= Wittia stroe Mai anirn, ROSES GROW on your insu!Thewr jsunny yeio pad vivid oýrange with rI htgreen lae. AU -there are 16, ye-s 16 oema~ skirs. Seni naw! Iran on!WahbeCilruf Pater 89 as160cloniotifs; Sendi TWNTY - FIV NT bu coùis (stmps canot fbe ac- ~2 ~hteenth T'arIoto yarN AUR and ci ES Don't rns aur Laura Whýeeler d9~4 eedlcraf Catlogi79 - and embroidery paten ctasendý for - plus 4 cmleepatterDS prin'ted ini book. Send M5 cents'u for yVour coy odîay L Ideas f or giftsbazearsellers,fahns A. yeUs',outicaS , Yom meil, wa-ntnothing furlher t -o cia with the persan extndlng the javi.-j aniother en-gagu-en'n' is 'usuallyýýý good forwi ail right for thisgUes t 3)1 for a cp6 ofe A. Natuneï he'hd es ak if h orshewouId pretrfreT ef'e Otewsdink ,the teor part of it, nd express n pefM ec) Q*y I vIougsloula une sial le j t ren home? A.tes cal] s'1x)"Iud b e pc. about te'n or fiflen mnts unles, o corsethebereaved fredasks yo a tay agr Q. hatareseveral Pforma for and asnge oa? A 'WIrs. onsn myiîu trdetMssLe""M.Jhn may me r umntion th naie a s, " M s. J o.h. s o n,. M iss..L.e." then wat happeýns.? Chngeable wete, Ourse- ail th 0 wa frorn ýool, lamylog ta hîeatand humnidity Threre is ,quite a lotq posewe haH avetoIn a few daysHpetee a'teany! broken coller-bancs for Partner as a restL There shaidnà't be if he follows the doctor's orders Wh'fat achagein the g'ardensý from a w "eek ago -eeyhn grVowîng le sit ta mak'e ipfoth late sea-son. It is loave1v at this time othe yea tasýec so many wel.etgardenis-faerad may niegreni hing a0f theýý Partner keeps tlaws el u and tht Iways g any pifa<'e a idy appense. bal haiccasr 1GtA do a it oe atwekaodcame ta hie coo- * ~ ~ - clsontee 'r vr ew '!"ýýplaces more beatfthan aur i-owp nti- cneybut jonce you gel, att tbie beatn tackthere is such a qu:iet thewei'wodedroada. And then thereare h elavely lîtti churchesschools, and wellkept graeyadsSomne of them, thiat is i, On anc road I passed an' old pianeer cemetery Mlercfully a thi row of poplar had grown Up alng te rad fese sa h miost peo"ple woýeuldpass by the graveyard ithout noticing il Pl ail. But 1stppdand dcid -aÀlit- tie explorig, I don't suppose tharewere more tan twenty graves A]told and çmost af then tonistoes erebro-ken or knock- ed o-ver. Lt seems ta mve ih should ~be the responsibiiity 0f town- slp ounicils to aee that aid cefrne- neres are flot allowed ta became Weedspraing achines are used ta ee dwnnoxiau-Ls growth Con country raads, - whvly flot a goad pyiAg for the ad ineW cemetries MNotthat we pri lnyfavour thewedupryn uesjit sfliwdby 'a c]6an- up job con the unýSightiy debr251is of deadwed and shrubs tha&t ar-e leIt beind in theca rse 0f c-e teisthat ciOId ealsilýy be clone. DiUmne discts hurli groUncs have hnclea1raif weeds andr'C inderbr.ush and thetobsae gatheued tobgether taforr a caîrra. A reýspectf i tribute ta thefon- er1s ca"'thedsritanid a 1crpdit ta the(.- people now lii in the comi- mnunilty. Whiclh is ail ta the g2a0Jd since ftô the -t agra commàun-. ty is Ôc)ften judge 'C'!by theaper ance C.! ils~bn~ysd.H Wellkp oesadtr buildings used tah aâoindication aI a prosperou-s Cfera i mitily But conditions have changed, Qlte a number aIfabrm hVissé not f erroing at alil, [rsanie cases f aria property tbas en pitu -- bouse and b-uildings beýlonging ta oine mî who may Lbe wovCrkinÉ-g in anl induýstriýai pIlt a fewmie awy li~d f .ar1-i acreage sl ta neighlioring frmr.Ail tis ma nt e bv Ous a te imotor- ing pbicbtfarm p eoýple ucao s;ec prctty well wha î going ofn. 1 visîted one Mite vilage la% weat ane lti-ntethe ccentre af a f arming comuity and ; wes told that not Oanc of thle ajc fbrmas was now poing cultîvatedý, the olfier f olk being past cv work and thI-e youngcir fol aîtra ted b)y thc wagcs peîd in nab industrial ptantus 0f course,.om of thIc farmuers have most ü. aither fields dlown in grass and kc-ý,p a fcw ciattie. I sup)-pose wc maý"y be ictcdin that categoryý as we stili have flenhead aicatte Hocethis year we gave "a juniior fre"a chanice t u in 'weive acres ai oats for hm self and pastuire for seven hIew)d af cattle, Tis yauýng tellow i flot a-junior tfarm-el in tireses that that te.rni is gencrally - d e1:stoo. ie is jlust a yo)ung ch."ap trying ta makl-e -go -i0fl higa on 'ilsawn It waouid appL-ear thee ae t y-pes ai Jainioir 1am6i.1luonc type we ind thife Sons afIauc-eSsflfarhiers, vwtiç not avin thesolerspniblt of thea hornea arn;on their shoul- ders me thus aMe ta ger oui and take advantagc Ai short courecs, demns{atinsand field day ll caInection wthth-' v a r iUo u a branchecs ai agriculture a -d ar- ina> husbandry There is alsa naier y ype AI junior aie srigîn ln uneaSSisted, xbodeevs ah eilcoulreged.itmgth dda living ta talcini short courses or camfpete wfh rgalizedjuio farmlers at air aladxhbiios ~He s~no necssariy inarant or ARTICLES nil ari mgaieso kn e p ît e dion ane-. in ehdah rado - and usu- allydoesTen earstram noie oi f biitccsin itsntewhcJf tye a yug "Uwha md tu s bette ferme ueràecisea note ai omfn a- jusi iscas you arciefel ing the the t! Thiis he lf ongestdy tIc yar lahall one arey 1* wa't belong eforawe-ar shav~lin sno agin aci lyîn on car intrssppy0 i or coal. 2 Abb5 ee 1inga e/ easp1-OOn dry MustOrd Va taspon aprika pan) CU ap ll1aer Vi cu thic,. sarcram fD NS~S rCAýNA1DA Carn Sarh m,wel BOIL2 mnuts; tircon5taujtly. Forirafldraah TIf!CANDA TARCH COM',PANY $Y