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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1954, p. 7

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I IHECaIVtt R SOT S~LMI aes grow n ln eaithmû in istatre amn ong natio(ns et0fite wui Canadýwas * cvepPed, and continuer ta develop Cr ail ocls -inldng fMe Mid o0sors If is notewortholuaf the sorga'ines with thebggs followings foday wvere uunknaWnhn Canada Was boürn.ý The one exception, 0f Corseis basebaIL, Hockey, footall, tennjis, basketbalfl andmayohe sports hIave albtldded and Èe local conditicins. They had cikt aeal lawn bjowls, trak-iedgolf, arehcery, croýquetfncn, aqutternis. Vowing, skating, CanoeùIg, lacrosse, swirM]IIig, cuIrinpg, bo-xing, class-icaI thecesorne of hutin'i, shcofini' and Ihi. Many of the sports popular 8 years ago stifi ndre)i anvn greater meIr-asucre t'han the. But oether sports have înce corne on u.e scene fa reaclu tremaendous proportions. Hockey la one o0f these, It came jt'bi~soon affer Con- federatîi, ceyelJopcd ,raýpidly after the tunof the centuirY, and blomcid itits ýpreseuf inter-national statils iun the 2's. Canadian fobldeveloplng fvrn En-glisi rugby , tuas aýftained a tremendous vo,ýcgue here, Ba.àseb-aj ail ià 'came international., olhlas developed i ïnto a Vwidùly-pla'yedgain e for the -majïsses,. rather flulite lsss Curing, fo a '-ds' orner lu the early sports picý- turc,.blas expandcd info a o 1Of flue greafesf participatga, Sr fleDominn.And skiing, cmparaivey new, o~ nacl-- cd ligh peaks a opflarfyflue last "20)years. Theréý's moe port fedJay, sd hatis umore sorat gther'e's ï e,catier deg,?ree (fPt riept than ever ibefere, ifroîn wrihCanaa, sf111 ayongisatip, dJuÏtilssdraws lunch Of U I -f liy, ursprtwh;e'haid many ne additons, but thcy have gron rcmndusl nl epeami RJNSTO(ý ep JOB1 That uecing al the oth-er O'slygot a,,job- as er-oad- depot. There was nlsie f fle ewteper s ubi,,i tu fre nemas. uïiaiuk said "Ail you'vc ,,got ta Threc days later a telegrain 4iskeepof wepn , cm>) r0n-i'i, "sting easti ttr-keep pkýlodînig on auDend another bruslu--]lave youlI lueal rîglut." arrived atCrl. STAR 'WEEKLT" OFFERSCASH A 200 IE EVERY WE.EK StarWeekly sci ee, îd n.p e,>ft2 aoffeýred fo ýIye corect spIut4oi nif each wep uz.Alyzzles Mw13l'be Pntrgig un n tawor ,hune chance to gi SEETHIS WEEK'S STAR WEEKLY CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROS5 DOWN 1. Weakea 1, Pond, 4. Stop 2. Buatie unintentionhliy 8 Eaat Indian ~ W8re ~ gerfmne meacorement 5. M.ipdy 1. ittonotain itk 8. Metrin Santi Alaaka nseaaurea 38. Thia icilleti a rat 38 Fatirira ~ 2, phers 8, Centrai part 9. Demestinfo I - ~ 0, fleadly white ~ s. vi. 8. Compositions . for two 13. a.. of Sa ting ici. ~o i I ~ Negative 0. Croasworti puzzle bird 10. "ommerce SSnalS cube -' Lnng flah * Demoiiah $4. Carry 9. Secindati Smail omnamental Sali. 38. Thmee-toed 88. Nortbemn Enropean 40 4 40 Forgi e - 40. Holdors et ,j~'. - le a ~ 8 M koamen4a .Ktpdefetetls .~ - ?ayingoarcî ,~ ,~ I ~ onde e 1.F spen T.Log alnd 23.,Trie. (a.)1),Water nyîpcl i Si.~~~ Rivr a 6.Am ria France lnv lntti 2C, jDeepiy 42 Sa un eG48 Pfty-re C- P- ven wh the mermaDids, Carter Br,,own Amphi- thate s nce cool pla-,ce to lue when the thermometer is hvn apoiplexy, and a woter show is in town. "Miss Wash- ingqton" cnetns aigaheajrtwacrm-ing spectacle coolsuroundncs ar, from left; Jean Skid mor-e, 19; Anoi- Weciver, 20, Shirli Culpepper, 19 and, reclining, Jacklyn Trater- VTwiIighl-t Ramces ,Fer' Harness-Horse Fo jf iftl-.,,seasuof Ilans raiciig lu oro thfle Ont aria Jockey Club lua!scaine up wiflu two sfarfli(g Invtos Excepf oun atrdyssd bcnli- sisys, tf dally programme of aine ra1ces will starf 'àt 5 o'ci.ock. The races, WàhlAfr four ycars hvebeen cond(IUefed ,at T'horuclifte Race-way, îbecocme flue Woodbine Tr'ots fluýis season Wiflu co*mplefljon of a, hall-mile track ins5de flue big ovi af Rf asluon- able Woodbine thfle JC'scotentiýon luat even,ïing racing luas a defïiie place in -Toronto sud fluaf's wluy the 5 'clock pot irrue wlbe, ktveia torouglu trial. If, is ex- -pefo fthe psogvamxyic wlll- lue comrfplet cd esacl cvening by -on flue fast-moving luar- niess sclucduie of a race every 20 m-rinutes. On Saturday sud luoliday s tflueý sýtarfin1g time -,wjIl be 2.30. The uew rcigsfrip wiluti-41 iz'ýe W)ood biuie's ruuuiin g -horse streclu Howver fle b a -c k' streteluand Mflu urs wi le welvitliifluebig frack, las urig a hall-mlle across flE cclrul Wonodbic nfleld. Tlue Woodbi-E, Trots opeued the-ir 3-5-day scason oun July 51, Eut ri-es forý more fluanc 500 lurses aJready luad been eeie at tflue OJc àfile sudflucre are 26 eut ries fùr flue ricluest luar-, nesrace in Canada, flue $8,500 Canadan Cup, e7,luýded are fwo of"flu1-ý-953 seasou's favoritesArgyle Grat- tan sud iglu Le(---BalIdWîi, sud a neWvL sensation already figurved to lue flue horsc-oI-fle-ycar, Ean Graffoni, wluiclu asa mere 1lrce-year-old last seasonin- palgur).ing alf Batcavia Dowus, Bnf-~ falo R&ewayo- \v okes on Richêes And Back -cBut Quifck, Lew Jenkins dmiu' lIle a Pic- uIc on fle road fe faine, luhis yv-,oflu lue kncw proverty sud 'oreins Uc ptcked cfa au heý ,vorked luanackmihslop. Ealyl bis te-ens, Jenikinis Icî han n oiued filatgra my aI rersinkiýds wlu, wancre Wr.Perhatps if, was flueplong hours under flue buruîug Texas skiny, aw-lone, vîcius guy lue wasîufle ing. Ten iaurs a day lu the hIids Would make auvy huayyugse i criel Wheu delik ns s acglut- ece, a zfrieud fold hlm that Juin Bradoktenchaýmpi-o-n aIfluen W010d amoug flue heavyWeiglufs, was sclueduled ta appear lu an Lew deide tasec e cham-,- hlm. li eanf ike foýrfle log fawu,ý ý7lis loriCoe elu" uegrwld eufered flue office. if Was Lew J-e.nkijs, flue coton fieldJ worker, dressed in cdusty an] paf ched overails. "'Wbat do you wanf,, kid?"' sn1apped the !boxing upromrofer !impatierItjy "itr"draWlRed the kid "ý want a figlut.Anod" The pro.moter sized up fle fral-ookngJenkins sud nîl- ed. "Well1, son," lue said, "therce is 'au opcning on the card, but ita faugh boy and 1 Iia't psy mnucu. "'Neyer mmiid," interrupted Leva "ah don'% care wluat ah get paidl so long as ah km i *ýglut!" "Betfer get a little taun, edvised fthe pýrmoter. «It's Qo Mullins you'l le ïmeeting in flue ring!"' "Okay"ape Lw Jeukins, ~Had Le w lznoaw n nyîing about flue bGxixig gaine, h.e W,,ould have realized fluat flue Mlon iMuins lue was supposed fa figut ,,was a seasonled vete. rau, nc_ of flue best feafluer- w-xeigluts b flnuIe iountr-y at the finie, But Jeukins did not kriow. Wh a is Mor, lue teft flua pro mersoffice witb just a singfe _vr lut thfle figlut. For fo diays, lue ived or, that 1buc,ý eating Oafm-e)alnsd mi u noth1iug cîse. A huge crowd packcd fluei arcua an flue niglut of tflue ý3rad- dock exhýlibitioni, and tlueysa anc of flue most stunîng fistice sttacks afiglufer ever trade wluen fluat stkinnày, untknowu, youngsfer c)rwled 1flurougu flue. ropes ta mieef Moobu Mllins lu ,a pre. limîuiary mnatch. The raw yun 'Kid alue lis way fe, a bloody vcryagaiust a seasoied sud cxpericuced foc. aud nma-de if look easy.'The whole fthng w az luushed up qudckjy f0 save MJVul-8 lîn'ýs reput ation. If wouldi be luiglly emibarrassing ftae ed îng leafhIerweigIht iJf j>fever be- cýam'Ye known thatlu had bceu lickccl hy anil kn nama- Whneu flue figlut wasver, flue promofer luaned Lew Jenkins luis rward for fle ceng's work, If amounfed foaflue munifcc~stun o f four dollars. Jenkins thanked flue gentlman. and(, 'Vnt back fa tflue ficd Notluî11ng more was lucar-d 0fhlI fo'r svriyears. Then, w'ýhen Lcw J -,vsas an osuebakmf il cavalir-y naufif of flceregular Amry, lue began f0 enigage luj figl,îus wlueror,, 'Tle liffle ideinebrauglut hlm couly coffee-and-cake înaueny, Lew wasn't tunigofaylgcisc Uti-romnauce entered lis ide. Le Jnkinsmet fluebauos Kaie (f Wsthen tihaf flue Wf lesepbflatled hin f0 faine aud fortunce. Levvmriiried fle lovelJy Kafie. AIt r fle a-do- ambOtion Ie waufed ta sec flue big bîdnsin ewY Woud ew faýke her lce Lew Wuld. He ogu eq' OMnton ail the populr, adsancr br, esfrJiu ~ y ay o u i key relera Catloge. rýî ÛISICR. var naretues nrot5i- tatr, i9 on 3N. H amitton. F0 ALSA E 11DB topafta tur ey prfit" teie Nebaa an fl not-axe wWen m . StWeDi 6 HCtHTCEISL fuid information oner smaort lte stret.siteohn. . B. d tURrBRED 8teniab T oiire JSpe Ttrela Wk0c Servie Brag- Rre Tha e farrow '-b Jny nt wAgnt Garanty eenTj ie.. Fv01reaAlnhr Cac).vcnjtryloe ie niCah la FoanY asessin u ibe 1, 1954 lgTweity t imanfoni ootoai Fruit lt. i e t: iatriet 8 Are Fee-Boom ungailo anti Gaaogey) ining oomantiKithen are mde a torage Atir.inlati lileu flra Stormav-iJantidrren ionNt Vgetwaie Boo, üFu reLutrTua L,,Andcpei atiatte ii aa. ai frLrg Ra. ew atis feetro.ialt edin Rone (100).Newai, entFibue anti sox Stl, a inw tLae e i. fyde beawrne BnWte i buidings onîy réea frcLin-i eaiw Art qnsniy i Hea atea ba cHA ES sgaTTON cc Phono Newtnket155--s atero, as brem Lexas. ekinsent taý sMEnd Une uhis lie, Lu fDm. h seW. ute ihtso Seoo a rafttng, tsovansr ý ite for hfuldteta!ta. Box ElheabStretNe'xTom == V!er e#eeeon this page. on. OnBAt 0PI AGS- Wlld ilallRdER OF F'Id ORh '$cn eiuiaeM 5nereaLDy =mop priols t Un PNR'STRUG STOR trasatinevnatnoi on nit t - it mont -é. p erioti t1 h, d POST'S CIEIDAS "8 UEN ST.WES TOO NT POSTAS EZEMA SALER Tr.ri -zngwy er .,pmlaat oteem $r»1 oat ree o'nReLtent of Frira, 860 OnqLie St. E,Cenrc ga TorOnTýo nus CIIIIAIIag e SDINO salam8 Geal Opor-tnxSiery te. Wrioeteor Ca Ems.L DRS1Q.6HOL

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