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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1954, p. 3

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E;ditor's Note - l'le ioilowvin" aieêby Claimde W. Gifford appeared recenitiy la a kding UnlkTdStates farsa magazine, The am ornL Whetlîer or At yOu agrec Wthal PH, e wrtc4ssatements or c1imws, mayof whieh are apfflieable to acertaini extent on this side oi Uic borderlaswý elL, you wMIai Icast fad ftem 0thougbt-provok- itabout lime th& atiarmers k)ooked at the "ta9ke" the riddle- menû are diravin)g Out oýf the milk buiness Wt rilk produceers sufferung &i big drop in incarne, these "rnilk- midee"are- doinjg better, thon ever, This includes dairy lant wage earnerm, honee and stoý-re deý-liveryrneni, âjd deaiers. ThijJs vwoutldni't Lbe sabad )f éu t1 !sel]nukweedoing a baup job. The truth fa thpat rni ulets r partially paralyzed from 41b us e s, d e a lepr slenauigaums, jelfish labor encroachrnents, borse-audx-buggy liaws anidregu- latons, anid plain "dead Wood" mn the dl-istribuitingbuies t' ire that somrebody be- àides famr istenled to advie about cuttig osts, c2uiling, and selhnig and Promnotng harder. Il we had competitive mnarkets, *verywhere pushung mlksales from athe smali townjs, Ur-,thr-ough thLc biggest cties-wE'd( have rio unrpflus. The excess is oniy about 5% c ur rnik iouncs a dao per pemra. ~Frescan doû on~hn buthIis, Yoiu cari do sore- thig.The trouble may bu rf arhraway than your nearcst tonadif so that s the pac le start, ic T'arm Jjïi lha,-, -, on vunIced of tisalter taljkung with 4orne 0f tbe country's top rmilk Ni ae r k e 1t men, goivernmcniert speiaiasand farmer bargainî- ing groupe. The mililk mtdee' gross "tak" sce 1950 liesdllrnbed aearlmy da fith, in 25 of tbe outyslarger moilk rnarkets, 1411k lices have dropped 3%L U.S.DA. figures show tia etc-rtikig lac:th-ile biggest jin- ca ne h 1953 - right when- ïnJer Ilk rpric,-cs were -bitting hi k4.Milk %companies wme enjoy!ing one of theIr better yewas.' Datir'y plant Vwages. wýere neyer, higher. Wholesale ilk delivery- 9eItin ,'er a e-ompanly in a well- ~now easeruCity avcragcd $11 ,50 a year for a 40-hourj) wcek. More than $ý5 qanhour,,> U.A.figures s11ow that typiî- cal Necw Y ork dairy farm faile orked for V'ess tan 00 cents an hour lahor return laIyear. The dairy dsrbtr-hs jîoD Il is tO sel our ml-r aeulyseliing 14% Is oa mil,1k Per person tha)n thiey did, TAKES REAL Norm 5SCOtt, p rcss2mon with the Wi!rlsonPubiihýàIn Comnpany, whiieon vacation ut Moira Lake .paught this 9 - 1 H-l - 13 - ' ? Pound Îtrou- after on exhousting *trugole Opinions os ta the r4ol -enaediffe, bGt-we'd hv vwculVd yüu! inthe dhi cp i s tlc-ï7in i) -es. Au at Peak leves, and farmers arc prdcnbigbcr-quality MüLk Middlcmcn are an essental' par]t ai the dairy team, a nd L'a 'emaes thcy' arc doing a bang.up job, but in Cthers M;s anonher story. A% L !M1CWV 7i iars eea maJ'nager aof ChiCaýgo's Prure iMilk Assciaion ges 10thecore eaiJ this problern quicýy "Too mc talk ami IocQ itLtI.' action." Asî bus),dreco a a arimer bar- galining grOUp representing mo rre than halfL 0fthe farmers ein miilk -rih Chicago arca, h spr)ïts with the cnito n experien'e ta ore rorn in- figh-ting ona tubulet nnk mr ket. "TheC - ony anc 2way ta gel the job dn-htsforiare- tapitch !-"il! and doe àhmele. Do what9 Rloland W. Bai- specialist,answers:"REscognize a 'dead' dJairy muarket, wherevýer it nay be, -an(3, do hate-ver is necessary ta liven il pmaeit sel] farm-ers' fm-ilk."' Just ask yourself these seven questions about your oNVDmar- ket. Thec-yll tel you whcthier thle place ta start i right iu your owvn back yard. 1. Are yJOur dainies, thre ones ln your miik imarket,pootg mikwith Vigorousadetsn ln newspapers, over radio, zoid with sin astres?ý Hi no, tat may be the teltale igu ôf stagnated comn-petition1 bctween mulj-j,'k dealer:s. Or perhaps a "dead-wood" cornpauy bas the town, "se-wed upr.." Or deal-ers iay be o operatiàg backstage ta, soit- pedal ounettie elling, o0 set prie-es that vwilkep tfhem aI ël ïin lQver. Pricing or healî'h >teguLatr(jns mray have froz7e),icsrma be protecing dead-wood dis- tributors by kecping agesv comipanlies off your inar:k et. this figriîgtb.t il poteets thnifrmcomtpetition, tOo.Jq 2. Cui ustomers Save WMe~ enqgizb innt to arrythiag by tarryig nilik homwe from toe in youir nkAmariret? To mrýake caryhm" tr tive, the dffrec btwe homie delivery a-nd store prices needs10btw cetormea Quart, except h 11111"e stores ipli smaîl towns If thmee i' this difereuco iW yo1ur tawn, "midlemn" as ar 00hgb What's worsc people aren't drinkhrg as rmucli ai your ml as tiey wou'ld if. they tcould make Ibis ur 1ncb av ng by going aller their own A 11eover ayeraoc- petition droLppC(d store priées lu Cle-velaurd ir(jo nc- pentbeo hoe eliv ery Ci( Cu qar(t con- taiers) clown A Cie cents consumlplon shot Jtp 8% for the yea-le iggest increase lor nylreity ilu the cuty Yt farmers werc gctting more per -iICII d or Clasa I1flui milk! They clccted ahaf millio dol1a~ moreforth in Chicaý-go stores mlkeu be bogtfrom flour le seven .-ents a' quart under single-quart hon-dlvcypr i Ce. lu 1930 Cbicagýý,o stores handled nô6 of the mik suld unthe cty;aso it's near 70%. Thc imlefacts are Ihat mrok eube 301cdlhrýough stores (iii al but samaller towns) a t sb- staniaîl loer coats thlanwe de fei frm door ita doocr, I your stre prices don't reet forccd ta. # The lrnil.k dseblr * The mîk-wag n dîiyý'3 union 1may bc pressuririg tca- pau1&" iestakep sor pieshi SLOW-DOWN SIGNA-This ik something ncw which former.s arudCo!Liimbîia hope. wilI promote highway safety., The slow- mocvînig fcorm tractor, flics a red flag that warns cipproaching cor sý,v aslw ow. ihouf the banner, the former's vehicle k often in from vïew until a specding motoristi k an top of d,. The Misourî Formiers' Association is furnishing the flog to cl formcers requesting themyi ~. Can yenbuy urutloe prices aî al-galoseor galions? Or can you get discernats for tak- ln oeth-an one single «hart ecner Per delivey?ý 'MTne ipotatbing lthat milk shauld cosn iss Per quart for uapilysals -no im-alter tvhatsizepac-kage is uscd," .taýt es Dr.larîd spencer, Corý-- n liUnvrstyswell-kow mnarketing secallsl. Tbat'ýs what bappens in ùfart Wayne, sa, wbere you Pay 18 cents for a sinle quart. if you talve 1- quart7s per delxyeryý, the price la 16 ceetsl«* for four ta) six quarts, 15 centffs a- quart. In luMu plsyou eau, gel a 2-0ei-c-uatdsan on de- of veîea i bw ornorequrs Wby ae' oenakt paSs,- jag Sag f ~in zavin< fo quatly aleCýs - -'lwbieCb waTuld On ~Milwukedealer reports thal 70%of 1bis ýretail route bus- aogaanc entpqat Pm -sa V- ing; ç wocents if thç customr aks26 hali-ga ouns a rnonith. QtuarS ts re ong caut aofh pieture ;n Chýicaga, observ,ýes Fed- eral MiIk l'ýark.el duitao A.W. ebn.671% a.i bbe rnlk there2laiaeady bîgsl YS May 1USDA figures show t-hat les- tha.n hall athe uation' 15-.ý2 lrgr arkels wec elg %nî lu aligalaiîo gallons ~ aSaving nd e r sige-quart prices. Eventheni, bhe dierence waS olnolyah-IUcent a qurWhy on your marke? Lots et vanct?-sebas llavoredmilk, sklim mik ltfled with dry- m il odegg nog, new eheess, ad oter numw products fn vatrig sizes aýnA uiiis SUch obrletisa healby aigu aid aggressîve promotion Sanie dsîrbutons ae oiterîng a lasl-seling mlk containing ouly 2% buterfalaid 10% extra non-fat's goiug great guns adrsc hal~ aa Creai isverypoarî1y mrb dicd an many rarkels bcing bath vepriedand aetpoor 3. Are %1lk bales going ap la yoýur imart0 Or arethEy VStand- "fluld rnil sales arc terrfi lu hîcgo, rports Carl Dcy-3 due ta mc laer prices Ihan, borne dliveny- milk enup 6 AreIberevhendngmachinevs and milk ýd penerton yur I n-.Ale, yau'r.1e 4osl oe iaur- seli m-ore Ihan 7 L y oafyaimiîk mil.Tbat's hall surplus. sales in large se up phenamienally ruci-e vre i get uni: and qi. could, il lests lb average nrio eth owinta Aside tbia 1 third of dry mill on hali-pînts ýd éhtocolatE" our present t a dlay edr present gressive uirawariE anwig 1w wai.y, Wb-y noî h.ave yo)uïs joli" the parade? Fromi Their Haïr -Fil th Avenue haWrrssee, ila f-am- oua uale nl fo bs akli it but for bis unircanuy gif t 0f be- ïIng aýble tk;Iclpol ert b'y thYeirîr At fthe bgiuig f hIs crer he wjas ipoydlu-alades whc e hsoan learned t10 bU if the wmuwho saït lu bbc chair was a drug-addict an ai coholie o-r on th-e edge 0f a ner- vous rekdonAl.thîat, hIe siays, is rvae by the clicnt's hair, Drugs affeýct haî.r roots in a pecuha way, ài ould seem. The mon the drug-addicts haéî s wet il gives off a mostoffnsive odo)ur, Theah1c 1, la ,ýre- vealed by her baiïr, 'No pcrmr wil "take" a11it-l.Tihe hair atraight- eus out agatimmeditelyalle il Jîs combed , evenI if the .c-riers haIve been lii b twicý,e the nrjü- mal Iength Oai lime iiithe hair aid the Lcad bas remained un- der lie dryci- untui i is banc Monsieur HE whcn a pwomnai cd nrussin laesndt re 101 aboux yoGr achool? I. Are labor restrictions axiZ wage seules out or liaî fur Sour duiry plants or route delivery.- wn? if so, they'rc lakiuig a bigger bite than ithey're enitled ta, and adding., coats that hold clowni sales, Part af bhc ansawer lu larger cibles may be milhk sub-dealers - those independent distributors wboG own Ihbeir owu truekas, aid huy tIbeiir milk wholcsale froîn a dairy. Unike milk wago,. nemc ani saîary, these sub-dcalers bus- t1ce up Ibeir own customers, Sel Iheir own prices w-here tbey cars, and take their owî profits. They ofieen handhe 50% 'ýta 100%;r more mnilk inh a day Ihan) a union dlriv- er. Wbhal if these seven questions shoýw tht your market does't measttre tip?Ï *"GO o aa source oaithe trou b- le aid sec if il eau bceeorrectcd If nat, give bbc malter wide pub.- 1icity,'" advlses Chicago wisc A. L. -McWIlliamns, ' Gel, your loc'aIl arrn argani- zabiio3ano.,il --or atarI a rmilk bar- gaining- associalionà. Elîher ,vay, set uop a commibtec witb gump- lion cnýou-gh ta dig up bbc lacis,- rio malter how bard tbey mgay be ta gel. Then. plan some action. r Gel active ilu youýr local ADA. or, Dairy Council, if you biav e ane; coutribute tao dairy promotion, Iocally aid nalioualîy. S"Geýl your organizalion t takeu the lcad in daing away wilb slale iawýs that allowmimu pricefxigta the eansumner," uirges,, Bartîcît. Uc inisss that Ibese laws mereiy proleet md2- .ficienl distribulors. (Vou eaui stîI protcl the price paid ta the farmier,) 'At acitme or anoîther 21 statea have Fixed inimum consumer prices Ncarly a th-ird al! the U.S, pou iolives lu the 13 states Ibal sîlîl do. Barîletî argýues thIat MîIïlk Coubrfol Boards rellying on these laws have demonslrated Ihat they -resisl change, force ilz bb e client oin edge. t oftezi hghair ýe the factors, A docto'ea, sa ese be oa kinci in allcviatiig pain, and bygiviug a patient t100-much etlier he emay do perrriimnn lu- jvry t10lher haïr." Monsieur Henni believes Palob m.Yore about papc' eatb anrd lemtperament -night be rcývealed by 1their hair. Hay sa -mro Salaried Cats Belida bbc cai, who lives ini theBits Museum, Londann bas been talliug iclown on hon j o -t,'abeljyShc's becornelay Her j ob ? Kecping bbecomun premrises mcc lrm r id B3elnda feuI AS dogracc bbc other da-y fallowiug a reparft.that a darng rat bad bunnied up i Muscuim soeroiard "fight- da waýs nobcmhrc tobe saccu.La- ier she wa tor.lkinr.g a uap. Said tbc Muaeums Direcbor, tWc3 that iwv rowývý, and, is a discpi thoughts aid intentaý ý The Word. applied i- Spir lIl discaver In se(lves. Conscience is ýnd convictionj for The a, wakeried sh-in i., ne is xarwt rive us, aur ai: I rir a l] ufriij Sir Thomas Ke-ndiîck, wha ow Belun~: ~'Sh' ine cat, but È fear~ hesbecome sl qack ~tlr Trhat'u ften the trouble with the-se )ffickai cats whichi receive boardi and lOdgiung ipinretulro for th e i r seiesa atter-', aid masrs hey lose iterest iii everythiÏng except fomod and sljeep. Thef General Paost Offioe ha,,, had fficai.'tS "o)n its staff since 1868 Theiv foodi allowanice of is. 66, a wee-k has b)-een unch.anged ine1873. LaRst year iM[P.s soi- emydiscussed this wage freeze, Said üone M.P. sadly: -Tiesi se-.rvants of State have- oft(,en) c t isl'bsat bthe leGadhcadquaý scial ratlionls a 1rc wibh se-rapa froirn CentI s towi, sets cc of 32 ens in getl os forý ïn Acte 17,10-11, 1 Tlmothy 4:13-10; 2 Tlothy1-5, 2:15; 3;14-0,; Hcbrews 4:12 t!cory S1cto:AU i tr is givea by ins4piration of God, awl is rtbe for doctrinie, for m~ pr#lof ç reciofer Isr fio'nl rgheosnss Tat the man ot 0G4 nay be precth*r- vughly fuisked unto ail goo«d 'works, '? Tiothy 3:16,17 The sýý tudy 0f the Biblý'eco- tribute,ý greatliýy ta) the Cbrijstian'st growth. The peope of Berea wcre more noble than those &j Thesaloncain that thIey rci. ýd îhe w ,oird wlth uail readlincss af !nbiiid> and earc.(hm4te cd turcs dil-whethier tlhosc thinga were >tsü. The.-study vof the scrip.- tuýrcs bhas an enbigeff-ct. It sýhcuId begun lu à early childhood., Tiznothy was fortunate iii'tbic ecevNmg theWord early He ais, à>w itdemonstrated ii th-elie at his mother and grandmotber. Th1E Word of God is more power- fuýI thfan atomi)c we'apons mor h-ydra.- gen bOmbs, I11 is sharper than jany:ý,

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