oucUng man- tenance staffs iVlany publ. 1icù splias ta in lighly polish- ibi by speci- op aspca when order- ike silia 50 ionth of an tnc-fit the anfMntial ýes whenri- Nax isc ut g to each wax mrake u-p Lthe floor. Energy orbed at the eaIng a snnb- is un- Baýoby OnCe h - New-barr- balbies agt a Sonrt nicoh The ýinfants or~ e dded down In cpatclne te r ramand the baby's nursery. This >lowi;t thehe tabe to watch ab iehdrerasnrerih.rsfoch aware. 0,f -whansBgo in m on underY ovn palisliedfoas becausE t h e y aetasaet Buit thei abilify tarcfectmare ihtaenresuif s in a ntcal hlgher lustre aith the Hiusion cf greater &pu iof fili. ly nactMPR HF WT PL more ýfram n- SUCES than theat od Park jWin chops, uti lneh chp Far too thick exetcooks i tea>s-poan 4esait into a frylng . m teasponn pepper heat a;nd let1 3 fkirm pe 1 eup wates ao braisepak 4eup red eihu'Èamon drOpsý 1oly, rther 2z ceps sugar hem weii add Brown chaps on bath sides Sin Sla-coak for farlng panaSeaonwith sait )nd un you'llbave (ppper. Ca-ver tghty ad Cook at you'l hard- for -15 mnuesmr utl edone. Bacil suga ,ter, and cnao clhops amn' daps ogether Uuti pcnnamon ork that needg drops are dissolved, Cnt apls P. Underdane crosw!sel)to ½-înh mhces ytht nobody Serappie suces & isyrnp un- br eat? tii jnst tendep r, ut nat vercook- * ed, RL emo've frm srnpan pepper g;aHJlie Ribs oer chili saucei sace, s e Ilmlon on neacl' piece of 't i Rs&edue et ta MON. wfr ih1 r Serve 5 or 6.- serve ti etamd pungenUt park wifclh ha, einffy jrice for a really tmp idisli. Sweet and ungent Parkt 2 peds soan park. eut hi srall Saan d pepper icup brawun ga 4tabiespeoanm onsac i tesponsait Zgreen pepperu, eut la Strip Z meiumantnseut lm rings cire fled ciway for safe keeping. ,er that rgildeýs beiwe-en the moýther'e wilh her baby, Ieft, and permiits her îtn arcntindnursery. frying pan c,h rnin abi pan brwnujgakee retrc sait, vinegar and sOY sauce, Drain srpframi canned pin.- apple hukaand maur;add eywungh water ta"nk ns and mxwl.Co ~tlslbt Add genpcpper, onion and utes. Remove fram ,eat, add parkin etstndatless1 mrinuts utbfaesrig bnnA a al sirngcntaty Drumbeats Sound In Africa... Every aduit i u forstlias lasil a name toe be beaten ontu n tSe the greatc cî-drUrn; by thislhe is sm- Bucte rmued fromithe f oresitafothe b wma vlae)o rom toiwn ùta town 'Afnca These nicknamesae ike ýpra- Kej royof the BSulu mmd; nd whri le teeis no gndr n the the comet s ae ,% H oLU AbatsOtn els me hr dtumn am-,e or ndian isý, 'Yuare the Iimit, the limit, af beanfy!I" O "Mfy ndî'an, says Esal,"î wlowu 'The littin parrot ias c aten A wae? the palm nis anid atis a xay A., 'Wasb ai sying 1ai amwnll but al,,. 5a~d Fro fic haeof Itiy cv bon, t 1 siee aur owencli-drmms, hla- Sc 0b-W loedlg fou Eet l,c flie or- ry sr ginal of tce og ctned etaan UQff with a aval, the open ends plugged sun until with asaffer wood h is mý >ount1- appared cd on a sawhorsc under a litte Q.(y haod oÈ clashl, overlianging wear 1Oùgý fronn the bninkof aur clearing, A. DO n a warld aofcrw,diîg b1h;unî ad forU s evei' r the cimbing tiue0e;'.th- fres. bfoarc wý LoAcst ta')the ýeye inI ilat green mohinre fio oulite villges slecp and quickly ro evr uie ilae h as u- is be washcd tanue , . reenlySak"utu, attmr wear urwndrummer, will put lis tQ.Jiu m and in the fissure wihcevs to(C1eanv teenliof aurdrum7,aWld Wiil A. Befor bing out two ik;stiig awaolenr the dru miththese, lic wiUil ab- if- thoraugý rupily andtcrnificall-y, amîdi in cenr be re the must expert mainer, aplit ing thne inito aýccural elngtls of tumuit Q. He'ç the Équiet day. Then tAsvoice in the kit tj(frm the t hick lip af flic drum, A. Try whili sthe ian-vaice, and te paper nndç voice from the thinner Ap, wbhl The nm i i.s flicvOmai:-voîic,-- for there stnck ta ï is a iidffrnebetwýveen 'the asic.n ish i ffthikess of fluei ips of the cleft food uncu along the leg'iI- of the drum - a trac et wîi cry ont tA fic ýriirnof aur, i q. a horizon. Everywhr.e the -villages nuin pans', will give ecar 10 aimessage frorn A_ Use flic wý,hute man'stowVr til Pan forc seventeeinamies frmvthere, in cots, lemoi the neigboraod AfNjabilobe, foode Cor. the lest viraio des. brightent Willi t O ntes, ramýaiead Q. 1H01 fernale, and ath every inferval c loudy app ai-- lrneiand th(- very pulse of A. Cloué rhyfhm -- Sakutu powcrfuily satisiact-or. andeicaeybe,_ais the dum bislw Tbc gretbomings andecrash- Q11Hm; lngs rage and rage abut hirn, prepaong sudfe an failawy âIrorn A. R e Y hlmnic tlegac-atsan tings, th dei-semi-quavers folw iow ame bea ater, like lit tic crs aifsmokc b arc sooli 10sf in ir, Far five Jmiinutes a sharp Sakuu lansabave ti h drum,' lis qicrs back swèating andlmuscles ing ecdi r ppligWhei e focesure Q. %Wbai and spae taspeàk t',f- hi d )f hiow he ma.And vwhen le lea_,ves off, A. Neve e inex- Gjreat Ballerina Touirs America.*&1 An iw e xcn ue rther over-o thelrn e Alia (Mrkova)when she frst rrive in heStt, amaezes her, In >!a 3iomm)Èity w repole lread ,codensed novels eauseteyhavno heune tu sUde he dutil of that they aprcited thue out une athr tan heieIntl of te b'alleý t. h onee hehri was posi frartistes ta jdeve Thea-h, hal i ite w refe ai a uhhg pressre. Hw caud the pos awholei week, This ensta the dancercsoienlve Iin a hotel aýnd make hesevsut o for a week ýor lon(iger before he maya on to thenexi plae, i- Ang retad SanFrnic r large enonegh t o permift a il (0pnyt sa for any lengfir, of fyý tim. osýtafteohrite are vs re or only tw:,ovo he performcances, anin mny as for ans .night oanly eaua ou of the world-a'e bus ta tae tem a aiam twelvelhaurs aw y, Aicia hwa<l stretehed ucot on thepvmn with hreeaveroat m an tase ferm Rabnan ii e pators a ilow N h eth len th ntce Aay Tudori, Hugli Laing, An. were layofigsoe orpo.ane card ae ohn ulfiv Sur ici werc fi niglis wc spei4 MnuewaearWsos taveles thelenthandbradth 0f th,7 Archwany to Declisin-Rpesn vsof vwast cmnd Oeast attend- lngiý the Geneva canference cross, thits esplanad-e each day a theY topprocch the Poclafs dus Naons, in Geneya,Swtrld.Ve h ftom a n oarchyway cf te sembyHallin-the Pealair,