'W if 911 nusoanads t mine is, and rmany LO0W. a're ouf ha dia Jane Rcels'and nias hmý e hades.-. ýod-iooking women .t~ day, îI know hiei but JFm cocie ;bînk Ibm more cf-. n most girls. I am ýok oniy af onea man, filhe man f0 av r me. Why silould- e orbs be roviîî? nauseafess nia. I may Ltifiva, but I feel -a look oniy acf bis wif. REVOLTED? IThe femin-. isider *his- wif e the mosf attraçtiya *womoan ha nos but if yoïx "tblnk thaf dimens ho ye fale *prefy face oraweltrd Sankie, you dôo'f knowv the *maie sex, *This doa.s nof m-îean fit h e * coets every ýalu1ring girl isý * eye liehf on, thougil that caix * hppen. If das imean he is *a heaiY nomal wih ail bs *se-nses alprt, sensitive to beau- * t a3qd cane eogi 0admrit j'i.S og as ha can admnit i f0 hie wife, he is in littie dan- *gar of going furfiler. But * when she ceeq avil it *normal reaction he swalflows h is words - and they mount *up within hilm lk a secret *Passion. Baware thiat day *Maniy a wife admires an at- -Mtract ive gbi, a e als ilar *husband's attenîtion f berShe J ovas beauty, and tieshm~f *share if. Doubt hlmi? Sil * would neyý-er insuilt hlm se '~do nof letf marriageprvn * fieir giving a secondà look at 'an attractive maie tilafS pass-.. *ing by. D)o ou tink ilýthat * makLs a wom)nan l ove e bs *banadlas On tha conftrary,ý sha 1's ashma as hawic is a stronger bondbawn AIl this ma-y slokyou. Asz you weigh thesa_, truths,il- ever, I hope you Awiipuck that green glearn lromi your eye Be g-rateful you ,,ara mearried f3 o a mai intead ofvgebe. e m1a1kes a' more satisfacfory hue - banc].': "Dear Anna"e irst; How a bout fil oug man who foid you ha woln' rust a gr if shca let hmtake liberties? Tl i aie ego gets me down! "Why don't -you and ther!c17 wriVers giv'e these mies a 'goode going-over? Tilree times ouf,0f fou1r à is thay wil eed if. One wvouid fhlink hai-feln ara aul tilamaffar! RA~/ * (h Maeraesof this columnïit offt an charge mne wifhfavr ingfie woiený, whiila fila laf- *fery sayIv malw'ayS on fila side *o f ietn So euidantly tha eopinions apese bere ara *' prty weèl blanced. If ailde- * pends on aern yoUust, *doentif 1? you ilIcniu radn the uolumun, 1I fhinkyouwi find thiat I do chastise the, mod- arn oungman for his agoistic attitude as offen as I(reprova file feiniine sex. .. ,Intlelligenxt comrmente a're alwaqys. welcma fakyýou for yours" Soieimes a man is driven 10 ý de-eif hv hiewifa's inorance of English "Papo>oshka"~ - This terry cieth beach jackei Joy Rcardo of London, has c hood which doubles for books and magazines for the becich, or ai rainy moments, [n pïiik and white, there, a mati -case apn a string, %o the wearer can't be "hoodw*i of ado.rnment at the right moment. iea wbhole weak o! goûdwath rr And -novfile dus+ is lyýitng and farniers are hoping- for rm Thela ind is unbalievabiy dry. In pasture fialds filera' are deep cracks al over file plaýeîThosjýe cracks î î, ifsf111 gives me a quaa ee seln0c e emWlilen I. wes very young miy brothersq itsed f0 feu me fo h cre u fiosa crackýs lu fila ca-efi idi- caeed tie possibilàit fli an aarfhiquaea ight Coma I&wtboumt waring and wKhere tilare were etabig Cracks fila aarfh migilf suIddenly splif wida open and swallow ime tip!TThat wasF le orie of fleu'ees ' e tr s thnaf I carried earound witi- nie inmy chldilood. Chiidran oa times becoia fiidanci have nigilfmnares ba-caulse o! just sueILý frigbtaning eforieis. f i ci shows siguls 0of1baîng undciul iy niervouis if is Possible filet fur- flera trouble rmight ha avoDidd if the youing mioliler r maae ,de- term(-inied efforlto idiscovel h reason for ber cbild's hide fpans- and if enraly ibd- clen. Bot becil f0 filalandý. W er ileving some flaled work do-ua on OUr, f erm Ibtis yaar-. Our voun friand Johnr, on a fan, about tan mi les f rom hle, \wanfed f0 put Our tev~cefront fiald imt onts. Tilaf aha bs doue Lenst pras.sad( a buffoný., 'h bath, filled vwifh lub t i esoc conf roI lwmr. And beceuse 0f C'lronýic neurlifisi-1Jneouaayrm, Parîner lbad muci- hefila sem feeling. WC- efilil like horses - witil somreona aise fo hilandie filemt For ourses wa feel more at home now wfh ila caFr and tmrac Jol-iny uclprafers horsa.s, aithiough ieha ba atrector ftcoo He says by using fila fractor azi file hcrsts ha bas put lhirt acreso! crop and uned on>y fify gailon of gas. I suppose coma farmi-ers thC-inkonc, way, coma aniother Driving along aD rond in Pelcounfylest ifwaek 1 saw one f ariu where wofemewerey bEýinýg used 'wille just àacrosa file rooed ier wera no lacýs thai flirea fractorls lu ofte field!. If would ba interesting fafolo thfup and find ouftil nef 1-e- tmsUrn nfomboth fiads. Anoilr rlg I nofîced laii PeolI wamon îa gravairod; il daat s~trrific andfic wi iliti lot e nii4 ore orion bwenty-ovo yaarg binmi lthe ~mua.Actalyno huiind ýuati ;ignad by 3 ca rryaýl Dction for divisions, nopeved roade, juefs fan land, coma eli e1îcultivqtad, oanot. But I wesn'f eevd Iknaew flatf fie iles fnef ber on if was a dafferant Story On the uncarad for land thaf Iwî passingtfilera was gnrlya naw il ouse, file owna comut ing back and forth fo Mlfon n r Brampt on. Aniotfier dlay I weý,s in Northl Hait on and filacountry nidad genuine farm lý ýook - if you un-. dersfend wilat 1 rmean The ilousas ilad a "Iived-in" appear- ance, and file ciurteas chools aind gravayards sucrefidy and mwe cared for as if fila coni- niunity took pride la keping fham tilat wy.And fila wo- mnen mus et hanidarful housa- ikeepers. That was obvious by- file lunch filaf was sarved ilat da o t e l .repres.ePtafivae Iafteniding file Distrýcz Annual. How differant foi ieaverage resta-urant mal-and 0'i bal! fiele pie. Tiera wera home- made rolIs "lika inotilar usd -f0 mîake." We heard atirad fhiaIoùa9o!tfiealaaçiesmaýde no lacs tilan 4508 roue!ý Now file cdistric.t 3annuaileï iovar W.I. activifies -ecetfor, Brancil meetings have more or Ies corne f0 anle nd(. Wiihilis juef as_" w'el! as filera comnes a finva3 in file lives o!f iavm wom1rex wilen too many damands u'lpon fhiar tmbecming "atburd-en. Tilere is so mucil extra work et fuis tfimaof tfila year filaf y ing and ilarvüsf le upon, us - be- fora we cen f urn around, With the busy seasori upoi; tic I am wonderîng ,wilat i-e-:gQcg f0 ilappen down town whaee d o ur shopping. Fr years Set- urday nigilf bas beeni praçfieal- 1ly an lsiu i n flic district, Parmaers, aloig vwith thair f ai- îles, gef into 'good' cloflas and drive f0 town -- te chop an&t f0 visit until fan or laven at night. The week's work i,ý,behiind tJiern, Sunday a-head of tbam[-i so thiaf Saturda'y nighif le vary dqfinïita- ly a timre o! re-laxatijo.No-w, the marchante downiifomn hava r ecreed filat lEqday jetfo ha open inigit. Saturday fhay will clse etaix. Thay can' cee that if will makea aiy diffarence tf0 farin folk - f.armaers can Coma in Friday nighf t as aaýsly ,as Saturday. That wép chali-I ea -the innovation ,omas I affect naxf Safurdey, If wiU n ýot raffeçýt uai ail as 1we very mrl do our shopping af nighLt Neyer- theless I bats to sea f arrefolik deprived 0of th's irnnoceli Pas- fimp -fthe social Set urday nigilf.One fhing I anmre.ifaKt --Friciay night wllneyer ftak4e the place of Saturday nlgbt If sný't the sanie fhing at ail. WE KNKOW TnrE LINE: 1ïte wac- traveifling 1on eac i way fine thaf was hottd fcrlifs disciniforf and slowne-ss,ý Affar habehaed b ananbra- compllching a loliay o! Only fo aw iia lie evenhually reaohed fie erinsk h iký rodnesse il wost part of tiue Jod.d Iethat , i h.e id, "MA i%ýhfrîe,'È',it'a nmot a rude qpiu*a- tion, are y0 o bundfor?" "ChfinaL" gmapped the frayVeZet. 1 had always heard tha:t thde H-azaraJaf lis the place ta find,' good Afghan feit, and, since 1 watad some, I was vwatching for if ini the villages fihat we passed through. ï saw some var-y finie pieces in the vililages near Waras Pass, and tried to buy fhemi. But both Simrah and the vill'agers assured mie thaf I would se much battar in the bazaar af Panjao. When wve got thare I foutnd ne fait af al. Suspecting that, 1 was about to dupflicate a simrilar f-"i tile search for di-f annad "deer- skiin" miocassins in Badakhshani, I n.tionad to the Janjao gv ernior during one of our conver- sations triaf I wýould like to buy a4 piece of good faIt. H1e said ta the- very best place f0 findi it %vas a certain village fart her along our tril towý,ard Uni Pass, and that hie ,woid send a messen-ger: thýýeatf0have soine waiing for, us. 0f Course at fthe appoinitad vil!lage ro one had evar heard of the gover-nor-'s mressenger, or myv desire for- fealt. The villagers thare, flot knowing from whence wecame, said that the very benst place fa find good feif was back near Waras Pass. Commionlv, in - these îsolated districts, whien one wishas f0 buy anl article, one îs told either that muchbatter can be foundes- ,wee r else that il is 'the wrong season to buy. Therle are probably two reasons for thîsý. Firsf, one can sekioni go into aý shop (eveni where thet'e are shops), and select such articles as, feit, or "deer-skin" boots. These thîigs ordinarily are not for sale, They are made only by fhea hidi,- viduals, or familles, who expecf fo u_1se themn, and it is necessary to persuade thesa individuals f0 part with personal belont-gings that they n ieed for themseives, Againi, certain villa,)ges gain. rep- utations,' off an 'justified, cof Pro- ducîng the best articles. A vil- lage omansome wvinter nmay outdo hersaif, anid by unusuially har-d work pioduca an exception- ,ally fine piece of faIt, href ter her- village beromas now as "the homoe of the very best," regardless of the quality of past o)r future producfs. 0f tan when we.re directed some\wher(ý else ta find what wt' wanfed, it was sobj coamucil "home of file ver-y -at"More offe-n, hoev ro sucil occasions, if wýýas probablyý onlýy the dasira to be rid ofa _nuisance filat promptad them fa t direct us elsewliere. F"or gnr- ally thay lhave only %what thay I nead, an~d fhay do) flotwanf it taken from thfim The idea of sa>llýing wýhat they have for a Prof- -it, or,"as aIneanls 0! cornverfîiI labor into waalth, and then mak- ing new for thienisalves, le aeit h- er not constdcerEid or ný-of appeal-. %tfan, l37 Ov "byErnes'e F Qo. ow a»n4Imake a good var-nish reevm? A. D ýiss2ol've ftbiorouighly ïe quart 0'.f gOOd ea3'usflc soda in tilraa quarteaDi. Iukewarm wafer and apply wifh a coarse son Or, fry fwo pats 0of spris f fnmn a t Ont0fl f urpentiné;- apply wifh fi rag. Q. RHWow an rnov re spots froeni wallpaper? A,ý By apply;ng a paste ad o! caleined -nagnesia anid bôllEd,3 wafar; let ifdrY -on)file spot, fin serape off caireftully wifh a Sharp knýif e q: Hw ca I atif an a qtra-w A. Cle-an and dry the hafte sonethroroughIly w îi fh th4 bý?afeîiwhite of an egg and put on a ilat stand f0ý dry, Qý. Iow eagn\1I reniove 01 that lias SpMled on erug? A. _fts bldle absorbed b Qovarin-g zat once ifh coýrnmeal; leauc, fwC days, then brush wii 'OC, rmoeby aovering wifh How To Get RId 0f Emipty Pop Botties goers Who bfistIes at the Sight of tent-like hats gand mu hair do's, or yotre upset by au- diene chatter(., the Canadiaiy mining town tif Va] d'Ov Kil1 givn you full irritation value. Joan Walker, an Englishi brida wvho went out to Val d'Or with her, Canadian husband aster theo -war, disoveed that a visit tW. the movies wras regarded as ani occasion for a. get-together (.-f friends to exchan-ge knitting paýt- ternis and cake recipes. Whnpangs of hunger oir thirstý assailed the audience - as thiey djid with surpIrising frequencey - t-hey lef t the movie to vîsit at nearby restaurant and,ate stocking up vith litera i supplies, of pop, ice-cream conesý, peanutai an-td pop-corn, returnedi tothi seats. Pap' er wrTjappingsweermv ed, roilled up ightly Iio bil and neatly flipped dlown the au- diitoriumir. Peanuit shelis were either dropped f0 tthe floor,, or- stcred in the collars of coats thIrowni over the backýs cif th seatis by people in fot But the real highlight of thec -get rcid of it" game, records Joae Walker ini her hilarious and highy- spirited book "Pardon My Pra is tbe simple method of disposing o)f etmpty pop botties. They aize rolled fromn the back rýow to the front along the con- crete floor. If a bottle hits you-, ankille, you give it a quick kîck,, and speecj if on ýits appoirited -Che author tielis P delighffulO story concerin-g Rosie Boa one-t'im-e citizen) of Kr]n Lake. Rosie was th1e owner of svr al brokeii-dowr, shaàcks, Tee according fth le law,we s- ject to city taxes; but the owner fhouaght up an eoffective way of ejudÀ«ing the fax collector. Wheni the City.ý Fatheirs becameý really h,4 UpvWifh lher for nion- paymient she would dee~e property to tha Royal Family, cýover ithe front of the deln wifh Union Jacks, nd- affix hand-painted sign " ýA pgiff te Hi.R.HL Queen Elizabeth front)heî& loyal suibjecf Rose Brown»- Parking 111 Spain in Canada moforists put acoi into ,the park;ing-metýer ý ibhee they park thceir cars; Enigland'iaa car park attendants. But in SpaliA whenl the motorist pulls up out. side a shbp his ' usuýally ap~ proaChed by a noisy troop r4 tough-looking kids wýho offer fW "guard" hàis car while hie is awjay What thiey mean is that ifdhN pays them well enough fhay vwill rerain from damaging hic cair, Tihe motorist selecfs the toughestl lad lu the group and tips hlm W,, keap the thers off. This the l-A inivariabily dôes with the utmdi1os( fid&Eity tc the mnoto)riçst-- -and fM his pals -wif mheLwdoi.tl* 'LOcS-hr thie proeeds ater ISSUE 25 - 1954