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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1954, p. 2

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',1Doar Aime ilIrt:I've har thlat only thepe-rfecýt manis wow sfirst busbande but I nàeyeOr dreýamed ît wudhappen te m.Six years ago> , at55, I maîrriýed a widow,, 10 y ea r younger, Shec. forever pasn lier deceased hsanhow wn derful bhe wsand hoýw imuch more-, did for her than I do. It 5s gttni e down. "Sehas reaàson to complain. i bati my healtb aad1Icalinot pro- vide for her as 1 boped to do; I feel W' a burden, and had bet- ter get out. an sur she dloesn't love mne at ail, but tbough she. je so unkind I StDii areagood deal focr ber. 'Do yo» think we sboulA divorce? Or what _advice c2an youü giv? LISTRESSED" During te ;ars wben youj *want seccurity aànd dmsi *peace, you are depressed by ilI *health and the knowledge that *you are inadequate as a pro- 'vider. The victirn of a na,-gging *wo-man wo esens oa *cheap trck to keep you undem * ler tht-umb, you li-ve latro 1 do not wonder you ee]l lke5ý *walkig out. firattbougt; bt îha i t 1fo You could probably prove mental crus>t but that alone would notr be sufficent Soudyo'ur wife rthr o leave lier, or sta'y? îShÈs is"dis,- thought she was to bce taken c oe ffordte restcf herlie I.astead, she finda esefo thep su'pportin-g ead mr o less,, and sie rsnsil,. She may be deliberately dmivig youý to desperation so you 3will lev;on totherbadshe rnay b>e e o f lthosecrtue wbo fiadsa her onesaisacio la berating and belittlng you, Wn would be even mnore un- hppy livig alone When you fees uptoGit, sug- gest that she mib be mre content ýed(" wvitht'n01)Lyou, and tel berthtibrcontnua taning you with failure îis nakig yous o miserabe you 'ould be gl'd 0go),Ithn she, wîl noùt beittetospeakd the truth, From ailyo;t rite it does semthat she b as lost wbaft affection sheonehd yet oDne would , th[ink hecould find some tendenes or a sk man wbo basdn the best be Sneyo-u stili bave aial incorne, tba-ýt migbt be ar-rang- ed.' Puit ber ito ttstsetl theý future, andenthser îng unertainty, Me. In 1925 theUnvesiy m-ia had mnade, a fuJli ue vegeýtatlor on San Bi [ebtere were eilevenl eisof panscoveý Now th'-e ntuarpoes f e vegetation rc-a, bec-stud ied Wcl ll the shores be the fist part Af the isiand to gro~w genIl o, it will ea ta seedaw ashe iný by t-he sea are the m-crain fco in3 ini-ging plant li e to the island. But if hJhe Iad n hùý ýils and above 1the Cliff s become -gr'ee again fIrs t itwîamean thMI wind 1and ibirds brîing seeds mn-ore readily than -1the wves This MamyRealY Stred c,ý soimeth;inga There have been thousands ot Mary Joneses in 1the world, u perhaps the Most famious was the girl h, ay yeamS ago.,; braved biig winds to trarn fron, ber cottage home ai Lian.- f - ihagcl , c amnnbe r over, iC ade-r ïIdris's !gaunt siopes, an1dont 3a r wInatw enisi motsOfrftshe ùsougbt outi she'd heard, had copies o0 th Bible for sal- e Tobucy Cone wa-sî h er d!rab hope. U1e hiad non-.e tt liem tears, fowing taWtand un- checked-J , were bis spur. As aî. resuiu.tL, i'known VWelsh pra S- tor be(acame insý,trumirnentai in form-ing on Marc 7th, 150 years; ago, the Britih and woelgn BibleSocîet. SnceUtheni te faith ticillos' i - n ents. To-dA s agents drbt Biles àla 1,10 lnguges And thewodcruatp oi ibleS, a few uadedsa yeý'ar hMr Jones's day,eced apau] "timd" can ihthis fa- sbaped setF. If4You wvish, use thspttr or a rlkig Fet set. Easy, jîfy to crceAt! Char-bck 12xo1,iche; mu crcetdrections. f5 ou o,'PintpanyF gîtUN NUMBEa r, orN Summer Sweate cause they are consiats cf cordi a short sleeved j cf pullover at h AU s Last eek as ellîn-g you aIbout the Officers Confereace at Gu Lpb utII 1forgot tote l] yo that at these W..afaira 1 sO ofte met' eaders of this col- umri - difIereiIL onles fontîrne to tÀIie. One reader 1 was taU-lk,- iag wilast week cae fornï, nr Otfýaw,àarnd1I-w as s o arnused at thés lttie stomy she todme, One day la st f ail, a o igbur pine Ce Iidsaidi - "Wellif'scorn]" ý'Vhatfs cre"was ,the ovasques- tln Tebaby, ofci o urse. ye?"S David's arr-ivai seernas to bave b(een quite' an evenit to) oIt'rr-s IbeýSides bi imedat fam-ily And tcihenri awase tis - -Let's bar more about your gra4ad-ll.son - yo do 'tSay exp-ected you folksý to be so in- terested.But you a ýskied for it, so bere goca --sormy Icud work it la est week, If ws Mtbm'sDayaI Part- ner and 1 were just goiag to ait donalne>-Bob wicI Joy, -w-e knew, lfadgone tY Niagara, and we dîdn't ,expect the ornt foîka. Thiexîa car dro-ve i.Out of it creDee, AtuDv. adtofiend, ýifl and June -plus par ti tbbaby' buggy, nigbtie. shawls and blankets. Cigars for Prnechocol-Jates for mne and cooked bai for sup- Alter tie exerement aa dd down and David bad been fusa- ed c over ýand ad:rnIred then- DaugbterI told GranDpa wit grCeat g 1ee- LcDad - Da-vid's got somaiEthing yei, ,hvntgot!" ",AI,,-right,"said Paîremý, "so wI-itl1e îrnay have a couple of teetb but t'va got m-ore hair týhan1he ibas nwa! David Iusa laput on a few pouards - twenty poundarit six auod ahi mon-ths., ady el fi( isn'f fat. Tlse pociml ,wau tedand fret fui for sw Il_ý, muhto àîls motbem's ý- diagustý But, reted and feu, yewas soonjp laugbing and cooing agai chuckllng wihdeliglitwe- evr rie oftheJdoga, came ne,,a-r ailE is mood00 - !ood, hbad andM indffret.Da-ughtem al1so lu- Brownes k ampin outfor iek- nd lu lyThy an like f0 have DaIdfor theWEefý-Il 1 had rsoe charge of a baby but obher, g raudmothers (orne ,ý tr iughifaUil rgb C sene doubt 1 shail t liEpecliuy as Atbur wxill. Nhoalong aimra,-upod WVell, thp ethrpatterrn fMi lit weelç Ag ai er Iusuaî Côld anld wet - oXCEpIt the Is Cf ase lrlu uaié -l o so0ft trouchý that mothis wo't touch be- c f "Orlon" acrylicJ*ibre. Ti-stat right iiwide ribbed revere effect worni over ar with a, self.:braid cojïlQr. Ribbed iecklii)c- carrieýd down to for dcraie okes rs dry t haeIohu ooig N s t t wecan hear h hum 3of ïtrac!orS, and we know thiat on hlgh land sorne ed have aqlready bee.n sown i Tha t la fortunate as we had really b.een wondering Jlinhowrniany barns fertilzer had been sitig around, and how miany bags of treated spring grai waswa- dng to be sown. Fertilize dos'ttke mkindly to ýa a long spei of damp weather and treated grain is no use as feed for chickens if it should hap-, pen ta tcntbe u.sed f or seeding. Ad Yetever smnc âJuaY, by Prel ad rdo farmer havebeen urged týo"o- der frilzrnow .trayu grain earily and becredytor, the ýsPring seeding rsh"Whal ruish, -can you, teil mie? Now if the wýord'rs" ee used i coninection witb sb- d 'ivision constr.uct,.in work wçe conuld understand, eien though a î rush job Seemys. as, inadvisable in building as Jt does cnmtCe an.Bsements are scooped ouýt. A heavy do-wnpour of -ram luî- vaiably flowandye nx ftgvwe know vcernment isjbeing puidin,. Did-n't fthere used te be an idea that the earth 04d to 'settie" before cernent wmag usedl? Andl isn't the term "-soll brick bouse" a litte isleadhrg when the walls are only tweo bricks tick? We ij'ust wne hIow'soid" amodem solid brick house cani be. Ma[,ny of the oIdeýý huesomue of thiern ptthe centurllymak arecro four teý six lbks thîck. Not that wvould suggest mrodern bouses sýhould be four brick.sthc.A the presenit level of osruto costs that w-outld mean) evena five-room-bungal&w old run to about $40,000! And after aI people see tLo "be quite bappy with what they are gettIng convenient, Ccmpact dwellý Iin uiiiits. And 1. don't think youn cýoupI' le ed to worrýytomuh Tirnes change so ra-pdflýy people oiove around, so thata house v'ery rarelybeoe a permnanient, hom-e, Sonetbing lk the ma-te' eaiparty - if and w-hen thie diners wanted a dlean Plate, tbey mnoved on. So it is witb bho;uses 5and hm. owners pekg of mvgaon isn't itwndr ,iiurQee a nd lh e r famrily has arr-,ived homae safe and sound? 1 arn sur we are al very iuch elevd especiallJy rafter tfi thrat a WHTA GIFT! "Im fraid, doctor," si m Brown, "t'hat m1y husband has.4 somne terrible mentalaficon iSomretimes I 1talk to hilm fors hours anjd then discover ltat he hasn't heard a woerd." "Thaft intan alito madam," was the weary repliy .-'That'sa gift." ,Cui>ra pf*j £tIrn 4 to1ýpc8 ESO' or- CANADÂA cornSa I6b04d9-o pis P4le COMBINe sgr BNO ' rCNADA Cr tad ADD 4ti rabrlg PLACE oser biigwater und oaok utlftk(b 5 "smO miue) t, oanl, REmOtraMhetoL eeFo rf-.eolder et ether delidoesredcpe, wie e Home-e, ceDprtet TH> CAýINADA STARCH COMPANlly LImiTED, POle129?, Montrei1, PQ. MIRS 1

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