.. . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . .-I - - - - IL N, L. Aitaa telifitlecl ' variynig t'le meus iný the Menýýiu." whjch w-as welI presented. J Taigpart were M\isses Irene ml,1CI 'nle Women's Institue et ut the Kathlee Geuch Rita Bosgraaf Patsy ()ni f the pr(ýSesiet,. N orman Foster, Margaret Yendnick sud Mrs Xenned.Y on Wednesduy eveniug, Ray Aartineli. They also sang two 41 ne ~h ithte-preti lent fl ihesng ithout accompainent "Aun -fini. Theroi caînuvs aswre b Wla"and Brhms TLuly"whichpwere wring a int on the caeneofnlis h very 2-Émc l ned.Recordboksý I 'onorsltieg afaoit meter dispiayedý and found ve-ry inter- ;in sie c fce i Suter stye, est mg, gipingersone ides ou the a ww 'drutbeefwsendAe lehoOSt i Mouitun ie sud care given toh t te istic Anun Covetio o Anaristi poster was on dily g- tirhum Wes hed u te Tîniy~ ngthe xvay totendernment;-(1 (l ited hueilonianilleon Gri;nd the ment (2) Pound the ieat iTs $ 7e iP i M i ysti iýew (flop5 U ifljjj %. it iLc( to 11old a pienie a't Cold Splinigs on July 121h when visitors will be el cne. Raclaperson la requested t bring a cup, plate, kinife, fSrkud ' spoon). Atter the mleeting adjou-rned(,l j'rfeshmenîs wer-e servýed, cOtese beinig MsReg. EKiloît amd1Mna. E. Couroux. Mr. auJMme. Will Ptte fWark- worth wenre receutvsitnswih lrs Cha,,s. Topo n rhr Mr. élc ILitîle of Toronto spent PIl svjkedwihbs 1 m1o thr, Mrs .f laIera p'Little. ioný cfor ont oo xver'ekn vstr t . aî,~ iïs. iosd(flas rind Mn. andMrp. Chis Pteono Visýiting w\ith Mr. and Mis. AI [Sevusad faiydîn h end vwas is brothter firom Tnno day >SUîieol Anl!ixe1 sary seï ice on1;' $fndiynornînglne LOth1. q e er. I .Suýmmervil, Cou1rti wUi be tue pr ýýueahe. )On Tuesday, 22ud, th( ee wili be asupper l', tjleundfaF"; Sehlool roolin at 6:15 p.m. and4 lai be- enýling a layenltled "M-iaid oet Mlley" i l Ie Oane all. Mr. und Ms. Lloyd Glaïskkfistedl M". und Mrs. -Chiatlie Byer s, -rPort Hlope on Sunday. Mra. N. Kennediy aMm. . Stoker aîtenided tihe District Alnnual Col, týeiîtion1, BOwmavile, onTueaday, JoeSth, zsud ejyda splendid pro- gmýamm'e.* There w\ere goodreot frýomÉthe staninlg cmitesat MissC. . Sewat'srep(.Corcncluded of~ ~ ~~ ~ja WetDrbi hul onleu titi a Mi'ss Anav.Leicom td"a hýope to XetnoiaaW .p- je-c" w nues by he Tiny Ladies uatolean w oa, o byI Mi. L ci weveuinu'lclili Evenybody will lie wioe rrangem, enta ;were ad for nrd a commlitîee w\asapone iteetin closedwith apmaert lesat oil her9 w raento Toronto., ~rflY la eK> RDinttfSpiy spentawsuew-- Ou oR osec Mr. Hammy Berry is Mx.ÀA.Louck si 3yM. and cil Al M r hospilArtRolibins aM .i kM Lmson.ceuîl. mdtspent a ayPhont Ar C Mr. aud . R.Green ad a il,________ ek an dw ant.sd Mis. D. Marah ii nd Bruce n FO [arqus weyeeu-end gueata of iMnm.c id-snoTAÇTR TNING" 'Fi nn Godfrey and son Jacqi Keene. EARMaifO E Jlemients t The June W.A. meein -xas edX ItN -- - ut the home of IM e. o.Rae ithFrtEiuae f " Deolionaol was takea byv Mis rop ndGsreed M&e C.GraSLand wasbeu fll doc' it uksu lctia qî Credt andsbe govel to er for, pre- sdApine LU rangwments weremade L Anier0uh1 s t CsWrerH h '-""jay to be hield on Jcract 1le uv. Saywel and cho ir fC t oI Sephn hrh su~,viitk ouCtnd ngte ebka Cnvnton t he te toetr enrywmasgs :hen. CapetainRuoeybas on a shoppingoneainId sxyb trcad tnp t on tet imf"te tar- i, te habu.FrIlis ee ciden. Th suppies vere eede for nnouced ht 0 cf heword' ri- neahr'wy u m 2 LIB cilps, -si zes32t38Bal.......8c B ails, play, rubber.............c