Someone in our district wiIl win a Electric. Food Liquidizer Is 25 words or less complete this phirase "I LIKE IGA BRANDS e3ECAUSE.. Other International and Naticip-aa Prizes Valley, Regular hieese S%1uces Fancy 8 sluces 25c .sauce 2' for 35c Pak Faney 14 oz. tins 2 for 33c 15 oz. tin ShortenDing 3: '/21 lb. tin :n 35c oz. 25c 1012 OZ- pkg Cheerios 2 7c rE AND GOLDEN. iihood Cake Mixes, 2 for 49) 20e.m Coffee Coupon Offer 1buy.....b.49c, .lb. 29e. 31c.W à miun BniesHam gestions ranks, ello pkgs., lb. 41c. âUbs......ea. 39e. ni i........ .lb. 69e, Everyday Puices IGA Decorated Turnblers Peýanut Butter, . 9 oz. 28c. IGA o. Salad Dressing....25c. IGA Tail tins Evaporated Milk, 2 for 25c. IGA Fancy 2(f os. Grapefruit Sections ... 23c. jRedpath Granulated Sugar, 10 lb 83c. Redpath Granulated Sugar, 5 lb. 42e. Crown Jars ...... 2 pts $1.43 Crown Jars, . 12 qts. $1.59 Windsor Iceland Waters, . pkg. 39c. Treesweet 6 OZ. Lenion Juice .... 2 for 27c. Hoqelcy Pod, Fancy Stokely Peas .. Brunswick Sardines...... Packaged Dixie Cups .. 15 oz. 2 for 37c. 2 for 25c. MacýLarenis Bar-B-Q Relish . .16 oz 29c. T r .~the fainily wloth FARM FRESH Fruits and Vegetables WATERMELONS GEORGIAN LUSCIOUS CONGO The Life of the Pîcnie! GODSIZE. Each only 79c Suinkist ORANGES -... 288%s, doz. 39c. fI1N'ýYDEW MELONS, good iz Freestone PEACHES, Golden Jubilee . 220O, 49e each 29c. WINESAP APPLES, Fancy . ... .3 lb cello bag,49e. Potatoos Closed all NEW VIRGINIA COBBLER 0 Iba. U9C ore Hours M1onday, Opeýn A day Wednesday ýsday Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.mi. QUIlCK CANADIAN QUIZ TURKEY VULT13RES 1. Roald Amundsen, Norwegiann'ex- Continued fromn page Î) plorer, achieved faine in Cainada for vutrsnentioned abv nybo wvhat feat? nsigi h iiiyo Mrdn 2. Fifty years ago Canada had 55 n sin u t e vcnt f M n e. incorporated cities. How mnany are« Section 38, Gare and Fishieries Act: there tdy ? Ilw und, rnoljest, take or Possesd> ()Y. 3. For how many years has it been attempt to shffoot, de-stroýy, wounýd, possible to cross Canada by train.) imoest or take any bird protected' 4. 0f Canada's 8M .miilion occupiedj by this Act during a elosed seagon,. dwelins, -what proportion are onr or any other wild native ird at any occupied? time, including ospr-eys and tagl'es, 5. In 19,45 2.8 million Canadians but exluidinig,, hawks, owlOs, c-rowS' vere oluntarily' njre aaijjst cow-bir-ds, b lckbirds, sar ng an osPital, surgical or medicaIl exenii- house sparrows. ss. Ho0W many are so insured oday?- ý,AN SW ER S: 5. A bou t 12.5 m îililion m n t s i hough thé o t - e t CanaianýS now voluntiý"1ýly isure Passag9e fromn the Atlaic to the themýselv-es agaist hospital, surI'gica aciie.4. Totid r.ow,.e.r- or' medical ex"pe'nses. 3. For 68 yas cuid n hi etd 2. At t'he- since completion of the (.P.Rý. lu 1886 Ime of the 1951 cesu tere w'ere? 1. In 1906 Am-undseýn was the firstl 124 icroae iis l e 1 Mr. Dllal YkLrepOronlo, Ont., June 29th SkBarbour Air Port Goderich, Onitrio Dear I»onald,- We -ewere- delighited to see you' yesterdJay evýen tWo it was just -buzzing by. Mlust rernind you to keep up1 a bit, that' s za 'yr ex- pensive adjustable aerial' Archie has but we can't telescopeitwe you corne over. Your job seems to be one long holldây Mum ut missed you ont her trip through pdur last week end ndy, Hope yOu I Oticed ail the new lumber in our yard. No need "0 wfor anlyone to go to the woods ta get good 2x!'s, and pine sheet- Dow for antyonle ta go to thie'woods, to get good 2xI's and pie iiee and strong. Dressed, dry and delivered anywhere at $95.0 per thou- sand feet board mteasure. We have just unloaded four cars and there's lots >nq-e where it carne frorn. We stili have a car coal and one of cenent to unload tia week. Tlhat wil mak-e six cars unloaded in two weeks wich is a lot of work to add to the usual horsin arouind. WVil open up itiie ear Reading stove coal toororow and leave the cernent until after the holiday. We have to push the ceai a littie te move it ini the hot weather but there are quite a bunch srnart people around here that. helputs out >cnd save themselves a few bucks at the saine tinte, l'in off to another Strawberry SoÔ.ial SER McLaren 48-r-16, Orone. rÉ ~ t.' m **0> f I i I f f I SpOr ts Day 2:00 p.m.-Bantams-Kendal versus Oronio f Mn'sB~bU -ORONO versus NEWCASTLE%ý Girl's Softball - BETIIANY versus ORONO L AduIts 50c. Childreni Free J p f i f f i I I i - -' Previews 0 f Progress Genra mtor eetig tae resntfin o p'a gress through science and research. Town Hall, Orono Frlday, July qth FIREE ADMISSION Sponsord by the Orono Fish and Huit Club - -.--- UP Nothing to buy,. Meeats L7L42 NiCHOSON'SORIONO Cheerios, ready to eat cereal, 101/ oz pkg7 -... 27t, Kernel Corn, Il oz. tins........2 for 33e, Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon, .. 3 'haif tns for $1.00 lledpath white Sugar, 5 lbs. . 42c. 10 lbs. ..ý 83c. Certo, 8 ounce bottie ..............2 ôc. Margene Margarine........... lb. carton 39û. Wafers, pkg ........................39t, Peek Frean Digestive,,........pkg. ~c Peek Frean Garden Creams. .......... pkg, 27ec Dr. Ballard's Dog Food, ........2 tins for 25,-- Orang-es, Sunkist, size 288's......doz. 39C. Potatoes, P.E.T...........10 Ibs.29c, Breaktfast Bacon................b. 79c. >00>0 01i Oum a> e 0L %I'> SEBMcLaren 48-r-1 6, oroue. 47 2J-l W> < e Ire, A*& UERONO PARK