r r 'e r r r , r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r -e r' r r r r r r r r r r r r' r r r' r ýo mi-ore lutuo adon Let, My sier-i-iaw perecfioswhi ch( -,0 1 had te gîve o.p: ýed aýLm-ost liea e buit that uiov nlmade pod t EACR v GARMEN'r I f 'y' ",Dear Anno ý ijiret:.1 arn 23. i .ef t m3y pýýosion toake, car,ýeio my fi oher and twh houe but fiand if wasdcie 'dhv to lire srehreesAmaIà-- have styed there, ibhs awife ruade mnylue intolerable- to get rId f esh dmttd fr "The more she hurt me, the kindfer I1 *as. for I wanted br f like mne. Iwredpr1fiei an ofice and helpeberwitb thue bousework ýcýanld the ilrndd may Onnookig a n d laundry, ad my mIIoerpaïid e o ep iI, mne the-re BtI wsmsr aun backmouee1 Sfarte siyear tionýally and seiual.I an Rs ii hLei ranr.kind. Aýilaround andmeanyet 0they are eafh kind and goudand .au PIas got M i1-halhunapinssand an a Il jbut I1 have f0 'wteilsomèoùne. Anyký reply you give VwI lbe oppreci- ~23, yusefbc defeated byý%; * aebeseiged you, but br b syu ackbjon-e*.? -Everyvthing depeilds upon your ljwill tovr tbl enishatplague yu.What Syuneed Ufirt n yoinon is a gu:zidîng hand f0inpoint theý *ways ýiurge yýou l ta l tîsover, eau nhelp you redtore titu yOuýrselýf and yu uue h ~'yuho'w f egi sl-cn *dence, and f0 give y ý'ou oitv asrnethat %we are not given1 burdens e are not able to * ar.Regular churchj attend *auce and a fhi belie in the *powe'r Of prayer hasblrught *peace CO îmany a tro'ubled SOul, '~anId rnwdeà i f aifhiant- kind, Wth your minister's help, ifshul~d te amne for yýoU. Hie cas suggest activitie wîhnthe curhthat wil iffh *yuouf of yourct!sef and ope,-n ' your eyes 1t'le importance ofi i riendship, .YoU il eel somTe pe0p 0 who re wor.se 0offAthan youl, and ùin helpiîng tîhem yo and learu the joy of service *and thesasfcinofelg needeci. is asse isoern&tdmpeAt. * olpposites, andif itis up fo the tý) vitijl ake Jallowanàces andý i have mad norai po restwid rtat guaL, ad *you build an arme, about your- Perhps yow noyier 0or yUU miite oss ome oeary * f amnily vwho i i(welcome you ~- a a ayig gest; fthere you9 wouldsh a nor ma! affection- j aefa"Iiily lie an yoýu so k mak long st,, riidestara * apie oflook on the01,, l *yulive i. ThJ iea a fo *i" be wlcorne. ut il i worî N0 ý0. afurly, you ilcI ,ve of tjh with yor hyicanan by mesuey riprvme Se fandCltvf a neetl p 0n oer aneople an inyou al ste euad Ijî'ler lhýite. se IJrhr " * * 13 rg 'eaveci mm van e ahi" ion Doy - Five-year--old Larry Duii gating rom khinergarten, he kiýsses cduate. From her facial expression Janlice isn-'t too happy a-bout the id qi y u n iii vmnctthatblows no ou. eany ý,good". Nlo doubt wet weatbier and dlydspring se mug was one reCason for thelag afendance of womnen afthCeWi. 0ffiers Confeone h e i d a GuelpixSafweek. Anothert-e son wsould be that 11u one en- tiled 10 go wýould vwanf b -nýi~ the .Conference. especiallyasi is onle of th-ose fhings ha evevy year, in erey way gmesbeti and beffýer Olue da.y -Fi - asal the time 1 culd man- ae-bt wbf day ifvs nor a 'idui oet xei fox the wahr.ar ta lir'f No douibf oi h aeWl memnbers wîll elafI!! reporvt from you.r presidenIt af yurnerf meIceing, bt1Iwould tike 1m givo a feu, of myonipesns You Are WîýVtlýi WhatYouave exýcudeltarc at anls eei The iprac fsuyn h hadokwas partîctilar~ r pbasizd And wwe oeercni yoo u mako a sfart th-an ron h dboojG-k? A properly vcoucti ed metn sja\vaysbnoetn Ifis toly wh(men o bsiness sýes- sion i alloed 10w dagIbfu eoesborling M s trec Hysgave the tî; ow ad wy is sever al years since i had heurd as ~ ~ qjî, ineesigasawas rs Sh hs awyofmlgoo 10war isepce0fago 1 I fwcr or W f ouimer erqus- lions andremarks Cfually h corne a challenge. rera Bdinurgh WI.Avisthe oepin i phat wd nhvdsm do abo typbk oppce up unt duretonl Fid old h soimeube sould have if fleu, e Moeyv oeu.M remA ber nyc cringof the opoA C Bis mspo and pîls oor o tandolcar rieseveroe n bis auec do U.v ta ftk ol foge1 )humIr us - nd iceraiy abreast Cf the limfes. Miss3 Chap- manl quofed tbis liffle verse froCm wit1 h the inime ioainof countrywomen. "Sieneercm da moun- tainf-, she îneyer heard ft sea, But a"!yS wafchaed a wind - ing road thaf ended aimlesly' Thben aWded Mss hpa CThef arm wCfe doesn'tsfay at home ay moDre acin h rod he is; on-j usua, y r a good cue"Tue proof of thaî stafem-ent wa3s in thie tednt of hundreds of wonien ai te Conierence. Tien camne Mr.MtenFair clougbi, M.P. ainiin Ane- -ellent speaker, and xrenl dipomaic.She trod on uobodye's te.From)fib.ernarks if would baebeen iiiosi o gesat, b'e-politîcai afian, She s hessd iln'portance o f f.n ïily lite; -,f parents tra-inliug iheir cbidre tafùrm opn1on. Sh spo'ke Dof unitrainced bikias "a dngeruslpoceas'btat cu dren sbould be Ltaugbht flrhe 10 approacb problems of the 'da \Witflan ope mmd;(: lur yougstrsouf into ft-e world wh0o bad %o ben Iaind f tbink w-an lke seuding a person ouI it a car without rviu fesoons hn (rivîng, R B Cure,(Coif 0[ Natin- al Def nce ndWelfcr, spoke on cvldeence C nadaNot Spec-Ç iflly ai bomib aftaks and air ~.hid dril s, u rather haf wo- men could do towards clviide- fnein thimes of emlergency, ilu peuce and war To train themw' sees namsS podcton l niels:in arlg or thse ia need of shelte and ciothig. Mi', Curnrie, ihafbeinig anula isltcf t us wýjîh thE -imnprýession thaf.lu Iis da andage, cm placenc. was as rmu(:ch a, Irafto oursaffyas cmmx3ui,ýLsm And noiv a wvord about Mis Auna p Lewis, I sometimesë tbink ý we are inclîfned 'f0 k Miss Lew'is aIîttie f00 rhucli forl raedThie success of the W.î, and theF O IO.duiug the bs ewyears bas been, teo-a ,greaf exten,-t, the resuft 0frhe utr eadersbip of Miss Lewis. Since. sho look ofie bu 1945 she las had a great deal cf beavy respo- s.ibjil-ity. ùu1947'terewasth 5 OthAliesr eerto and1lu51953 the Conferen2ce oi Ibe ACWW u Torouf,,thma. or undertakngs. So I thnk we sbàul ail tke our bats offto -Miss Lws Director Of thle .- B rancý-,h and(JH omenc. oie Servie oF Onlarlo Aimivoisa-y -- The Germran Post of fice wiI sonissethis sfQm- comnemratngthe 1lOOth c""'- niersry o Oîmr eren vice ITo ea hasbenanwadqutinx pen.sive) e fcp n acr rnîk jug and tepot. Theirar rivai onie iha"ut reasoable"biscuitbar. These pur7chases av be mlade specially 'fr the Ducheýss' of Kent, so that shecanhv cp oftea andcbiS cuit fo nit W tthftearshr if 15just that ajiý4i uhtli.ngs are at the'i m-omient 1octked! wa wiethe lawrunsits resue ourUse andthe Old Quee,'s e Kent ofri r Wbile she wa-s t'here theDc ess, asked if she icouldhveacup 01f te-a and someicu It*.I 1onlly then that -thle stairAle thaf none niofQueen ays hn wasavailabl, and th[eDuhs had ta have sme fron the ser vanf's quarters. -But now ,vshe bsten 'eevnss"set of erow Pnd she;I s sure of bý er 4cu-p Of tea "Wreck" 0f Whale Makes Grief Wben is aalenof ý a hale -When ifVs a vre ckI. JTh-,at, ari ieast, is the conclusion reached relucfantly býy theRcevro Wrecks nt the Cusýýtom Flousinýc ý brland. wSsefing overiwayBa e s e v n - ion whaýle wasash,c.e d daghdluff, in wild Cneaa Nickn ame d Wni, the whale was an objct ofinterest, frsightseers tfor long eouh umtîl the Ilocal authoritydcie if hQld bi',remItoyed. But that )waseseraiIbn ber aa.Then th materwen bo-f Ore ,a hghraufhoIùy,an way CountyManagetr, MrVCW I grp i he boùkok frlsfI cug MWhashould be don. with There ws nl oe ealn unclerawih WMonse coud b to i.nTouse bee bas ;cojrnýe al fer ta dti.g that lu duecors a ordr lll b. mdedJrect ing thafFm A" b. srved"oN te Rcceiver otf Wok eurn hlm b drispose 0f fitecaraso time f0o b. sp)ecîfied. Soon WInuîde wlbe gn together witicheCwind fIant le- iminded people of ber presence when if blew in a certain direc- flor. "Beikinil" SwUm Suits Are OId Stufif yaaag c o yun g a risapel figures we.te etfor theiýr dai11 ssrn nasbee f lond by aý iInda er aged about twenty-w weaïn, ldes? A su-per-q uaiity ming wear rithe ue as the sau a stafde of4, sevtin Tegoldi- ",rut fnd A jmo-re fsl1, nal s;ymarfstyles l ins patter orcotton yarjn. bags tf0 your fvuiedess Patteu 54,,-: esyf0ochet ir- ctons. lu cOnb (sampscaninot be ac- 1,2 12 ighteeuith S. e rouf , AI. Prlntplaiuy FAT- TEEN NIJ1,.ERyou; NAME aDrJADDüRESS, Don,'ý. miss aur LauraWeee !954 Neediecaft Cmaalog!9Seu and am1broîderi afenafvsu for' - pls4comnplefepateu prined lu book Send 25 cents for yorcopy od Ies o gifts, bazaa - sellers, fashions.ý On Gr-Odl about grc ci fellOw