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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1954, p. 4

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AN Finish this sentence in 25 we Ilu l or lesa. Grand prizes. INTERNATIONAL GRAND 1>IZE-- A choice Residential Homnesitet just 2 flick of the switch it beats, cliuýns, chops, pureesý, blends 111 i cash. CANADIAN REGIONAL PRIZE-$ý500.0o in cash. If however the ntry is attached to any six IGA labels, a bonus of $16i0.0 Witt be added to the the $500.00 Canadian Regional Prize. WVVe at's are feln., An ELECTIRIC FOOD LIQUIDIZER by Kuapp-Mottrch. Wîth just ýa f ick of the switch it beats, chuns, shops, purees, b1endIs, li quidizes, wbips and does miaay more kitchen chores. The hem en try at ot/ r store receives this wonderful gift free. Enter the contest today. You niay be the winuer. IGA Catsupoz IGA Instant Coffee Cailfornia 1 a Fancy i Cocktail IGA Ripe"N Ragged Chcie Pineapple, ApeJuice Yorki Rotind Bolognla, butte Creain-si 20 oz. tins 27c trn Sugar 5 lb 41\ýC 12 o.tI~ G z29c Raspberry Jam' .6oz, icebohx ,(A ar 39c Ev 'oratel MiIk 2 Lyle Car 0 .foÎ 4 - 4 %/ ILaverage lb 59e 690 machine sliced l.790 DI~AM, '/lb. 65e .. . AIL.27e.. .~lb. 2'7c. 19e Everyday Prices IGA 6 oz. jar Prepared Mustard .... 10c. IGIA Salad -Dressing 8oz. jar .25C. Velveeta Cheese, '/2 lb. 31Ic. Crowi, Jars ., 12Pj~s 14 Crown Jars, 12 qts. .. $1.59 Certo Liquid, . oz 1htle 27cý Paraiwax ......... lb. 1 c Mlason Caps and Rings Anchor ,.......1A2 for 39e Red Rubber Rings 12 for 09e- Gireen Giant 15 oz. tins Wax Beans .. 2 for 35c. Bruniswick Sa.xdines.... Kelogg's Variety Package 3 for 25c. .39C Shirriff's White Cake? Mix . - - lb pkg 33e. am te (amiFy with reat ruits and Vegetables ATeRMEmLONS Ie. size each 99gc New CropC4obbler New Potatoe Sl1O Ibs 39C -Tasy ,FPý1u m s, b.29Q, Redrapes, lb. 25e. Can.telopes, 4l5's 19e. e0 Hours day, OPen ail day Wednesday Thursday 8 :30 a.m. to 5:30 rday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. -E mErorn P1ague Orono Drop ~ Game To Weleome Team Care W hile Boating Urged l Fer Creater SafeCy, Don't put ani over-size outbeard nrotor on a small boat! Thins lathre warning of rangera of the Qntar;c, Departinent of Lands and Forests, alarred at the incereasinig mnber of water accidents invoiving careless or reekless beaters. During thre Second World War, outboard motor power was greatly in-. creased until it is possible now te ob- tain miotors ranging uip te 50 h.p. TtIe average fishermnan or cottager ha s bieen a(cc ,tonmed te miotors of net mioi e than 10 h.p. and thre accelera- tien cf the higher-powered enine , carlessly handled, mnay throw u ba end for end. The Departirent, whieh operae more outboarýd moters than anyothe ergaizaionin Oltar'ii, has fewac- cd nts iainly because itsmear traind te handhte iremeors, rangers, polinteut.1 TON believe that tMm average "Cet- tnge beat" te be used byfanilies holdangaPt summerreserts Cs driven far enough and fnst eneughi rvih oters* ranging down frein 10 h.p. rather than up. if chjîdren are te use tire boat, rangers would rather see theni playinig with 1.5 ha.p4 motors than aufything ,lar-ger.Inintly tIntý is the si.ze rmoter tha-t is quite satisfactory for lke trout tolig a favourie summer sport. Judgemen,ýt and conamen sense are us snecessry in operating a lent ~a cr, Dpartentexperts sny. F'irst essential is tou rot, stroing 1-htever the lond is teo f a shapýIe an'd desgn hatwill net tlip ever, cf r 'oerl tp adaipted te the kinid which it mi be operated The-y rge knowledge core ae of seile-,eaie ad ntrin rand weath"er conditions, n]t(oniy now but before you getbck As, theyî ndvise, knowv how te) swimn. Equ,,ip the beat on every trip, neo aterhow' shlort or how protected, wthesseni- tI safety device There shoud le a buoyant lufe .jcket or cnshion for each passener, a pair of ears or, at les.ene paddle, an extr-i ala of fuel for the motor, a sinali kit of teels -- scrlewvdniver, adjustable Nrench, pli- ers -- a coupfle of extra spark plugs, a spare starter cord and several extra drive or "shear" pins for the propeller. Rocking the boat, miaking turns nt itee high speed, overloadirig, driving a moter-equipped beat close te or atnog bathers, venturing into Wiater thnL is rough or mnay becomne 50, arei dangereus and feelish. M4aing turns A tote high speed, rangers sny, la ene cf the meost Cern- mion f aults and dangers. Two persons jL* (Continued on page 8) The Orono Basebali Tefarw travelle(dï te Weluee on Monday zevenjng when they dr-oppeýd the gaine 7 te q. The Oronto club cernmitting ine errors iii, il and with Keith West ejot putting, up his usua1 gaine of pi-tcl)iing, ailowed Welcome an easy win. Of the niint- errers for Orono five were committed by Shetler behind the bat. The only infield playersflot to commit errors were K. West and Carman Cornish. Welcemne took- the lead in tefrt on two single bits and two errers by ýShetier and one by D. West. This. gave WVelcome three runs. Iii these-~ cond they scored twice wth a dou~blez, thice sinigles and a waIk. In the fourLh. two more talles registered foi.el cornîe on a singje hit. ýShe ei atihis. ura ehadtne erors !anduR. Westi' One t'O a'U~ ne EWO runs tO cresa ule plate.ý During tiie remcahier ci o the gaine lcewahedcole being llowedoni'y onG ht owve they did advýance a payrte third on thie ,evenîth on anj error by rmtrn folwdby a single hit, orone dcid Inot score utlthesit whIen D Wet) ita tilfcliowiec by an errerj, awalk anId za sing( ieit Inà the svnhArsrnafter two' ut, Iht a SüIgle, 1Don M ercerý and 1). West both. foUllowed withsn1 gs.Armistirg andlVfecer oth scoedaferMercý,r stoýe sýcond and.ý caehomIe onl a catchl'ing error, This was po)ssilbly one c f the wor)st. gaiesplyed bydire lclteaminfor. seme trnK. \West hýad n four strike outs which is far bý%ow hizý araefor> any gaine. fHe gave up~ ighiits and pnue walk. The wh)ok, kiey te thle loss could possibly be credîtedch( jiefly t th e errorS. Co five strike otsgilng peight it s.t Dean Wýest was the bi-g bat cf tihe ga-îine t a triple" and two Sillgles, Armstrong cameu up for two its and .West anld J. Wil[iamîs l'oth in ;gled. The regular meetin)g cf the Won-~ en'ls Institute was hield on Fridayý, June l8th, with th~e Pres-ident, PMrs.. Boweli in the chair. The mneetinig openied with thee mati - tute Ode and thre Lord's prayer, The roll cali - A verse froin,~ oldI school reader brought b-ack mawy memlories and waýs enjeyed by ah.! -After a short business period, thre mleetin,-g was ttlrned over to Mus,> ?Hamm, convener of 'Historical Re-. search, whio call.ed on Mrs. Ferguson.Il Mrs. Ferguson. spoke on the Peace Gardens, symbolic cf thre peace be. tween En gland, Canada and the UIn- ited States and was very interesting, Lunch was served by the comnii-tee in Charge. ITURS.M RJUI s s B,4il Games Start at 2:30 I LAD ES' OFTBAILL tMEW. HA R DBLýALL NEWVC5TLE versus ORONO Adtits 5(0e, %ChuidrenF i ***- -- -- - -- --- --- ----.o q ,< J o b - - - - - - Int0 is Phone 41 r I Orono ,Ontario 2 oz. j ars 28 oz. tins l c 20 oz. tins le 24oz Tati Tins for 25c 25" 1' erlock g C i y Bloc BETTER HIMINEY AT. LOWER COST CON RETE LOCKS 8" a d 10" - Vibrat anid Steam Cired S WE TILE 30" Long 12"__ 18" - 36" Diamieter, PORT O0PE LOCK and TILE LLOiWTAYLORt deb ff!ý= -ýý iw Orano Oïttiirýi;ce 1 ---

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