010 0 NT., FrHLIflS D A Y JUL-y 8 1954 -oie 'Village iRate IncreaesFrr For 1954 Taxes By 2A4 Milisi (an oldO ofy)i pnin , TeNewe Th eguarCènre Township CoS utSreet Lighting purposesiài-the de- fewv days greeting foriiie"infd rieniý ds, again fae i imetng wa held lanthe Coun .1 fined area cOnsistng the Harniet of While the guest of the J, D. -BrýoWjl. day evening, ïhamber, Tuesd1ay. Depiity Reeve Jas. Nwtonille of 19 ilîs1,, on the dola, Fred is jat returnng fro, atrip 2a ainttm 'T, Brown asst[iedt the chir in th fýor h ya 15.Which Will have taken lm around the arva.or abence of Reeve A. Mca, who ,e- A r'ate to be ieývied for Hydo Street 1w0rld whe e ets back to Gatifo4 aeplc gretably could notÉ attend due tu theLgtiguroe in the dfndareania Ponledto Jul very suddea berea-vement o hsP siteUtingthe Hamiet of Keýnaalof Jile let San ).anaiscola Mada Ibrother. 26 ilson Uthe dollar for thie year d we e-t tSaoyi Kbei1og-Kn he arn B y-la w N o. 1 2 4 0, a B 4 a w to a s- 1 9 5 4. Sii a p o r q , C ey lo ti , B o mi b aly , I ~ i , i h sess the rateab1le property lhithe 1%.m1A rate6tobe levied forthe Ganar- AaiEyt t at f ic&,tvousiyalTa Yt of the Plice Vilage of OroncoFe aska RoverComnvanA ho Aty r g elidSth euMediterab apearithl the 'year 1954. In agreement Wihua ossof .5 miYîsontQ- dollar Y ynEnglind and actoss ýthe Atiandti j hed onSat reltiafroinathe Trusteos of the ïa:ýse the -amount i, of 10000 eh " Ville age of Orono shg for yer for the years 1952.j956 inclusie.moteal. 10e hopes to meet one of The Carnh 1lceakighs sîsters, iVrs. Evelyn 1otler of'cihrs acertain rate te be struck or, the ra><te- Arate to belevedfor uhnxh able property aithe Villagè of Orono, CountyHighSchoo purpo"ss)f 58' aison 1e miih i itu the fllowing was enactd.MîlMsonthe dollar for the yar 1954. made Aratle to e be eiedIon thle loaale 1954 19 5,ý Thei-r father., J, G. Honley 'asin r property of the Policeillage of Ganaraska.........£ . the -Cheese business in Oronlo forPeTe rru WO'no to 6 ilîs on the dolla District High School 58 46 aw cty years and Fred Honjey -was ~hpmtr A y-law 1239 to raine the neces- Orono rate.......6. w4. n'iruer of the Couincil w~ the t 1 sary rates in the Township of Clarke Clounty rate......10, 10.7 present town hall ws busUt. arnival '-For thýe year 1951 The Municipal Tp rate............10.5 1n0.5 Cou1ncil of the Corporation of the General School.....15 4. AU, Holley says his trip bas bee - 'Towns.'hiP Of Clarke enacts as follows;: rost é.teresting and e4ucational, he That the severiji rates henehn m3n-,33 havinig, beenm la soine trouble spots of ~tioned be levied,. assessed and collec-f the woi-ld af thel present tinie. L ,ted on the rateable property ia theý The tax rate la the village increases Township 6f Clarke for thse year fromn' 1953 by 2.4 mnilîs or $2.40 on cla , ~ r and Mr 194andl the several rates hal every $1000.00 of assessmnent. Prop- Marilvn QafîiJ55etadMs -16sded collected and paid to the proper eries la the Toutvnship will have oaly day Visitons OfL&rr ofthe Municipality ia the a .4 nill rate inerease. These figures Music Theory tXaMn 00 c.Green. inanr and at sutir a e ts are conspîled minus the local school Iý~ .E Stattesof te Povine o Ontriorates 'whieh -wi1l haye furthen beaing n.NBr ~~ttueseX is PovnceefOnaronany increase or decrease inla îu4î Pupits of Msl M H[Sape,.Rad r .Rq iand the By-laws of this Municipality NIT ,o%ýeescesala h , r r0qur~ s~vdedbpweer.is l on a xes.. The enly individujal inrease,% .woweeacesfla ie., ,I*r<J tojes emas~lg ~npid after Ae e arwe shiowa lanthse Durhami Couatycetare esanton d j hSO aaadnePk % Royal Co*servatoryHii au ae adtsooieVii......-f Muic kof Ter-d1 -teenth day of liecember n(x a ate' te es forx 'n thse ,Iseted nd rua centre, ar, a"d pai<l A By-law 1241 authorizing thse' rd Itreasurer te borro'w necessany moisies i5j .Graci Counties for the carryiag on of Toynahip 75ý Ga o 10business. Thse Council of the Corpor~a- 7 . Grad ftien of the. Tow,,nshýip of Clarkoentacts Graham,8 rownshlp as followý-s:. The treasuner is author- Theoz.y, 0f10.5ý ized tý% borirow $1,O,7.C00 which is to Hon-r: ï rDasOn he ii excess of the By-law No., 12341 vwill b(j ia regular session of Council on Jais. Marilyn popiiii-1 5, 1954. Lake, 938, C. Prus their c Quantnili, Barbara Ilydro J (Continued on page 8) enRegister For Instruction At Parkl w immîaig ,kick boarýdsa nd first aid kit to be ig held f'ivel to 11:30 andý for ail aiges. nius and ba-d- sports of, thle atertain-nent. sporisoned by sietie Associ furter egi-I ITKi be unie of cv ~, tiold on1 a- driviag close fish, tliaiikal witesupp Bilj Wade couildr Attendance for the day dl7OP,--'e d a to his mother beins little over the firat ineet of thse, yean I toe Miss Smytbe,1 but this mwas more thani conspensated] Mrs. Raymond Ch, .with thenewýý $1.00 admission charge,] sang beautifully, t( ,wrthe formser -50 ets. Wlbo condacted t se The track iwitneased ita first accî-- ng and gave us sev, .dent of imaay many vears. 'wheri two solos l1!1spite of SI occur-ed during t4s eighit heats of r- ah pnae neandeal', ing. Tri ail four hon-sea wcre. inilica- mne n n i ted an~d tise ost serlous accident ne- We were pleased -aulted in Mn1. Ruas Smith~ being un-- tura e ut- for Our2 seated fromi bis caIrt~, receivisnga day The Re-,,. Saywel broken eollar lboe,. I Church, Oshawa c(, 1 vice. Several love1y lu theýClas C race Annaline wned , rendened by St St ýHanlilton is Eý wish hnim 15 of Trenton'. suppen i Loucks; Tyrrell's Drug Store CE ER emnodele d 0On Modie fl Exesve rnmdeligto Tyrrell'sYshadeOF green. T DrgStoi'e wihisn in pors odfor wii urhe Oonlo'sbuslinesFssection lVAïr. Tyrril w 'vi as th hpigcentre of the dstict. nber ofrsln 3 . T y r re l i i n k e e I n g w i t h m o d e m n i s d r ugnb u s i n nmehods of mrhnîîghsstu t n ude new features whih illbe incrpor-serv'ice t", the c ated la his preises in the verynear foncled Y thela ru yurec. who rau it frr f' At present two contiauolis roof lateMr J. J. Glu flurent Iights have b-en installjed, ierated the sto ýre fý These lights replace four fixtues and mien he retiredaa give a gymreaerlght for the dispay- 1to the Iresent own twUo .~ ~.- rVO 1,8 o, 24 vesNewcastle LiOPs caruival' ~'ori¶This Friday, If No, Rail> ~cade: oro- Mns. C. wanburi ùarine' w5ihie r.d, ve Ju4io o0 wisned to alcce en Tolimie,i .y]or, Paul lie Payae,' McKenzie, , oherta son., Liada on lln