ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized ab Second Class Mail, Post Office Departaiient, OJtawa. R A Forrester IrUFMULOISASSOCIATION (Continued 1from page 4) ?Wothmbrlad-uramTB ~aeo -W TB Ass'n T peýwriter ReudP.O. re. p.-iting ~eud Selsale $ elinica, etc.) '111 Eduation Programme: 'Iterature, pamiphlets filis etc) ~ehbiltatonand Patient's Weifa re ~Office: Rent, phone, postage Saaisother thain Seal Sale1 Meetings& Trv xpene iécellaneous Zquiprent 3,582.84 1,369.12 30.00 10.00 9.76 7,471.89 include 768.00 1,035.32 76.96 1,156.20 380.15 i 350.00 264.33 158.69 490.21 Publisher. R C Forrester ,Mass Survey Operatinig Deficït Proè,eeds froi Christmas Seni Sale, 1953 $11,20.3 Total Seal Sale expensýes icun educationiaî allocation 2,87.50 Less Deficit 1,207%9 Baance on hand, Mar. 1, 54$7,204.85 Thec follo-wing table shos tat -ia 1954 forty-three percent oY te x- raabe popuation n thte two coun-, ties were xý-rayed. This îs an incrense over the 95U fgure, 14 approximately 41,822 48,786 total population 58,430 65,048 pecnage partcipation ofttlpo)pulatiton 2î'% .4 perretageparticipato ofxrayable popu- lt ion 3L2 43.11 NO.a IN A SERIES .-.. OUR HYDRO AT YOUR HYDRO *,key service in ai new community From 1947 to December, 19-53, th"ý numn- ber of new dwelling units built in Ontario was 183,515. Each;,equîred an average of i ,ý4 kilowatts of eIectricity, a total of 229,000 kilo'watts, or,' 307,00horse- power. These homes didn't have to wait for Hydro service. Crews were stringing lines befoue the homes were completed . . Hydro was there, before the door key. To meet this demnand Ontario H-ydro and your local municipal system xnmust plan fer into the futurýe. Power projects mrust be started years before their immnediate need arises, so that ie-w homes, new schools, new shopping centres, new muni- cipal services and new industries, ail have power wheru and where requred ... low-cost powe-r that is the keynote o-r ..motdern living. Oe%"NTARIO "'HYDROei AT WORK FOR YO'U AND YOURS 4 V I DIED MlcKAY-.At Menienial 1Ho sÀital, Bow. mnanville, Oný%luesday, Ju7 6th, 1954, Wilfred S. l4cKay <Nellonville, On- tario) in his 63rd yearf beloved hus- band of the lâte Florei e Gordon and dear father of Kathiece< Mrs. George Kimibali>, Marguer'itc(rs Vane Cooper) and Wanja (Mrs. Jacký Kmal.Resting aý the Morris Fun- eraýll Chapel, om vilSe-rvice ]a the chapel on ýThu Sday at 2:,Np0 l ANTIOCIT, S.S. No. 8 CLARK<E PROMOTIONS To Gfrade 3-Sharon Tamnblyn Hon.; Judy Hanicock Hlon.; Gamiey Lycett, G'arry Ptesn To, Grjade 4-Grant Yeo Honi.; Beni- nyKoropatwa Hon'.; Mý.ary Jane Brogh on. To Grýade 6'-Paul Tam-.blyn Hon.; GlnaCowan. To Grade 8 Caol Yeo; Bi-i Tam- Teaichler, Frances Jernmey Mýlan with cau to m-anag-e Christm1 Tree buîying, pruing and shipp g, about 4 miontha each year. Fo, ap- pointment phione 3322 4y U Iton, Rooin 8, Balnmoral Hotel, Iowmanvilie, after 6 p.m. a-pi FOR SALE AMcClary Range, coal or ood, a5mal size, Apply ýs. E.Dan Phone 74-r-17, Oron -p- FOIR SAL Cookstove, alsof funtrPhonle 89-r-I FOR SAÎA $alesatodbe hed ev qui ýnt da vn Cjonso, ucione.Cre »-ý see on tbme 6C 1uanssi lapdcont Oroon family usent Sunay wth ahis mother, Sals TLom bEdards.Tu ayevn ,lMr- and Mrs. Sid Hloéland Gerald and Nancy spý,t Sunday lui PO4 HRope With iter fatIher 1f.}er The )W.A. wilI hold there regular meeting at th~e Ch on Thursdayl evening to maIe plans for the AIn ntiversary and social. Everybody Wel- Mr. Andrew Bandy spent Sunday at -Mrs. Tomi Edward'a The Chur-ch wil open next Sundjay ~t2:30. Mr. Fisher will take ceharge of the se-rvicce. MrcS. R, Hollingsworth lias ber two3 g~udhilrenwith ber for awjlIle. WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS z- We will be pleased to pick u'lp dead or crippled farn animais for sanitary disposai. Telephione Collect Cobourg 1266 or Toronto Eni. 3-3636. GORDON YOUJNG LIMITED If you wish eour DEAD ÉARI%, STOCK remiov-ed-ý the fa-sLt t way,j then caul us c Qýleet - Bp ýa-nville 2679. We--also uy LIVE HORSES.,ý MARGWI L F FR TY N ONT. - --..UMM I PHONE 9ci ORONO m 1 jm» ilamillons lesurance Service Every class of Isr ancee ip represented in our office,T-hýe ollow- ing are -s,-ome of the main cover'ages wYe can1 offer: Automobile, Lite, Accidênt and Sickntess, Plate Glass, iability, Fire, Burglary, Uospitalization, Livestock, Boiler,, Wind, Polio, Huit, Flde-iity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE lR1êI HFIRST MORTGAGER LOANS Leroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER LESKARD, ONT. Electrie and Acet.yieve Weidin Cylinder Blbocks- and Heads Welded ALI,ÏNUM AND ZI-NC BASE METAL AlWork Guaranteed Phone Orono 1 riing 5 Plumbbi 'Pl A. F. McKBINZIF PHY SICLAN and SIJI 2.00 te 4.00 9,".; 6,10to Sundayu and Wtflud, appointment oull PHONE 47rl - E. C. SYER, MUD PHYSICIAN and SURWGEOPi Main Street Souilla Office Heurm: 2.00 te 4.00 p.in.: 6,30 to 8.00 pmý Sundays and hoid yh Appointnienit PHO-NE 74 r 19 DR. R. J. TAGGAJRT VETERINARY BU5RGEQN Park Street OPPO4SITE SKATING RINK PHONE 94 r 16 Lawrence C. hIgpon, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor IIOW~MANVIILL& ONT, Office 86" Beau, 558 JACK REID Orono's Licensed 4uctioneer andi Valustou 'SpeciaIize In arm and Furniture Sales Gonsuit me for terni and dates Phone 5 r18* TED JACI Auctioneer and Conduct, AuctUon and at roas New Legislation respectîng ELEVATORS and LIFIS/ 1 wish to bring to attentioni that The Elevators and Lifbî Act, 1953, came ito force on Junê 17, 1954, Under thi% legisaton, in Ontario the owxner of an .levator, dumnb-waiter, escalator, manlift or incihie lift mat obtain an annual licence Wo operat* the elevator or lift, 'Me leeilation furtiier pr9vides thaï; only a person who holda a certificate of conipetency lshued under the Act May make Inspections of these installations hi Ontario. In addition, contrat-tors who canstruct, fixstall, repair, or maintain elevators or ifuA, etc, May now ond carry on business in Ontario if th.yareregiterd uder it eAct. Inrder to oomply with th legisation- Ayperuon ernployed b y an iirrt make hiupectlonsmust, m e application inmiedïately f ýra crtificate of oempetencyv.ý OWNERS CONTRACTOR8 of &Ievatorl, dumb-wal;ter&, mxt nmake applicatioDin lmmf utormaealiaiolcne m - a tfor anlregistration, -tSlrnJmauà eetippldcto inediBuildifgs, Toroct ,oQopurat. @?!T;Alo DNIARTr4mUNTOF LABOUR CharltsDley; Minltd» Mont Works o o' WCtiomation concerning ontariQ Fjlydr an bce obtaïned by writirg to voir HydTQo Chairman, 620 UnÜiverssy AeuTrno OLASSIFIED SECTION Communicat. with Mm a Perrr, Optari.>, or zoo hi. CI E. Morton, at Oronao, fer dati LIFE INSURAr Pensgion Plane; Educational1 Protection and Saviuga Pli Children and Adulte; Morteý aurance Plana. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, ont. . pieu. The RUTTER GRM1 COMPANY r