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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1954, p. 5

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nd Class Mail, Pont m of Ge- d the Na- issisted by end anl ex- lrador this rce, president o ed recently, it-mian expeditioi Meeni, directoro ,yo'ung j This p nph~hh ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ENGAGEMENT ML a nd Mrs. Cecil Jones anoi2 ýEileen Isabel to Donald Keith Stýt enson of Mrts. stephlens and ýr IiteMr. Upton Stephens of 'BowmR-a r The marriage to take pJacý - Saturày'_j rie l9th i-n Orono PUie, o the have CARD 0F TRIiS 1 111. Z 1 r , 1ýo a l Every dlay, the older f olk wýho fml wish to extend their ian!l crossed the bridge to anid froma the reit thianks and appreciation for t 'el ndel-aigiied village stopped to watch t.he fath.,er aýcte of kindùessý imessag'es of 1m for the pur( bass. Most, flot ail1, of them- knew that pathy and heautiful floral 1bffer ns Ghurch Shed a father bass on guard will taekle rcie from their kind f1.iends and with steeî anything; he'li smash a floating chineighboourýs during their recent be'r- tender not I a tirlngleaf, a stone thr'owaý near envmnti t loso eo~ by and any kind of hait at al. daughter. Special thanks to the Rv Not because he ishu1r01111Jon Iitchen, also Heather Rebekah you but sim-ply because- he wants toLog.ap aw Bo protect 'the eggs which lat1er turin- crs'- Pnoy to tin)y hass and. Inter, stili, larger CARI) OF THANKSdaorwe bass. If a perch, rock bas;s, sunfish or cvo we any other variety camne near that Iws o xrs y p eit'on oena nes te Pret bssrusedat henfor- the maii acts of kîndïes , e- Phne N nes th pren- assruhedatthe,1tended by frends and ineig1-hbours ate them if he couWd but, ia any case, during my re cnt illness also for the chaefkLler-, awaoi1, e ýpei 1 u rti. ea scientïýi-Uia, uLILIaw mi-aiiy-cards arid fiowers. c f he2~-mlewie Perhaps it was îrnevitabW'. Perhaps Mrs. J. E. Nichdolscin. tr, the largest m-îeteoritie the boy just t undNe#stand. But vered yet by m1an. on e lay i ely June ail excited DIED ýct of the 1954 expedition yo11ui11ster r' Éd down 1Piverside BTESI oviaiiîeMmra rater,~ onyaou 7 yrsdsplayling the largest fish île had BTESIIBwavleMmra it~ ~ ~~~jý hod1xroriayj ever caught. The parent bass had Hospitalon udaMy t, 94 geoogists and astronomers!f napped madly, incautiously, furious- ereBkesbeoe ubn o lat ~~~t may have beent ~ly at the ,bait which the youngster ayEleDvi.Inhc4tye. of the earth's surface aihad dropped close to the j est.Rstn ahbei.Bro Fuea Homle unti 11:00a., Wednesday, lime as the bigger Chubb Sadly, al deputy g-ame warden, who June 2nd Thence to) St. Saviour's es about 450 mi les souilth- î ivedini the area told the cryinlg boy Angl,-ican Church for service at 2:30 latter. Memibe/s of the e2O ithat lie had broken, the ilaw. That was 11.11. Irtermuent 01rono Cemletery. il be-flown by a USAF seurious enouigh so far, as itl et,_______________ ar to an airfieid in Labra- But ,when, the w arden pointed out thiat pounds of sciheneetifie and anordinary two-'pouind bliack bass DIEID pouidsof cietifc andwili distribute about 15,000 egg,'-s and STAIMNTON William Jamles-At Bow- erv uîmn wiil be fer-jthat in tis particular catse the loszs manville Memorial Hospital Dn June 2, at-equipped planles to thewouid1beVr ea sinice the pg 1954 in his, 78th ye-ar, William James nacious parent was o-longe, there Stainton, beioved husýband of Alima e Labrador Crater and to protect his youngiiý,, it w>,as even Taml1lyn_ dear father of Mrs.Lon ýter- are perfectly rouniýd. " ,"Il;(-. Lamb, Enniskiled, M rs. Garnet in-e( bv orniilabe filds f corse he. oy 1Towns, Peterblor-ougli, -Milton of -Enni- nge 1 yfrial ils 0 oretebypoie that'iskillen' and Charles of Oshawa. Rest- ioulderls. Within Chtubb or0' hýe would nleyer I'(1Doit again and he tte11 alwFo(rýloi i l;i lue lake 25 fesu eeaea ili 1SatraJune '5th, 1954 at Il cear 1. 82 f'of boys --and girls-- and aduitehto wýho stili don't understand about the a.fortenvce t Oo nt 230pm e Church rador 'Crater contains a bass and lis nest. Nî,ow is the time fo" evieag8 ..nemn wvaterý is a bril i nt ap),that the bas are mo1ir)ing into the Orono Cemnetery. 1other lakEs" in th, SmIaler streamis to start 1, cycle of rwhat miay be j smal n fisýh hf e. And you wili have mucl are blue.1 more fun watching themn than taking thdem away. er..was first photo. e air in the Second ~ Î 01l. Arthur F. Mer- 1I .3. RS Air Fre -ppTtll GAS IN PORT HOPE (Oontixcued fromc page 1) LN 1' V lIZ EION ON 1 U2~the United States. Thený, when the THE FARM J1 pipeline from Alberta is completed, - -i December 27, 1950', e-apired last De- a necessary friend, but also emnber. enelny, as is shown by re- 1 But last wveek three mnp were in farm fires in New Bruns:! Port Hope to talk with iemubers of m i-ýivaao ani re (escwedit si 133,458. of which wvas covered by in- best he could remember to Dr. Meen. surance. The total fire lues in rural Last suimmer Dr. Meen set, out by ra ,tepovneauutdt air te find the little crater ie ha rather a severe and unnecessary tax onlytheske~hist ntio ofitsho-that does not require legislatîvea- cation, but hé had the services of the tion1 to repeai.- 5,ame experideed f.1ying crew that Among the 30 major fires la the took his scientists te the Ungaýva Province, eght were farm bildingsi PenInsula two year5 efore. wlh ldividuaj losses ranging froill We had cfor-éss lL churs $-20,50'0 te $81,500. Thc caus;es,' wbere1 atnd were about tý . dyiveup, when known, are listed as sparks from ,enl- s-uddlenly, in the ds~s we saw our gine-,, electrical, sparls fromn flue, oul perfectIy round lake,"' Dr. Meen said. burning- brooder 5wid short cireiuits, "It was Uniitakable-the water %vas Among- other caees given for xurl' Sbrilliant apple-gree2n, while ahI otheisae lightnn, r~lass fires, flues, lakes in the region are a deep bline, smoking and matches, petroieum Pro- ducts and rubbish accumulation~. w«,,e landeci on an unnamned lake1 six miles away and 1 wahked to the1 crater over sonie of the roughest counitry 1 have ever seen. Thc terraini izmuch likpe Chiub's-mýillioi-es of tons of giant boulders cover the counftry. "There was no tim-e for extensive exploration hecause the wahrwas losing in," Dr. Meen said, "but from al appearance thie crater must be listcd -as of suspected mneteoriti r THE STORY OF ONE UINLUIKY BASS In other words, a littie precaution would prevent nany farm fires andl lack of adequate protection is onel reabon w,- Iy the losses are 30 higli. fire losses iin New Brunswick are no dLoubt repi-esenitative ,of those l other provinces. In listing the protection megiesures taken at Federal Experimental. Sta- tions in New Brunswick, S. A. Hilton, Superintendent at the- Fredericton Stations points ot that they couid bel applieci to good purpose on farns andi in rural areas elsewhere. 1. Regular inspection of buildings Thisis he tor of ne lae bas alu Penýe5qtO eliminate tire nazards Thi isthestoy o on blck asssuch as defective wirlag, accumayulation, which, ini 1953, was guarding a nest of ruibbish, oily waste, etc. in Duffin's Creek just beneatlh th.e bridge on what is known as iRiverside. 2. Provision of- adequate w'ater sup- He wvill not be hack this year. Since ply. This mnay be accomplished in the saine thing may happen ln any one, rural areas, as it las been dons atý of a 'nhousand laces ïin Ontarlo in the Sub-Staitions at MaýcDonald's 1954, i-aybe someone ill] take heed. corner and Tower HiIIl, by the con-. DufnsCreek is noe regarded as struction of farmi ponds, ei.her by' apïarticularly good blackhass stram. dugouts of by damming brooks. Eachl spring, when the ice goes out, the cork food adly. Then, around 3. Organiezaion of a fire brigade, Maýy 15 whfen theý, speckloe rutsua. quipped Wit a portable pumpWer and!, SonSm opns os ick up oneor tw,,o aeuaerose lunes, also ladider and smali squaretaîls. Higler up the, pails kept in a central location, cýreek, the speckled troutfshn 4. Keep a pwrsry~(200 gaI- ranges fron{ fair to pretty good. lions or morve caplacity) sud aýs usedj But to corne back to thAt basse In or orchad or potato sprying, filld commcon citlb millons of other f ish wtl water at ahl timres and equipped of the scme viets, ebuvedino x% fihlng 9hose and fog !nozzleSý. the stream last year and cleaned off C MaintaîNfre emguiser and a bcd down to fine grave l is famile stirru",p puips ini ail buildings. The comptanion who iwasn't scen, deposited types of extiguishers sected to be hier eggs thereon; theicumae hassfer- those bcct Suited Vo control tIctype tilzed themi and thon took up 24-, of fire most likeiy ho occur. hour guard duty. 6. Sec that ail buildings are protec- The young lads who) roam iDuffin's ted by iightning' rods properly ia- Crcok spotted him. Feu, of thcnm stalled and grounded, lIn New Bruns-, reaized hA was (a) a bliaekbase, wick meat year, 22 buildings werej (b) guarding a nest. After al, there's burned as a resuit of iightnlnfg. None, a hÉavy run of suckers Ii the creek of these was rodded. arocun-d Easter tinie and, to a very'1 7. Ahove ali,, Be Pire Cautions, torney-1*eneral, 1.ana P'orter, had a- pointed a tîrce-mian hoard to regulate distribution of naturai gas w,,hen It arrives la Ontario this fali.1 The thlree officials visitilig Port H1ope were R. K. Mc!Conn-iell ef thel Mlerdhants> Gass Comnpanjy, Tloron-to, I. Stuart of Cobourg and Alr. Ander-l son of the Fiel CÇom-i pany. The, tlree mn have ask'ed coueli verbally for a 20-year agrech' eupply natuai.ýgas à, port Hpe1i and whenl the ~ooe pipeline goesj through. The Eastern Gas Syndicate--the f-irmWhich (drew up the agreemient with council three ycars gopane to shoot natural. gas thro ugl f rom Ai- berta ou fiLelds. The line would cross the prairies and rua along the niorthl shore of Lake Superior and froin thiere into southern Ontario. The new firln scking ,to come to termes with courlcil plamni to bring gas tl.rough from thc Texas, oiti fielde--tht is hy importing it fromi BANTAM 1954 SCHEDULEI Ï.iMuxsko-a. son 1 IL . . Phone Newcastle 2871. Giye Stew A Try Belore You Buyî 1949 Ponitiac Chief tain six,Iar bille, cus-tom Radi, white wal S, saran sip covers......--- 1$895-0 1950 Pontiac Coachi Light Gevr attractive............----- 0 1949 Chev Coach, a clean sound cr Priced at ---- -------------- AND MANY MORE Wanted 46 - 7 - 8 cars as trades on New Meteors. We will alhow up ja $1000.00 on sound cars. SALES LIMITED NEWCASTLE 2871 the Ëd ýin 011 .A wjsh,- consumers in eastern Canada would be hiooked up with the western Cana-. dian fields, Accordinig to nn official at the Town Hall, the whoie project isecon- tingent upon the niumfber of towns along the lakeshore that would agree to such a distribution plant. Thbe three nmen visit-g Port ioe* pointed out that if cnouigh% to1w,!s tait, be iined up to make the deai practi.. cal and feasable, constructioni wouid likely begin somet.ime in the -v0ry rnear Jfutuire. May 27 Bowmaniville at Cobourg Mlayý 29 Cobourg at Newcastle May 31 Kenidal at 0Ono Newcastle at owavil June 2 Orono at Port Hope Nwateat Kendah Cobourg- at Bowmvanîviile June Y" Or-ono at Newcastle Cobourg at Ken-dai Port lHope atlomnil June 10 Nlewcastl nt Cohourg June il Bowm'anville ni Kendal Jun14 - Bowmnanville at Orono Necas at Port Hpe hune 15 ' Keao etCAoourg June 18 BOw-manvýilile atPort Hope Cobourg at Orono June 19 Kelinaia ewasl June 21port Hlope at Orono June 25 Çobourg at port Hlope Jiune 26 Bowmnanville at [Newcas'tie June 28 Oronlo at Kenldai June 29 P&rt Hlope at Cobourg Juîy 2 Newcastle at 0Orono Port H.ope atuen, July 5 Poi-t Hope at Newcastle Oroio at Bowmn ville july 8 Orono at Cobourg Kendal at Port HIope - y 2 enalaI t BOwmianville We will be pleased to pick up dend or crippied farm ianiimais for sanitary disppal. Telephone ColiectCoug 1266 or Toronto Etn. 3-3686, GORDON YOUNG LIMlýITED,'P If you wish your DEAn FARMi STOCK remioved the fastest way, then eau uILs collect -Bowinanville 2679. We also buy LIVE HIORSES. 3MARGWILL FUR PA RM TYRONE, ONT. Hlamilto Insurance Service Every class of In1sur- ance le, represented ini our office. The follow- inlg' are sone of the main coverages wue cain offer: Automobile, Life, Ac'îcidenýt anid Sickness, Plate Glass, Laiiy Pire, -Burglary, Hospitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polie, Hlail, Fidlity Bonds, etc. ORONO FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BRýOKER JICAMlERON LESKARD, ONT, Fýiectrie and Acettleue Wel4jjng Cylihider Blocks ai-d Hed4 Welded BASE AMETAL Ail Work Guaranteed Phone Orono 1 ring 5 2.0te 4.00 p.,ý.»D to 8.00 >p.. Sundaya and W elie.gda 17 ,PHONE 47rl E. C. SYER, 19.D, PHYSICI-AN and SURGEOiY Main Street South Office Hourd: - 2.0te 4.00 p.m.. 6L30 to 8.,00 >m. Sundays and Holidays 17 ' Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 0OUN& DR. R. J. TAGGART YBîTERINARZY SURGEON ParkSttee.t OPPOSITE SKATING lIK' LEGALN Lawrence C. Mamon, BL, Barrister anad Solicitor ONT. Office 633 Hoe,5538 JACK IlREID Orono's Licensed Auctionteer and Vaut N Specialize hï IParm and Furniture Sales ' Consuit nae for terni and dates phone.5 r 18 -N T EDJ A CKSO0N Auctioneer and Valuatar onLuClts Auctien salees f ùaUdsr s kInd nt roaonahle rates Coéumunieete with hlm at ~ 'erry, Ontario, or ue ]hi£ Clot, . L ,1- mortoin, et Orene, fer dat&.' JIFE INSURANCe>E lension Plina; Educational polîih.' retection and Savinga Plan. feu' hjîldren sand Adults, Mortgag e urance Plana.N F. E. L YC EIT ORONO, ont. -Phoe zrW Pl Pl C- SU Dr.. 1- 1 ý" M 'l' 1 1 ý 1 il. PHONE lRl6. 1 ;. 1 il

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