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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1954, p. 1

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Vol. 8 No 25 OUON.QN., HLJRSDAY. PIIIV1,5;i,ý -- ----ri- u L- 1 1*Cf1SUCIt t ~W%. e I Lluram ount. LsesHistrictJelnnied armig Des any Attend W.M,.S Meêting Air Cadets To Bje Forniec Midlands Regiment Not Pay After Tweive Years Tebatflhm fteSalsA rn ____After twelve yvears of hon-eat effort, July mIeeting of the W.Mý,.S. op Tues- F ig In maor e-ogaizaionof anperormd te dtis o a oLdngDorothy Thomipson,' the famed ti a afternjoon. With chairs errangedirO 5_ hia ,il) Uti t Je 91t is ofic umnfit, a idusizorne to th enlsin on 1the lawýIn and forty-four ladies1 The first phase of preparing fortOO iihot at'57,.000 man 'militi uits, anzit wh, Eich eant te t fiesta eimszdfr osntpresenit, the meeting opened with the organ)iation, of an Air Cadet Corp nounced et Ottaw-a last w e , !a dith o gi wt tfi r L'Ly n xïii g Th ai rb-sn "o he yln '11C rst er n t e 'a'e w S i-ét O O d y F s id H n Miln eimn ihheduresFOUGUT AT HONG KONG lem An Me, lai the July issue of tht is nest or west". and the tord's1 evening Ot this week when interest e d le Port HopevwiJ[ be amelgamiated Some 50 men trom- the Mîdlend Ledie? Hom1ie Journal, Dorothy p rayer. The president spelfe mords of persons ettended a meeting et the Alagnu er0 wvith the Ontario Regineat, llth Ar- Regimlenit were sent wih tet on- Thompson points eut tht lber Ver- welome.e aI,.îutoducngdetsitagAOrnarHgheSbool.Tht iroCdet niord o Osawa Eo tîLgent of Canadien troops to Hong mont tarm bas net beeni a "ho0bby". -geton o liOdthe euiliaris Du- r- ego tCaatlihh he R.C.A.Fheendono Fianev units hav,.e long i crsadhave WOn Kong ami those rnotkidlled when tht 1er sincere ambition lbas been 'to îug ts fr tireprt of tht meting, he lage aarereethed et tht andprogramio rdyoe neny baein battit. The amalgama- B- mnClol ejt tejjiee nke the ferin pay, or at least break miwute sarntresresrot eting whu ailinforationwasthTwnipHlrq tien overatwtertae Eritigh Colouy feuto tht Jepanese tevowsepal rogrs mionneaus thet thet (unit will were takea captive and suffered eveit Yet it he,.sn't and t woW't. And gve, Çerngreeied ot i etinogtten ailarisfonrmaineitrstn a edct tbndi1zbgughemtAjax onrttescowestnto bave. uredictiongreaitly until thtead ot the, wewcre tbe rinr ae alehowed 72 visits- made during lest Mr. Gobeen, the new principel forttinMer.PhlVt B3righteir and Coîborne on the test. DUring the early stages et the werr ety olyisnw nig no-nth. - he Orene High Sthool, acted as5 Logen, et the public reia Lt-Col. F. S. Wotten, Commnandinig Lt. Col.- J. C. Gaaiiiey, MMiý,ED, of Fer twelvt years this Verment cheirmean. Lt mes bis wish thet AirofteGerlMosd 'oficr t ht lt Amoed Onare)Oreno wes brougbt beck fromt over- farm bas providtd ont or enother Btginning ttwrbpsrie r.Catdets be started iu thte chool a tttCnrlMtr Regimeait, stated thet he hadrne et- sn ecmedttrgmn. fermner eud bis tamnily with anedest J. D. Brownu rend the serîpture lessen ete tshon.g'ed eths e ey v4nders mere demi fiejal stetem-ent temialte on thte mel- tRr100mc s'elu evelbu comnforteble living. At Iet it Ms rmmu gv eytmf itre htttehrthdttthese i-ee which meti garnation eft ms tiret. Ht expetste hundred eoffictrs, received their train- bas partly doetse, Fer Ivben receipts and theugbtful 4elk, bastd on tht sub- beckiu<g et the Durearn District Hi .gh preval et al wbe attend( beld a equference with Lt.-Col. .J. G. îng witb thet Midland Begimeu't before are belauced egainat; grain bills, extr'a ject eof travel, reails nnd tht myakiag S cbooi Ares Board, Tht niew prie- rmodela et Jet englues v Le-aty et Port Hope, eommnauding of- cetuigtersriewt te ae ntt ayiug séasea, expendi- et thei, read sigus, deteursi d om lipat x&cfl hia fnint e t t- et tht demonstratieus. liter of the Midienil Regiment, in the, units. Many et then ad brillient ture-s fer gas, seed and fertîlizr, pnred it te tht reed ot lite. Wiiat 1g.Sho hare tnat t- Tbree films mere aIsý near future. military carters. Mlauy served w1,ith miaintienance et miachinery and buig[- kiad et reads are we building in ur dents for which fouir teechers wvill be cenectien witb the progi ýGROUIJ HRADQUARTERS tht Ilastings end Prince Edward îngs, veterinarian tees, teading, it$îi. Christian lite for future generationus'on the staff for instruction wbicb li Mr. Bon Hall et Oshaý Tht annotuncemient fremOn 0t te wa Begiment. ties sud insureece, it turns eut that 1te felloir? Letus buiîd Imeil e highwey iiichidt Cadet treining. lcyda idrcie -stte tetfomaio hgiqurtrset Foilowing the wer the cemnmandl Iberuthy Thorepseaio suprig o htftr - igway for ouri Mr.Marcbmeu etf theAir Cadetlukdrwadecid ý;tabd tht foiiiaÎon eadq-,iitei- at s suportngl 'or hf-, futitelA redrel sud an inine Otew lnd Lmle u tttrgmntmstknder by those ieveiy-, big-eyed registtred Jer- Ced. Mrs. Beme then led in prayer. Leigue, spoke te the gatbering on thte h vue ecue adtexono, e uw beadquiattr fl h Lt.-Cel. Lyle N. Carr, wbe wvas suic- se cows witb bier typewriter et the Cadet organisation. Ht stated thet and eîd tymie dancing ti leeated at Kingsten. ceeded by Lt.-Coi. Leuty. stenidard et living which tbty and Tht studybk haer "Oui wn rCadet ,tri ning rvdaduldintglcamuicins Tht amnalgamiation o e t h tedis- Tht nneeMidîaud dates back te tht milk inspecters denmd7 b ut be- batte (, ,a tkn yMrs. Bo-me ArCdttaun n uligo ___ yard>" Bü mn er takenfl 1by 'better citizens. Fifty by r triet uits ise io nterestin-from Garl1rc"soemhnal.eeie 4dboiys easmasr.nder.E. axm uth em tnneces- Tr ad th pin t ie ha ttMiledeat et Toi-ente te Kingeten mere sary te torm ea coi-p andi that it must re BnsLuau r Mtdladpoontie wit Nomvattr anauctithteet eit o quetionire hich sbowed bha Lbacked by a reliable and active R1egim-ent bas beau part et tht Ens- k e a a h il-s, that le our ewu eeligtened Christian e nnit e mhc u pi , eru Cornu-rend iwitbheeqatr ttht recit that Mn-uthe regimieutiStock amind-mcincry at \mheppxng Ineiaw ansi]lat Kigto hile the ilth Armored was first termied pr7ie--r te1812. they 'esses, Derethy Thenup.son la estab- Critia 5tii flj i-emlessoas neilceccnry finances; hetig, pubîicity (Otne eg-imeut bsbeen a art teok the namne Midiail. Tht Mîdîaud lisbing ,,a new may- etlite On ber Ver- f hita.lvn ri-oesan rd other local needs. Ht peinted eut Tht Orange Ledges c et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" th naiRemn ihha-egiment bas ontetft(lie ldest bis- imonit tarim. Believiqg that tht pro- tlia-t there mere schoïarsbips autatNmevIlend Ornea ,ouetersOlutaville. H vt ba.IthtNwonil ndOo turýr i0kil.orysaetan regiment nom lun Canada-. miracle, she mviliitali-m enily e few .tbis summi-er 2,50 beys ment taking vine Service et tht, Oro Th lczye htOtai eg- omvrthIlrough the acts et i-ton- acres it miii require te produce an A vtry apprepriete duet mas ren- duriug- the summiier actuel flyiug les- Churcb on Sunday. Tht mient gees back te 1837 an geiainthrougýh thtyers it b tdance et teed frthttm, eeiy m.CreandLts r -sons et a civilien tiald ivit tb Xpil5t Kîtchen gavie au incpiring deits ,sêftbeity apmi aw, pýper )eIiy Tis ýijj require eaypar-tnepe moud. ps. leon îudred bey aebe h vnîwcnrgto . ltes beck 1 ,36 atan sle an .,i ed S r a e tre a ai od i recdsa sowpa tofep eityeeanry netaCap r egs peraded te end frei existence. Siuct that time the unit bas iainpre.Eryrcrsmr erete e miig.TtJ -uitht e npui-trietmerize bîcry 'tbe ri by thee Pife and DraLmBa been xeseiy sso~ited wih thtlest wIhen ia tireidestroeed the Port 1tenture. perti-sys tt gnf ecuîgctti t t etulVped oS aise bbart nateduemn h histry t Qtere Cunt. Hpe Ammeouries prier te tht First wihten ideat acre-s previde a -osae 'r',adIulu and tilt Contiment. Lu Caai- rd4Jbum BJandikTyrou& FOR-1MED IN 1856 Wr.- buadance et a vnriety oetf od% bei--i br i tp ttw i ,e Bn tý ais9 remi eue thtDyrtat ada thene is t-pres1etme bue t au anai-idRo' the A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - HgedRilCmpuora- hilaetmebyttDpraetries and fruit fer e taiy et,£S8or 10 sZiiieeedln c tttandl fifty-seveu GCi-ps lu existance. Baud, aise trereTynoee izA hy GeptedifJaes Wiialloraceete Dtuc iiileeve Durbani Ceunty fpeele. -2iid Assemnby of tht Werld Coueptl S. AIa ofetTrenton a ddeesed Whtb, astt iista tiv.y-raee wth ne defence unit aud wmiii miDe -e hrhswic ilrstl vn h eeting eud streugil' stressed thlat iniTriu o militai-y unit sud mas fermed lu On- etabcoytwa aeswI akl -sohueisLuiAuguat. n As bi tari cnutv b 1R~ 'Via ... tethe chîldheed ef Canada. Atire: ar ,,,.. wih~~,~ ~ * h i aesmsnrî lile ELSTf tdiers. r>' the Uwi 'n i Juvenile ard flnnn~ wit ncloause <igntui and profitable afi et a imulti..inoon. Tht August imeeting le w:l et te be un- I dnawn. mnicipal ep wnqence riverJ seway and wbea completed. be spont bt- t mes epeted Tfhursday flij ri 15 miles[tthet a fouir-lunea iL&bV u,0t »SFiO tle f ateche in Western Uaneda. in-r Le the intervening yeers, befere Intantr: the eutbreak et World War . it car- Col- C. ied on training ienaeny Durhami utu Sq Vomit>' centres and many et the listed a promient business aýè protesaienal ether ( mien oet*the couui4y more numnbered ILuS& smong fls otticens and mni-i. Shai-pt, lnu1885 tht Midland Reginient was tht Sttl- r4ogaieti bitetweunuits, tht 45th tOi-icit]ý Puticam Bogimont and te4th lS2nd B Northumberland Regimens. Ths heîd ouet>' «i-ce until 1914 mhen the t nu et aiîna Battalions mere termed. flirte Bat- Folleý talions ftvq u Ui-aâta and Northum- N P4M berland saw active dut>' i the Pi-st tinde el Wo'rîd Werý. i et thetý 1tgaiu in 1920' the unit Nras i-toi-- the Oui gaeized in)to tire Reginiienpts mbiçi TANK( mere îknewu -as the Dunhare Begi- Wt ment ai-d tht Northumberland Begi-'tuaruteo iment. - { cnstitu Tht Midland Begimeut canme bnck; ember inito terce, on 1936 mith reerg-anize%- cbi-ngt< tien. At this tlme an eveýril change- (Tank). overma being iustaie(d te hili-g e-vice car gim-ents more la line wim itmodem a-rng WV -ih tht eUtbreak e)f îdWrmtcd il the ililad egiment mas nmebil- ur iz2,under- Major F. L. Dudîn> sud tht r eý serpved as a guaird et thte Treýnten Air sle Stonft htRoyal Caian i-mAir part 1in Forice duriug tht tarI>' d(ayc et tht Itaiy an mulr. niluNentý Subeqent>'tht regimnentmecmai statio)ued eat OttamVa. St. JonN iB hoore Ninigara and Prfince Rupert luBniishi e, Count> regrtbtiat tht unit neyercejPach aktiiCe serviceý as a unit.HmveiCabi 1 Afica,. caser, about '-I fer Wenld War 1) Que$ec border. t ment mas mebilîzed Jl ti trn-p- fthe 2nd Canadien trer Windsor te Leter a second le-90 expressmey W, cnewa as tht STtlr mes raised by. Lt.- ecruiting centîuuedfl J ] )15. Men mern i- a ]e the S",th, 7Sth au, epttnibtr, 1915, Major Samn ýthen Secand lu Command et ,t Begimi-ent, wmac authenized te be 1131h Battailon, Later tht. Battalion was raised mîthin thtl and4 ment everceas xînder tht 'id et Lt. CoI. A.A. Cockburtn. )wlng the close et the mer tht m ,as re-orgauized and vmes Itfective iu 1920. Iu Nevem-ber year tht unit mes gazetted as :arie Begimieut. UNLT FÔRMED ieveut in Europe tnkiulg a )r tht morse, tht unitmas nre- uted a tank regi!ment on Dec- 15, 1935 end tht ýneme mac Id te Tht Ontario e Begimni(t ýMobilization for atie er- ne lu September 1y 1939 mimes ee te o mter sund recruit ei meme immediaitel> crn ng thet mi- Etcrssud men et [n service in Eugiand, thtir1 thtBcaudinge lu Siciy en md later dunig the tghtig th West Europe Dung thece gns the regimeut ndded it eh it hald mon, duîg h iret V ýim1yRigYrsAme, iuod aecentli ti wilI end at Laui- 1es meestorthe tI ho enether 1mb. tici emprepwey Èebec. The $3,00, be 542 miles long The have u- tien et readme> so)uth e! ,with tihe fer this I ight Wed ding For Loc Ou Saturda>', JulylOthi 154 ile au evoing canieligitt service lu Oreoe United Churich, Auna Maie Sitermuei, daughttr et' Mrs. Shermin enid tht late Mlfrtd E. Shermmn, became the bride et Jack Ernest Brysen, son et Mn, and Wl-s. Ernest B. Bnysee, Beyv. Jehu Kitchen eticiattd. Given lna maiage byher uncle, i-, Chai-les BeeconMbe, tht bride mvore a Br-iia et et ties upen itien et Gailleo Chautili> lace ad tulle nsceudinig te e bodice et lace feShieneIýd mith peoiuted collai-ce long seeees ever s straplees gene et- tulle aad lace. I1er fingertipil et Frenchil luIsio;n ith bord(er oetolily e h ai> lace mas hl by a tîin> meten (,ap et lace suid peerîs. Shecaid a vibite -Bible adenned mith a ibt onhd suetephouatis. Thomfd t oueur m"as M'aii Beyd, mwho more a heIavUl' bu gue et embreidered lacesud nt eve-r tatt'et-amith a mthigstele, su'd batm suýd c'ieda noZega'n etofpiukr r'oses nd us aye Ncecnxa pinik t aettamiea mth biat audcild a basIket etf piik Ieud wbie creet pees. The groemnsman was Gerdon Le% ery and the ushers were Ray Bryso Ottawa, brother of the grooml, a: Lyuuj Beéser, tht bride. Mrs. Wericma musii-, sud Bec ville, sang "Tb( "Thi-ougli the The receptiQ oet ttgroom0.I ceived je a ho lece dress mitb corsage et pin. mother assieted bite ?nylon dre les suid e Corsa, Tht happy ecc Bomiauville. Out ceto temu ton, TofotoOs Bomuville. Prier te th% tationc'3 mere g Csaand girs0 t eh brid u -e Hihyayt aS ley7 Chapijasu, DT and Mliss -Edanq Markbamn, cousu>l cIt wmes decid ed that tht sponsoring'let echeol. hed t thte home )itcmetherme i blua ci-tpe sudi tcightan lTrustees 0f S,. N o. 12 "S et .es-. Tht gi-eemr's; th nevy eccescon-iM 1 atlv ipiuk rose. M i aeA lvnMi wl"ll resiAae, 't r 'Ir-

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