HareRaiingExptrienice -"ir, tht robhit, la rie dumob bunhîy. Claýve-r, grass andi gardon vegetable!s are-n't fpr, him. At left, ho hegs for mlk from awner Isidor Soderqvist, af Stockholm, Swe- doand et, right Krrehracchts for an apple - his favaurite fri.Soderqvist acquoirod bis pet after Kirre's mothier>v!os kiIltd dur-ing thtý huning seasah. tob an instant liking Lb the Kag- ge ad fram iWales, ancd befôre lon)-g BORalans Ywýass ïwelcofl guL.est lu bis bouse. At last be wsta enjay tha home 111e forI w hcble had always yeaCrned Bt bi-s goodô fortune was short-li-vtd. Twa y ,e ar,5lator Stanley was dead, leaving naoth- ipig ta Johni Rowiands fin his will exýcept his rane, Froni t.hat vmo- ment Jobù Rwlndtoo, waîs diead, andI a niewflIlenr.y Morton Stanley stood in his place--alanre1 anrd destltvte in anl allen, land. Tht question af what bu do net as solved by tt autbreab, of thtAmnianCivil War, and, Stanley joined tht forces of tht South. Aleien moniths ai, taugit ilibing, he was taken pnir- seOner and thfrêwn Intajîc a f ever.- camp where etca al Seoon be was as sick azs the rest -an(3, in order ta escape whilie hoe yet had lif, hle promi3.sed ta enlilt in thti U.S. Artillary. By thet timnebisreae-rrws tira,-Lgh, hewever, nie was far tac weab for further saldieninig and wvas given bis- disaharge. once again cuit upon tht wcrld wvitb no moýans cf sujpport bu wvouldt certainl!y have perished had nait Pa kindlly f&-arrer nursed. hmback ta health. When, Stan-loy \was strpng en- augh hi-e took ta tht sea agaYIn. On ont-l occasion the slip lu which ho servec-d, was wred off Barceloaa sd every mII- jack, -wlfh thtex-ceptionI fStani- ley, wvas dra-wnod. A speli in tht U.S. Navy fallawed, anid Stanleyý saw action mrore thianonýce. D- ing ont engagemenc)-t vwihthe enemYy hie tarned tht praise ai blis captaîn for sfrmnguitl. er ire ta ie up a captured tair Altha-ugh thet list cf lStanley's expleits wold ha 'fve fiWd ka book by nawv , h Md anly reaci- ed b-is twventy-sixth year. It e- curred ,te hlm t'haýt there imight he nmoney inhbisadvenitures. Sa lie w:rote somfe down pnard sont tbem tea&a uewspaper. In rely thteditï.ïor demarinded ae This proves? the turningpint ai Stanley'shlit e llt k' one the, coleurful eisodes ai bis carter were prinited, Fe)r thte fir-st liiime lu bis 1fr he had yOney !in bis packets. $on I r u vs ttîî fore- mnoît journalist aI is day andI hea'especial crepnett svr]papers. J it wsthe 'NewYrkRrad t hat sent hlm ontle finid Dr, cd îI )in ht heurtàt aIAfnicu. Thosei inentý" arthcr tianth cas Yeb balewith nie ep ec fbi ite, e stot tt Ceda su-,rroonded h-iu n veyide, v7rss tomspatbylrkn nt ives sud bits bisb iiste inatd the land Cthraugh whlh they passed Md wor deatb to Wthe whlte mp As Stnz- ley hacked his w'ay th1rough tht steamîng jun"gle b ws On scins i yts 1fallowing bis evr ovement.PeSoned ear- raws wert s-hot at hlm, and someîr- of hiis mon were speared to, death by the mercilesssage B'esidles hlaving ta force a wa'y through dense udrrwh Staley en couiln'treCd huge swa.mr-,so , vast that a caravan ',peopfle had actually been waowdup by o I them, leaviiing noerae Ytsavagesý, swiamps and lever, wvhat vwere these compared wlth thet(toxrÈure hoe suffertd from the att'acks of paýisônous l, nsects. Worst f the loit wemre centipedes ais blg as worms; wvasps wlth stings like scorpions; and beeies thte size af ice. When Stanley caugt up with Livi-,Jngsta)ne ha wavs shocked ta find that the mani about whomn tht world had been worryiýng only -wanted ta be left ir, peace to continue bis exploratio.ns. Af- te-r ail heha suffered Stanley was oblîged ta return whence he camýye without Livingstone. But thte hazards lie faced in. 'ils double journey thrauighý Af- r'ica anly wh,,ettd 'his appetitec for more. After Livinstone's death ht insisted upon, carry ing on weethe alder mati h.ad Ief t off, and suceeïn traclpg the River Congeom mouth tat Sixteenl years atter his historic entry inito that caeuntry, H,.iM, Stanlley set, ont on his last tic- -pedition ita Africa. Strangely enough, this also hdthe re-scue, aI a white m-an as its target, Aifter encountering many perils Stanley arrived, hahi-dead tra.m tro-pical fevetr, 1ta ilnd jthat, oc again, tht abject of his labours., had nio wish tas be rescued. Th)is man was a Ge-rmnan Jew, knowni as Emin Pasha. For his, servic'ýetmakn Stanilty had been lbanoured by Knighthoad, but on the whale British peapflç trcated hlm very ,shabb-ily. Ris exploits were quos- tioned; he was accused aof11- tretýtting Afr-ican)s; an-d he iwas catd liar andc a cheat. Onte of his lait wishes was to bc buried by tht --ide af Living- atone in Westminster Ahbbey. But the Deain and Chapter would not give their consent to such a plan. Sa,, even hi death, the WelshMan with 'awifl (4aiIran was djenied bis due. Judgrner& CornesC&a Isr1el i Kings 17:5-2kin1 wosi In ord.e ript'O and lite jsc-the wpalk <n the u h tera$grer h futhererê Ceosan 14:9j, -vý.- ba stJerobo wam ,fiheCsn 1etai Neba, th firt big eit rdced thtcies golen lvsas ab js petsoe frome ôing uùshp ta Je- Cer tathi far s ere inoduce ibt oftheLwas ail csampleto pratica. vensuat a pIood king sJuehaas ino t cametely did e thatwhih ws rghtin the sight of tht LOD al b day whrin eaat, pis n God Waýs longsultrig UtowardÀ lsra-eï,li e sent them sucb hýoly men as Eliah and ispha as fraphiets but theiy did not, want te be restored as ýýholy peo)ple of God.3 4ýfter repeated anig tht-fýOV blewfe.T l n jje ýYg o! A-ssy- rstook Samnaria allder ath 1-ree years seige. Htec' redtht -pea- pie away ta bnis own land A few, af their descendants re- turned later wih a remnant from Judah under tht leader-~ ship af Enra an Neemii T'here is muait speculIatWin about tht ten lest tribes. rtshI- raeli;sm teaches that the British are descen)dants aI thasetrîes Aorigta ont cof their rtr tht- Japanese -were ontCf -tht tribes. Halwever when Japan enrtered tht ecod ord ar ank the oppo.site si-de ta nti tht witer pnblished apather MOIk snd Japan wvas no longer ont cf tht ten tihes. Other nations h ao v e b)e eni judedk'God, iItaly,Frne Germany, and - in some m2-eas- uàro- -Britain, a ýre exam..,ples. If we- farsake God We mnay aexýpct thtI eiitpo)unin-g çcf Hijswat STAR WXEKLT EVERY WEEK Setht Cash-Word Pagaie thi week's ,iSarWeky tqr Weekly eoach wee,suad onetw. eof $200l ffrd o th4tcorrect <lntion C4 ssch week'a pzze.AUzleswill be htrigulng sud fun tO wrk nsd eeh iallers a hacetawir~ SETRISYWEEK'S STAR LEEKY CROSSWORD7.sveoô PUZZEn s iNgtsber k,, ý f e piee e tio mof cogu. Eeavy MrA lam mer m. Fimamnt 24 pieceet astebar 20. tendeS 28, Sweet potato 25. flewry 26, Put witls 27. Biblical klng 29, Steel tower 31, Skie 12. Sccïe in tenais 38. Siseiter 35. flemMes 37. Meab cd fabrie 10. Con ep 4t Elictereal 45, Cereal seet 46.Iree sreelg 47. Atresi, 48, Ancien slave 50. rtvîea spart 52 Onli~ 53 Paradise 55. Epoeb 57 r >Wvldeal er elsewhore on buis page