At presený,qDr. a am;y L Sha. pire, head 0f Nw Yùrk I'etro-ý politan MUseu's Ialt»h-,-poJlogi)-'caU setoi harging the Ciee not it hiaving faked CItheir oldest mazYI, Siatipu e nssF ,- togive ihîhi cin tif ic name b ut wth havingp eatýen hlm and his àiter Shortly before Pearl arUbourý, the Drco of Peking9's Mcia Ciege put thieseý pricelessth- Into s-pecîlal boxes, labelling themn "officers' lothirg" and dispatch- cdâ them, ude special esco)rt, by train ta Tientsin ýfor safe st.oragE. B3ut Japanese soldiers waylaid tetrain. Imaginetheirane whn ur.stirig open these cases, they f ound ný.ot serviceable uni- forms but sealed Jjrs, ace with. ugiy brownv bone fragmnents. inst(.7ad of thbrowý.ing away such miubbish, however, tïhne-Y w cunning enough to sel i t Chinese trader. Nýow cornesthe story's s7 ýtranIg- e-st twist- a-cdPeking Man'sun happyenng The traders Dr, skjuli erniairistif PekiçJnIg LMan and his 4"mate" w, be draigons' teeth. Were it Ohîie oone, they probabiy reasorn, wold hiave taken such care o)veri theiir &1ckig 13ndtransport. So they c.,rushed thec teeth and sold' them' as long liý«fe pis. Unr, crstress ro! warr face w taj.vat-îo.n.human beings inay eut u nything. The Dutch, juast bef oie thei,îr liberation la 1945, te thousand tif Ipound(s 0f their preciaus tuip buiba.ý Seventy-five years earller, ut the sig fParis, the Geran forced the Frnch to liveon ats dogs, rats, ie and Othier ver'- min, Somie (01 ladies rmade adn edible hash out of spiders. Net aclthe unconventionul ezat- y1ing eggs do yel of womren I the s brown-shIeiledl pay ahge mti ais they pEý anid ihie Ia t4 Ioudspec at.ý The ante éiI ik facturera daim the racdio con ing la done abroad. Wornei, ee langad whenaprahg r.xidbirth, somnetimes so pec;u- Stetspecialist tùells Ymez, find It extremei .y cemfortiag if they can chlamp a day pipe,.Apaety tepipe'S raw lmaterial sple a biod deicieny, ad helps thiem to bring a robusti lid ît th-e worl-d. A schoolmapster's wiJfe, for the Same reuson, enjoysý blackboard chalk. Muny BrYijt i sh temd rýemedieîesandprsrtin hu tatigqualities. Forintce ùceordinlg te a treasuired bo long used by the Harbord fSamlly utn Gunton HIall, Noflolkt, treut- ment for a fIshbone lodged lA thâe throat, was a dose of gun- pewderThe pieént had.t "swulow athimbleful of gun- pOtvdý-er in a -,poo(nfu, of beer." E TALKÇS celour Therela ne avan to the consumer in paylngz Cfeoirw or whiteeggs -,of Nowith that taghee out, seemng that eggs are fairly reusonable la price just now, a, few? recipes mnaking use of te invaluable "enfrit ight 'not be amis. MODE GG SALAD geatl 1itcup cold wuter saà,ad dressing juice Co! I lemn Vteaspou cWai Z drops Tabascosaue 1 teaspcoougrated enjeu 12 hard-coked eggs il eîp chopped parsley j, cap finely eheopped greený pepper oreeîr Dissove oer bolingw a t e r und grate0 onion, Suice eggs; 'place center scsarouýnd the in eOf an oued-ri n g57 umold (~-½-~urtsize). epraere- Combne olk wih haif the gel..- atm ixtre;place a ae und geen ppperias a lyr Co"v Wh the egg wohtes lmxed wih emnngh aitofgelaýtin1 maix ture, Chili u-ntil setlmi on large platter. Fi cntr i vePgetable or chce aa.Gr luish with saiad greens. Serve wlth French dressing, S had-cokedeggs i, tublespoonsoteed butter 0fvinegur ¾teaspoo sla mstr iteaspoon Weceserhlire Vteusponit ~ teuspeen ee ,r cin nQw fOy their favorite lng, The -man's ,riqht hond Iocofesý ke pïece oni the Ileft side of the atteries wliich Operate fthê %et are eattcached to front wheei, Monv- n b. ins;talled in five minutes. Prçs ylksthroug9h sie-v, aud combine with eminngingredi- eins Bleat lunitil mocthl.-If 0dè, sired, add mûireseongad salad dresslng.Refll hiee Garnish w iî t h vprsley, Tweijvc stfe ggs. EGanci CRIEESE CA K ES8 4eggs, beaten itablespooly grated Oenioný VSCU leur I tasponbakinug powdew Vapnd sharp ehieese, cut In l4-iiuch tcubes, Sait and pepper Vseup fîaù for fryinig Cmieeggs wt niOn flou, sitpepper, aind baklngÉ p.,owder. A(d chee-se. Heat faýt îIn frying pa-n until a drop of', water slze.Drop lr sonf~ f en both aides,, ur ng î ne See pmpl»(nltiy wit-h J, 411y, lylakes 12cks When yo-u're Ùn ishelJinghg- c'ooked eLggs do you smtxe get annroyed becaus(e thie ae are hlard to remiove,> and lsob- c7ause cark spotsapeuoth yokPerh-aps ,you may be 'us'ing the wronjg method - ]Lttinig thera bol, ater'than simr just beilow the boiling poinit. Yùuma rÀu Jackie IÇI4- froin the -Whitfeh'apelýdsritc blain fit. an curagteiiitce Jackie ra u aseaatOnl in ning ateak ugalnst the bect lightWeclghùs a nï etewigt lu the busines. hroubfil A digha, Brgwus trained by clever, abie RyAcl h o m1-an ut his ltrade, aiher nd Jackie c14Borg was every inch 1a tgg an Ther e wa n!yone thig lm Beýrg that; Ar(ýc dlnet partcu- arylike, He -,so ftnee leaiy ru:el IntheYrig. Whil.e he was triinrg for his sec 'd.fght uant the unf or- gettble T o n y Cnoei Arcel brouightanecen-O 'nclyoug mua vtoJackle sudnrodulced hlm ,tu the f âm- eus f'ightpeAs the sý7traxuger, hook hadswih erg,hofimld- If 1 could hatvethe h0ono f boxnga ound C, o so ith a9am ingy.Asth sraniger drew ofý,n hi. gioveis, hf.tur:0 ftoith W1hitechuipe ge1 r1and sa îiCd, "Please e-ion't hurt rme toomuch jý i'm nmuch 0ýf -a boxer, you knOW. limPeut lernig the gara. and I'd likze to box js for the sor0f it, tats ail," However, whenthe womo squared off, Becrg ýiied Inlto the youn muaundplastered the daylights eut of hirm. At the end f the roundl, wità his face stueaming wthblood ftora thýe mnany mciu tes the stran ger re- prahe ackie .for rhaviinpggve hlm sO sveea beating. Jackle 1aiughed. My dear f .1- Iown" he suid aly, "M's gainst' A the rules and regulations of boxing Ito Pullyour punchea.ý E9thics 40f the rfsinoo knowp' The yeýars went by. J;1chkeKid Berg shot Up taothe skies and thnbegan te sldd, igli3t -earsý after lie had given astranger êý IPOles ninetich was stli u thegme a hardenied vteraný whose best days were farfehindC hlm. Hle tooka iglit wvith a tISgh y 0OUang flo ae JohnyMc Ule ad came oCUt e-f thie fight w,ýith twO badiy brulsed fiats.'Berg had aunothIer fighit >scheduledý for twvo we-eks lte agaist omepalooka. from Newv jerscy. UHo didnr-'t bolr e trjain, nor did he do anythiag about; On the afternoon oA the flght, Jatckîe's fista Were sti w;Jen andiîn hrrblesape. The sJig1ht. estutouh wau painfu His th e bou. Finiaiy, an hour o se before fight tme, Jackie was take t adoctor to get a shot cfNooin Dû you wat o get your welghit clwn? e ôthîngousie r, Weig youselfoni a weighîng machin downsairs.T h npo pounage i be 's1fiftiyle. No1ct enough? Then go90to0the eqao.There wiil be adefnit lesingotyour uvoirdupols of about two ounceýs. lu or A. ureuly sbstantial oýréose iiweiht yoiu must tA a tn o M Ils ere-, redfu' woud ertainIy be, somretb' wtehome, about. An ý brund 140 pounds would rea onl-y lfy-lWith i" u in air" feeling you would beý abç- te do( twlce ns muchliUfting anInd puhngwth lsaeffoýrt than on our own planet.ý An Yo eul "louçi shedding"ý bere aeee etr lcs Mars has a)tople oftiym ns ndon one cf thiem, Deimos, a mu o 18 pounjds -would -we:,igh 'ny a quarter 6f a pondfl Not offly that but he wouid ho able toý jmp oveýr h-setps . ,ten- is court swould have to be ut. le-aýst a mile lonig or f as wudalways f 01w. A ý 'player, would take4'steps" 0of 100 yardýs or: more ta retlura the bail. Anj extra hard kick ut a fçoot- bil wouldi send the bail Off theý plunet altogether, tobe Mot fr gedaonog the stars in, space. (A real tmesving tacWcUityour siewas onle or two g;oals U. On Delimos i wouid be as easy to rise as to(f aIL. Our visitor wouldfind it a simplte matter toj iump 100 feet ini heigfit stay up there for. an 1hourýeo re ýthe f etasgenty as a fmeher TOUGH «"GRUB" Very much out of zt ordinury la, Mrs. ErnF Clark's hobby. Over th earashie (has been collecting roýcks which resemble food. Ir. heýr Collection iS a piece of petni- fled woïd cl-,osely resemobling roast beef, a piece of aragoite eryystul iookîng like a cuilwr whlle uý)n almoatnaualiokn walnut la sup piied by aaaii- regular k n, o b ç,f sandatone. "Friends whobave seen-, the col- leciion often excliimthu the inýAed -ieÎrocs iook rnost appeti7- Hfaw-ker S!ddeley GrOuP"BuY-, iCanadian Titanium, Plant- The 1Hawker SdeyGroup, British gIrcra f Ët manufacturers, havý"e b1ougih; a Canadianj company, Canupdian S t e elI Iprovemen't Ltd., Etabicake, spe-ciaiizing in thbe production 0Ofttaim a itl etal ila he maikijig of aeroplnes. he Canadin'c: a pany maes highCqu;ityprl- cis ifrin gfh mum andpr (ýseeOup ofasaIt andum eJ produets as an Eastern root, ýtve fruit!) sufd ah P- f o which, pinito drutgs, may per-fectiy ;norimai eager ta xei otld hepsitatle, I frican dlistrficts by s. Surreptitio)usly srnpnr thc hr,, Lon- it ia N f.