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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1954, p. 1

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V~- k8 No 22 )AY. J UNE 24 1954 ~'Horses Compete At Changes Made In Local ~ Districl For flept Of [Iiighway 1.orona ;Lxiceway 3azurcay 3aturday roe a bigdyattei Elgin) Brown, Mýiïllbrýook, 3 and1 3; J)ronoR-r)-eýý,-y wbe f OÎ Victoria B.ý Grattan, Coiborne, 7 aind'7 OronoRaceay 0en oer oryDic!, Grattan, Coiborne, 41 and 4,;lina bans ossconilpeted ià twelve 1î'ee, Bobcaygeon 2 and A. heats of îcin 'Tis nuinher o horses is a rcortd fur the lOcal track n2nd racýe-Elgin Wengef-r, Brighton,1 wiîth the ire-la that two raes hnd to 1 and 1; illy Mahone, MMroo, be added to the advertised four, ta and 4; Guy C. Gratan, Coburg" 5 asd; handle alhre.Three local o e ; erMîGataTent1on 7and 2; were enteedsi n te races byDr. Fb Blacklock Port Hope3 an 5; CoupeD3- wMa ivjieJak lteid, ono ifis w s abl, Bus cm$ton,6ad '. an,?d A, .GenyNwate Son Elginl, Port Hope, 4 'Und 6; -Chest- The races ere of a hîgh calibreu,, sac8andr wýith he f st t im1e forthe day b- 3dRaeRxBrýooke, Torsto4 ing set At 214 and one foit ibl and 3; oL Gatta, PortHope, 3 and Gadabout.C iaS4Counbsl!iiods 4;Virginia leetNewcastle 5 and 5; the track record. D. L.Grattan, Cobourg, '2 and '-; Bes- The first heat of cach race Menti .SlaBokl,1ad1 three quaters of a mnile wvhile the 4th Raece-Tm RoyalCho SAIoS seconld heats wn the fui ilie. à, and 3; Er' Prince Charmning, As-j The crowd! was possiblý, the ai gest tigoniish, IN.S., 2 and 1; Dandy Han- seven hundred. The weather asoverGros, 1 and 2; Flash Grata ideai for the spot and ithth tr !,- ., io, 4 nd 5; Edwis C-., Osh- ing wres nmade a mot ejo able wa6 and 6; Lnie. Abbdale, Oshwa aftersoon fur tdose attriding.RItewa n id 4. quite slot ice(ableý(- that an increase ex- t cPtib;o yet to be present, sumbering closeti t h n -;Rce- bn'sA, Peterbo4ro, isted lintSe pereentage of local fans 62 ase 4; Rih Abe, roosh, 4 nd o)ver that of peosnieets. 6 oelewn eebrnh n 3; Goldie Hfal, Trenton, 1. asd 1; -Royael 'TheOoo Turf Club whicîýh spon- Beulah. Bowmianville, 5 aud 2; Peter sored the mieet are agî poîdn aliburton, 3 asd 5. races on Saturpday, July 3dat ithel local laceway. 6th Race-Miss Hi1ghlight, Cobourg? 5 and 6; Gadabsont, Peterboro, 7 and 1 The followin& ar the résults of the Thor- Grattan, Cobourg, 2 asd i3; varios racs: *Hal Grattan Patch, Cobourg, 1 and 2; 1~1 rae-lgeeUxbridge, C6 n'd ss chlipso, Indian Rier 3asd 5; 1; Bon-nie McBaiýn, Coîorne, 1 and 5;'Clumiet i3aidwin, Port Perry, 4 and 14; Lady Feley B., Brooklai, 5 and 6; Gulty, Caniphellford, 6 and 7. -Hoy Nuptials okeç place nsea of yellow muis. une l2th. Mr. Pick 'Wood, brot ry Hielen 1groom1, Wals best m-as. gIr. daines1 The re-ception was hg le bride. Tpi wo:, on Mi' ther of the i held at thel The grocim's1 y crep)e drCSs )re a corage Irs . Lawrence Compflete re-orinization of the - Ontario Departmient of Hlighways is announçced by Hon. George H1. Poui- cett, the Minister. Effective date foi' the mnany transfers and nepw assign-1 ments of duty wasMonday,, .iune 14. The re-organization follovws recorn- menA tions mde by J. D. MWoods, aad Gordon. Limiited, management con-j sultants, wowere epoydto s veY t"hedmni stration 1i 01oeato of the Deipariitmýert and include reeoni- medtinsitheir report. nder th e reora intior n nouinced, admiiniVratioii of theDe pteent will be headed by the De- lputy inister, M. A. Eisen and the Chief Enginer, W. A. Cbae. Admnisrai i oken down into five sections, nnmne1y as follows: Directoýr ofPlnig Direetor of Personnel; Service Manager; Finan- c+i Compotroller; and Rgsrrof Motor Vehices. Other branches o)f the Pepartuent' of ITighwý,ays are lîsted a!s follo-ws:1 ConsrucionEngineer: Bridige Engin-! eeI aintenanice, Epgýineer smd Muni- c-iwal Engineer. These niew b)ranches, wvill have several other officiais at- tached to thema to take charge of specialized phases of Departmental Servie. Awaiy from the Toronto hbend of- fices and thrýoughouLt the Pr!ovincep of Oniithereý will be an admiinistra-ý tincomposed of 18 division engineers ooigafter the Kin's Highways Section; and 1lmnci"')gner [oolking after the Departmnent of' High-, "avs' munniciPal, affairs. Addi'tional appointmnents toco- plee the new estabLshmnents wîll be aunonned in due course. Division Engineers, whlo have 'ad- ministrative authborîty for mnainteni- ance and construction of King's High- ways in 18 areas of the provnecf Ontario were listed. M. N. MEe was transfered tg District No, '7, Port H-ope. Service rendered Iby the Onta'rio Pe- Mrs. Halpenny A& XII A Seventy-fCve Attend ilorticul- tarailFPicnic At Orono Park Arounid sevenïétyIf1ive persons at- tended the Anutal Picic of the Dis- O1rono Pupis Take Top Honors In Field Day M trict Horticultural A'Ssociation at the ville; Grant Orono Park on Wednesday of last Puipils froin public schools through- PcersBi werek f his numbeoer tenfîeont Clarke Township met in keen RunnisIg B wre frýo rono. PeoFe ple atsenBed-competition on Friday last in Ne%,,-10: Pntsy Fpa, fryoinWoodtirberouen ,NealstlBob- astîe. The occasion was the Annual (Orono; Fay1 cayeon Fterorogh NecasleField Day which is jointly sponsored Boys undei annumer present aoe refybyte echers' -Association asd the; Har-ry 1KuLper whomwereMr. lark sec Lions Club of Newcastle.McknSit amiosg \ oiwr r.Cal e- The Field Day is held anaually wffih Girls unmde retaly Of the Onaro Hoicu'Itura] lite meets being- held isi Neýcastlwate; J Asscitinalso _Mr. Triffin, Agis-ý Orono and Kendal o)n aiteraieOu Carol Li court, President of thle local districtyes.Bsnde assocationIn the final resui"ts rooschlool vie; Veine1 The group visîted the Forestry topped ail other schools reeiving Lyce(ýtt, on,j Stto, agMemIïorial Chlapel and top) honours with points. Local girlsi Girls under the Orono United Church.1 taking top honours in their age groupi ono; IPeggie The -athering esjoyed their picsic1 were Amn Woodyard, Lyndsa Tyrrell lios;ter, ýesd; luniches and s.peit a very sociýable af-1 and Sharon Tamýiblyn whuleOronio Bosn tersioon. !boys Eric Carleton an(d Wayne Baleyi 0ao; Gary both held the chanipiosship lu their1 Joii Twi, Neî pticular age g-roup. Starkville took; Girls undei Evenng~ uxîiary eeliiDg ',p oi, for the rural schools. aNectl; The regular monthtly meeting of the, efrshinent booth on the groundsi Boys nsder Evening- Auxiliary was held'at the dur:ng- the day and ralso presented! union; Char] home of the president, 'Eileen -Bil I",re a dixie cap) and drink to every ruMeli, lugs, with approximately thirty-t-wa ivhild at theme. presenit. The foll owing are. the resnîts ofI Softball T], each event: Linda Westli The intentions of the gronp was te,) Alleu, OronL sped asocaltim o~ te lwn ut Champiosships wvere awarded to the Granby. due to weathier coniditions it had to oloig Boys under be held in.doors. H'rvr the ramli Best Girl under 8: Lynda TyrrellSit Line; did nt dapen the spirits au4 aný Orono; Sharon Tamnblyn, Astiol;Te ate ih enjoyable timie was hia(i. Best Boy under 8. Bruce Todjd,ý Girls usder Starkville. onjo; Elva Re The De-votionit[ period v'was taken y Best Girl under 10i: Paitsy ae it ury Rena Tamblyn, Am* Cutteil, Eiieen P>ro-,vi's. oy ud Bilings sud Dorothy aie and wasiRest Boy under 10: Harry Kxipei-y castie; Billy based on the themre "Tim1e". Newcastle. hopo E musical selections. Ganes and con- Best Girl under 12: Ruth Getlick, Gilune tests were enjoyed and lunch served. Cowanrville. ono; Car oie PeHst Boy under 12: Wayne Bailey, Noden, Neýwcï Oronlo. Boys, nader partinent of Higbiways to Ontario [,>st Girl under 14: Ana Woodyard, onuj; Cecil M\unicîpalities is admiinistered by Orono~. Robert Westh mnuicipa-;l engineer in District No. 7 Best Boy undeýr 14: Eric Carleton, Girls nndei by MAr. D. A. Gorrie. Mr. Mrdn Orono castle; Juiie stnted the report, is to be tra-isfered1 Best Girl under 17: June Mîtdill, KÏoropatwa, -A to Toronto, District No. 6. Sixth Lise. Boys under Best Boy under 17: Bobb7y Hrrs castie: Evere lie Tr; Newca 'ro,-w- heuser o; 1) ".a Or- ýstieý a... ~!.i ess of yeî- white ac- ta- ,ri a1 ton. -Jones Nuptials local Association, reau helC ioUIL A ugust. "The Good Saixarltanql' Th(- choirj w-,as en miass.e an~d ïl -ood voice ren Mrs. Halpennu dering the impressive anth-ein "TEe and delighted a Hleavens are Tellisg" ln le grande! spoke of the pi style. The duet "Love Divine" \vas ple in) this land beantiftilly sung by Mrs. A. A. Drunr- ties resnltisg th mond and Mrs. Geo, Carson. TEeý coni- incidents of i gregatioli has innch enjoyed and ap.- ninion- and co- preciated duets by these ladies re- Constitution of cently, Stewardship, Ciý MsJ.L. Ha1,lpennyiý of Toronto, lini-1 Christian Feli i media!te Fast President of Domninion ship etc. statin Councl omaýn's Association m 'as too brief and ti the guest speaker an-d wasý introduced waS of greatesi 's by 'Mrs. . A. Crowle, President oc, dresa wais an,ï ~ oneeneW.A. Mrs. Crowlve statedi heaird it and 41-J that Mr S. Hnlpenny haId tra-velled trie Iam-bitioni of e-ve i- of i the ~'collection was ace Todd, Starkvîl1e; David rooked Creek. der 104Ïlatsy Page, Brown's; , Cowanville; Fayý Rudmani, der 10: Harry Kupery, Newv- y Conroux, Rendfal; Gary i, Si-xtELise. inder 12: Ruth Getlick, e;Rosenary Noden, New- carriedi a nosegay oure roeel'n u tending her sister was Carol!Yn Joues 1 reat rcad the lovely phraed addrs, à'%~ J V~ItI~LL1 gowned in heavenly blue nylon inet llentakdeeyn o h oer affeta wih' natchng' stoe Wan any psefnl gifts as(dd also tbo headdress of rosebuds and net. She groom--to-b, Mr. Donald Stêph e Bamu t n n I carried a nusegsy of pink roses and w sho also helped u11ýnrp tEe mas " The groom-snuan was Donald Plain,ý At her home the brideysmotmer r v ar Jus on. favoû M se ilEi îq' onuoOpns ekey lub at ,ed for t '5 cevdlu a gown of ns nylon net dliht4 lpiao ol. rs. X. uu c!et n nyeeig ti h 95 wit witeacesoris au ivrea Io[ i f"Mrrï hgavýe two a oI l oe, etise hn IZetiso corsae of pink carnations. Shew- st eains Ms.Gen A i nt -eenplyrsapts s e b ngu tegrool1i7s miother aoy unssn w ov ntei.!'ebnutw'sifoia s c-r assisted bys à-1 r suld MPmc hte FrtHpq e, ndt~tenlin ee 3àlu'nors- nae , navy îth hiteahcesorie audcor- onîpniec 4iiieef namiianoi v fromhe gi eésaMotMirast manages top 1 'l '119 tss-0 ,Cyl frdean pla i 4 .portsn1ansshîp wsud Bru-ce Te sag er o bhite carnations. For er eddi tp th-brde dan hene sn wo aprsho ",last wî nter du i-ng the0r rg- dent of tue C( chose a rnavy esut Wit h pn ud ht uiswihwîemc ap ~ . ua u lyf le. A tlgamtdtD n accessories spd ra corsage of pin'k A bountifu lun 111ch was erved Mchof con ratui stia w receid froM hg Ar. Alb, carnations.TE-e ecouple 1ill reside l buuhts eyalesat ning to a Toy eg iga resientofcubin go Bowmunville. close.Ite O.I1A. The rphaiss, 'tw idoeai. Mr. onldStep1eiis, fotinei'ly on diffeet ocsos,îa hems t is a Miss Ele Juswa xeeued hy Twhurdy J tE the Co-Workers popular teani iu the bagne last year t o rmna the ffie stff f Dpartef Fi36of e'tbe Good "estyPlant at Bowmian- ;hich wasedue st onlyfor their abil-ClifordCo General Moto(rs, Oshllýa w t1h s peach viMe presnted Du~iold St-phen, thtyAt pAy-but also their great sports- teaqm ieasur. K fwod lank'ti two stepeni abesaloe',,y table lncop n'iheprse anship., s epce in wealnutfnihand s cn et WsWor il 11 thir g'ood wýisheQz. The teani wiagain itEls yea1ener taîopIay cron dotE. FrV'iday e nng unicS,htE tEeboy in thefilnterm]ediaiteCiassnd wl us thep On Tuesdayî, duniie l4th, MissElees fieuda of Donald Sepes sureoeised payi Jte saine leagueasatyeraJuiro joses was getof hnu tahmb peetn'l ih eui ute t is xpctd ha niy îethat atpes shower given hy "-Miss Mauren Mcficlwiuinmoker's atad Doal rrtwo chances awill entadnlacis pes ,il Kennlad iNssCoarne Cornis-h utapireciatetethoughtfnlnés of % ~players and ±his due lu phiyrs bar clb "d tE, the home cf Ms.Ed. NeilsnI ayhi rad. n cE rea. Fort 1Hopje A-rena wiIl mater overf tIe Lic -'caslle iÀons C :lub olI ;at Nwcste udae pue- ur a1 reclýord r-otasi s d îith addedatrtun h- nival 111 be Eald lhe New- 'Il Park Forty Astioch; yVv *A ii. peciai 1 .

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