ci- the ro , rd-wa,1ks WhiVen nE ili stiar1 '~ s, 16 oz jar IGA 1&oz. ar -Panut Butter IGA Tomatoes Choice. Export Canned Cola & Ginger Aie Clover Valley 'erf IOn nts. Uthouj* iýes fo 1bein Is iat ;ork cd smiers s agi-o, ne tflen mientioneà board parties were most often ooe "P rt of Cobourig" would bel for Prýe.squîle or Twve -O'clocIk Point, Une of supply to bac], up The Sydenham dredging a-it tb Iharbour todIay k at a task fita indmeisod that tche hrours crented almost -with the birth. of thE- 1for developm-1ent are Kn-hrorback an theearly 1880'a. ourg, Toronîto, Ham)-ilton ni v Sftjjng saný,d filled in, the imouth with ýarne.s. Mýayor Burnet drew j the same regularimty the I'lediges were rUcently to a mnap that was back at thie job of clearing it awacy. 1recenitly and pointed to Ot, Thrillg sea rescues are nntioned, ECobourg which he noted in Cobourzg's, history. Anitestn At as b io the mnap ) Mtae conceras the Jeasie Drumamond . The map ihowed the pro-ý whicha foundered off the rbours of the St. Lawýrene taking the location of the lights a- wih hih seas smashig her toward ýxitem--enit bildînt galong the the shore the sIp broke up intoa it> tle 0o(i timiers are recaîlhunded pieces. 1lier 500 oýr 600t6 Ping iay's When a:thaur- coal cargo kept the beacl~es arwh ibusy docard and a spec1 with the fuel for months evgiv sgtl eve diliy and annual Corktow\n a winter's sumpply. The crew eh Cugme of L ce nAýwas rqeued by the harbour lifeboat gh cagoesof o, cola[ uionerthe ditrecton of liarbourmaster- rteOrdnance Depot 0arei Dan -Rooney. tg unloaded at the docks the The summrn w7hites and yactiï oport are few. Thiere wein C caps -were a standard sight duriTg Me~ ays when sailng Vessels anald bot months. 'Yachts frûmy the RC.,G. in numbers lay at anchbor to; Tura tu Seaway Pg. 5 i 'cheese Slices, reg. . 29C. < 2 5Windsor -- Vanilfla 'b .Iceland Wafers . pkg, 39c jChocolqe orý VanillJ< Fr1s20 Dessrt Mix 2 - 31c. Bordons16 Ozs. * a fo 2 c Choe 1-te Malted Drink 51c îCicken Tladdie ...... 23e 20 oz. tins Regular tfin Miliionaire Sârdnes -. 23e Walds 7 oz. 2~r25Boneless Ghicken ... 53e é/ Timely Needs 'R 1C New imiproved m2%1 Fly Thx ........ 8 oz. 39c. JUNIOR Fl y Tox Sprayers . _ , -~ ~ p~>14roe eA Ur), SPOTS WN(FfpF yotlZ/U. F4S(-I/1A7ÉBy»66AV99 OF NAWRE. B>'~ ~~ý tHeEALKE r5/6lA A CA> MAlS AMPiOCKS. 41ic, 2for 59C White Ruibber Fly Swatters Black FIag Insect Bombs 6 oz. 79e MD.YwountoEx-plre i 1045le f FARM FRESN Fruits and Vegetables Large Size -- for summer drinks ILb 53e., lb. 65c. ribs, lb. 49c-L NeWPotatoos 5 Rt 'New art ... .. ......2 W esap Apples,...5 ILo brida Crisp and Crunchyv Celery, 2 foi Hous Op)en ail day We rsday 8:3< a.m.i y 8:30 a.m., to 9. ONTARIO DIPARTMENT OF NoN. IL. P. CECILI,9. [nterlocking Chimney Blocks BETf R CHIMNEY A' OWER COST 8" Ond10 brated and Steamn Cured 30"Lon -12" - 15" - 18" - 36" Diameter- PORT HOPE BLOCK iand TILE LL"OYD TAYLORý Phone 41 r '7 Orono ,OntaliQ Jam d Pickles 27c ne, eans, lb pkg C.ake Phone 41 r 7 orono