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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1954, p. 5

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Re-e.reiid John K'itent Milister The their Won e Heathe $01cial Club Strawb rr'y SociaIl FrIdayý June th Fr mi5 p.i. to 8p.m. At the home of Mr. and Mrs.C Duncan Corne and bring your fri lids. Anyone wishin transportation please- contact -Mrs. E. Millson.. Admissi 85 a 50c. Proceeds for Oddfellow's Building- Fund SUND.AY, JUNE 27 ORONO Sunday School at 10 Sýervice at il No Ser-vice KIRBY No SundaySchool rrvc Service at The Orono Cemetery LangMemo'ialChurèh al,2o'coc I COTTON JEïRSEYS-In plain or Si MMER SOS Sale! Pu p"s, stripes. Colors white withi hlack or S asOxfords. Priced .50e 35 9red trini', stripe in red, green, brown, hlMue. Price -------------$1.;W--$2.4,-3 ~ AT-aacea / COTTON BLOUSES-Ia white and qPr ce. 1T-aac/a coo.Differeait styles to choose fromi P-ie I lPrite .-----. ------------- $-ý,3.,25 COTTON DRESSES-Vari-3us o', SHAlMR1OCK SHORTSlit cotton1 ors and styles. Ail sizes. gg bardfine. Colors red, y black, Pîlce --at ---------- 49 -1 .5ie Price --- ------------ $ .2 SUTN SUITS and DRESSS- Cili- drefès. Price- ------------ $1.95-$3.25 COTIITON SKIRTS-Girl's Ever- glazu, pluated with wide plastic black bet. Sîzu 10-14. Colors redl, green, parple. Price ------------------ -$3.95 Store Closed Ail Day AR Moniday A rOTTON DiOUSES-Gïirl's sleeve- leswjt pe r ancolar. Size 10-14X - o sred /yullow. green, mnavy. Pric / ---------- -------------- $2.-)5 ISTRON G'S Opon Ah Day Wedniesday Friday & Saturday Evenings - eoO.oOOeo-0oeo00000000'00000*00000000(>0.,0o 00.flO000.0.I,<>0<,000000000000>~0eba< OOR NISH'S of Val-ues Ileinz Sandwich Spread 4oz. jar.............. Heloz lomnato f Ketchuap i2 Il oz. bottie .3le. Reinz15 oz. Ail l-leinz Producis are Featured At Our Store Thîs Week. Garden Fresh VEGETA Bj'LES Im ported NEW Potatoos 4 lbs. 17e Large Red Cardinal Grapes lb. I9ci ISmall Quantity to clear Dutch Set Oniona, IL.19c >,.0.»0440»e v.,, -I __ I P*Icnic Sugg stiens 100 for Coloured Otraws :5e Mono for Hot D inks Papr C qPs pkg. of 5 fori1e White Swan Serviïett es, 70 for 19o Clover Leaf A-,NCY RED / lb. tin Grape, OraÀ ge, Lemon, Limie, Fruit Puntch and -Strawberry Freh e '6pkgs.:§'-e WK nd BEANS or GIE TTI, 5 oz. tis, 1 for 28C. arefully Selected Top Grade ( B3EEF and PORK PEAMiýEALED lb.2- Cottage Rail 59c LEAN SLICED Breakfast Bacon lib. 79e Neilsoni. *nelutded er seai- ie Cubs er. raml g games [ers, son and Cross- 'A rs.- -I ~*>000.. >O{~0O0O00e000~44 0e0~e0O0..04IÙf0d0 4 in Hamn- D ue te the rocky,' brokren natulre of of Mrs. the c,%ultr-y, this reforestation -vall Oshawa! slo'%, and quite expensive. Muc-h money wilI bu spent te correct the ntistakesý n West or past carelessness. ýeting a'1 29th at Recent inves;tigations ,sh--ow that over very large areas our forest dees -e )..; with hinm on his birtlday, '1j Mrs. Hazel Robinson was hostes te some'friends on Wdedywe the Salus tulpeople served a dineur coo)ked in their. cook waru at ',he home of -Mir J. A. PateraSon. Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Simikin,fo- erly of China and niow of Los Angles, along wýith Ruv. ,id Mrs. Reed of Hmpton, weru isitors at the homne~ of f1e~v. and Mrs. Kthnlast Thurs- day evuning. Th-t pupils of Miss K. Foster journuyed to Tovonto by buis on Wd nusday to visit thre MuLsèumn. Mrs. Vance Cooper, Ted and Doug- las, Oshawýa, visited frienids in Orono' onStudy I Little Misses Faye Nicholson and Shar-on Birst,,tow hafid thuir tonisils r-em-ovu(li-, i Bdw-,N\iairil le J Meumoi )r ial Hospitail on Satijurday moýring. Mr. nd Mrs. CairilIîg Mrs. Harry Bailuy and lJiary Lynn aitt ended a dliniur party Sunday eveing.1 at the home of Mr. amd M1mr. îandy IRydall, Toronto. -Tony Mitcheil -was the grand winner of the I..A Send à boy to camp' contest. Mr. and Mrs. M)L J. Tamblyn eniter- ta-injed Mrlis. j. L, llalpunny of Toronto and Mrs. A. A. Cr-owle of Oshawa enül Sund'ay. Mrs. M. J.T bnMs. E. Raýinuy and 'Mrs. A. A. umon attended anii exucutive mieeting of Pres;byturýy _Woman11's Asýsocia1tion in Bowvmanv"ille on Mýonday. Mr. and Mlrs. Ga[in and aiyo Blakwaerhave-aken charge o the Milton Staplus -farm.- MIr. and Mrs. Leland Kuat, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ca]výeuy nd soni William1 thUr. andMrIms. w. E. Davuy oý-ver the week-end mnd ail pincdwith i1r. and rs Madison Hall, Mrsý. Frank Ardr-on and son Alan at Mr. Hall'Mts cottage on Lake Scugog. FOUR HUNDRED MILLIO1TREE RAISED IN TRFE LAST 50 YEARS Four hundcrud million treeus have bu-en producud foCr distribution b., rhe Ontajrlo GOvurn1muntnusuieslatin patfîfty yea.-S Fiurs euntly rleasedJ by thu Ontario Dupartmuent of Lands and Foress, Iiov\-over twun ,ty-four mil- lion production for the currunt year--i a 100 per cent increase since thie cle of the Second Worl War. D)urin- the sme period, miunicipal an1d authority foreusts bingl managed by the Departmenit have iincreaseýd from- 38 to 100,000 acr-es. 'These for-1 ests and Crown land plaating pro jects currenitly daîimton -million trees. Demand for plaýnting- stock for pri- vate land planting hats inc-eased! steadily sincu 19415. Despite thre est- ablishmuent of two additional nurs- eries ïat Keimptvýille Pand Fýort illa in 1946, the demand stiill uxceeds thu supply. Thu patiipation of olur 1,000oý school lanti ig proeetsl thepast, seven years is an imypor-tant 'but littl publicý'i u hse of Departmlienit ok T11wenty-four zone forster"sno serve private lanidowvners who wao,,ti adiein ftrue piant"ing n- odo management. Thu emonstration of g"ood forusti managemienit is povicditareas ad- jaetto both t'he provincial nu'sur-ý ies atnd muicilpal rss MAlich of, our futurio e dstiny asa nation eensuoite a4eUse o for1estation n mrv1iueo u w"oodlots la Sou1theru Otarl-'sun out.2 The 2Spr-ing trou p1'ath-1gseaàson in Lind1saiy .>isticti n coleed Shovls ad t 11 pantig mchinres are bing eneid andud , buý storud kaY Ulitil 1955,-. A total of 7500truces weiupln ted on, public lands tis ,year. Thesu young tr-eea osa reyof Pinles, sdspruce. Thesu sp)ece prdc- thre m1ost valuablu tilaber and are aIse the most likely to srieWu orgnLtreus -have -died out. Northumbherland .Forest - 122 4, 0,00 trees were planý-ted, chiefly ron-treas recently purchased, in' thisMuipa Forest north of Cobourg. Crowu Lands - Tlhe prolgram Voc plantl Crown lands in the District is niow ini its third year. 210 000 trees wuve plaated in Methuen T)wnisip, Putur- borough Couanty. Muchi land in Cen- traI Ontario has been laid waste by frequent flires, The only w,,ay te re- store the forest cover and make these areas productive is by planting. ' i EA fT Ey m~~ FRIDAY - SATLJRDAY - JUNE 25 -26 MONDAY - TUE SDAY- JUNE 28- 29 b*ENA romte bld n haremsoffCh z fYANKEuE ADVndi fr W, , Van DORENi WED. not rerdc itsýelf after cutting, ex ceipt lai nferier species of ùtrees -1nd hus.Thuts we mu Ltt embark upoa î eniormiýous tree planting pr.oject ;toL assured of future tiber supplies., Ini Lindsay District -it isatiptd thiat Planting operýtions ,vill start la waste, areas of Lutterwmorth Townvý- sipi by 1955, and planting wil cn- tiutie in Mtun onni n i th Crown. areas are re-stocked. Mn years will oèlapse before Ourwat lands are restored. Galway Forest - This townshIp, now inii ts third year, w-as hftd 47,000 trees, mostly spruce, were re- forested in rocky open areas.Gawy Townshlp la ih the north -westecr of PeterbGrouigh County. DECORAriON DAIY TERRY T. SHIRTrS-M/en's, Fanicy (esiga. size S. . L- $2.00 T. SHIRTS-Mun's Str-ipu kitted c tton with clar. C oLrs white and n av-y ith red or saind, tuirquoise ând white, Truluuvy and red. Priced at......---------------------------------------$l 9 BTNGTRUNKS-mMoits satin e4asic, Size 2- -------$29 BATHING TRIJNKS-Boy's flainrt Plaid lastic good qulity Priced a----------------- --- --------- - ------- ------ --- --- 19 N. N. s- s- s *~0 0~~ s- s- i.- N. N. N. s 4- s- 4N. N. s '4- s- s- 4-- Hoâinz Festivali -, 4-

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