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Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1954, p. 1

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s Vol. 18 No 18 O~ONO, ON F., FHURSDAY, * Subsripton $.~Oper Yuar WHICTrWAY IS FIR.ST BAýSE? This Vvek],thiey lPt the curtaiin fii oit the Giils Bill sche- dule for the year. The ou]tcomýe of any g-amec is as a rule unpre- dictable u4ntil the last bail is ffhrow, a-id thus ii9terest generally ruans high. Ne%,ton-ville, Newcastle, Cou4tice and Orlono re..aai ~the centresreeete in the Uague. The Oronoù Girls first home gaine w be played this coming Wdedy June 2n-d atth Orono MPark. Variety Etraimn eing Staged At Orono Two ,)Nigitsi FeilowshipCircle 1~eets 1on Tedamay 1th thie Fellow- ship Civcce 1m-et in the, Kendal Sunday Schlool room, about sixty people be- inig present. Bill Wade, the President, opened the meeting and cond-ucted thle bhuMal ëss, after which Ross Elliott took charge of the program. The pubiIs of Kendal and McLean's school sang several songs and gave som-e sele- ctions on their flutophones. These were il¶uch enjoyed by everyone. T]he devc) lonal topic "The Chrlstian's iLife' was given in three partfs, Ms Reg Elliott tLaking the first part,1 1Mrst Garland Cathcart. the second, and Catherine Stewart the thr [ r. Pikçe had charge of this part of the meeting and gaýve somie comiments also. 1 - Mrs. Ray Martinell gave a il adfing. The worship period was closed with the Mlizpah benediction after~ which a sig ong was cexucted by Ireýne Inch withi Neil Stew-artaut the piano. Two gam-es were given by Mrs. G. Cathcart and Catherine Stewart, Re- freshmients were th)en served bring- ing,, to a close a ver-y enjoyatble- eveni- ing. t wvas decided to eWïist the hel]p I somle oifthie mebe Io 'do som-îe paiinting atbOe Parsýonage on Satur- ofl men cme and accomphished a good dealt!of'work. Gcround Observers Cerp Met le rên Onftday Nighit I Il The ecod anua VaretvEntr-1Last- Friday evening, a meeting of~ 'arpT he send nualVaety Kaer- 1/ filVvÇ the Ground Observer Corps was heldj tanmn pesnedbyte ogronZ~AU1 fL hUat Oroiio in the Orange Hall. Mr. School of Dancing, Orono, is being' - Gamney, chie£ observer has been doiing ustaged for a tw-o night shwn his -The W.A. biad a social on Wednes-1 an-,excelet o leportingl aircraft1 -week-end la the Township HIallda night, May 19th, when aIl en-, to the filter centre at Barrie, as has Orono. This entertainmnent, which re-i JoYed the cohoured 'pictureasShown" his assistants., any of whom were eeîyed %vide acclnim ast year, is b- by Miss Ftster, Grono and the various, presented with their new Grouad Ob- ing held on Friday and Saturday even- niixed numibers. server Corps wings, and a certificate1 ing, Ma3,-28th and 29th. ofrc-iinfrth ia otta The two hour show which wilî coin- The National Filmn Board pictures o eonto o h ia oeta mnece at 8:15 p.m. wil featur w Ill be shown at the church on Fri- they are playing in the defence of tbrt bysan grl. heatstal day night, May 28th xith mrusical this country, ahry osad i rn . the a, New-numbers between the reels. Luneh .Flyiing Officer tL. J. McGuire gave ztrelocl tlen frui he illgeNeý- b sevedaftr te pctues. a talk on the need for the corps Ma ,aa5t!E, anld surrcoundingZdistrit aalwh osre fe itures. tiis country, and how it was orga- ,some thirty,,differenit numýbers wili1b Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson and famn- îzed by the Royal Canadian Air F'orce atged for the expectedj large audi- ily visited -with her parent,, Mr. and1 for tlhei flepartment of Nationa1 De- and aiet wîl no ony Mr. Carke Strkvile.fence. Mr. Ciare Keevil, acting re- Coloiýand aiely wll ot nty tlrý Cirke Stakvilegional aupervisor was called Upon for- -ýcorne thf'ough the daincing of ,he Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soucli and a. few wrs aad after one or two( yjoungsters but also fromn the mlany famnily, Starkville, spent Friday even- f'ilms, the mleetin-g adjourned. beaut'ful costumes pr-epared for thi's in-, with Mr.Js1Wna n Jean. The thanks of this comnmunity is( 'Presenttion. -Some Of the upils Mr. and M\rs. George Hiendersonetede o r. Gamiey and his offi-( have a number of Yeîn's training lan and famýiily, Ajax, lês. George Hjen- ciel observera h are "on cail" týhis art w.hile others are~ begianers re- derson, Orono and Mr. and Ms.' E. whienever the need arises. -ceiviaig essons for- oaly six nmoatis. Luniiaiad anilBow ville ere- Featrin th evening will be Tap guests afMr and Mr's. Ken. Hender- ~ ~ ~ anmd Balet dancing along Witb ma-soni. F orest sire 'rrrven1ionR al Co -d-Nmb-s Mrn and Mrs. E. Lawson and son, Conceru 0f Everyone Yehverton w-,ere Sunday supper guests ToosipConcl ees ofMr and Mirs. Bill Wannani. For-eat fire prevealtion la a primi-ary FMi.kanMoule For.Tuck wood MeN ofconcerinof every person il, Ontario, ýitMr. ai-d :Mrs. Ken Bahl. Sidney Sith, Pr-esideait of the Ui-1 The Clarke Townviship Coni held versity of Toronto, to the Canadiani special session on Thursday ee Mr. T. Tebbhe, Hamilton spent the Forestry Association ecnty ~exenin- of ast week wi,ýhen they hioliday wveekç-end with _Mr. and M rs. "There were 1,520ý for-est flires la opened tenders for a ne-, 'five-ton Copping ndfail.this province hst year., which des-,, 'truck to be mseýd for Township 12r aork. enlecironýn troyed 58,80 acres 'OF timnber worth ý1 As a resaIt of the mieeting Cou-ncil MadMa e edro n severai million dollaris in Wood andi paased a resolution askiing the De- atur1da'y evenigwith Mý,r. andMr.w es Wtharoitey6,0 partmnent of Highways for an addi-l Bih ann square (ile f mature foreat aail ti na $ 6 0. 0 u si y o ne m c - 1 M r, and M rs. Clarence A llia 1land b le for hlarve t, we 1cannt continue inery allocation la order that they fmiyvisited w,-ith her ,parents,Mr this incredible bass for long - ithout qrnght mnake the purchase tha t theyl and rAL. V. Farrow. theecom of the Province auffer- ~vis. M. ad Mr. Grdo Waler i>dig, Dr. Smnith stated. A resdhu,-tion was also passed tol feihiy, Thorahhi visited Tuesday wvith Lookinig at thie Canladian pcir as h-,ld the Juie riegular ïmonith ssfaiy and Mrs. Gus Wilson aspenit a whole01( Dr. Sith affirmed, "There ài on, June Stit inatead of June lat.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ken BAIL, - ca n scarcely be a mnan in any part of the co')uatry -who does not receive some portion of foreat dollars". H1e noted that the product vle fthe M rs. G. Ca thcart Sp,%eaks To1' frs nutisecestew.l Ï% lix cluiding5 gcihd, metals, coal, gas and - a y % n n la a M iso s etroleuin. Exp)ort values fromr, the Aux lia y I di n iilS IOfS orets are nealy twice that of wheata Iand ail other grains; this industryf The regu-lar monthly meeting of thie dians in Caniadaý,". Mrs. Cathcart toit! speùds an av-erage of 2:,O millions ofi Evenîag Auxiliary was helýd'in the of sainie of 'ber experiences while djollars on supplies, freighit and wages. 'Sunday School Auditorium on Thurs- te-ach1ing scilool at Hudson -which la He sumimed up by saying "The gros day, May 20thi, with 24 prese'nt. 250 ilIes north -of Winnipeg. Wbile value of forest productiýon exceeda Priesident Eileeni Billings opened the tchere slie visited the Indian Residen- five percent of the grosa natinlpo rieeting %witb an appropiate poem, tial 8 21oo01at Soo Lookout. Tisla ducta of Canada", t] folwdby a hymn nand the Lord's aschool la situated on very beautiful "When we consider that over' 80 b prayer, repeated la unison. The .eg-Igrounids and la supported by the Ani- percent of ail forest fires are caused19 nIiar bsns was then deaht with. gican Chuirchit.It has a vrY lovely- by caroiess persans, tiee majority -of 1 j Kathileen Rainey took charge Of chapel in cannlection mwith tho achooL whom 4are camipers, or amnokers, we-q the meeting, leading la thse devotionalt The speaker said that the Indian m)uat feel a risiag coacerai for thiis1 period. Elleen Reid read these cripture children are very shy and forittis grave robleiii", lie asserted. an Kahee hapmian led la a Ing,' reason ar-e happier ha their own scisool Dr -mthb aiea païd bigh tri'bute ta 2song froni, "Songs of the Gospel" ith their oWvn people. Mrs. Cathicart thse forest industries of northwesýter-n Mary Berry at tiseý pian1-o.Rednan alsa told an tnai story written by 0Ont arlo who bv co-operatedt with ~prayer followed by Rathleen Rj1ainey E'17,laeth Taylor on "MY mioat un-, the Dpartmient of' Lands and Foresta g apnd tise offering aadeicted. Mrs.fogttbe1hratr" Iiia 1 a rhiiinmatches, lunch fires, P. Biaobfaordwith a iaoI proved1mat itere,ýting and edu- iand facitory-made cigarettes aninng eýolo wich wsvr ui noe.jctoa n a uhejoyed by al ml'oyees 0ofthe forest -industr'y. b Kay Chapmaa titan introduced thje present. j"This forward and co-operative stop fi guestt. poake4r, is. Garland Caith-' A deiicious lunich and social tune y inidustry aad -overnnment haýs cor - t c art of. t Sho ýth Line, whio took as., folIowved. biiiag the. meeting toaa tainiy been the aen whereby a fi lier~~~ "Our Mission teo the Ir.- lose.I (Conitiaued on1 page 7) Wv Orongfr The Orono urday, June lI of Xings to 0 the first runu iii the villagre Il 9îh . Or.o ôBaliTeam Loses Opener To Newcastle On Monday yr stage kMonday, May 241lh tlonored Racing onîy1)1 Birthday 0f Two Queensi lneet l The Orono Surff Club have, thisý year, resurfaced the track, keeping-, it in top condition. JA double-barrelled holiday rkling the birthday of two queens, May24 ýwas celebrated across Canada withl spor'ts evenits, fireworks and family' gatherings in tOwn a ýnd, country. This is the second year ini a rowe that Cnd ceebrated Queen Eli- zalethi'E birthday on the same datec as Queein Victoria's. Victoria Dayfo many years was observed on May 24, i but under a 195~2 statute Victoria Dayc is celebrated on the Monday immledli-. at ely preceding May 24, to make a Thte Openling of the base-bahl season- for the Oronoi entry in the Southi Dur- ham Base-bail league came on Flic lioliday, Monday when they met New- castle in Newcastle. The local boys were beaten hin their first feffortof the year by a couint of 'ï to 4. Newcastle m--adle t] four11thin lning when rieruns of their tot, came fromn a hit by G in a row following to ai-d Murray Walton. bases loaded, thea c, double and scored hir ick sent the bail to coumitted an ervor oi wvin inth rackied u seven. This,, aine nnelf il,% LK-ellýînnlmng on two Urono errors by R nie West and C. Armstrong. A shn v thappens tbat this year the mon- yDWatndoeith-w r A tioch Section l(esidents day feul o n the traditional Mý1a y 24 b D. W to dro e a th t o date. Last year, Victoria Day a 0 rn tied the score in the sec, Eojoy 24[h Celebration Qeiï Eaaýbeth"'ithday were bo hweCribwakdafr 24 feil on a Suniday. -stron)Ï's single put b)oth Cornisha On Mnday Ma 04b, pa-ens, I's !5 -Shetler acr-oss the coun.ter. luna On onayMa ~4l-, arets Its 35years Sinice Qu-een ictri Amsrog ere left on bases si children and friends, inuiieringh- a orni-!.ay 24, 1819-butit , 3Orono's p;ortion of the secondinl tween 100 and 150, gathered at the only 53 years since she died after the Antioch Public Schiool at arioulid 5:307 loýngeat reigil of aniy -British Moarh, n the third D. Mercer camne ii wýhere a gailie of bal was enjoyed 63 years She succeeded to t thone scoring position but a hit b-y Corni while the ladies prepared a bounti- 11n 18317 and died in 1,901. was -not sUfficient to send him hlio f~lpicic l~per with freshie for the Siajce Victoria's death the wrdTebsswr oddwe h childreni and 1hot coffee forý the agthas seenl two global conficts joloedrtired. After aupper mnore bal was played by the Cold W'ar and the battle ia Tefurhinanwn oN until darhç, when a monster fire works Korea and Indo-China. itri aThe furthf-ive ua. cgej cot dispflay was staged in celebration 0o nleîilimI, nesad Itwl as r ie brno A inthle coi May 24th.. Thse fire worka were touch every sailor's h-eart to havle a -when Raiye West held first on a sinp suppiedby he fniiiesand the ar- g-lirl -ueen to fight o" n tl eod i ybo ray was pleasing to both parents and an stlseodA.h b brih chlildr"en ýs w-as the evenînigs enter- It La appropriate that the fir-at Keith senit hlma hom1e. tainmient. warni weather holiday of the year la1 AI Canad shuld also mark the b*irthdayý Orono scored their final coun'1 Atteconclusion of this display of the present queen, wvho ha's just'j the six,th whvlen Roniie West te more lunch and hot pM'feje masndis- 4-.-.. Tmi n posed of and a mosp brought te a coe. mipleted lier,,,great Commronwealth f, de Ta view of thse Monday 1 Orono Police Trustees )egular monthly mi-eetinig c daýy morniing, MNay 26th at office la Orono. for, the summner. Keith WMest OronaSecUr5u The traditional flreworks dispblay ave up sever was held lanmny laes, Ia receat HIs opponent years thwee as been a. grwing fasis-'et, had eigit ion of holding organized comuaity tere seven ss fireworks unde expert supervisin givlg up ejgi ta avoid mishaps. In other- parts af tlie Commain- Thle localb wehth AMey 24 la ierted as Empire trLning nd - DDay,but that obserývance iï- distinCtly gamnes wi! be separate la Canadaý. CanAains m -l ie t eami, ( Empire Day la sahols on the Laod fieid e ,j school day befare May 241 hat~ear A n-atian by C. T. Mliller and sec- onded by Joseph Walker asks tise Tow,ýnship Counceil tac repair tise rond ta the dump and also lani tis rgr the twsi will be a-sked ta cover lover tLhe existinjg dumkp and maktje rnewý excavatilon for- a aew dumiarea, Sidewalk cuiv-eits et Mrs. Cowan's on Church Street and alsa at the in- tersection of Churcil aad Cbhd streets wvere referred tao the 19,54 sidewalk porm On motion b y Joseph Wahke.(-r and seconded by C. T. IMilr the Oro)n Elydro Commiissioj is being petitioned ta maýtai steect liisaon station street at Henry Corniah's and Arthiur MülLaen's Accouints lvere atorzdta be pid Fwo, Croups Of' B'oys Ba Il Spunsored lly Athletic The Boys' Basebaîl opened la the vihhage on Tusa -vaa astwbn twenty yo)unig boys were out ta a practice at the Orono Schooi grounda. It w-ould appear at titis time that bath a Bantamv and Pee Wee teani wili ho formed ta takie care of ail boys wisb-1 ng ta play.î Messrs. Ray Carleton uel will coacis and mnai tamns. This teami will the Lakeshore leagiin t boys the opportunityo gàaiized bail. The Pee ýl Forrester, wi-hl not bee oague but w'i seek a ramesduiivg-1-the Sease Any boys wishing ta, Urged ta camle Out t'O vith the next being grounds on Fridlay eveni A new set a(' twelve beillg provi ded for tise for their gamle by the teur Athiletice Associatg aoirm-s are expected by t JApart f rufistisec th ere la a great exod streamas as cottage-( and aîe four tr ips i( 1în g 0fý Ted Sain- ch,, Bar -s-- re

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