/ -Cotton D)ressez in different styles and materials Size 10-20 1/. Irice..........-----------5 Girls Evergiaze Sùndresses. 'Size 10, 12 years. Colors yellow, bline, pink,, white. Price $3.60-$3.75 Boys fancy kunit Nylon Socks. Guanarteed 120 dayýe. Price....- -........-------................._$L.OO Girls Deim Pedal Pushers, color tank and bine. Size 8-12 years. Price..---...... ..........---- The balance of our Summiier bats for !/ price Wbite Sandals and Pinps. Reg. price $4.95-$6.95 Selling from............5c-n9 Childrens Cotton Stripe Jerseys. Size 2. 4. 4 yrs. .&fsorted colors. IPrice .............. ..-.------ ---75c. Print Pinafore Sun Dresýes. Size 2 f, ..... $I.0O Childrens Cotton Dresses jeu everglazet colorqr bine, Pink, Price ... ...... Pedal Pnshexs ...... .............$4.95 Skirt.........,---.--;Shorts..........25 Stoire Closed Ail Day -Monday Charge STRAWBERRY SOCIAL *..KI R BYW......, ý FRIDAY AT 5.30 p=n ADULTS 75c. CHILDREN Iûc. ORoNo -No Suniday School Service id il o'clock, L EýK A R-D CbrhAnniv-ersary Service at 7:30 Preacher: v.Saywell' St.Stpbe'sChoir., Oshawa KIRBY udySchll" at 2 service at 3 I ,l Piece Sport Outf'it inl navy sailscloth. Size 14l with white peart buttoýn trim-Blouse........ ... Mens Emb. Rayon T Shirts with collar, size M. Mens- Swim Truniks in satin elastic, ail sîzes $2.95 L. Çolr ýine,'naNvy, grey. Price....----- -...... $1.45 Mens Stripe Sport Shirt, colorý, wine, bline, nlavy Regular $1.50 for ..................9 Other Sport Shlirts ýin linlen, rayon aid fnylon with acetate. Price...... --- ....... ........ $4.95-$6.95 Men>ý- Seersncker Sport Shtirts, white withl fancy trim. Price .....................$.9 Cotton Shirts, flare or pleate-d idiferent shades. Size 10-16. Price------............-$3.95-45.95 Cotton Blouses ýwith or withont steeves in eolor or white. Size 12--18. Price. ...........2 Opten AIF 1Day Wf.dnesday Friday & Saturday Evenings - - ,,D~oeo oeO0e00.o..ofOfl*.SoO.0e004>000,eo0~ DELICIOUSLY Selected f romn TENDER MEATS --' Carefully Neighbouring Farms. -LEAN pounad Ground Bieef29 Maple Leaf Weiners IL.39e Roasting %Chickens Superb) Qualtyx 4 to 5 lbs. Pound Ready for oven 55c. COASTLINE FANCY Sockeye Sal mon I Un "a)A V E On Preserving Supplies CERT9, liguid, btl. 25e SIJOAR (Granulated) 10 lbs......83e. 5 lbs.....42c.- CROWN JARS Sdozen pts. dozen qts. $1.45 $1.65 Open Wednesday Alternoon Closed Thurs, July i-st 'Urmi' Fresh Fig Bars, 16 oz,. 33c. 61) Tea Bagýý plus 15 FREE (Limited) Salada Tea Bago, ail for 79c. large 16 oz. jars Olives, Stuffed fancy 49c. Grape Juice, 16 oz. 22>0. n ~ 4 d%ýLb k Pia nUok, qbe, i iavet uenu visiii5in Ueourg for use uy the armny. Iwith Mr. azd Mrs. Wm. Davey, ~Mr. and Mrs. Dane Found and friends The defence depairtinent had hi - Mr. and Ms Wm, Carmyan wère 1 in Janetilile. an option r.n the property but gv îa Picton on Sattirday attending the Mrý,. Ross Taylor aqd friend of Mil- it tip recently, it was announced. wedding of his sister Rosemnary. verton visited with Mr. and Mrs. The United Countties Council aiseu Dr.andMrs L.?Mcenze, orotoChas, Taylor during the week-end. lias an option on the property and It, Dr.tend ecaion Day M e vies aorndo Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. -Hooey and son es suggested that the news frin attndd Dcoaton aysevics ndmoved last Satiirday, tgther new leDprintoNaoi: ef-ý had dinner -with Mr. and Mrs. Carl home on -Main Street North. i h eatetofNtoa eec ______onScidy may mean a rene-wed initerest in thýe Billngeon Snda. tproper5y by the eouncil, g Mrs. Snecll. and son, Toronto are COUNTIES MAY BUY j atfield Hall, once a girl's board - visiting ber niother, Mrs. Ken Gamsby CBUGPOET ing school, is owned by Mr. G. L-oeien. 1 The Departmient of National De- -mark of Port Hope. It was being of Mr. mnd Mrs. Lorne Thonipson and' fence bas announced that it wilI not ( Coninued on page 7) ~ae-te Janof Baksokvisited,___________________________________ on SunIday It 'rs. W.co"bhledickç. I and1 Maýmueen' lVEcKencaleoyed a<- otv tIl t Boston, New Yo)rk City andl Montes 1 are spenldingthirhoss t their, 1 -' otae M.FrdFOstfc Taw4h, rleý n angrwile M.ooyis absent. family of Listowel isi friends iin Sýaturday vvisitors with Mr. "ald!Mrs, Heher Sqouch lwere Mr. Il. C. ckb of Oa\ilevMs. C. A. Cinm,-ing,l Toronito, Mr. J. W. Jewell nnd M- ýiss ýMaryv Jewel, Bowm-anvil le. MisCamilla Irwin, Toronto, 1is Shirley Porter, Oshawa, spent thel weekç-endl with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mrs. Wmt. Lynch, oodbridge, vis- ited with ber Parents, Mr. and( Mrs. Harry Rowe, over the week-end. Misses Marie Lewis, Mary Ann Ari-tistroni-g, Merle and Anne Staple- ton are spending the week at a cot- tage at Lakce Scugog, Mr. and Mr. Calvin Hlamm of Fort Frances are visitig wlth Mn. and Mrs. E. J. 1Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Bi]Lings of Philadelphia, Penn., are visiting wlth Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brow.n and f aiily of Lindsay visited uithi Mr. and Mms J. D. Brown this week, Mr, and Mme. Jack Leisbman of Toronto, MVr. and Mrs, T. W. Cawker of Bowrnaiville visited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Taniblyn Sunday. ** moOeoeCeCD..oO.eO.oOonuenoeu,,ooui$)e~ FRIDAY - SATURDAY --- JULY 2 - 3 Pa And Ma Ketie At Home BI~RNG YOIJR FRIENDS AND IIAVE A GOOD LAUGII M ONDAY '7ïLAW~ -TUESDAY- JULY 5 ,/RÛRRT TAI -6 I. NEWS CARTOON WED - THUR.- JULY 7- 8 KIOKAER [003E SOMEUWK IN A TEEMINS RMUL Thse Odelo Buildinig Comittet -are holding a draw in the Lodge k~ofl¶ en Wednesday evenin,,i 14th for a $50.0U bond. Tickets are M.IIA ~Pay What You Pull, price 5c to 25c. WILLIAMIV Proceeds for thse Building Fund. UfI M Aise note next Salvage CollectionIIL I of paper, rags and metal wvill be on Thur-sday morning of July l4tl. Lanst collection -iwa' a great succesa, Inay thiis onte do) as well. Proceeds fo r SHORTS A Building Fund'. Evrybulidle -ountis. [ Thiank you. * o ,- Nancy Ihml Oison - Fitzgerald LYLE BETIGER- JAN STERLING M V~ES SCHERfflEJOLE MT A PSramount PiCture LND CARTOON 4 ~ Usecâd Bargaîns RANGETTES, $25.00, $35-00 and $50. i ELECTRIC WASIIER......$75.001 1 -- 7 cu. ft FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator Guaranteed...... ........$95.00 i GIRL'S BICYCLE, AI condition. Selling foiv as lcýw as....... $25.00 1 M1of fat Tpliletop GAS RANGE, like new .... $1âO.00 CEMEN? Any quantity -- bag $1.25 delivered Freez- For Rou -1 serving -6 serving WE SELL1 Binder SUNDAY, JULY 4 SUMMER WEAR ARM STRONG'S5 <I. 4>O<.O~O.O~ 0o,,0.pfOe.O.o'.ofo.0qeo.*feo.o.4O, .OO.fOQ4*.,Sf~.Ofl j Join The Parade~ To Cornish'SARK(ET \ I 4 7. f