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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1954, p. 7

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wwwt -. -.38 INo 'l1 H ar n1 s Racing tOrn j.. aSpnrW Ci Staber ça II cin l j l ome tic, s,,i -ehe Wo în' A si it'n ns h i elj t Q Ibisk s thecinreison ' uesayJunéStI.Tht I, Mn T h S ~ st cf R n g c a es te O en e u te .w r hî b b' pr n ' it et n w the"r L t dc'tîn o necle- vea app opi-mte j ">0rde s'ý nti ase i 10 S9h hs&otwihi noa h pna yi " 6te(i evtlnl terstlirugiot te ontnet illTh OtneGils raoltd lew-Gade," e'icwd v ~ayr y tUdm fLOedta I j î l ril eu fies rcetacc t FirGrud.IhmegmelwthN iovlloands [lodsbetlacrlaieado on stha tottit cffnkithfiAness cn4 clppng on 'i forivard tli tp races. irasa ver'y insp)iring 9talk. The iosi ycmute Hare3svaingwiîchmad is l Th OonoGils trael t Gaden ymnbeginning"We give(lcbulieppelve bu a(h iae atyarudr h 111e aura ffrenirir osrieclcsed with PIe appr)iopiate banetcf Ic(toncTuf Pcb po- he mi payanexhbiiongatea t'[in ow" adprayer by vMrs. Tamii-- The meetinig videsrarefansxvit fIe lientl ra tiofficiai peang f' te neirbaulyn ryrl ns ing. TIintraesmaeevenly oatstenprk la that centre,.ui-) flargesoracks. i dnîjntnt mIites c bsies erds one aig- paàihayaetbda ate sies pt'ioda umbr 20Ž0 Cars it eassed aS, car W.A. adylibu'j Oroo hrse hae eenn talont The 0(troe Bantat Basebali tei ai Idfe IhoneIran', rontatl.attheOrn t' k aI uftered fIeilssecond ioss cf tha sea- S molad riigmc eded amber !thsIl: mk1(as r o' ginet Bewxaan-ville lanO onîeyfrWAmel.Imadcie Sudylar imsae n SatÈurdlayteadeth Park on Meniday evening cf this wýeek. r-jdîax ite jwly id Reusi into the Oreoi igeal inteseat. ~~The visitera searned the-1i- rîmn wt etns Pr a u Wagerig1riilge aeahgef- onsistant play and etocadtho ý'IA Srwes estival iî bing} natlTis mv ýe1pdon ai; lovents. TI prietcfido locals 14 te 4. Bob Wethorup itde ln deoyueile fteamto an n liasheen et aIfiftycentsthe entis-e ,gan1tefor One .Irhule Erie tta uisakdt ix hln c lePr ~persr wt frocpaîkng mdfrocCan-eton held (le duities beixd i 'liecarsid eut iige soume IfOC Par1,iik imet vith t u tt "Ic IOoo P r uirg (ie kaby, Ontarie deput'y siînter I; ntrng t p a s t f e ir s am m esi x i i ilcauu u es, n rrwSy.s c p e d d ale t O p n c x a m r en led Cr-oss., ýImbotis ycam orewaelwh i eito ptiIlg .atake 0off,1 Mr. Aiierson Tbemcc c tu Nîtlmbelad ach tecary n iitx"terejt.tiitpin tIntla.liesunxege th gte on Su ne edwih h xry sarvy adatien are sesrngtesimig Ato I eputy-iiso adtetw udrda mas ciet xra cmpagu. nlipp cases duigJgyad tbose c]lasseýs pilot escaped tho pilot divebckit tered tlie Park. a-s tley arete iald a pstv ea-ile la-Milmordncetothe -cdttimte tMhulýed eut Duls %ibsritin$1.50 per Ye- IC Twnhi CunilMae Car EtaEtk er Rtes3pon1-sible For tE cpened th M . iQ lfh gav.1e ___Twnhp Cu cil wa os l Sptu l, fe meepasdtuLe *Ja.T. Brw, oucllr hieoenaob lDvev Fed Levein, Eai powe Q te Mooril ia, Bowamanil, adClere1. E. AMilîson pres 'tnd hym ionJan 2 1954, W imJamies cour'l iThe inutes cf the last to, Oronohi los ISth yenaaer tan meetng wverend andl adopt minues f iiscneriymam ine weeks. j esss tee.Stapletn and i ipieed.A Th deeas'd owa a on c tie Nel, on behaif cf a nuni JuyÀn Lite Jes and c sa S Aine a L ge eiine rs,esenttedi lsh Sed ora on February 22. 1877 at Enni- wyansugrd oi .èfon idsiilen. On rDeember,1 9113howa%7 i de s 10and ead gradi n o concies Wbyn, Orono, and they famoud atïEnls 10 and M, .C tr'cri ý- 11 11;-1- -O this-ma >il-""ith the d tle Lr' anima in marrige miriAlama 1'tain- -I nisilienuntil they' retired Wte1:Orenoad pro fifeen yars age.aI (let spection He mas a mncuben cf the C(tro-A ses( Ltaited Churel irlere hol ase . f i fithe n f ci attendanjt -andheldofcefradozinig t iambes cf yeass. Bis chefiteCreatsfrn t rero hiis homoe, bis ehardl and lte Copci contmity l a ibch le lied. RndS that the Funefal (tiiooUni; in thxe iga, and ilîsxr- -or ites of (hae s ervices gîven b-y Orono Fish flfinC -PevigrieAh1t17socain"tth-Prk te give u ny informationm. leJe- 1ra gist empetng anemetsinae erinsrcto cih mtrfiping t(leielan1!e ve, psg te'fJli ufid lied Crs wmigi-T. DouIlglas F tIc ins dpatn atop) n~~~~~~~ heeo tatî d uevs lie i1ru-ad le ,Ke iydon (cf sud- a char' l homic ýf tesadxiilepaot forcassdor c f ta ianoIl(ho pri harunComxnigo uyMi t îe pletelder maIter,-qauiig lie Perrres, srcngîasruuing.Betf bve psse hai. mre iaie 1('to push opeil (hoeiik sc ia tie-n Ii snor, swnmigtet hl i r", M.Rcaysaid. "Iefere t' t, i y.evsdad.r'tbk at ais." tsi Les oaci At(hoecmpotof (ht cure Itma abad meintetbefora alae( 'taml' tst iniii lie lield for (ha h iirn aagdte eseapI-e," -ho sa)idl. 'Whe gi sclscn-ude lieuerx'incf1 .nai aenwap anl I 1ul se ms(ot- am )r (ltBhni ed CIThss and abis d icpohg pontoons and mý"e e ld on te In. (i c Iphazar d.. )JI ak h Teot lo'r ac nhim-Iself. allat ~ A foe iili e cbargedevar11y ld Tinsdyfls n iigt train "Exc( toff t(leansolling la-(oUvsiosgopa lsridlefront1Foeyt la l hs met (ctig, ave (ho lisL os mIII lia belli for Boginners, (o oaf-niise ms ufein Evr socks, latermoldiates, Sen-lis adJuirsrom mian aehbing sbeailes and cals on iras -la aieabis shin. Folayat is 125 miles; norîli- seaiizec loS, cig'- Ornantcntajs ili ii ril) ks, tooth Te Svmtn sap ete nbs.know I te hig l irmin lass ii i1bu "l- noves knew before (bat yenI couple craictipo,n li(ieSmo e at sink thèse balicepters," lho said. Ibacl't sve laa reaionl roga - spensorad( by (l tTbey are even bettes (han a planle. have co )ircols"ae Ahei sscawn With those big rives poaleaonle j Ihe croî ensAlAssociation ar-e paie! for by the sjale (ho TEI o! Clristnmas seals. T id I nn ie And Hunt-SponsorsiWi IVer * 15 ive rrujevts r or junior inember Oves motyadait and junior m1-enti-1jauof mney. bIers cf tbie Osono Fiah itad liant jTIc elîdron i-at (heo (ronc Public Clu mo tath pOrage aj -in ha Seool are bing aakcd (o dram ret Menýdaiy la Jane. The imajor porv-f croat design for île club. TIc lioesl de- tî cfor (ha-,business period msgiron siga m-%il! lie ased by t( lu> a'nd a aven e disussio on J nimemlbari, Vza amarded(larî. ativitieS. AIluior meiembra cf (o club ii A miag film vmas shomvnanad an- belie rn, freo f cerge, conservation joyod by (bac-, presenit. eelto e lnosa on thoir jackets. Tho ýsita iprveea1pog ant A)ise at(e jnirdepastnetat Ms, onl host-qa]m,!at Don MHalnn'i a is-1nTlie at ademi r cusod nd l as decided(e moskon.1 nstruelica non fs-am a lhis Vmas (bis on Wdnsa mat Il mes uxc1tcd 1 hod on W7tedneadaIvLsat. Ms-. Tolmie (balt 1(ela i'ces donCte date and alýise urges flttt Picboyýs ntakp s crap (bat if (boy iahed (o pr od ith 0tha bocks cf a!nimais aad Ifiah 'and1 aise o-1 'voturc or orwas acsar kleep )a saimas erdiary. 'Tiiosearticlesý AfiaI 'fry for seniormoitr 1c miile On di;splny e ýt (troncFais and (ho& club la telti od lan(l vcry1 ear.iii lie juge mdiprse wasded futre.Asangntetsaremai uder (l manos.TheClbiaerad may ii lefi7y is(c lie lidat lice caatdfor space e,ia ocalaI Lake. F ais. Fifoenxuaredphasat cic~ ar Ade iS telia s i-et a Ic Ji due le oarrive in Jly and hsii etn forin, ranzdPialri li e t' ýrmedi cl[ft) e li11aedor Th fo (o bysatlie aR.Al a cute edng istele eneh (omebramiili skdte ukoaboy club aî wlnabacesdral I lu (ip The newl4y fermed basebaîl teaam at Ncmýtohv,,illa mbich madle its final ap- peanance in (tronc on Jane 101h and roturneýd honte afler a fnilisavon lan- nigof play i(hl a mvin by (mco ruals la a 5 (o 3 score. Neirton-ilo mon (boisgante in (ha (bird imlanga mben (bey drovo home (bois five counts mhjel maso (bois ronly rsns d1iig (hogant. (roncon île elles h and pîcked tap Lwo in hi hoistand (osothor la (ha second. Raye VWas(, firsl t(o bat fer(toc rahdfirsl onl aners by P. Cl mer moidaanfor Nowtonrilo. Hoi Mercr ad D. Wesl bcth 'aixgled. Mesc ie Sosednla (is raeteý coattie orOreno. fi nicat onl ,ia e n eýý-rre b1 . cs hi mwas felimed ly a siage bit by Holi inin, 'a do bby J.Gil r ca al te, taeta)aad a loet Ïra y L, t avatlab nance 'et sanda. J each y~ shape a go is il rîleges a t, (ho craft e.,' 'depaîxi lxxiii: ni tsicd (lic e budgc. Wli a sabla ha ~ id epeaed t? Býrooks. Nine- battons la (le plate la Ibis itancngz rua mas accontp'ished (h drie (bat mas mntIss4 b for a shor tlime lest la t (le final four innings N% enly tbre c men ibases. iniajt (ronc lad tanj bases Cousisbartedyn fIe and lai (hafinal 'lire gave ap four-malks aù'd t inerd la(hafeurLith gi', \ith ,six srk cl.P. 13 (lie cantire gneforNo ing tvo malk, tire strik-ot,!1îýr Dn Mercarb"l' (h I. Brook fer Neirtonii IedJ witb a honte rua Iý iagis and J, drmer a ' Tht- a irhicb ýWS.

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