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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1954, p. 1

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l~ No 20 ay~Sho Eldorado ~reu .ue xeme Agricultural epresentati ~ip tw voalSumlmers r-eported 71 junio: 'l theseniors taking part. Seiors I te ree- 1ho have judged in three nt i the school prev-ious competitions. and also gave- A tie betwýeen Ron Brooks o)f the Su-,nda,-v! anville and John Sandersoi * 1lieboro foi:.first place in ti A. B, D -andi section found each with 5-19 unday Stchool sible f600 points. Sandersoxi in the ý,pilpit CNE shield for the highi novi pimnister, Rev.i Anniersay Rnner-upamonig the un as follows, in order to teni mu speakill' à Ken B'>utterýy, 54G points (Ký - conrega j nrilar CNE shieldlaist yea 'Mber. ;t .e may na oeta Seior winner was Earl Browý%n of me. N'ýewcastie wbio was aIso the wne s. lenAlu, ]styear-.lHe scored 572 points. Stapfles .fnd Folio ing lm laoder w-ere: Garden." The Richard Va Camip, 565 oins;David caesof t5(Cr i,'>6; Gien Lrmrand Merr-ii - Mr- tpe, iw te) Bey,. Gray; Hlarvey frt aSlee'p" GClim Gerald Brn, I'Francis Jose', unday Sehooi Neil Moffat. ivme". This,ý A A.DrmPBe.Gray of PR..J, Port 1Hope, wna$5,0 wad a tri! to t'le Chic- Art Ke llgolternýlation-al' Show in' Nov'em1beri 4,9~ th, m- ohe bigb coach. Total score of seclool aud1itile the tbree boys on the teami plu-Ls tbat han lamisof the -oach for 1953-54 Was counted. Sudyschool Second ighest coaeh was Geraldl oughout the Brown of Newcastle. ii a,± theA f itial t.hat the Pro- to meei rhnat- nie toE onl the As Woc "p 1lllýP.beilvillage. M. pîacê courmeas broken through this sprmng Mfie hun&dre wo ~by the spring floods, .yteci Law- The ParkBoard have aisopur-active to ti , Hr cha'sed a n.ew power lawn mlower and boosts biis s Cry- in ail expect to spend between two ye aur. and wi tck AiS and three thousand doua s in tCe m" will Le"gb-PMAr .hs year. yearly. M. ieters and This giuuday WEIf mark. t 1he fi rst of j sem th1e Sunday charging for cars. A iiodest tee of w tyfie tnts ill be levied againist eerèjy car eetring th)e Pr.The rvnefrors this fee will1 be used to hie1ý)iliaininl the P'ark and to furthier thie beýau1tifica- tioni and fcliisof thiýs opullar plIay ground. Iban"aiis play hrst flome Galne At Park On lMon0day Ihe ono Ba0 nBasebaili teami me dfton, Monjday eveniing whien thiey travelled to N,ýewcas.tle, to -play tlieir Bantfam entry in the Souith Dur-j hiami Leagne. Thie Newcatl tieiami, shoiwing o~ nre expine i the ini1 Mn, George Butters came to) Oronc 'Inlue 1912, He was boru iu Byleý arsCheshire, Englanid on Dec- emllbe.r Sth, 1880, the son of Jacot Dutters. In 1919 he boughÏ?4he teamîng out fit from Mr. Robt. Hooey and foi years drew f reight aud express from the C.N.R. station at Orono, also do- ing other cartage jobs. t aid, tRe Eldorado plant is capable played the -wedding muisuad Mv, A, r, oaly of converting ore ito urnu pl Bourdon sang "Because" and "0 e oxide, w;hich m-ust bie shipped to0 the Prmise Me."ý i UT.S. for the final process, convertedi It ut uransim mnetal. Mrs. Donald MfcKell, aunt of the Th3iitr0lodsloe rde, as mnatron of honour, woire a is Th m»Str ais discosbd t fui length gown of skybine emi- Iscîýentîsts at the Chalk River atomie broidered nylon over tafVeta with energy plant hiad now estimated 1matching shirred headpiece and 111% 10 atomic-geeatd electric power could 1 ied a seni cascade of pînk cra ýd ne produced at a cost comabe to tions. .0 that of a steamn plant nIsing coal atj $8 a ton, thus making such a projectTh e bridesmaids wore fuli lengtha economically feasMie, gowns of silver blue creptalette, the . bod(icýe fasioned w-ith widje shirredý 1f the current-annuial inicrease lu1 pj)anels and very bouffnt skirts. MLiss theý demiand for power cninezt Elinei- Scott, Toronto wore the blue the presc enrae of six per cent, by! oxer pimrose yellowtaffeta and Miuss 011979 Canada would require a capa-j Beverley Arcbibald wore blue oer y, City of 40,000,000 ilowvatts, compared 1±rm taffeta. theIy wýore matchixig - with the present 10,000,00 kilowatt schrred bandeaux and carried pink b caipatçity, -Mr. Howe said. carnations. Whule the potentàI for hydrolJohn Larsen wpk best man and the -power was 5P,000,00 kiloiwatts about ushlers we Yf Willard Haie. brother ofE r20 per cent was in remlote areas. As, the gr-oomii and Allan Ti. n a resuLit, bydro power- by 1979 mnight brother of the bride:' -be inicreased t)o only 3 0,0,00,000 kilo- watt seavig another 10,000,000 to Given in marriagLe by be supplied fmn thefinal sources. Ini the bride was gowned i ~jo'ecases availaýbility of cheap ceaillace over slipper, satin. L, Rausberry~ le; two -Saudy Frank 'et were LeRoy 1Representative ýey Macdoniald, al Representa-l rland and Ken riuitural Repre- ýrougb. takînlg as bis subject found in the payrable mani and bis barnz. "Thou of the Ted Heoey caugh-t for the locals Jueii-2cnd f wvith Eric Carleton' and Bob Wethenuip beug oud 1wpitcbin. honours. TheD. R. Dewd boyvs mere weak in botb hitting sud i.OooC fiel4ing yet they neyer gave up hope Many be,ý of sqneezing a win from their opposi- received fro tion. the e-igbc The local boys sported their inew Churcli. uniforms for this, gamie wbich are Left tor snppflied by the Oroino Amateur Ath- ie n letic -Association fýor use by theBan wîe, one tains and Pcee Wees. The B-antayri team sisters, Eli thýis yeav ba s a complemient of twvelve Cheshire, E. egrplayers and the Pee Wees nuni- ber as a -ie close to fifteea. Withiu The psuI a week- the Pee Wees -wîll have their A4rntIstong, first am undexr their bell with ar- hnWin. raingemnents to play teamis Ïfrom,1 Bow.. -anýd Miltonl mnanville. 0-f Local Restaurant Changed Rl -Ownership This Week wlii A -business w] the village for t wveek cbanged the inînIIte Mr, HIoààe made the House turnedi bill aim-ed at stre o-ver. atomie eîîerg grýea!er integlYation production. Thenaie f 1lb nor;¶ q)eraioc1the ( ii bas operated ia de hfree years lias this a:f oiwnership. Found's K< blished as a new en- tel oinl March 1951 by ite was pur-cbased this 1 a, Robert Thomas and fiý Last Thursday nighlin l Garden Hill, none being oven a single. .,w the locais pick Up a wiu by a Kendai teck the lead in the first score cf seven te six. Garden lt whenu with two out, K. West gave u 'P heki the Iead until the six inulng thnee single hits te, score Couroux for when Oreno sent thvee runuiers se- Kendal. Quantril sud Tbeinpsou, Ken- ryns the plate te take -aoe rua -man- dal's first two batters were caugiti gin. This ,as accomplished by a la a double play with D. WVest, Cor- single it by Fred Lycett and a walk nisb and Armistrong puttlng- the v) Shetler. Fred stole third and Shet- touches on the play. Net until the ler second and also -when ou third seventh did IKendal score again on ai ùtole home. Cornish -was the third single by D. Simpson foliewed by ceunt whien lie reacbedl first safe on bits by Brent aud Royd. Si-mpona àa fielder's choice, stole second and teck second on an errer by J. Mabee sent bomne ou Armistroag's bit whicb) of Orono. was etr.rored by Gray of Garden Hill. Orono's big ining camne in tle iiu the seventh ianing R. West second when they scored six ruanson scered on his walk a, stolen base and tnee singles and two doubles anid sent home oi a ht by Shetier and K. two stolen bases. Kendai aise comi- Viest. Shetier aLsosescoved in this mitted two erronrs. Three K7eudlerü-J fnamne. Iu tbe last of the seuhvrs la the fifth gave Orono two more1 Garden Hil aise sent two homne on a ruas and la the sixîli Oron)o agoini double, and a. single hit and aise an, wra-pped np four on three singles aud .Orono errer by -K. West, a double. Ganden HiiP's big iuning cýam-e latbe D. Wýest sund Shelley held the big third with tbree muLls on1 one hit. Hrebats of the gaime with a.obe n 4h- Orone ervors by K. West, Shet- singlje a piece. R. West and Du - *r, Cornnsh aud Arrnstnong were lu- Simi-pson, twvo singles ecch, K. Wes1117t strumental for the tbree ruas. - obe onsmrer, Qujantril,ý Orono's second defeat of tbeh ao Courouix, Wcodcock, Brent and Boydi C1 on. Monday evening la Camboi-ne, sinigled.1 whn score cf six te tbiree wasl The highlight of the game came ptied up â them. witb Orono's- pitching, lu wbich K. f'Ln Tuesday eveing bere in thie1 Weýst la provin.- very effective. The restuarant wiltl continue te set-e th vilagewit flal 0 Harper Carýscadden, masncseretevlagdre wihmet se Athur Thompson., i meas, nacs ad rfrehmets. The deceased Mr. Robent Thomas was bora ia Hill and Iived for th the villag-e of Onono and speut his lu Keadal. Left~ to ealschool years i, Keuldal.Mr. wlw two daugliters Blake Alexander of Kendal is an unele Sarah (Mrs. Josephi to Mv .Thontas. dal) Relen (iMrs. Port Hope, Melville Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and daugli- Kirby and Victor of ter are taking mp residence ina one of eleven grandIchildren tbe apartments own.ed by MrB. grandchild. The symip Dent, oven the restaurant.. munity la extended family. Interment lu Oirone School 'frustees We arepTIeased t Disciiss New lleating Plant factorilyOafter berop The scbool trustees. of the Oronio MnadM.Ja Public Scbool mnet in fthe achool house children cf Buffalo, on Monday evenîng w hentey dis- Mrs. T. Garbutt onS cusaed te heaing system cof the R. Whiitcleead of To sehool1. weeýkend with themi. It is thie intention of theý trustees Mrs. Arthur Gibsc to caîl for tenders for the work whenîi s Ken Gibson ar thlenesar details are available. Newcastle, MUr. Ail The Board are to hiold a second meet- Jerry, Mv. aud Mrs. bing on this subject nexýt weelo and Jim amd Mr. Ori 'J'lhe prese.nt coal bnringnit lias and _Marilyn were Ca not been operating efficiently an'd with Mrs.'Thes, FalI often dnring the winten inonths coal gas la quite evîdent in the second Mr. and Mrs. Maii floor roemrïs of the achool, spent the week with Open- atomie nul be ýrown-, The manrdi im Wins Two 0f Games During Week ltbe past O rono Park tbe local teapled Il teami picked 1 bost to Kendal dishing out a twelve to itlly lac( ries, a si .t roses Hale, !m1 ion to a! rovidingý rch aid i rý

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