mis. Fired Brimaconibe OselnMv antd Mrs. Sid, Scott of Bowmianville and MUr. and ïMis. Stanley Chapmnan of Kîrby. isses Jane and Aunne Coryell of Vancouver >are visitiuig thefirrad p.irentsý JMr. antd MrsHrry Rowe. Mviss Iva Iiiaton of Toronto isvi- ting tihis week with Mdr. and Mrs. G. M.Lnton. inion CGoun'cil inTo OnonWednes- Stud!ents, of thePle ScOI lhad i the ueaîherS ;atteIde;d a iiieethj'1and in Snuth lr. F îth rb a s o page 7, iBefor the heayY Sping demand1 Mer UnsdluCams a ucks fores Price S ky bigh At IwetPriCeS-eVer Besiles or Ireent stock of Quaityiieondtjoed ars and aiek w have many more ùWmtS co ,n in o0Nw11î witiate iext few weeks,. WL HAVE 'TVE ily low rices nd esy'u-ms Y~urpresntpar-myb h CUT MRS PRE 191TFaéW's SP CIALS- a19t Ylaes Lu x _ t_ Pric 1949 ei -r_ -_ 59.5.0 Coupe(%w.34 t 795.04 Priced Ya . t ,,,$750. 1951 iMe«ruY Y1toPiCk-UP air conditioned....... $795. ALso a selection o)Oý"(0D '49-'50'-'52 CHEVS,, PONTIACS, METEORS AND FORDS AT CLEARA-INGE PRICES $50.41 DOWN, withi Lo'w In- terest charges to any famtily with sound tredit, no matteir where fthey fve or work. 1954 Li0o.sOnDisply &%. eue Andrew's SUperior -Polish, 16 oz. btle 98e. "Gîiaranteed Satisfa-ctiou" For cleaning weodwerk, metai~ ete. C,-'oinplete Main Course 15 &,£S. ChbuckwagonDirner 42c Kraft Ini colorful glass Cheese Spreads, ea. 19e ~..O4,.'»O.<> -~ ..--~-- 'l itwas th Skunk; but 1 go pleased to mie( was in trouble. mast 1 saw -nof ýs hie was il e tp a friend ,vjien UNITED OCAiRCFt Orono Pastora Charge Rever'iend ~' John KPiwnbri ORONO nclay ï told himi that my chief interest Suflday School at 10:00 iîn life was helpfing others. 1 told hlmi1 Sriesa11nd73 to be a good boy and lie quietly. 1 evce t lad73 M1 patted hlm n Oite head with rny right KIRIIY M.baud and releaIsedI the spring of theý Sunday Scbool at 2:00 trap with m-y left haad. Mr. Skunk 1Sivc t30 ~a ylimped slowly way. but after abe.ieat,0 thde shiort distance he turned anid looked LESKARD aid back at me as much as to say "Thauiik, service at2 'lhle ________________ .ret's ly of ~ with r ~ Th Ro~rso Schol f Danicing 'F "1 Present A FrtiaS4 t.,May 2S-Ml \at 8:1,5pam. TAP -BALLE -MUICLCOiN f3 ALL LOCAL, TALENT g A-DMISSION: Aduits 50e-; Chbildtren 25 I i i t4 j - t Il I DOl ID I AND I HO~ t t I t- i n i 66 ~PL v23 Mercury - Li Newcastle BIfit 2, UEDY 'c. 's, 3$ /Ôy ots, 411 4$'? SATURDAY - MIAY 21- Warnep Bros:e COLoS ai- nj~. ~ - Cabbage, linported, crisp, green lb. 70- Everyday Low Prîtes