minutes. t,,, mixer until it AISE sAUjCEF state 0W 50 ter thanflreýsh ces fhoe 1for variety, kins f but- w ces rte) Jlarge eagle whichh ematîil dog tca the ,ree nearTyns ,d IrcvýiipHae ýd several do, apuppy, FI ,oughly. ta 4 table- ed pecýans, ds. Season 2 table-. igreen ùor few d rop*; vou <ou liedplexity tuf rew pleaeuras and n, ew, - n~rew dvinst i wear t that ~ around,: ~Ve that tue reýt Most -i£ hist e nohlariful-' ronPolit of e ea5ýeýlurt k aword etCi u rherc- Dr,,o Your Child To, Your baby mwill ealk when lise t-, ipady anid able taàdo qo, prob- aibly somiewliere between 12 and 18 unonths. Donl't hold bhie hande high in the aiMarl OuI,» Humour Tht Viirnhlc e haert cf crtin naehstwho g ~1vlng roublethe eela only maketý, a martyr of him. Sthygwave kjnm asmedail 4,4 ih-onour ,and pubIbshid it i the ?res »as beinig bsoed" aerice roderd~»The hoyrlfid anrbltfed the ýýc)unîtry ta s cape the wrath of his fellow plotters who mwoutld ntlobelleve heormationt h oene -Aedofasnother kind was. played tipox àprisonýer1010h-,'a-- aWaiý,ting triaL I t was uspecte-d by hirý fellow rgusthat he wae ak mean wli had the eýar of tIi auth'riies nd ight Seek ta save hirnself bytunn Sat Durlng the eo~Irse ov f 1thetra bie was e, ite Ita hvehi nieabls ient in te)him.One Iay asi he llfted the eoyeý rom ithl0Eý dI(li found that oenhd set lyna hmn aA grimy ta fisi ra ti heni 1 your arôuai es, neaRr ei But there was tri it, 'rankie pushed the iii wards the big on ta the big up ta the ntes eagle off and a1nothIer caseteposýitionsý teversed, Adtetieat ;a miry opened a receptacle fting ta find a body - and vered the mo(,rtuaryy keep- 4eer. .haps the mstpiquantî is that of a doctor whobc giv-ing evideeceatai- in- at which tefamous palth.. t Sir Bernard cISpilsbury .present. The doc,-to-y-fainýted ec witness box, > WaEs carried out, and for>0 of a better place-ý iwas laid table- He opne is e-es id himsell stretched out On, mng like- a ,4lab with the paUhOIogiSt fbe-nding Ovey fle fled. twhmat grim sen cncm withb fate? A youngbrga eaiirie a hou-se he bintended bHe< succeeded i bringcing rieli haul, He wasgeu i love witthhe g4cý,irl, but )ecan SipicJous ýýandeen won the tuhfron imu vas horrifted and insisted ust riake restitution, Dand De au honeeSt 0a.1orshe dI noever nma.vry hum, To e- ,lier. lie Went back ta th E' fine rnight tc, plae he S, -& and wa~agtin h *ýith the j îïl n ehan, DUO QOWN GLIAVE IN SPAfl. TIME vIng attained bhis 8-ý5tà birth- with înixed th cold spel bir corne niJuries; laterwa s ùwn grave. .n s"prmy tii. I but even ocut sôme taugli sanie platV briglit new b- Being blg seems st sili ai ïlflc of thp col 1- If there.-s groy in d the kids <ail you rpu CIO. Its Polo the silent moviee, >ru as ever ta the. ort of yesteryear. arrived in, Ne-w iiywood' on c rare uestrip, rei Ca ni àt$ing -This B- in ber ta k The tur- a ciwýin 20-i-mm. ends %n recognition C image on a radar sight,(-d, aufomici ýy fù-repoweer when i eunesthe uterctathe "brginé' Edevelýopm-ent for rong eip, à O'pero. ta res-t ýlle UAIorl e is water a-y flowers, riest ground 'asoff or a Reiaus Tibet t Wbhiehi'. mrany parai- e sanme titne ewith birds ng airer the is, uc wild ole, iny in andeouit