OR""ONO WEEKLY TIMES Auhoieda Second Class Iafl, PoMt Office D.partmnent, Ottawa. ~F~rester Publisher. R CFrrse The Wonders Qf Faitlh The bur-ning of the mortgage of the Orono United Churcli on ,Monday eveniag brou-glt to view not only a financiai success but also a faith whichi is very mnucli evidenit at ths tirme. The burnaing of the Park, Street United Chuarcli has resulted in a united people Who have becom-ýe more conscious of the role of the churcli in their comrnunitly. The exisýtance of God, from- whon al blessings flow, lias beeni feit by ail in the successfui comipetion of this shrine. The building stands as a place of worship, a monument of. faifth in f'ellowmaen and of lis Wenders achieved through mnani t standsLz aiso as a shrine -with th1e beautiful wnos and a pince of soothinig and healing. The COronio United Churcli lias passed possibly its secondmie Stone yet iný the years to corne many miore will bo approached and jre- corded in the records. The work, of the churcli neyer ends and today thierare m., and large,- tasks to accomiplish. The challenge today is the forwarding of Clristianity and need of othýers. The opportunity of 'helping bolli near and far, is aiways open and with the renew-ed spirit cold aiso be quite considerabie. Obtacles, no matter- how trem-endous they rnay appear at%4u tieare overcomne through faith in God. With such a f aith the worid ear today. be made à better place in which to live ai-d benefit al Rates Guairanteed of Peace' The Christian Business'iGirls'Chr of Toronto, a baritone solost and a violinlst wili be 1n~dlUie Churcli on Friday MUnv 28th at 8:15: Cleaning seryic R.Mitcb.l1 & Sons Box 25 Coibornie, Ont. Telephone 157J 2-S: *tsE oodrcho /IÂfATIOK.dWIDPfSALgE, À9riÀf - "~ -N.,- NOTICE 1 arn forced to iscontinV e ali Custorni work and wouid like thank al customiers, JWalker7. NOTICE Anyonie knowing the whereabouts of the Banüârm Beys basebal t1p nient, -ineiudiag 'bats, gloves, pro- tectors etc., hel9oiging to tixk Oro! Athletic Association, please, cntact Mr. Roy Forrester,9--> rno NOTICE LiMce Varflai, s m1a.,Jav y M±,L. - This wil be the last Dance of thé,e n wilit o e*ain, . ýîý season. ac o h un wiof th( ' rtgage of theý -OTIC Tyrreli's Drug Slore w1hee theyar NOIEOrono United Cluli, pay doC so at The regular mrin r-of th,,'WOl- n 1ldipiay. - en's linstitute will Ij 1el f, Friday. eveningý May 2Lst at ,7.45. Mrs. M. J. HELII w Tamrblyn wMU sho,"mo g pictures vrnZ3 ig.T of lier recent t1ýp eu. Vocal soios, Butcher for Î.oPefRi 1 and lunch. Ever-yo ;e -elcomne. Sîlver kili1 and cut ond(e a week for 20 collection. , a-c weeks.ý Phor!e 5,r.~oiono. a-p Please bring in Perîny Rounid Up Bagsthi ~ee. ____If you wis;h /orD4 ARM STOCK remov0'd the f'teýst way, then cali us tbolect - BROWnanviiie 1X ~OKS 679.We alsô buy L>4E HORSES. )MARGVILL yýR FARM-ý We wiII ho pleased to pick up deaid or ciïppled farm animais for sanitary disposai. Telephone Collect Cobourg 12C36 or Toronto Em. 8-36,36. GORDON YOUJNG LIMIITED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, SWith Insurance Ogainst such Uazards . .buitU 1you 4can guar against ompiete loss. Insura rýe is a ns yolir, 13gbes ~ N.F. PORTER I ORONO TINSIIO? 1 SIIEET METAL I WORKi IA.- F. McKFINZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON R H£e oufs - 2.0 t. 4A .00.; 6.30te 8.00 p>m. Sundays and Wetûmdays by appointment oiiiy PHONE '7", -~ OI E. C. SYER, M.fl. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Heurs:- 2.'00 to 4.00 p.m., 6.30 to SA Suadays and Holidays Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 O 0 DR. R. J. TAGGA VETERINARY SURGI Park Street OPPOSITE S RTIGI PHONE '94 r 16 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister and Solic BO WMAN VILLE. ON Office e6fl Rome JACK REI Aucýtione.,er andi Vali Speciain hi arm Furniture Salea Consuit mec. for ter ahid dates Phone 5 r18 - TEl) JACKS( Auctioneer and Va1i Conducfts Auction Sl ~ and at raoaia Cfimmiiaetwith il1mê PerrlY, Ontario, or ste, hie C E. Morton, at oron., for dm1 g' 2' N., 1' "N -'N 'N 'N. '-N. y s., N., 00,~ b! >5 s'. RGNG s' 'N. ~RT Z ~QN s N s' JNI N oioej -' N 'N ~.A. ~itor r N 'N s N 551' N "1 'N 'N d ~4 N N uater~ 'N au4~ 'n.' s N 'N., Liatef N ail ~ N "XX 'N. atP~ 's' 'N "N