ýrs have beeni ristmias treesi (,, Winnipeg, Mýr. and Mrs.I Duval and John aýccomnpar Mr,/ld Mrs. o.e.Qfo.Oo.oo0e0.Om.00000000 ES PRÉACHER h>wa Dedicationi eo.d,~o~oe,4 î'i ýt Dosk; - Oens .15 "SAÏR bOit OUHE 1KING" ' ith mie yel Henie nId WeAdy Hiftler "HROIïf- OT G-IMAURON" Wîth>&GaPowers n nkBuietel ( le ilounds-with 10 shillings, cost und bis licncewaaenicloased." ir Woiider whaftey'd bieen up to? Seiberling fI d- - HoïladS Value 0f Agricultuire 1 ln Lirnestone To Farmers i Au-Pu I Value of' the uise o grcutualà I lmetoe ,np. pe land use prac- GpySa Stice(s has be elillu-strated .Over theINodx î gpast twvelve mlonthis b'y Onitarjo fIari-i ers who' have spread 5,91ton)ýs o'i Tannafa'x fthe ai-d i According to A. H. Ma-rtini, DirIc- Try refre-fiî jtor o!>tue iel(d Crops Branich of the 'C ER IIOntario Departmient of Agriculture, f thlis figure represents an increase 7)i neariy 5,0011 tons over the rîev[iou'ýj Eno's Fruit y ear and an increas of 886 per cent j A1ka-Seltzei over the paast 10' years. ji~si5l I Farmiers of Ontario are enablýd to *Aîifrew's 1, SecaGre lillpestonle at the l0-west posibi'e Sal-Hepatic jcost thirough the co-operation o4 ih-e - Doi-inion n nd Provincial Depdartu- Kodak Gam ienits of giutr and the railweys Kodak Fin , who assist in the lransportatiQco (Sts LE gof agricultural iiii~estoile. E ; Mr. ?Ïartin, who is in char~ge of then e feature Limestone Freight -Assistance polïcy, g jreports thia$the Canada and Ontario jDepartmients of Agrciuliture paid al <total of $52,150. right assistance iî J ackmaa Ontario during the twelve-mi-onth peri- - ever od. Assistance is oiffered to equalize j tri)asp)otatioii cots whetlher theý fariner la close to or far remnoved fromn Ione of the approved snturces of grouhad g limlestone. shower. 01 Oncar lots, the assistance amnouùIts ý Anne Marie Ito 50 per cent of the freight up toi of lholour anld S$1.50 n ton in Old Onitario and $2. 00 pinned to herS jin Northerp Ontiario. 0On truck loads Little Misses di thassistaice la 3 cents per ton mile Mary Lynn Bai iup to -$1.O0 of gnyly wrapi J Specifications fo-tagrýicultural lime- ing these, th( stone lie, iiu neutrallizing value hex friens for -of 85%I and ground to a finelless 'of ' A social tii 10%through n 10 mreah screen and delicious luncý t 0%I, thýroujgh n 1G0 meah scrueen. hoatess. f cr'opa; suchi as alfalfa are henvy >1 usera of calIciumn. Ground limiestone Bass, supplies this iled. DolonUtie lime- (Continue served j A ve SonUNW OA 00e04s i he/Newcastle Lion,s !ONSTEI ha W -, N ~ /JX LE R 30 PARK postponed duetio rainiJune25 'Mies of Chance CFHILDiREN v-ummer Needs Whether yoifre home or away, here is vtr,,P of speciail Mmmr eeds that we are f eatt nfg at conoicatprices. Iinthing Caps 69c, 74c, C. 65c. e. and $1.25 wiucaps- --------- 2 9 ANIVY Cr, for lient rsins If*Ealr Pluga, pit - 5lC, bftesane p4ilson ivy---... . Noxeta u-TanO ..9e. 65c. al T'ail Lotion -- -- 354-,, 5. "622" ,nsect Bepellent Cream 50c, iTanl Cratb Ê..85c. "etrSatrLiquid.----59c. n Tan"Grenai.......50e. nets quickly In n Creanl Ligutid ---65c.Stick... 65e ---------O-.-"Sketofax".............---bottie 25C. uing 4TIFIED IiEALTIL S LTS Large i1 lb. tins .......59( it Sait..........---- ! .and S1.9 ;r Tablets ...------.........4e. annd 68c. tzer --.........29c., 55 ., 98C.,$19 Liver Salt.......... 5e. and 79e. .c ...- ....... .. .... 45ck, 85c., $1.39 m rs .. ....«-- $3.50, 8.50 ..d up mis to fit aIl cam eras AVE YOUR FILMS nERE a* photo serviive and hig-h 9 ity or an FIowers for ry occasion FOR, FOOT COMFORT L.P.C. Athllete's Foot Ointment ------ $1.où L.P.C. Atlete's Foot Powder.... ...........7 5ec. IMeaaea's Quiinsana, ,wder.--- .....75c. Bliie Jay Foot P'ue-der 3.. . .9û, Dr. ~ Ai Seola~ Pil1owLisoles,, al sizes, pair 65c. SgiPe"otPowder ..60C. Balai-.- .75c. "CHAMP" Fly and Inseet Killer ills al files and inseets. Eltsa ay standard eleetricai socket. -Complete with two packages of Champ Pelleta. -E-sidr npproved-one application lata 2 weeka, -outfjt costs eomuplete ..-----.......... $a.89 O!7ono, Ont. phioîe 68, May seeml as if every basa for mliles aroun"rd is enthusiasticafly tackling to conceal a basa There are no real ways iishered to a seat1 anything in the vlcinity. mifes to follow, for bass, are found iii a corsage of r~oses waslThe basa is a tuckle-buster, smash- wvide, open waters, in aalwi shoulder by the hostes. ing into plue~s, biugs, spinners, spoons, deeps, ia fast water and slow. Faye Nicholson and1 live bait, , £lies. TIe's a jum-per, too. Both smnallnmwuth and largemouth> ailly carried in a basketl The mom'ent he's 1Looked, he heads bars have somnewhat similaT 'fighting )prdgifs. fterope- sywars, tans onMs aitandcharacteristies, although the large- he bride-to-be thanked s;hakes his head in a furious and fre- mouth mjay be somewhat slower-.Th r their Iovel' Prýeàents., quently successful effort to shake the two can be distinguished apart be- ,le wajenjoyed and a hook. euetesiaiîitiuulyù eh wasserve by t e 'lI1 be foundl lurking in wveed darker ançi the mnouth does urot ex-~ patches or along roecy shores. Sunn tend back of the eye. To strike either A Game Fish logs offering ahade are almnost certainla ome iltn ih eipd fromi page 1) niutes later, though, jt &C. ewý" Flower Ear Buttons, assorteel style' i LQElctac~nd color-s .........................2. one 93 r 1 ~JQhnson's Baby Shampoo, bottie for.....59C. 1 Ce al makes of Electricý and Applia-pni Such as nlotors, Vsi SButild Another JWith Insurance You can't proteet yf jgainst such hazarda Yoi, eaiguard angainm,ý l as. In1surance is aiw ~best bet CALI N.F. PORI but lways your ~TER iORONO TINSHO P ISHEET METAL WORK WARM AIR j IEATING and AIR CONIJITIONINO PLUMRING t SUPPLIES and PIPE and I FITTINGS iR. E. LOG,,AN Phione 18-r-16 j Lipstick, Emily iRoge's French formula, indelible 6 shades t o choose from....... ........ Plastic Compact with fnirror (Emily Rogers) 4 shades to choose from........8c Men and Bos Leather Beits assorted bucles Boy's prîced a ...... 59c...Men's...9&c. Fine Socks, ýen's 100 p.c. nylon elasticuff, Pr. 79e. Shoe Brýusht' s with dauber an.- andle........ 49c. %'Ploe y eatures Sun-maid Sài s J4,,aisins, 2 pound plkg.,......39c, Creamettes, Ma, 'roni, 8 oz. pkg.......1e Campbell's Celeïy Soup, 2,regular tins... Chuckwagon binner, Burns, 15 oz. ti........ 35c- Clover Leaf Çohoe (Red)Saon 2lb tins . 35e. Aylmer Choie Tomatoes, 290 tis..........15c. Maple~ Leal UheeseTrt mle container, ea. 2,5c. Christies' P'àntry Co iies, I12!/2 oz. pkg.....5eI Orono Crea -ery ui-tterý, Pound ......... 58c, 0RON0 5CmýTO $100 STORE YOUR FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTRE 1Ir IÎuj~trgn'Li ~r ---slhouild prompt you to caîl upon us in time of sorrow. We stres simple beailtïful - services that prove coný-solinig to the b-ereaved. EIIARTLEY H. DARLOW.ý F1JNERAIL HOME P1a~ne lSul Orono. O~-' Phone 18r2 M n. Tyrrell's Drug Store LL orpno, 0 -- r Phone 18r2