Serv1ec were lieldle ! I .y wvhen two very ffie Mr. W. T. B-«%PieoM and daughiter,. 'ev. Roy Riekard were Oakvile spent a few days wvith hisi LMrs. Drumniond and parents, Mi-. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. Orono fvoured with r.adMsGrdnWkeandl ts in the afternoont- and fainily, Thornihilli, ýpent the w~eek- end by our own choir a with Mr. and Mlrs. Ken. Bal. Mi. and Mrs. S, B. Rutherford and fam-ilýy with Mr. and Mrs. W,,,. Ruth- e Juiy 2nld and ýorne to erford. nrly social. Mi. and Mrs. Talbert Finidlay,, ORONO W.A. ra wbery ocial MaON Ju E28 at 5 pam On the law of Mr. and- rs. M. J. Tamblyn O'rono Band I Attendance Admnis ion AduIl 75c., Children 50,c. T ANSPO, ATION PROVIDED rr=i a4kI Fn, ýe P4.wer I h This Saturday Only A1.ClrShow 'Montana Territory' With Lon MeCallister and Wanda Heudrix ROYAL -AFRlxIÇAN RIFLES" J With Louis Haywarcd 'ONDAY, TU ,DAY& WED. Ghb s When J4erry aunts Himi! mi I lu cared Stifi' ýbeth s pdCarmen Mirailda Mrs. Bill v'an Mn. and Mrs awa, MrcS. Peaý Rev. Roy Ricki with -Mr. and Ceei! QuantriliOsh- Plunket, Toront n -d were Sutiday guestîs r.s. Evan Quantii Mr. and' Mrc>. James Lowery and babe and Mis. Harry Mercer, Orono were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Bill Cochrane. Mr. P. J. Bigelowv and faiiy, Port Hope visited Sunday with his p-arents Mr. anid Mrs. A. J. Bigeiow. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shackletonî andW fanijly visited Sunday with Mnr. and Mrs. Wmi. Allun. Mrv. and rs. Alex Waiker- Bow,- manyl1e spet~ he Weekend wit Mr.Thomýpson. MiU. and Mrs. E Whte Oono s pent MNonday eveIniIg wlýth her mother. Mi. :and Mis. A. MeLaren and fm ily, Orono with Mr. mid Mis.,C Rutherford. Mris.Yomn spent the we-n aI hier home here. Miss AnaI Mar'ie Sherwin, Oronio, vvas Sunday guesl t ut he hom cf _f1'. TeKENDAeL TeKendai UnL-ited Church was fiiled for thie Sunday School Aniniver- s ary Service on Suuday morninig laýst when the Rev. L. M. Summinerville of Courtice was the preacher. Ris ser-- mon, addressed prim-ariiy to the chul- dren, was on estabiehing a goal -in life in) which God was the supremeý guide. The two anthems by the chil-. dren of the Snnday School ýwere finiely reudered anid very muitch ounjoyed,. Ms Mva Swuvrbrick- accompainied the anr-I them-s and the sing1-ing- of the hyimms. Mir. Summiiiervî-lle thanked the chul- dren for. thei-C beautifu i sii ing ad those who had decorated the Churchý wihteexquisite fioweîe. MiW. Fielding of Port H!ope- speiit tihe week with Mr. and Ms i ît Robinison and eujo)ye'd doi- ng l lun oi-,nd neighibouîs. Week-end visi- tors with the Robinisou'c -were _Mrs. J. Tremaie, Mis. T. Ryan and Mis. E. Smith of Toronto. Mrs. Bray of Dale spent thewe- enid ith her sister,_ Mrs. Haittieý Maîtrtineli. Mrs. George Hoy of Peteî-bor-oug,,I Mie. Hattie marthiel, Mi. and MiWr. Fni OrmPlls and Mi. ArthuirFail o-ere callers with Mrc. Thos. Falls on Sunday. The Reudal Bacebaîl teum itîaveiied to Toronto recentiy wheY9e they were to be -uests of the Toronto Muple Basebail team~ at a game in Toron~to, Thiity- eight -weîe piesent for this occasion. Ramn howevei damipeiied the tnp with the recuit that the gamne iii Toronto was Dostponed.. Arrange- iments for- the ti weîe made hy the Kendai team's managei4 Mr. Bob. Cockburn. A future date is to be set e1for this outing. Whether you're of speciat suuimer nee economîcal prices. Seiberling Bathiug Caps 69c, 79c, 99c. Howiand 51vi-tnCaps.........-----$1.29 r Needs home or away, here is a list. eds that we are f eaturing at Noxemla Medicated Cream ...26c., 65c., 89c. and $1.25 ANIVY Cream, for iieat rash.. inseet "Aýqtta-Pruf"' Ear Plugs, pair .. 25c. bites au1 poison ivy.....$1.00 f Noxemal Sun-Tan Oil 39c. 65c. "Gaby" Sun Tan Lotion ---- 35c., 65c. l622", s.4ect Repellent Creani 50c. Gypsy Sun Tan Creamt, tube .... 85t. Liquid . 59t. "SkieetelSkatter", acts quickly Nordex Sun Tan Cream.---...... 50e. Li id-----65c. Stick.--- ---- 65 Tannafax...................----------40c, "kt ç..........bottie 25c. Tr-y refrveshin H A TH SA T FOR,, FOOT MFORT J ...Atilete's Foot Oi lu eu -----t .......$1,00 Large 1 lb. tins.......----59c. LPC tleecFo P dr7e Euo's Fruit sait ------.....---69C. and $L09 MennsQuinsaina PoWder ..~....------75e.,- Aik-----t r-------------...4c. and 8e. BLue Jny Foot POwdr............39e. lirmo.eizer.........2e.,55., 8e, ~98 Dr. Scho1ies Air-Puti Insoles, ail sizes, pair 65c, Aýrnr-e'sLier _Sait---------------.29.5. nd98.c.a,-Pd"Foot Pow er.60c. Ealm,...- 7,5c. Salileatia..............5e,85e, ~"CH-AMP" IFy and Insect Killer Kodak Camecras...........$-5-,$8.50 and up _Kisalfles diecs Kodak Films to fit ail cameras -Fits any stan 1rd electricai socket. LEAVE YOUR FILMS H13RE -Comilete wj(i fwo packages of Champ Ples -HdoapprOved-one application Iasts 2 weeks. We feature photo service and hig-h qualy wo 1L. -Outfit cost compiete .................. Jackman Flowers for every occasion Dr Store FIELID DAY RESULTS CAltE JRGED IN BOATING FOR GREATER SAFETY (Couinue fro pag 1)(Continued froni page 4) dal 2nd; Cîooked Creek 3rd.1 Rurale ixd Kendald lst; Cowanl- alieady ha,,î blo their lives tiis ville 2d Leska'rd 3M. year by being thrown fr-om- boats Bail ameUrban Newasti, jwhich circled aud rautmdon iLli-al:Be careful iu crnnkinig t'he out- Bai gamerurl: tarviie. board. flon't stand uip or kneel on thie _____rear seat to do co forý motons Imay *~starlt suddeuly and thrlow you- off mMisýs Agies Fjerguson and frendjlane If you can't start thie Out- holiaying With MAi, anid ïMrs. Alexi Watson. Or Electric à9 -'l APPLI-AN Prompt and Gua o al makes of E and Api ~hag 'Ilotors, R9i. .~v JBuild. With Ib You cait ..est hetA Orono, Ont. Phone 68S board with a couple of easy pu-lls on the starter cord, chances are thab something te wrong -with eithýer the, inition [ r fuel SUPPIY aMd proloniged Cranikig from an upright pd.,sition wiv-Il not- help. instead, it maytaeyu CommnistChina Friday callecd for. aInother ýpeace coniference and chaitred the Uniited States ws"h chierrîiuin b reaking off theý Geneva fi uson. THREE DAY SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURL)AY tFlashlighits, prefocussed, with beit ring, 3 way switch and bùlb (no batteries) ..........39ir- S Stedman Stan)dard Batteries2 f or. ....2e LITE Plastic Cushions with frilis ....... ...8. SHair ]'andeaus, /Tidly-Locks (new) assord colors Priced at ..... .. .. . .. .oe ~ Rubber .BqIls foi Beach or play, ar el ...7 S Comb Package, O assorted combs ini ckage ~ ,~ ail for-................ ...19C. tproteet your If a- ieh hiazards ..but guard agaiunt c inplete rance is - a'a youir J. F. M RI1E R t S-HEET METAL g WARM AIR HEATING ~and AlAIR CONý'DITJONINGj j' PIPE and FITTINGS R. E. LOGAN Phone 1,8-r-16 Gro ery Features Candy Kisses, eh hleoecÀdy, 12pound 1,5c. Marshmnallow Sandwich cakes, 1Pound pkg.3, Coffee Cream akces, 1ilb. Pkg........35c Kamr, a tasty Imcheon meat,i oz. tins .....3. Habitant Feea S up, 2 giant 2 z. tins....29e. Clark's Irish St w,cnan gravy vegetables and mîeat. 15 oz. tins ...............2e 11Bonieless Chidç-e4, 5 oz. tin, ......... .......9c Lyoiîs Slc B aý-ck Tea whMiite label' lb. pkg. 45c' Apricot Jam-, largA 24 o jars............. 35 C. YOUR FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTRE shlould prompt you to cali upon us ini timne of sorrow. We stress simple beatïtifull services that Pr-ove consoling to the bereaved. LHRLYR.BRO FUNERAL, HOME P l~v 8r7 Orono.C - i tone 18r2 ~EfOOO MONSTEI PARK p NO vrsNEW9C-ASTLE dmission tg aia )rn, oniWeAwadNwcsl of Chance ý as 0 --- 0 C-- laf ilillerg