the wters of Lakie Superio luthe LI unie Rossprt unalFi's! Derby. Bumt e doubt tatthlelaimretrul-Y of fising ft olk and lassorted l~hn tackle anythre th Oe world tlitanthait poi'Sed lfor the crckof the 4stater's gun eae'h Vye opthe soeCf4ii iti nal On lJuly 25, Rossport wl neagain b-,'i the sceeluot anI avent in wi~many fv ra n' ream 1fim ilole true. Exýpert ;and novice, amiateur and veteran 1cajn frilfihi the arm- bition 0!wnnngan-ag-e, sprize. The Rossport DerbyatracýtS reetrats hanan other fing derbly ï-thee EDomlrnions. LST year,thr wee756 bouts cand 8 onetat1rom nthnted States Roüssprtq 5a ituesuevisgesurolddby some ti lheieimost sceflic areas of ï- wsen najo fnesies m the seUrOf flic high hi)s, with thleir forested sÏIopes swelgdown to the lOVly Shoýres et Lake Superior, Afaegu fired oný the bigdantai he stroke 0f 8ý A.Mv, wilsend the rm-yriad craf train twad The cGap,, hr the 1hig trout lurk deeýp in Sýu-pcrior swaes There are powe-boasj sil-boats and evenri ow"-boats in this motley cýavaqlcade, and!limes and lur e rlung into the aelsb the hun)dred. Lake trout are big, hard-fighthfing fish. The inursare pudged by the poundage ofù'their ctc.La-st year, tlling from th~e sanie bo-at, Miaurice Thom-rpson, a drugstore po prietor frorn ,li Npgoný, Onaro ookd thewne r. It weýighedL 32 poundas, Il ounces, M/rs. it Ray, from ýCippewva Faits, Wisconisini, took second-place asrelswtl a beauty tipp.(ng- Fhe official Derby scalJes at 29 pounids, 15 oci2ces. f*s'- areal spor.tiug a vent, frsut-lddfolks, VIt grow'nSin volume andintrs veyyaranking w 1Ith ,h besf tiling derbies aywer, nd if'; cetanly ueof Candas mstpicfurcesqie sportsaens Your omme~s od sugesfonî o 'A"coUN wiIJbeweomd PILAIN HORSE SNSM By F (BO) VO PUP Tis l0 u 1-1d d Coundid o Wiebood and swcat of mca whV"Jci IcXt feir hornlandls Fecp ar~tygovlernmant ocr i(:li-. gius persecufion and-1wanted fa lies frac ca la a r afrac co- ry.ý Titis is Caniada, whose- fiffeanr mlinpeople spuagfror 2 differeaf nations, none of fham- umitad la flair faifl la flic Bn- fth rudîf on of fuir play and freedoni. Tiis is Canada, flic oaacon tr(,y la ,te foAruicas ,wvîich hismotu gona insaney sc-. umagto ktyaiifariun dcuo- sheip ùor fallialà info a2, lystanrýia 0f eauybig.ofry and smnear T is i Canadla, wîere fa- dom of opinion and folerance of opposition stili preaul Let us kaep if thaf way. Plione-.rsansd Pioncer Spirit Wiitilic eexception of Fa couple of Asancd articles and some mud sling, =il omag fron, flic ame qarter, flcresýpOn-sa ta our reports exoin hlc abanonncatof tIc, princ4ia- of pedcrcotrolled ordarly ïmar- keti, is ean varjy cacour- pIonera fleselves or SfI11 cse eogl 0flcpine spirîf of flair forfhrsf r-ealize, th-, value of freedo0m, do- mot intead fo surreadar flair iil and natural rigîf s ifo an ail.. powarfui sf ta, but wunf f0 o o affer flair own business fhc.m- selves. Ma7ýjoity Sliouid Prayail Onlty s-even years iugo, utthfe N.,ational Marketing Confarence, flic President of flic Caladian Fadlerafion of Agricultkure was reported sayîng thaf "Sur pro- duicars la )uve iraasoned fIat if the great majority agrea on a muar-. ketiag planl, flan tfea%,.,]lof f'Ie rmijority slold prevail te cryouftflic plan.", Hae also gava fhIls defiaifi'on "An oguizd arketintg plan1 under legisdam on is a group ofi cîfieas who produce tIc sanga -ommo(-dity and who ara given lagLisiafive powcrs f0 periformý certain serv7ices for fhamîisalves,. Mark tIc words "a groulp of citizens . le.f0perform pertain ser-vices for flaufseivas." No thoujgîftIahre 0 geffing a pater- aalisfic goverarneniit f0 do 4f for fleni. 010,axxd New Luesi H-ow strong fIa farmairs' ha-. lief la these twovL basic prindci-. pies of m.raijoriy decisïin and self goeramen, isandliow liffla 1tlicy tainf feabandon tliem, ha-. comaes vident la a rasoluf ion cof. t h- e Ontario Farmers union which protacts "gis the ac- tio tkan by flic beaf produ- cars la setting ulp the ution Iknowa r as flic CaMadý,in MetCouncil." Ti-a e Union be1ieves f i 'wron-g bothirilaprincipleanud la rafic,"because "itis plan can only advarfisc mieut and tendts f io-Jsfracf li atntono rcars marketing planï" The second and. most lui- tia$ rauson givea o rjcfa tIc ent douncil is "thafi' be.- caumse of the importance cf the poctheficinfant of'th-a mree- ings slould have been made dugfI meetings; fIat majoriy f rmr piniion is mýot rcefiectedi hiý thcymeetings held, aace Ikm w wlre oaa mavf foýr a vwlolefwaliat 'aco ty meeting." Ontaro trmrsare geîi ALîC Cmrta ;le w b si01,adi-j erages -and they corne fromn aq mua who *a hllihug e. us ra-,thie1ronthe smll sde-gof fIe nuIkvnma Litie Poison" be- cause ot bis ability f0 makue eveai Paul W.ner rnow a hlting Coudh iia theeMilv,wukee Braves organi- ztion, 'O.a of flic most corn- mo-jn msasis to tale ,lgf 33 ounce but simiy because you can get ifuondqilaa sing harder 150 pouads whea I w as playsn bal, but aiwuys starad the seasn wih a12 ouince bat. er, di 1jng fielieutof sme neyer swng oaa nder 38oucs -The mreWood tireais la tile Lbut, the bafer caneyoui hava of gtfing a ý; Pplace of the bal," Paulpîae of )Yf also haa abaffer chance f0 metthe balil qarl Rememi-r bar fatmo :Ail,!of Iegreut bitfer swng auvy bats and - t.e, f0,coma from u n ex- pr-f0sorne oî youambiflous futue WaferJohasoa-'s, Dizzy *The --jo'b of éabig feuguie coach is ucl like fIat rf a golf pro, exccpt IfIat wa ork wifh Jpro- fassionaïls, n ot1aafaeurs," said Frak Slelicaback of the DNaw York Giants. ,'ou don'ltchange fIe style of a ptchr You ctrf elp aach ma ge-ýthfe rmosf ouf of /wlaf ha lus You're askýing for troubla if you try f0 mnaka- ovar a pitcher. Carl' Myst hra ew 'u nda1 1ýrha d: Wa fa )Jhisor, idarLeffy S Uc cas ,,fL. If a p Jif cha er fias Fa nïa.tirai st'yla, ta Ps iacwyih Should tlrow. "A lot is maýde of tlirowing to a bafers weknas,"Shellea- backwen on,"Su e ahava lit fers tabbEd. But tr-ýeara no set rulas The main thing is tA kcep tfli bail m"o'ving. By tbnt I mean, ary fic spead and tha placing of ehpif ch. You cari ha--ve ail tha spaecd in the world, butf you do'f ix yourpitch- gauge you" "-Wly do fLIC Py kýcap On arguing wilha umpiraswlan fhay kaowfhaycaa'f wa- [thfe basf fhey caýn expect is flc wrs of it?" Tiisis aqustonfhe heard la ic rasf sand bleuclers a zilnïma imes evary sea"son. ý view'd 'ny Mal Hardler, coacliï, of th'e snaini-for th1 tim baing af lenst Clavalamd Inians, thrown ouf of a game foror au- img wthanumpire, f caan't hýalp wondaring if hareuily 1belosîgs in tha biglaue.A n11whoî is expefjcctad f0 take part licic Jose lishbaud, "We al knw tht there ara Stimes whan a playar has foe squaw," Hardert-a n."o hac did.a't show ,vsoma figlf. But hashue km-ow when f top kao whn e's othý-e verge Of getigthmbdouf. BacaCusei you can't drive in te vwining run o swi- ufthe fnlbaffer g smll iaorty;they, are f1ind-. ing uf fat te od îleadershî fias ledem" nowbecre; thair - pa- tineisrvu'nnin1g ouf, Thf s why they-pare swcllig flic rnks we may mt qulte»Tgeawith Disaeli tat "a CônservativE pocrisy"; wearehocrLAi- wuys warcoffe facft hat goveamens a d lgisiativa' ibodies are mdaup o oi clanïs wlo wamýà)t to stay linwc %and firfoaaed (!tf '0e Si,. anty watched. Banna Kig iutnot b y mfods suOitoblIe for,- a sýeven- month-ld boy,îckdn mik Bradley SacgJr,, of Chicago, II., iveS on a bctnana de.M eason cverage of six a dy Anid th uod Case-y Stan- g-el is fdn the trail a bi11 ck jer- thanl it has, been for the New York Yankees the past f ew years, ha stili dcoastYt tseem tio ihave ]et if get hl enirely cdown -mcd out. A couple of baseleall rtr ing about the once populîar blooper, pitch a"s thrown by such no,,, departed hurlers as Buck Newsomr and Rip Sewell. Cusey1 Stengel wa;s askeýd how ha ol haehit the blooper, if it had been tlhrown -jin his timje. -Wall, l'il te]] You exactly row .1 wovuld have hit iti," the mnan- ager of the Yanke-es replied. "As a miatteuz of fuct', 'va iven 1it, a great deual c of hogh.Y His istengrs wvaited w j. t h ztr.ainec'îpAtence for thiey where certain would be interest- ing strategy from oune of the game's ws mn Fnli ten- gen ad "'d stand ut [the pliate, in a normal battin.- position until the pitch laf t the mounrd, Theni, just hefore if reached me, I'd furn arouipd, fuke a healthy swing and i it J i upagainst the hack<stop.", stewiaig chickan? 1-f y ou ha Veil't speat ail your lifa on, afam parha,-ps you woul i 1e ftocw ai fem points la seleccfig poul-,tr'y. 1. Smiooth, pliabla skia. 2. Short pinfeauf beS, 3Feaf and legsn are sofi ai-d 5, The -d othfe besboac is soitf--ind usually bon'. Ift>s à simpl'e mattar for a fauni ily oft-ffw o f0have daliclous -, bakeç chickan wifhout axpanid- ing'lihe frime aad effort f0 pra- para ua ad ronsf a v hllabird. Thespca parts desired are sprinkiad wifLh suif uandpaper and brushed wifh butter. TIhen eacî pieca is wýr,)ppedi separaf c- !y and securaly i un au fou and placed ila a shailiow pan lna aso vaaof300j d-- grc-obake for ¾hu. Wlaa fli fou s rmo tdhfi chicAen wdll afbe ugl dn aa-d meliigly tender but mot bicown. So a strip or twc. of baccon is laid over fliecpae-o xr fivo-ad ly arc piaced uin-i der flic broilar lon-g enough fo afaaa rich brwncolior und cris ski, ritorle te w 1ý orîoTS C n esiseccrie Wae eatier, tb'e safýeSt, me u ullet pethoj of boiitl or -hcîaýîxg teeéd for one sean -agam't 'JA eetan maky hevUsed onr.10,olticis.Sls men tWho >are lo lfor aso1iid u sureele r shlou!d wrt lmeaey for f11Informiron anSýexcluSive terri- tocS. emeberiS is"th e het safe t? CommisIons ae hlg.cWrit Mailoc- decDeu. X" annttCreitSales LtW& 42Wtrloo Strýeet, S aint J- ohn. N.B 1 B ra t pue, i Ate, da1, 5 strfoipr.p ror July-Aug-rust tul SbrdeO o iPOULT, Ste rie o d.yld.,ietlt delley 1,00 Ab(or crs h'te Rce aod WVANTED: PiocitQnrswt cpct fo00 00 Arbo r A cres, Wli teRoclî layer. Guaantee eggpriïce. Sussex X Red anSWhle nPu Puiet i 14 wveeks and ïready-t-ay TH LA - l 'cou vei nt hc sd turkey p-ouits ilu a hryw(' bve the1i, Buy aný'y 0f onr:ixecii egabreetiS formamu egp rduction, Th OU rsCy'U0% more egg orbrilers -our1,heSt is NchsNe Hen' ipsh'ires. T urk-ey "")l ts. o1lder oui- lai. ur ltchry ne er coe.oe futit-nformationon ý,everY Èmajor tpeý up coutiest. $,0I0o ak .271Chr iiltteStreet, Saut oh, N B toles ats rlht olI to'ù eserS, saves su thatunpleaisitnt henil Pull îStrctiessatiefaction naeted Order cen Ov. oly 6100 otid adBed GIltý Bt Speea troul, T~ ~ ~~~po vav Ok ,-SriS or reG Sovsto ftro lu uisand ,Augus" Guaranteed Dileese Fres -3Aahu hans MunishreOnta, U ,Till NGS - Wnid ivalrs crss Goerumeni Perme. wtoia)! deiale çharMactrsics eamsORned.AvRis JupeL cross WS Mad ecnWl Ba ft.R o. 2,Orton Ont Pur oisd oundaionîdlîuasdie descndats c Io ted Eýoigts to SALVECA TRT OilOSREE rsUMI JR' RGSOE ~35 ELGI. 'oc.W lne , Tii Poiiý o m s-ison I y, A t let '5 o t moeyorertoDuo teSloEamd Co. 1006 Bar-ton St Hai,,sti), fIamit Ot POT' EZMASAV BANIS thetormet ofdry-Ireem rases ud eepu stntobePs' DONT TAKE CHANCES- ýOR NIGHTRVIG- NO GLARE -t PATENT -111PR iNG NC ýCANA1MDA ANUNU 1 Uuou;gbs a Fig.j ht c~mlSeSpste whedhIng BE ýzANeHAIDESYSE WraiO oruy, iT fullr I.n merioae rtslStm C f 4TKTlN-GA. R Pa-u 72 Etld!"9au St Ottaws - A.d Fl dt I On ta i, ron tbl Feiorpri-time busmees aUple paîr b,0e posýtpAd 3ta1:, te, cnad r, z lasERf0evGery nrnto-La 0f l weu tof l sd fil! qInor , ;, p ,,aton so t Ks T 5 a]y 0. eaeeed Pn ? A T do torn e i2usBil Stree Ottaw, FETHRSTnBAUGB & Compate. teÂt orn -Ce*ays EstahhshujE. 00 60 n verslty ve. TorotO aet i on iýniod. Boex eic ASnp ox 12 Temia A orot.Qtro quî cIartte esip th oa aco Bllml&torSpidsubjc te mooer-hac, gaatA.r reeAtioiatv ofi h0.wisCne. 0KilnPamva o Teliw r aifna. ürý lt .r B-SneSS COd.LEGE.n 72 Jame Ste Foýrth Iatozu nei, ntarlo lraenî: 6 1 aisCers Villge So ol ea.y» Ries se viev