Before you and the fomiiy sake off onrhat smmer vacation moýka sýure ito thtbfpro& ofyUr hom-re. ilutrtadhow fre si.x tips on ho safeguard your home againît ur Irî,Thy're fram çrdime expert Jh oir.who predicta the public wl be buuglarizeýdmore thoýn '1296 times ,every 2.4 hours d.uriîg Juy tand Auguiýt. whare you con be reached. Asic him !a cati police if ha notices, gi - el Don't leove gem-i, cas h or valuj- Naify police asi ta i-ow long , Lock ail yox>r doors ciid win- cies in, your home. take themn you'Il he away. Neighhourhood dowS. Don't juif ibm m te door. down to the bank for safe-keep- policemen wiii watch for cny Lock h twlth aoe se that ths- ing hi you-'re gone. strange goings-con. boit provides aiddecl security. tainfly thie experience s the hinae whien b.eixig Nine-Yecar-OId Boy Sithers Station during the paît rmarketediý I os ln e thesyar as ,proved fthe value -1Th k*ý aisiag as a rnethod a io kngf Tekiçs of feed tuseçd. A m s ln e gcood hay in bad eteà ad Gascaitt ie vll usuall(y sbrnkI as a higb.k quality fee-d ta;raise mnofe than gtainfed eattlt An- I Asevey ntherlcai bealthy nanimais. imals tat have bad -lapgeAiùanti tiatby hv nucann * * * fes ai bay or ilage wifl usually Ifaulty for getting their beadaY Sbrinkage bas quite a bearing 1lose moare weight than tase that I caught ln iences, their tanrgueýs ina a ivrestock transaction. Te bave been on ,aj fuli f e6d )igran f rozen te maetai pipeýs and theï, anwiunlt of irikage Varies cOn- Lxtiefeeclas scb as teet tops i cescrammed ciwlth stranige> siderably and depends on svrl and caver crap recuit ia more stray objeets. lacar, ay H J Hrgae, ta nnlxtv he first two usually resfit; Lethride Exerienti Sttio, fedi.n *a athin-g more qerious than - a LebrOg ExeÉenu Sh ,bruied neck andQ a Kklnaed Alfa. The fallawlng are aauaag 5 h iisa nmas hn tnu.Btih dlea' i the important ones: 5 h s fanmlT'.ïi tingu.ttet nimîcoy ca(ýri * w-eraufeeder sezswilI j - inl oycn ee i. engb i tp Uualythe shiak more thani the saine age4 j ta tragedy. Longthoftip th sgraîlthe e attie thaf are fat. Long tre- Several w ieeks aga a- aine- sbriak; hawever, the losof ya-l tesofgasw erad Mara o a Off gý'aeaniy bliided for lue beçause we~gt des ot bar diect sbnlink less than- long ye-arjîngI wýisteers off grass. Thaereewil}-be;hIedidn'f rèalize the danger bld-. ratio taC the distanceiýde danî inside hariesi lok snce the greataît las ltti eifere nc see in th sbrinae 1îng objeets ha f aund mwhila play-, thae finiti ew Ymiles, saie ng araund a constructiari site. m* m* e*,age.ý Fat lam'bi can ha eipected They, were blaîiitiag caps, uîeýd Zt, The degrea of camion t- te snik e3s fmari feedar la.unhi,, to e datanata commnercial epo tremes îrt nt wbiiaewres Will Sbink -more svs u h oai i ly trams i watha, aihar'bo or than feade ar abi.ilog s uaîîy ivaes But the y and bsphay cald increase the ibrinkage. snn rli han othar farin angn- mtsfogtte eefr Badlly cnowdad cars or trucks mas - crackers and waera aager ta set aad raugb ras wifb mnan.y stops ____ bmofwt ag add f tb le waigbt as ir la makef- *After building a tire la a ring ing ivesf0cc. e ias No SuC h 'Thing As ofrocks, te ane - year r, nk t~ ~ Thàodto t p c roppad ana-ai the caps laie the 3.Th Cndt_ t e cil ames. Whaa itftailad to ex- at tha turrne ai oadn«as a bear- h m spce at srruai de immamdtiXha ied am- iag on sh£nk, iad uaror avcum O ate i e rcst0 the flames4 At- fxai thirsty nmasae)iei ashw caî etimavarramsper tSw pecs moment1,9stintcap c*m"efw, be jý-explodd, settingloff the second.j star, planise, nafÇulae and co - Tabaihnatt iegaa atsý , would we bave lait a 0oaalad standipt!fvnfeet tram vacuum? f i-ae, tlIed il-sa air wlf b maetai- Nal, spaca is fzar ranbeiag île s'ivers aad lIett fixe tirsi boy amt. Nmany yaars ago Mas- biaading and ter4panarl1y tbllad- ~ ~<traimrsa eCrni J~ ed. Aohr û &a ccidenit «t- tittia aiWasxintoafoun h ap)penad 1i-sèvesinqeý that an avarage cubic yard «f Baiigcp -aidynamite ampfy» space batwéan thie starsp are essantial Jro'ls in countiesi .~ cntais: lectoas anprutitioriprojects constaniy f _ea ( nprogresasi -titLis tait- 20,0000 eyrgnaou cgvlaping cuitlty. Contrac soimama tors hanidia thixn iwlthaut i ear potassium atam or înjury beclause they àae 40,00uhoonoriîght-darts ky]i lathar use. But d h Thtiswe muet add 1calidu, bhanda aifchiidrap or ïlaexparlaiic- am for averY tan lbi yrd ed adulta,ý they are dagerous te ai intastalan apae, and 21titNt litanad 11mb.A. blaafing cap is - - __ lun.atam la serai bndrei 0sensitive that heat, a tap tramn COusns icubic yards. "ta adi a Stona or a hamn, aven a dJîiin, a panticla, peahapi as b4 pnick tam pia0o aH , as an avaraga imoka partills causea aserions acdetjegis- mièght ha iilfabred ouf ai eveni< laian ýgovaýrni»g fixe iafcte - ~ .rt~-- jquintilion cubîc yards ai the and -use Q basia caps andîe saabetwea th Stars, - epoietkhandling ýnd S îi Aixur Eddington suri shipping waa enactad yeawam> g mdit up like thia: "An atar an- But the law f iras h4fcit dïchte counena nat a atam -about cuýrb the cunioSity ùaa«ilby one ya,»laineîtlinspace~ hr r twa diftoertbu Dr Ewia . Huble bas ýbeau aqaly patentypes aif.bloct'- quatad as saying Jthfiapro- cp.Bth cnbarcOnz i portion ofai af awtaspaceû cijanaaiaîmu rcpe beaproimaeiyladcaed y clinensabut tha dianuafer ai hy prcbak biy hod m anyo naglnng Due grain ai und in Sa a ad pancl, Oaa h ottenMi.- affeatth~higwca poro ielow «spharse fxasiz e etChq akan ton an enut A22 cafnige. up flu traHe se l-se e;*,,an;hx A i tc attr couda4 Tixis as an Cpea axaiaabu cesma dut, o intnstelar uif.- an ami ne-ait hailoaa exfndnginn Oaaend saifcaa bca61red by aneitncarnt luches long an dae om etiïmaes Parents and chidren shouldi also railehat ex-,plosive cnt rigsare nottfa ha fniflaed wifbi ita.Tbey zare uîýualiyabu eight biches ýlong ad an mi o r a1 n bdlner\Buit fiay ma'y b. ýas rmu;cix as 16 incixaes ta f1wa tf la iaý ]ngth anýrd four ta aiïgýtt lachas la diamater. Thay are uAsuaily cvrdin bnowa or waxqd papar or encased la card- board tubes. Biasfing caps and dynamite cartnridges îshauld 1neyP ehtucx md b)y inaxpeniencad banda -rioS înafding tem soutigve tamn- a widt exarfb and report thaîr 1locationimdaeyta fix'e police o tuthonfis.Wiîa parants would ha racicig a oun cdaiprevantion if tbay de- cira aeas wixere mari a miachines are ut work this sm- mer îfnict1 i ofai bouada. it U TheresîLite hOn j ara egh othan wonlds lik<e the at.Tbee arla probablytbe aly ana, bowaver, on wbich living ceaursare ta ha iound.10 Fan many yeaaristomnihv wson)darad about lite on mars, oun red naeigixhanpianat. Now,. because Mars bas «a tile at- nwpiae ndwten, waknawy mtaffiera are rpnaaly no buman beîngsa or athen living creýatunas ît h e r e. -Raceatly astronamreri bav>ýe corne ta belieye that certairi k odia plants do graw an Mari. Manyitrarioniers balieve tixaf fieaara prabably athar tamnil-. î'es ai plan1ets lijke aur on sla syste, If seains yery lilçeiy hmfi, f our suai, wibis Jusf anu riay star, bias planats maviag arounti if, other stars - zaaiy bave planaf1 families, tôo. Astranamars ýhava niof bnable ýto prove thfis, hoWacvený, since aven. fthe bîggast f Wscopes are nof araunti alier star FAST SERVICE An ùaid lad<y had She- rushed ýinfo a police station and i od ler sfary. Tha aiticer la charge was vary kiad. Putflng bis ! brion anibr armi, ha adJ: "W'ileave 10na «fatJ1ýn fuad ta find Your11 purse, madam.", Leaving the staton, «ha -noticad a graup ai wavrkmenr bunsy teanring Up flic- streat for a aaw sewer ystam, aad ne- marked ta ixenself: "WeUl, fbay do'tlse mucnb tii-- 1,11 say Are W., Growing A&sChifal i ~ ~ 3 Coitiu ~1-3; Ehils Menx'ory Seleetion; Grow ta raae and 1p, tse knwlege t Ou Lord sud Saviiur Jsschrist> Pater 3± 18, Thea era a nurnuher axi cn din la fixecixurcix at ConlAth that were naf safisfactory. Tixai caud ha said et any cixurcix f- daY. Pau! painfd oufthmat fiai eaivyiag, stite and dvsoswn avda catixF tha ar u ibbas la Christ. Th-ey wara w-ai- ing sitar the tiah nd nac- carvdiag 1ta fixa Spii4t. Thay ware Christ bas givan ta thae huici apoaflas, propha't s, vneas paîtons Land feachens ton fixa par-. t ectlng ofthfie saints, t fixe workL ai fixe nifrey, for thaedltyg ai the body ai, Christ. 'Babas la Chitané axýpecfad ta cgraw. XI a citîd dCas not davelop physia- sï1 lly i htnagady. Sa if, is-la ixe spiriltual. Wu reta gnw l ChristM We Ana a hcomwaiore grcosby adding ta autrtaifh, vinfua, kaawlaedge,iat.ntcl p a I n egodcî1ïs, nohel kiria-isa aad love. Each day we sbauld hacomne mpra likeChit As we increa lataise gracas and ila. fixa knawledga a ChIs w'e sixal nof ha hblôwa botby iaLvar.fy wind of tahn.We shi knwwhat fixa truth la in Jesuis Chirist and we v"s hah iexam1plitýy thaf Mut i. We «hall if iva fan mQre and mare aifixhat cxanity gr divine lova s-o haautiiuflly ;desz- cibedi ixathetbiirath hate ai Finiýt Carnitiians. PaUi wr-jtas ta'iasa pSeapea -Caninth, "Know yé uat that your body ila fixe temple aiofixaeHoly Glioat \wlùcib laiii you, wbi.cix ya bave ai Goti, andcl ye ara, not yaur own? Fan ya are haughf if a pnice thaerer glonify Gad ir» ~yaur body, and ila youn spi-init, which aaeGodýs.t hi wwiil let tha Holy Spinit (,direct aur ie wa ahail gnaw as Chn1istiani, eniaus lawyar wha wa v eT y caneul bou liingup ta vn Wch Ma fGe law, Oae a àrheCcame homre and tauad bis wif a waik- iing (an1fixa caiing.."o odas sakce," ha d(raaaldd whtd "Walklng on flixe cailia,,"ce pliad bis wfep"nd Irm aw denful1 fima, 'wîYou an V doS htepnafese gravity." Immdiaely«hafeil ta ti,,e tlqarý with a, bang. She sat atun- lt(d Vyth hy iafal in ebui -With paSL-«of ai nsaaitnr he ciad tA han ixuîhand: "Becausa y0ou kno0w fixe law, do you fhaveU fa, opjjen yarur bixg unoufi?"