;IOA QUAKER PUFFED RIÇE, ...... 2 for- .. 7~ LIPTON'S TOMIATO and, VE GETABLE MIX ..... .. .............2forl15e g> YORK PEANIJT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar 4le. 'o>4# LI M JA1' 25c. Fancy, 15 oz. .2 for 35c. FARM FRIlEU Fruits and Vegetables lb. 67c. 14 9c. EXTRA FANCY WINESAP Appls 3l.poly bag 45cM Louisiana Valentine Green Beans 2 lbs2z9c Imported T'omatoes cello pkg. 23c I-mported New Spring Crop CABBAGIE lb ..7c. Ontario Rot House CUC1JMBEIR .. 2 for . 29c. Flerlia W ateruneleas Store Hours Closed ail day Mýondlay, Open al day. Wedntesday Tiuèsday, Wednesday Thursday 8:30a,. to 5:-30 p.mi Friday and Saturday 8:30 a.mi. to 9:00 p.-. our votes (IGA LABELS witiî the boys hnaie urther details at oý t or e uy flA Pro- camp wÎth ail expenses paid. IL I k STRAIGHT UINE MILKING TO 13E DEMONSTRATED A.T LINDSAY Long consideredl to be one of thie niiost time and labor consuming chorea on the farmn, milking is well on the' way to become one of thie~ ai tasks in tHe opeiationi of a dairyýl Thait wilI be cnicnl eo strated nt the Second AminualDar Day to be hed uder the auspices, of thie Pntri Dpartmlent of AýIi- culture aInd the varins dilyasoi ations, onithe fai-mi of Willi;am J. Murphyv, Lindsay, Onjt., on Wednesday June 16. The thbousands offrmers xpecte, te visit Linidsayv on thait occasion will Seo, miilkîing streamilied tIo the pont w here onemu (an xhanidie ,-)0olr moïef, equipmnent reduced to the absoiiute minimm. Tobring tLhis'latest(deve opmenlt to the attention of the dairy farm er-, Dairy Dayý, will feature aý cotnosdemlonistrationl of the niew sysýtem of Straight Line Milk Pro) duction. Featured wi'll he the îiew systeni which ilks cows, iautomaiýti-.l cally filters the iiiilkc, weighs each cow's production and conveys it froni the milking machine throughb a C101- pletely enclosed system into thie bulk,_ refrigerating tank fin the i-mlil oule. One outstanlding featurie of thlene sytmisthtbl nlcoig imakes possible tanker pickup thus eliminaýting the usý,e of canis and tirl Dai'y lfarm o4ýper1ators w\ill lhave an opportunity to cônit-rast the system xwith that or tlîe loafing barni and ilk1ý parlor cemonstrated 0on thie oco ofDiyDay laýst yeaI. Hlamil tons Insurance Service Every class of Insur- ance iÈ represented in our office, The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we can of fer: Àut*mobile- Lifé, Accident and Bfrknes, Plate Glass, Liability, Fie Burglary, Rospitalfratiov, Livestock, Boiler, Win4, Polio, Rail, Fidelity Bonds, etc, ORONO FIRST PHONE IR16 Leroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROFER 'i LESIKARD, ONT. Electric and A,ýcetylee WeldinAg Cylinder Blocks and J-ieads AU U MJNUMAND ZN BA-SE METAL, P oOronke iring 5 ,'Ho&t Water CALL UJ', FOR ESTl.MATEbý HA-'RRY E. LYCETT 1R Phone 84 r 12 c MONO0 CNT. -Z:ý0C - ,ý 0ý= ýC ýC = >0<ý RAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties sold, Rented. Managed and Appraised LM. Phoine 2,566 . Neweastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic Reasonable Rates satisfaction GuairantEed Chlmney &Furnaece CIeaiiing'Service R. MitcI'eII Sons Box 245 $1borne, Ont A LLISON TO-NIGHT TbureaY, May 27iIa Opeulng Dal, Gaine ORONO PARK WELGOME versus ORONO Game Time 6:30 WANTED 13y Durham Cbuuty Federation, of A griculture, a Secretzary ande Pulfic Relations Offic tô give fuli time service f rom ýOctber/fIst to M'Nal'ch 3'1st- each year and continue ui Secretary for balance of year. Feo patiut r tact any officer of the Fel- eration ý. ed applications to iý>Chas. Osorn , 3o- manville, R.R. 2,' stating salary and compensation expected, not later titan June 22nd, 1 4=- Buzmm ...................... 1 -