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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jun 1954, p. 6

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E - BIE TAis w esath er] prospect, ta ',Il- l dl thai is de- trram t heý- t' ad eheese, 'escli i 1mai reen eprsie imaibeýad ete (Any of tihe foiiowing: ee greens, ceiecry iae' dn de-lion recrýen, carole,S-pin adi leaves, ïwtsr es I mati Bermuda ntan, siiced tirm Sradfishes, sýiieedibthis et cp gra-tedî, raw ara Cook paotato bhalls la ba ing, sted waè>ýTter until baely- tedr Drii sc]cool Place in s;ý1aaà %oW; add tomatoes, cheese, ac] nasfor i bour. Add emina ingredients. Toss Hlihbii, sac] MýACAHGNI SALAD 4 neselboýw -orfancy maaoneoked, ¶an1 V~ cup myonnais S tblepoos aab, ebopped Pl teaspoon Sait I enp SWISS cebeese cubews i vp lgtycrushieci em ehfps Sinasued suer erushig)ý Coýmbine mcrn, my o- naeol, grelen pepper, dILi ieki, saisac] cheese. Chili. Befre~viag, zsur in cor.r chips- Variatibas: Add I1cùp shrp, CHICKEN LOAF, Af "ut hike a ciKen or fish i ers are wysta make sac] t ups 4iced, cooked 1eup -ez, eau> mushroom piecesý 2 espacoked nodies Ve up chicken broih or gravy Z eggs, beatenl4 en cp fiwy chopped ýeeIery tapolsait 'ýî ïéaoolî àivy powder V tasponpepper Cmieail ingredients.Plc inaoued 10sf pan 9x5x3 inche, Iîake ai 350' F. aýbout 1 bOUrý. Tara ou on platter;grns wif sicec] beetssc]bard- SALMON LOAF 1ipeound en al saimo 2egg's, beatn s1ht, eucip miik iupsftbre-ad crombs DamShof 'eppr tesendry mustard Combine crums with season- ing and bttr.Add mikcl froïtn the Salmon, anc] the Sligbt- iybaten eggs; ix well, Flake salrniornan-d add ta brsad-egg ix- tuxre. ur masbaliow,ýouled baigdish sac] bake ai350' F abjoifi45 ciit'~ r until frim anýjd brawnied. Serve garniished wih emaa ns]ces "and lbun0riches a ya trresýs, witb g-hi saceIr with tomna t sau,L now, is a Mrmc res une~you bppntaliee Rayas 0f garlic, paprika ýand cuerr-y po er ovri' easy ta substitute smtiga utll'e less punigeait in Case ywur tatsdron't bappen tan ialang mafch unes. CUrRY FRENCE DRESSING la eup saiad oil 14 cup Vinegar J teaspo(onfrhle n 1i taspoonSi sgar i easpoo)n sait 3/,teaspooni eacýh, pepper and onlonu sait Vstaspuon eaeh gadile 1powder aidpaprika '/4-Vs tespoonTcurypowvder CombJine ail ingredients ac] shake well la tgbtly cavered ljar, Fine Linens sti BleachçcIOut- î ai11,andlalstc.w,,n, 4ml dive ihrougb lanes oui of ibis city, 1 ýnet a gapof peopi wý,ha are carr-yinig ver ia s mcieagb Ithe beauily, the At iii, and thesaifton f the bandcraft era. Oic] leach, tbe csmal linen J'Il siarted la 1864 by C, j, WXebb, bas growv ntoia apublic comnpany Awhicb provides wacrk for 1,200 People from t Ihe caun- iryside arouad Operating now inawal wherefewerpeople appreciate the m any qua!ities.a lineni imade froni1flax, Oic] Bfeach Mlsuewoal, r ayoïn, coCtion r, and Oather fires. Specialodr take their fabrîcjs ta the sns f the earth. 7Tbey'7re in royal trains, luxry oiels, gian.i ln ersaisratac] mnodem hoes The appraach to týheBnas towAn f ci cyuner a tl rc arch, c]lown a lane by. s streami, adoves a ustîc bridge se-ts ibe awswîtb flow7er beds, s wbite office' linig with palebu w.indowes,cr in theý driv7e as thougb frinds bac] calied, str-uck the frisndliy note whicb I found ibrougboulthie Works states a writer in TheChita Science Monitor. ihe. green, lush ladkepi ~s ac] moisiby ithe G Siream Ilway O ui iY, n ie 'ori At">- 'lanti'c is particularly ,suited t ibe rmIan ufacturfe of lin Boeeon ihe da a m visittbe suashine, air, and ih wit whchthle firsi Mr. Wbb blseacheýd bi lnens in i be fields, sac] hicbgave tbe liame ta is,ý7ý parent Nowhers more so than ia the studfip presidec]ovrb-,Bobi nette rashw who ta e,sp- 'oMîzed ibhe spir-it ai ORdBeab Thisis nat suÀrpr.ising9, sinicec toas more iý han a qarter a,,a cnuyRobinetta bhas býeenib Inspiration for ibeir dsga.Sheë cametaI]Bleachta helpfu'r- tbr~tbie sales of linea yt NqOw iissive!siedIrs wmn'aiQae_+seti ItsAn i îl Wind-" ---l's j ust a tbreeze foî Steve B basket, and cousin Jimmnie Connor, 6, to moake bas! outdoo.r baiskeotball court niear Steve's hm. nFort A tornado wliich blew irito towni pounded the pduý dard down to goal-scor-ing hcight for Pile bo b3, Stari ladies. Evrsince ilie founder ai.Oic] Bleacýjh set oui ta iniake super glas laihs fromn the blue f lax gron la.(-e Ulsier fields, we- mer ai two heispheres have hi was ibis usage of the corigi- nalI clotbs wbich inispired the faosr a ng!e ai ebro i dery' innd ac] sdta the ,Compilation o,ý f ibeOic] leach Emobroidery Annuasi Isawthe girls working onr patteras for the coing-af- ge issue oati bisannul. They were -slttiiig îla the suan- shIjîne by t !! lwindo:lw. T 'he gold glinted thieir -Fsai is h,ýas tley Concet üeronthe smi.all, ro-und embroideýry fraines whlT-ch bel ieir lineai taut. Athough tbe iemraad ' or chepe busehold inea ba broaýghi i he machine ta wfhal Bbetawoufld ike ta baye kspt ats a bandcIraf t, ariginality ai ber design stili iysthe lai- div;idu-al toach ta these p;racLiCs la ithe machins rooin I saw thec g-,irl mjachinists raitling Oves .ibe traciaigs af gay eimbi'oidery, do- laginla ahan -)hour what it woulcl take a -iecdewoaan Rs coýuplai -.weesjodoby banc]. The quesi or fOs ýç~elüence stLèm)s ibis riac]ucc m. terial. 1{re aUcUï5eJs^en is f ast caiored ac] .eventi hé embroid-. srythreac]s are, dy'ed yexrt on the premnises ta enýIsure their colors are perfect ac] fast. Ia the srcniinhbanc]. paiaitinig rooni Isaw ')Oups ai girls ilavwhiie aVera]IS, iearng oves the long isesile tables on whicb w s sread camask iablclahsTbey worked linas ieam, Painting Wth pa"stel dyes, pech sac] R)iôrose fluwers, green ac] blue leaves ac] fruit, Tbey worked qikySCarcely orle looked up as isitors walked "The girls came Straigbt frapi papular," -Miss Heather Webb, descendant ai ie fouader, tld neas we lefithe bsygrau)ps. Tecolosr is "iaceflbhy fixed sub- ssqueaiy by team-,iig sac] press- ingp, she explained. The colors flnaihytae on a deica.te pastel shdguwantec] amees. Vcley Deceitful Wýhen we traon iewaier ila tbebabiu,rsac]aur cke aifsoa-p falîs mia ie watir and sinlks ýta the bottom, e curiaus illusion oc- urs, If we plnge ur banc] in- wle flac] that hii, i, twhere ii seems ta be, T'ne sys is decelvec] ia beïievlaýg tha he wster is mach shahlow r anit rshyis, Peblbles sc]fisb lan s pool ali- was ppear to be nIeares to lus iigbireaciagks framibite ab- jectai te bttoïr. A iibe, water woal ifthee weno water be- twe ï s sc]ihe abject Th e iigbifrom he abject rvl stagtas longaýS ilt n la the ,watec, bai àh mrgs biqe ly irom the watria h arh Jis bn conadtwrdthe sufcThis bnigis knuowa as rfratio, sc])id ia ccurs wbea- eve lihtpasesfrom an(ý,ie trans- pr nt edium ia anahes1a dii essai densîi-as, for ex- amî-ple fam w 3ter t ais, olr iker, 3, et Fels o'n the icott, Kn There -'aie alboui seveiten ua çired species oi sltkss cistribut- ed tbroughoat the temperete ac] trap' oiaGI iegioa<soai he -worId. They rar.go lan.size irom as bus- rawýiag creature 0.1)y a f ew incih- es long ta the regal python, asar- ly or flly thlirty ftee( long sànd -weigiaguibrees hun]red j3ouads. Conseqaealtly the nuarbei ýr irbs varÀies, tbautghl na aay Case il la nrm s.Somretimes therare as maay as ibrerc huidrec] pair I' ) ribs, loasely tied to the back- boa. Eacb nb ati isfire c] dis siiacbed la a sbield a of 0ra onI the underside of the bodjy, It is by ihis plan that the saake moves. Tbe rlbs sipple f rad pair ai a lime, ac]dlanc]ing se, ibrasi frrdthe rear edges ofaI tl leld la wbîch.1 they are itied.ý At eacëh mavemr-ent the sbleid gripa some rougb spojt an the grou-nd, and seo ihe wbale b(jd y JiS drawna absad. T1he wnriggliar moeetis alwayshrintl -Ilow Electricity Elcrcthasawasbe part ai nature. Imaginea violent thndrsariwibi he cas to thunder sac] he crackliag flash ai iighlnîiag. ha bis sheIner, the cave-man musti have cowered tan terras. ThenJ, perhIaps se quartes-U ai a millioni years later, sanrie an- cient discovsred Iatï umber:, ruýbbed wîlh ïa piece ai fus,wui attract bits af feaihe-rs or wisps3 of straw. Thbis proQperty (wev kaow it today as stat is electic- ity) weýS described as long.- ag( 'as 60BC, by Thaies ai Miletals, one ai the seven wise mer, Ian- cieni'Greece. The Grebak word for, ambe(r is ehekiron, aeeî simi w vss tbe fiJ'rst subs ,tce l show bis pro - bsn iMi-i03,physicien ta Quesa E~Iýabeth, -Osleis theprop- emiy lcrc. a1650, Waler Charlton chen,,ged ,the asme ta "Celecliciiy," ihe rane wo u-se IS, Electricai ReSîstan'ce Affected When a conducter is Hetatea? Yes. For copper sac] ainsi Other maierials theme is an in- creasýe a eseet tq.elcrc whea the iempeyature mvises; but flie.sesistance a f these th1-iauca- boai filamrents youmaocsin eIjy sec la ve r3To(j 1hampgCIes dawa whe ihe wire gels botter, Resisiance generaliy decreîmases asa onclacior is cbJIIed;Jý and ai c-,iext-ieeIy 1c'w teml-peratumeý-CS1 my mtasow whnt is cle supeconlaciviy, Thatmsa Itheir powes i of daig le lead,. for instance, wilhE esO bas benset up mta e col, tw Ikeepfoig adys Generaly spekingit is ia ac] stpeel ac] thera 's ta are magntic N'ickl adcoal alIso show Some agetim.An alloy oaiIrani, icobalt, ikl ln ijum sac cppeý-,-r ebe mae 5 mlagnietic that 'it ce fliia to-11S ac]le id ýs ownwih a rn Amantatatianscsee GBlo da r1sue1fnoma,"0 plIus oe's ea.ils omn.13 plusberagp C91M Gils Metth bceno o umn wih a bright Famile, clapper Mr, ý'.Alfred Brew, -wbo ph as býen SuLip eri ntenrdet.ntRBe gistra-r' ai ackeyLanonfo-r 28 year-S. This quietly-spoken mnan bas mar'IJed noj fewer tban 30,000 Couples siyýcE lhe was apl'a te bis job. BuWheW Wilia bache- lor a0 65. tbougb he looks Young- BRas the mani who bas remapin- ed3 a),bachelor sa long-and is retirig this year - anything agairnst mnarriage? Not at ail. is he likely to miarry wben hne is fin'al]y frefrom tbec eýres tif ofcAh! 0tbat's qi 'aques- tion! Says genial M\r. BreUwer, very wisey: Inot commni-tting -my- self about the future." Wya mat is a bachelar is bis owibusinessof course. Ia B-ritain ibhe number of bachelars biasiarse since the war. There are hun-(dreds 0f tbousaa-ds ofthnad few give aiy signi of beiag -womari-haiers. But Vrhen a bachelor does- be- ciea vwomraa-hater he's apt ta express bhis anti-mnarriagjýe views pretiy strongly. An An-erican tuiliionaire who Sjpenýds thô,usaods n oll 101ars P, year n old books and mnanus- cripts was Jdssppointed in lv wbnhe ,,as a youtb! The pretty girl he was woa walked off. with som-ebody eclse, leavîat.g hlmi so byitter that he now travels ai -over the world looking for eviî- dience whicb justifiess bis haýtred af tbue oppo)site sex, Mlany otberwise eligible mea stay bachelorsbecause theyhav to support parents or younger -asters and brothers. Tbey ac- quire the hiabit of' bacbelorhood --and it sticks. Sanie bava been - badly Jet doýwn by a fickie girl. Two wll-iodogoad-lokng Leeds young men baiàd bis ex- perience,. Two sloe-eyed itr theyý met at a dance dring a souih coasi bQliday won their ihearts witbîni forty-eight biours, Each mnan proposed one imoon- lihnigbt gt iwards the end of the holiday; eacb was a-Ccepîed. Butl a shocl a'waiied the youing men. A few weeks laier ihey : learned thai the shapel.y pair they -were planning toe ar were already married tu, two i broihers--pariners ia bus,,ines;s wbo bn ad been toc busýy 10 ac- -omiýpaniy tbemi on holiday! "WVe did it for a ar"was their fatuousL- explanation1. "It muist have been the seaside ir."fý Sa inîcensed we-re the yauing men thfat tbiey vowed slemnly ta remeain bachelors for 'ihe rest ai theijr lives. For five years teacb kepi bis vow. Thea one f el violently lai love witb a slimi youagBrila wid0 ,be met la a Paris nigbt club. Be flew w,,ith ber taý Lon- don, wee tey wremarr ieç in, a register office ihreewek later. Toesse his conscience he sent awire on is wedding day t bis friend, wbo was spending a thre-onts'holida-y in Nples. hi ran; 'Vas nmarried today. Very snrry lù break aIur com"- pact, but yull nderstanid.when you mn-eet 'm-y lovely bride," Witbiný a few h-ours b a urredta eei this ireplIy: "ýDon't mention id. 1h married an) Italian girl here last week. Jusi geous!" When bachelos failta faWfor ther charmas, sonme wamen bhave beeni known ta taikedric acton ta "beat down their def- ences." Livig in a small iuur oel ai Saint Etienne Dshms France, was alovely b-ut cu-j puions brunette who for same tume bac bac] ber elre an a ric mnidde-aged bachelor who lived alne irn a costy aarument flot *a me p'.ýi ' fne ailse oustach erandednoe a peratlibndt,, h ughlelorihe POSSe-Ssed. JBadlIy Scared> the bachelor wa;is abou topartvwith them - when1 lie sudnySeized a sporting gun hanging Éi1 thle h a'l and _id point blank. 1hegirl died The Police aenocharIege against the Fman whn he Çcir- revealed that she had pcreyedcI szeverai 'other loneuly bceos d'I"ng one to suicide_ ~Bach1orshave oýften bne togélher tersrt dtri~ attemypte by attractive wvome,,n toý At a nugrldinnrer 0fa fore the w7ar, 200 young re pIedgecl neyer tfa marryvanl neyer to flïirt. Yeu fi rt witb a p Lretty girl curly-haired president ,,a rned themi. Even wýaîtresseS baci been-. banned f rolm serving aItal duigthe Odieî, French ïmembem 0ý fante anti-marriage leagiue also t oOk Tebachelor wbo was fýalse tO his vows had ta paýy -a fine of' 2,000 fircs to the league'-s funds and rperfocr oeac ipen- afice. One bachelor f ound kî,ssing a, blonde 1ty pist in s ounI'try ln was conemned f0 cswim týwi.ce across the Seine, at idnigbt in b'is najamas.-Be developed rheu- matic fever wibnearly ab bec bim 0of his briLde-to-be-. another girl heba been sc retly courtingl, She was a nurse and her nuirsing skilfl sasved hi libe. Year, ago, Ail Souls' College, Oxford, rmadc a îefauIting em ber present the college wîth a miemyori;aiof his lapse 1.frm bac.h- -lordomsilver cup engraved wihthe worçls: "Descenidit I marionium" ("Be b, ac'kSlid in- On the whiole, it seem ta lai 4ie end miost women wbo are detejrmined get their manx. l ever keen he is to remain abah erEven the lwi on the grs side, for nlot long ag',o a fmu judge delared in _ouirt: "No m an -ýcan 10ok affer hmef whatever bis ae vr a is helpless wwthout Iwoman S UrP HER SILEEVE 'ihtsnet niy maney." saidï Mrs. V.Dobson, of, Louisvîlle, whena woman poiirted to a roll of notes ling oan the pavemnent, sac] left them ita, be(ic- dupby Ilhe wo'manî. Not until sh ac] ece hom11-e and was biùiging up be'r cotdid the trutb bi-t ber wîvth, asikig thud. Shàe had tle erefOut 0f $150, h as ber memberd pining temoe tions don't boîher this swarm of I bees invading downtown Allen- town, Poihie cou!dn'î do a thing with ihe 'iowbreakers," but a beekeeper solved the situotion j by rounding them up.

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