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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1954, p. 2

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IHRSTj V ývýC5I.dO "erAnne Hirsf: I ain engag- Pd tû a -man wb i mywfiaily lias hen but for several years I've been ln love wif h, ancither. My flance's farmlly and mn r very frlendily and apparently were plarnning (Our f-uture. Af, Chriatmaý, lantheir prsen eb gave me 'a beauf.ifui limond(.7tI wai speecbl1ess. I have 'noftun courage to oppose thern ail.' "The other men (10 years old- ,r) 1Irmet in business, and 1Ilýoy- eýd hlm from the tirat. Wbhenever 1Iearn wlth hlm I 1arn fhril led troi head to toe, yef at peace andj contenit.LHeïneyjer spolie t fl e la fermS of love, an whea olan ýd uf my engagement he wisbed me happines-and wifhdrewv. 111 could net bear if. l tel- plioned hîm, and we went for a drive. He apologlzed for telling nie that ho realiy 1loves mne, and hkad not realized what asr, inspirïï- atior. I was urntil he was sioc1ked by the news. fle bas become ba&g- gard and m1oroSe. MY mind is in -a whir-L.LI am fond of my fiance, an hlesitaie to hurt hlm anti our ails Dû you fhlnk I1 côuld leara f0o love ita.?1 1 amn 2M The olderinianj is a professional man, better educaf.- ed thai iiny fiance (wbo lacks amlbition> and ho lias -a.larger incoixe. Yet 1 Wonder w1et ber the ditteronce li our eduýcaâti(n and olcperlencè wmould prove a barrier? Fwaisief1 Secretary" * TrY to picturo the older maen *wlthô-at a dollar fo bis nane. * Suppose bis ProôfC-Siession Sshould fail hium-, bis invest- w'xents wipedl out and as e re- Ssut he~ becarne bitter? cen you ïûsecyourselif sicklnig fohl *throzih if aIl, ceumforting hlmr, * ôitm.1ig al else well bat j 'to be by bis ide?' If you cen, *then break your engagement- 'fUieate possibiity ut b1is "aiterekisiutinalarma *you, 'uffless ye.u eadmit thaf i * elband worldly kn - fo dgeare is reai'Lure and fthaf *yudoit really love hlmfo '~himstLI alorie, If thsis la true, *put hlm bout of your rmmd to- ~day and forever, I1sae neer belIieve,ý u ne coxiscious1y learnsa fu love a' mess. Mariage wifb une ýyou r -r r r r r r 'e- e-- r r r r -e-- r 'e-- r r r e" r r --e 'e-- e- r '-e- r 'e- r -e- r r r 'e r r aw ar cfl love wih woud *prove, 'rn afxeaid, ua shock fo * yov.r sensiblites-douuby su *sintce you love someune else, 80 Su hope you 'WH!l fot et- *tempft o go througb wàihmer- * nage f0 your present fiance *unless you f ail la love Ârwti hlm hidi may happen one thi fla ofer mani is oufut your 'i -iouugts. [)ecidef iraf ha *your frue feelings are, and * thea your future wili be cilear. '11 (fyou break youi engage- m aent, the young otan ~ilget *oves if. Rfis fe-ily certainly dui *o ufwant hmto imerry gry *girl who doesn'f> love hlm, Andcýi *yuur parents Mwiilwlbfiay, *for your happines. WITII NO UREýGRETS "Dea: Anne Hirst: 1 airn , irl uf 17, A few tnunfbs ugo I met a yQung man who seemed fa 'be ~wonderftl, bult fonOufheý wvasn'f. "Hie askýed mé forcertit av- ors 1 cuuld ouf grant. I had a stghfoward aWliwith Whm, and he tels nme fliaf ailgirls do Sucb tilings noswadays. "the 1 rWigtla efsîag? , Youu were exactly igltin l * efusiflg f0 iower yQ>,ui moral standards. A year or tofrom, * aw, ho wilI thinli 50, fou. * For, agés, men bvebeen t elincgHgrs just Wbaftbs boy *twod yu. Some girls (e *yoliself) have Lse ~enou,,gh to *denly theinw liftley askz *and cen jstf111keep thimas *frlenda, * r.c no 0f , thatfmils *boy lias confused paâssion witb * ove, You kýýzýnew ftls, an-d acf- *ed aerdnl, Wben the day *cornes that yosu really ftlàl *love, ho-w 7happy you will be 1 hat yot. cacmetoyour ' uiaeaf %th au rerets! MarrTiage wifhouit love il Ife withost savor. Better îteilcan ~ anwelcomne engagemnenjt tiatat rcunlte rit. (f yo- are eonj- fronted wità Such a problem (or any other thal n eePfixSe! you) feP Ansi Hirst ibou., if, and get lier unbiased opinion. Write her at Box 1 123E.ghte"enth st, New; Toeoxi4,u, Ont. winCdsýor -,tesoafyde scribýed by the observant Sain- aei1 Pepys as 'the most ronmanfic castie that la in thewgd" la to recapture miuch of its ol1d glory. rxe Queen hasdeie thiat she la going fo lîve t-here mucli more than h-as been th-ke 'habit utf the past four re(igntinx-g monarchs. Forrnany y ear, s no-, 0 course, if has been thbe practlice al, our Royal Fml to use thle wvonderful old castie onl , t Easter and for Royal Ascot week. Dutirinig the first perlod th1 Court might be inrednc there for- anythlig up tocia myonti 'h, anjrd for the glifferinig race week a stay of somneting lîke ten days has been normal. But now thie Queenin rtendiis to spen-d tmany miore week-ends at the castle, anld shle mîglit even move the Court there for cether periods during the yea9r. At the certainst- tural alterations are being car- ried out af Windsor Castie inl preparation for this. O-ne o)t thein is the building of a new entrnce- to, the royal apartmê-ts -,a3the ecast wing utl the castie. This, wbnit la complete, wlloake if possible for the Queen, Prince *Pliilip~ and others of lrhe PRoyal7 to enter arid leave the coýsti-e w-ihout being ýcon sta nt- loverlooked by the public who aýre permritfed f0 prome-nade along the nortbern wvalls uit t1he castle, froru where they can di - rýctly overlook the East Terriaceý. Thýe Quxeen's bedroom isi,,sit.. uated. in the splenidid oldu Vic- tria Towver, which stands four- square at the end 0fthtie East Wing, with windows facing both ouf over 4te adjiacent Home Park ard te dlatent Great Park. The- new entrance to the calstle is"Ja round the corner" froin the Victoria Tower, and 1-s it- uafed betvween if and smnall Auguste Towver, which iwais the Duke of Windso-r's homne la the castie in the days when he was Kiig. il was from the Auguste Tower. that lie made bis faomous broadcast of abdication.l Froin the new entrance the Queen will be able te, waik houf intu the Home Parlk coDMplteQ.-, l un observed. The Queen has alway-s toved Windsor Castie, for rmuch, uf ber girlhood was spent thbere durinig the war years. One of lier m ain reasoinsË for more IS because if wiil give Prince Chaïles and Prriceas Anne more opportunities ut1 en- Joying "r-eal country air." B y riexf spring th-e liffle Prince- will -havýe starfed riding bis new pony l tegruns0fte Ceast le. A def-mte an ws ined la Chicago for Celling hiýs daf -m rute wif e abusive i,1nes lasign lan-gu,-age. Stepàinýt o sumnr's moj at e- - teing, coolest pricesa. No aiýsf searns--dress lai a cînch fusew -Jacket is just as eaisy! Designed to ftf nd filter t'he shlort, tuiler figure -- no alterafion problemai. Choose shantung' or cool cttun for, thîs snarf ehin Pattera .4525: Ha-It siýzes 1½ 16 1/2 tukes 33k varda 39 -inch fabric. This pattern easy [o -juseesim- pie f0 sew, la tested for tif. 1l'es comrplete iliustrafe.dintutos S e n d THIRTY-F'IVE CENTS (35ý) la coins (stea )Qcennýt tbe accepted> for this pattera. Plnît -p>lily SIZE, NAÎME. ADDRiESS, 'STYLÉ NUMI. Senti order ïf0 Box L1,1U3 Ei ghteenfî14 Sf, ÎNew Troýnt o Deaf Insects Thiere aea f îeins ec t -La can htear, but the, greafer nuin- ber, inciudlng filýes, caa nof uer eit ail. Every imraginable ltid et souid lias been t ted, and înase4tý, with the exception ut a very tevv kinris, teke nune ofie o ut t sound whatever, The higbesf string ut a vioin bas been scraper' an inch away ifrom ,bees cengage la pilllaging fiowers, and the beea paid nfýuet- fention, Other sep-ses ut lasecta, inc-ludiag flies', axe so würnderful, aad i la som-re respects sa su»erior f0 our u wn, fIatil i1Rnmens«ely interesting f0 fn' fneýtottcatly ail, tnldlg fIrigl tinsect, sud aq7 bees '-acets andwaspa. are, Barb-wlirê Protects Statue from Kisses So handsome athePrecmben ïcarbie stmtue oft If aly's, greefý sol- dier hero, Guidareilo Guidarel, ut Rayonnia, thiat the ubrtls ha-ve hbetIofaprofecf t fwifh barb- ed wire n1etting to hysterical, wýomen andigns The statue ,was -made la 15 and libas al,,ways b,,een admired, os- 1pecially by -wow.en visit'os f0 Guidari's o puh which if îles. Buit 1jo recent mnoaths, fo som une~lanedreason, women and girs have -" beca -streamig l great ler ri hakn eenuf 1onliy to ga'ze et lsfnl-hsle teantures, bu.i+tfo Iiss them. Day, aîttr day officiais h ld f restrein the lptuswmn xmrany 0f tbiemf, tetfy ndti weii- dressedý-tronl peffing tfie statue, E voe r y iday iptick andi face POwdoer wïîs f ound on Gujidarel- li's sftrong features and hàd fu be cleaned off theloviy arple would be dam- aged eaecillyafter onie wumf- an lied beénu caugît ftrylJng to write 1ber iiia thpfe lser&5s focrehoati -he e cbarbed An Ij4 nasre sô 0Oa1 .1wentlflyi t'Ltclat lu te dep- qtlhOu n sd re Alas ent vaner htt4na Ut RNICLES Raised Iight and tender wlth new Acive Dry Yeast I * $cald 3c.mlk ic.rau C, c.sotnncool to ILuketarm. uaw Ice nasure loiýto a large bol3 .lukewarm water, 1 tsp. Yelope Flosclhmsat'sActive Dry Ye,,st. Let stand P)iih eTHJEN stir well. Add cooIed mýii Lmixture and stir ma2 el-bataeggs and 1 tsp,ý yanilla. Stjr in c.once-Sifted brcad flour; batuntit smoothi. Work ;in-L2/4-C. (about) onice-sitedj breidJ four. >Knead-,cfon lightly- fioured board mail smiooth and rlastic, Place ian eae bowl aad güeas, top of dough.Cor and set ia a wârIn place, free fioun draught. Let ri-:3euntil doublçd '(a ulk. Punch domve douph aad rli 11out !O Int etnge /"t ickooseal dough; ro011 again to % th3/ ns Cu,', ito strips 7" lo 1 adV ' ivide. Fold st7-' rp l af, twist, th.en piachenI s5 ogetheûr. Arrange, DOUGHNIJT TWISTS wteil part, on lighrly-flouircd cookie sýheets; restops.,ue ani t risc uilidoubledle bulk, caully Us at, astuta timesioto santeg taM has beçïhaed to 365' -- hot enuuzýglh tobrown a cube uAday-olM bred la60 secons. Whbee unde-sides -arebrowned, turC ad Cook second sides.Cr- buoy Ut Rom futa aidpai n u absorbenit paper.. Coat wtà a m)ix,- ture uofruit sugar and cinnamion or brus3h hot dou-gliits iwitb thv foillwing syrup: H-eat, sinn lated sgr .budtter Dor mar- garin esd c a rsisumor 5 m1ins., thean ii i p. ula ee-P hbot ovcrbiin aer-i syru') become;-s to suar, sr n a littie boiing m ate nd heut to boiliog point. e Yi1d- doe On-hodoz dough"nluc e;PlrytIî a I great soul prefer-s moderation ~ '~ N E ~A '. & U.C -4.D~G% ~ rhe'Ille of$e9ra- Aflen zweo tkiînk cf itomlorrort),ýÂprardie ,#etratw, o iay "5 2 ril Li[i Lc tîii'..îsnt t eaui fui , wihifwouL),dIe[a 3st il sumer1Tere laonl one thinfig 1 bave a-,ainst Iilac, the gr owfb i., s-, bard to confrol - -Ir per- haps ýwe havea't fudthe riglit wýay f0 ontIrolifU. Sucliers see to grow and ro agam as fast as we dig tbem ouf, Ll1arcsarep lovely whrve hey growý but 1 fhink f ior variety a3ndtfin e bloomt the cam..,pu-s at the O- f ario Agrîcultural College afý Guelph is bard to ýbeaft. 1 have offen wondered about L ýe ilecs aut the O.A.C. so I, made a fe w inquiries and If [i i ba Iws Many Df the lilacs, are o-) the so)-caliedl Franch hybrida. Quife a number of thera were raised b-y a wl-nw French n uriý- seryman and hybridizer. M[VIl'c- for Lemnoine su thiey naturaily came f0 be associafed -wifb bhis Country. Stili oth-er' varief les grown in Guel-ph wvere perfecfed la England and Belgiurn eqnid somne in the Ulnited States. if you have ever visjifed Guelpli lilu turne you will rernember there are single lilacs., double lilacs and liaca0fevery shade and hue, ali tbe way fru wbite and pale mlauve f0 deep purpie and red, Then when the early variet les have shed their fargranice "lie late -bioomîing, or Preston liiacs fake over and pro- long the season. These late- bloomers areprici rlyinter- eýst ing f0 people fi-rm Hatoti Counfy because fhey wiere raised by Miss Isabelle ýPre.ston o f Georgefownl, duriJng tbe years when site was worinÏ--g ut the H1-orficulfurail Division afi, th e Ottawa Experimental Fr.Al fthe Preston yarîeties were raised before 1925. If you are- interest-, ed ln named varieties and want f0 bave thei poifed ouf- f0 you a-, for the Alice, Ursule, ise- belle, Cella and Jessîca Preston lilics. Ail thie lilacýalet the O).A.C -areýf ut theý bush or shrub species wih hle exception ut une - the Japanese free- lla.As hifsnaine ïmplies if gro-ws in the fuori of a tree. li is the lest ot the îlacs to ýorne ito blu9mn and bas large clusters of creainy-whife flowers, The bark ot the tree closely resembleth tifut thek cherry. If la quit e ani-,fieresf- lng S»ecirIeja. We11,,there ih eranllef utf 1-00mnfor liieca to gow t t O.AC. as the emu.alune- 4nrei.udiinigtbe buildingýa - takes inan araof 125 acres. y0lu take a ai thefarmprprte coaete ith the O.A.C., he you havýe toc ýover an area utf ove-r ek1eCen khuad1red acres c'thave ai the tpive iac that grov, at the Coliege wt, shouldn'tlet that worry us tog much because even the commuin- est lieacgrowing ina a enc corner sheds its fragrance for ail the wrdto enjoy, tU ls hatthe adivantiage aof beinýg, a prlfebloomner. Vie cnpick it unstintingiy, 111 the house with it, give quantifies away and sf11 hardly Miss wvhat weuhave pick- ed. II niel Moter N'atuLPr e sprig fower a d1fragrant shusas we waît for ume plants tA grow and corne intop blom.Lastwek Partne dugf a bit of g3rden at the back of the bouse whriï- l ike to grow a fem geraniums. ha another Bob Land Jasy brought rme to a nearby bush That was tWO weeks ago and they are coming along fine ina my garden. Pa3nsiesý t oC) o. rvn lg thie roLjad,,n d1ay I passed boxS, and hxe of pansies for. sale I couldi'î r sisuthm. Pansmes are so intrig- ing. You watch te budcs uf and ;yLu %vdr. il! th o ue bpurpie, ryelwo rdis. IeL doesn'f relly atter - they are ail so lovely An for thuse who can'tget ounthere- is Bob Kih ...sradio grý d enerC j, Vwho almoSt bri «J u flow.ers la ',the 1house ihjj esiform-ative talk on floruw'- ers and plants, i lw seao lisfening to him. I ish Ico1 Say the same '01 avl radiropro- gramm1les. Whaf hksPrte n see red la the mcliof respect thaf is ffenshowa tl v 'rds ý j those who are, infervic,ewedoverý file air, especialy Con'pro"vafelýy owne'rd stations. ougome- tators, who, afe years ago were eiýither n 0ee1at 'o bobby sox, addressinig ode-, an better-knfown, persons by their Ch-ristian namies. The samec prac- tice is otafoliow,-ed innws casts. We hear the M OCseru Agriculture referred to as im niy" Gardiner and Dr. il K H1ranna as "H-erb." If broad- cýasters in. theirý youlfful ignrý- ance conirsider this toû be srf -urely the station or th-eirspn soDrs. culd check up ûon fhC!e once iiiavawhile. A bandl< ýto e naipMe isn't alwaysncesr but Christian names sol suvrely be taboo over the ar-b tept by c0jntûemporary artissçaniX conriutosREmember hôw thev US. clampeddowvn 0o1the ids l'Iiat se of "Mamrie"?

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