P-LAIN HOI omn of the press, Tir ýmniner Je, -.,)wly buf sfeadil.y imni,sb- 4ýiccording tf0 a re por"ýt h I Unes- co News by Salvador P. Lopez bEre are 50 contries in the wcirld today wibar'e censor- bLig or- confrolling news aft ihe ouc,18 countries a)re banining Xoirlgr newspaper.s and 1U are Up fo the end ofthfe 1iast Àwa r Ie mjoi of States wifh a leffUered0 press, werc thnose undler Naki or Fascist donfin Milnce ftle overtbrow of Rit ler's aindMuslisreie, o- > VON ïPlUjS ______ leader l feSuppreýsQon 0f, civil anjAd Lhe'Man freedomrs including tIc freedom of fhe press, Iii country affer counff>y, with the faîl. of the iron u ti fI cligît of treeý information goeG ouf, fhe press is subjected f0 govermentccntroi and fhe dis- semination of news permittedl ondy to strengthen t1he exîsfing order Af heistie MNaferialismi Based o'n Marx>s doctrine fIat there is in thc woirid onfly one reality, mratter, fIe blind forces of whicb, evolve infio plant, ani- mnal anid îman, Communismn de- nies any difference betweeni matifer anid spirit, between. soul and body, .1f sfrips man of lis liberty, rabs human persoraify of aIl1lits dignity and dotes flot recogni.àze aniy righf of the in- dîvidual in bis relations to fhe loth aeal esni iifi wn Fo raiii aspoA wer fie ontct aecseand slif seconds divide the Basebil ha&sn]'f aemaycane fPlaYifig rules ini hall a ncenituryý: But Jin oe esp-qvect the gmehass-ne912 under c"gonc somenotbleimpove Ins. Tt's îils ifsmun irîing. F ançIy, In tese days ofüfrm e, to f0 four umpires p erl gamer, the job of the in Û-gle ie in 1912. The hlardy officia] of thiat era began, his adosday's, toi] b'Lehîin,d the plate, caiiinIg balis and .strik'es, But 11hen e wre on base, he hurried out fiýrin behind the cbat nid toolk his -,lard behindc ihe pitcher, eailing te -oe nes -rom iaces of Sixt feet ormoe Fer, bhe aisob ad te decýýid 1etfixe blysatail fhe bases. Nof aving eyes in te eabochs r W5 , e ad te turn) whern a fly bàail wa.s bit, üo that lie couId wat2tcfixe fieer, turn te CalJ a siide ino the plate. He had f0 runouftfthe cfoui une to atuh whlether a fly bail was fair orfoi And he hiad ta make a long range jugetas te whatc haorpened ta the bte bail when il, was eor was;n't a homer because of vrosground rls In sone gamnesdecisionrs I w.3- eres ayadS ifc thaf i was certain he coldinakie olysnp udme de- -iSiOnýs, then hope fýor the be-st, lknowî-ng thaýt he had!trijed to be fair, -After iif asail oveIý'bte oumpire rn-ade iEhs troubied way to týhe d-ress-ing-irom. En roucte,ý the players abuised him, the crowd? baitedhlmand Quite offten attackd hlm. e didin't have aniytiike th*Le supIree thority Gf tod7ay's Lumpires. For ail bis trî>ubties he ereceived aoud 2,OOO and ex- pený;ses per year. Times haeve bage Ifr up resad unm- Pi3rIng, and Uai o ix bttr Vou cmmsîsoci sgge#lnsfer tis ýco?ùevmn wi b. welýcom.d hy Jme Fegusn, /o v rtHue43Yo. iTon, Caivtrt DISH -rLMIE Tear Qas Faue Weddîng Party at, -,ecd..igs î tha rithe bride keceping fhe groom wýaiting or the best-man 1Iosinig the~ ig Some of th e hitches that have ccrýed have been more in' tunej wýith a sasik film than a s'ole-mn ceremolly. TIc iinister at &an 1sf achaffa dui.jrcI stopped thî1e serv;ice hall- wytlrough ta fiing a hymn book at asnk which was rigigdown the aïsle. The sana kc-W a S teventýualily illed ith as to0ne. Someid-ns e bteen a staggering sýu(ccess. At Sande~- fjordè', Norwapy, lasf year, a yotng couiple wecre standing l te- fore fhe aitar when the bride- gro 0om n finfed. Water was spiashed on hjis face, but mecan- while hisbrd had passed out, tolo. \When iboth 1lad been re- vived, fhey were alowed to re- main .seaied ior-fe rest of 'Lihe CereMofl.)' In twoofe cssac i Swveden ard Cone in Piymnoutî bridàegroom ýanid best mran faint- ed, buithfe bride stoodï firmr The Plym-oufli wedding wa in March last year. First the lest mýan colapsed, fher, fhe groom began t o tter. The iiister and tfIe guestos took fhe best man ouf inito fihe fresh air a)nd. then re- turned t1o fIe churvch. But th,-e ring wa in the besf mi.a's pocket, so once aanthere was ahifch, Ail ended lhapp2iiy, lhe ring was found cand fhe groom -jwas fit enougti fa Carry 1bis bide orver fIe fiesodof hsparenVs homle. Another eï ,fd.ing eremrony which took longer flan if should wvas flat betwveen a doctor and a Aurise a.t King' Lynn in 1952. Bef oie they could waik up tIc aisie they had îto give flrsf aid to fw oaIf ie guiests who hlad(3 broklen bone's When their car overturnied on; the way ta the chu r ch. OcCasionaliy t'he lit des are iust plain embarrassing. One bride was ail ready for cluirch - she fb-ouighf. Rer father help- ed lier iintoe, etaxi. In nmid- 1journey she sfirieked and point- cd tf0fier feet. They were sf111 in er bedroom isIippers. Thie taxi turnicd round. Rer father made for, the door of lis bone. If was lockied and the key waýs in fhe pocket of another suit, Once again, father and daughter setilouf for fhe church, borroDwed. a key from the bridte's jiother, returned home and at last Elsie's wedding outflft was -correct iri every Ôdetail, An absolute riot of a weding took place i!n Boston, Mass., last year. Five of fIe guests, includ- ing the four. brothiers of fh(e b-ridegroomr-t were arresfed for assault ando baftry. When a policemnan arrcived ofler gutests joýined in- the inélée and pinnied dlown fhe ccop, He had f0 fire bis revolver as an S OS signai. j Fightig br.okýe ouf among, the guesfs a- a wedding al Carri- zozo, NwMexico, too, and po- lice ld f0 use tear gas Occasionially fhe groom lm 1self bas becomie violent. Affer Agatino Basile ilad slipped fIe ring on t10 bis bride's finger in f, Catania .(Siciiy) cdurch, le kihig latswIil isetoe at tflie ebicien an wb no, I wwant b roerbuisiniess te s-row whave te guarainteed from 1sf geneekatin sOek. 0easo ail sgmnt ftberlerIds trs ,Tri' tijenion,,cand ron wloi b baçi fr mre.They coSt no inore t.tn dl ou ,rvose bed. edfor Nfcholsý folder. R i FE RC1US ON TARIOX cge you methave speial sug breeds that ,cat esfred t'lail J'ai ups red. We have t e'cilbmeede for egs itb lots ýof R.0.1', Breeding Uba c Y of tlteni. Th'ley wili la'y at least 10C%" moQrýe egs trhan our dual ups n eat le.For broilers ne bave cur on, beSt -Nicitois New ampAbire-s. 'fur- kOi polteaeier ', - Ples , vprOt SIp- ment on chicke an ptukY. ctaoge TWEDJ3LE 11K iAOEI5Ld '-a -t '-h --t --t "PI~iNX"f0 eli ailatevaDtid- STOP ITOU IMMEDIATELY ~Emm m uno n viAties Foot, Mes izto Les nà imany skm eruptions. 5om, 11 AU,18o". 82.00 oîaid. Smï merrerte oumon's Skin Remýedi' ci., 100 arfon Sf. EeHmlo On POSTIS ECZEMA SALIVE LSANI.sE ! îe ftîerent ai dry cezeme reesbes, aope. xing£Wormn, pimiplesý and foot e;sexos POST*S REMEDIES spt oF ees in RepeýD l ofiri USOnee . Il. wrer-f Lega Trkes Over - Geni. Paul EýyIy i the, new,, commander in chîef of 1 French forcesý in hIdo-China, re- placing Gen, Henri Navarre.' EIy i5s expected to take over fult civil ond mibitory powers in Indo- China. Wehy Some An m ais Grow Se Fast